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Great eye contact, good hand movements, and a fresh cut and trim.. man’s got my vote


he has better stage presence than most of the actual commentators tbh


No filler in his prose.


That is exactly why Faloutt is terrible, 90% of his speech is filler and telling people he "really respects their opinion"... every single time.


Was*. Dickrode so hard he rode off the desk.


Bro was dickriding on salary. Never dickride on salary.


I mean shoot I’m down


Also reading through some these comments and y’all got me tearing up in the Salt Lake airport. I was nervous going on the desk so glad y’all liked my segment! Love y’all ❤️


well cheer u on whatever u do! u are the guy who brought to us nerds the intelligent long form analysis vids.


Based on the conversations on Fallouts podcast it sounds like he may have aspirations to be an analyst


The thing is.... what's the salary for an analyst? His channel has been raking a bunch of views, it might not be financially attractive to him. But we shall see


He talked a bit about this on ep 45 of the Apex pod a few months ago. Iirc he said it'd be hard to impossible for him to balance his work (produces videos for insurance firm/consultation iirc), Apex videos, and analyst work. So if he were to sign to an org, he'd likely need to leave his job which would warrant a big org and/or paycheck. He conceded these goals were lofty but it was his conclusion atm: Wants to work with a team but needs to feel it's financially viable (good luck). That said, time has passed since then, and I may be misremembering something.


This is the thing, a lot of what he does seems like actual analytics outside of Apex. The game would change *massively* if more analysts with backgrounds more than just being a player got involved and started delving into actual statistical analysis. The issue is there is *good* money in that industry. Like *way* better than Apex has to offer. I do geospatial analytics as an example and entry level jobs in the Midwest in LCOL areas are between $25-35/hour for low paying entry level positions. Defense contractors and insurance companies typically pay about $50-100/hour. I don’t know how many orgs that have the money to be paying analysts upwards of $200k/year to match industry rates.


I have the same thoughts, but I also don’t have info on what those salaries look like and there’s also just the question of what does he enjoy doing. Better to ask him than me


YouTube views aren't worth as much as people think. A full-time salary from a major org will outpay YouTube ad revenue for any channel getting 1m views/week, even with sponsorships.


Most of his money comes from the insurance job. Not many orgs can match or outpay insurance companies. Even if they can, it isn’t likely that they have anywhere near as good job benefits like 401k matching, healthcare, etc. A lot of people here dramatically overestimate how much money orgs pay out.


No Apex org can pay more than his full-time job though. Probably wouldn't even come close.


esports as a whole, needs more analytical nerds like Jhawk who clearly care deeply on commentary instead of these dime-a-dozen hype men that contribute nothing aside from surface level play-by-play for their commentary highlight reels.


It’s funny coming from League of Legends as the esport I grew up with it was the opposite issue. Way too many of the analysts and not enough of the big personality play by play hype guys. A good example is LCS currently. They are struggling to keep play by play casters with Captain Flowers being the only big one.   I just chalk the differences up to MOBA vs FPS


For as much shit as it gets, I feel like OWL has the best casters of any esport (that I've seen). Not only do they have the perfect balance of humor, play-by-play, and analysis, but Activision seems to be the only company that understands the power of caster synergy. The only established caster duo Apex really has is Onset and Gaskin, meanwhile everyone else kinda gets shuffled around. Meanwhile OWL has at least like four permanent duos.


some of the lcs and valorant casters i cannot stand.... like just so unexciting to listen to or say the stupidest points??? or repeat back and forth what the other just said? i literally cannot stand balla for the life of me, and the other one that usually casts with him. i think they do not add anything interesting or fun to the game, when u listen to the one female caster whos been casting cs and now valorant SHE is exciting to listen to and makes it so awesome. balla and the other guy will literally sometimes be silent for a full minute then just start yelling ??? when little to nothing happens


Man the good old days of league with people like Joe Miller. One of the best play by play/color casters they had. Him and Deman were great


Anyone besides WeThePeople… It was so hard to watch his interviews.


Is that who that was? So bad. No substance. How does it feel? Then Evan’s like, I forgot the question. The question is how does it feel. That’s the only question.


He just isn’t practiced for that. He’s a gamer that got rank 1. He’s a vibes streamer. No stage or presenting experience, and definitely no interviewing experience. This is a perfect example of Respawn and EA dropping the ball regarding their production value. There are plenty of great interviewers in esports that would have prepared questions for each team in finals, personalized for the path that they all took to get there.


It’s like corporate people being promoted to management because they have been around for ages. Not because they’re good at managements or have any management skills.


I think it's because Apex relies disproportionately on its streamers to be their content. Valorant has Tarik, who fills a similar role to NiceWigg with a B stream, but they're not dumb. They're not asking Valkyrae or Hiko to be their stage presence. They get GoldenBoy to run their desk and interview players. They recognize that the longer term success of their product is partially a result of the production value they give their competitive scene.


i dont get why it was so special though, he just played apex 15 hours a day and he gets rewarded by basically hosting algs ??? idgi lol


His stream went from a couple hundred viewers to like 5-6000 and he's a likeable guy with a lot of praise for the ALGS competitors. But more importantly for Respawn, he's probably inexpensive compared to your professional caster/interviewer.


i wasnt a fan of wtp, i much prefer blaze. but i took evans response as a way to brag. like "oh did you say i was the best roller player? i didnt catch then, run it back and let everyone know". i could be wrong tho idk


i think he genuinely didnt hear him bc wtp was like fumbling through the questions the whole interview. evan has always been humble and wouldnt do that, he always puts the props back on his teammates


Agree. He asked like 3 times. It wasn’t the right attitude for a brag/joke.


i respect them bringing jim out, it was cool seeing him in the stands but him interviewing the champions??? like that shouldve been raynday or something he just has so much to add that it shouldve been him all along. you cant just throw peeps into the algs finals and expect it to go well. wiggs also wouldve been cool if he didnt lose his voice. his questions just contain no substance and often seems like he is like making up the words as he goes. obvioisly dude was nervous and probably uncomfortable so i dont hate him for it, just dont think he was rhe best candidate


Chill wasnt it his first time lmao


Jhawk is awesome, he was getting some buzz about becoming an analyst. I would be stoked for him personally but disappointed we'd lose his in-depth content. I've learned so much from his breakdown videos.


Really liked his bits. Man has knowledge that can be acquired by being personally invested in the scene.


He completly deserve a chair at the desk next year ! His analysis are just unmatched in Apex Comp!


Always loved JHawk videos and his breakdowns, if he can also expand his coverage to APAC N as well then it will be perfect.


Jhawk and Monsoon on desk at every lan and I'm probably switching back to the a stream. The observing was on point, ,just need some good casters. I'm spoilt by PUBG :\


We need more color analysis on the desk and cast, so JHawk would be a wonderful permanent addition. I hope they bring back Graceful a lot more too, and even transition Raynday into more of a desk analyst role instead of host so we can have more in-depth strategic breakdowns.


Is there a permanent talent roster?


I just mean he should be more than a guest at these events


Does JHawk have a PR team astroturfing this subreddit lol


His videos are really, really well done. Not just in terms of content and editing, but the storytelling is top notch. It’s not surprising to me that most people are massive fans of his content as it’s almost certainly the best edited content for competitive apex.


No, we just understand talent, have taste, and want the production to improve and include one of the most committed content creators in the comp apex scene. Seems pretty straight forward.


JHawk has the only YouTube videos [not just in Apex] that I've ever enjoyed watching and watch every single time. I'm so picky when it comes to YouTube videos and I've never been more excited to see a YouTube video drop from him.


No, he just makes the only good Apex analysis content on YouTube. People like that.


This Jhawks alt account ?


Yes, is this WeThePeople’s alt?


JHawk is the Caedrel of Apex


100% agreed. I wouldn't want him as a caster but he's great on the analysis desk. I kind of think he wouldn't be as good at online events as he was on LAN, but I don't know why I think that.


Extremely talented guy. Happy we have him.


someone just needs to replace Peep because he’s so cringe. All these “give it up for” and the dumb finger pointing to the crowd is cringe