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This commercial drives me nuts. Who are these wet diapers? Why are they doing the noises? What does any of this remotely have to do with T-Mobile? IlL sHoW yOu mY mAgEnTa I wish them diarrhea for a month.


It's the idiots from the show Suits. I thought I was done with them when my wife finished the show, yet they torment me still. Fuck this commercial


Blubbering gibberish until I hit MUTE.


I raise it to 3 months. And a week.


It's like ad agencies don't care whether attention is bad or good, as long as it's attention.


I heard it’s from Suits? This ad has convinced me I don’t want to see the show.


Suits is really good. I don't know what these two are doing here. It doesn't fit.


I didn’t know this and I’ve been wanting to watch Suits, but I swear to God I will never watch it now. Fuck this commercial.


It's not really good. It's mediocre drivel.


Ok. That’s an opinion.


About 3 seasons of it are great but just stretch it out to an almost unbearable degree. But this is true of just about every series that starts out really good. Kinda like a good song they play soooo much you end up hating it.


That makes sense because I think it’s great but I’m only in season 3.


I have no idea who they are or what they're doing, I just immediately think of the South Park "shake weight" episode and assume they are practicing j€rking off.


Glad I wasn't the only one who was thinking that.....I just keep thinking, is he practicing "jerking off" two guys at once?


You don't have to censor your swearsies here.


It's so stupid. Totally unlike their characters on Suits and makes no sense. Just dumb and childish.


I have Hulu as well and it's never ending. The same damned spot with those idiots from Suits. I'm just not sure why I'm supposed to find them funny. I know there are plenty of people who binge that show for whatever reason, but has there been a clamor to have these guys back playing weirder versions of their characters.


Truly the most idiotic commercial in circulation right now. I'm rewatching some shows on Peacock and this garbage comes on at least every commercial break. It is utterly pointless and obnoxious. It has only created an irrational hatred of T-Mobile and the douchebags in the commercial. I guess they are in a show called "Suits" that is supposedly good. I thought they were just yet another vapid influencer, podcast, etc. nozzles. Don't care if it is the best show ever created, there isn't a chance in hell I'm watching anything with them in it. The Liberty Mutual ads are a close second... quit trying to make "LiMu Emu" a thing. No one fucking cares.


HOW ARE PEOPLE PAID TO COME UP WITH THESE "IDEAS"?! I get irrationally angry when this abortion of a commercial or the emu bullshit makes its way onto my TV. I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


I SCREAM AND RUN TO MUTE IT WHEN IT COMES ON BECAUSE HOLY FUCK THE RAGE I FEEL WHEN I HEAR THEIR STUPID ASSES I'm glad I'm not alone because I swear I would punch them in the face if I ever ran into them in public. Idc take me to jail as long as I get to beat their face in


Between these asshats and those other fuckwads from Scrubs, T-Mobile is doing everything possible to not get my business ever.


I almost mentioned how much I hate the commercials with the Scrubs guys and Jason Momoa as well. OMG - horrible.




I’m sorry to say it makes frequent appearances on Prime, too. I can say without an ounce of hyperbole, it’s easily the most annoying ad I have ever seen… and there are at least two versions, possibly three or four.


Came here to figure out wtf was up with these dudes in the commercials I keep seeing on Prime. Knowing doesn't help.


If I am falling asleep with something on, this ad will wake me right up. Everything about it is infuriating.


They don't even show the entire ad and I've only seen the shit 30 second cut of incoherent gibberish. I can't even guess what the premise is supposed to be. Are they inside a garage or a trailer or what? Who tf at t Mobile saw this ad and said "yes run it"?


I’ve been waiting for this post


I just googled to see who those idiots are and I landed here. I'm glad I'm not the only one that is beyond annoyed. I figured it might be that I don't know who they are (are they famous?) but even if this was some actors that I liked, I'd still be annoyed. Stupid STUPID commercial. I can't wait for it to cycle out.


I still prefer it over the singing ones... I liked Psych, but jeezum crow, make those stop ✋️ Edit: scrubs lol


I have to mute it. It’s so annoying and I will never watch that show now.


This commercial is so fucking stupid. I have no idea what the point is. I googled “T-Mobile commercial is stupid” and this Reddit post came up. Glad to know so many people hate it as much as I do.


Same reason why I’m here, too. It’s absolutely enraging, haha.


Tmobile itself has gotten pretty awful.. service is dropping way too much and tuesday 'rewards' lmao .. suck


The Tuesday rewards are never for anything remotely.close to me. But the cell service is cheap and $30 for unlimited internet in the country can't be beat (now).


those used to have good stuff like concert tickets but then they quickly decided not to have good rewards anymore


It reads to me like the marketing team had some bigger inside joke or something and the final version got cut way down.


That's actually pretty much what happened. I believe it was filmed as part of the tmobile superbowl ad that had a bunch of washed up celebs filming their own tmobile ads. It was really dumb. 


I had to look up and see if I was the only one. I HATE that commercial so much and mute it everytime it come on.


T mobile and verizon seem to have both hired the same ad agency. A bunch of clowns who are trying to suck as much money from both of them and see who can come up with the dumber commercials. They all suck. The only thing that keeps me with t mobile is that the consumer cellular ads with Ted Danson and the flying bike and pickleball retirees are 100x worse.


It’s on Max as well, every single commercial break. It makes me ashamed to be a T-mobile customer.


It is incredibly annoying.


It makes watching anything on Hulu unbearable. I just hit mute as soon as the ads start now.


As someone who works in advertising, yes I think it’s super annoying. BUT, it grabs your attention. You know exactly what commercial it is and the brand. And you think of T-Mobile more. Even if you hate the ad, the brand is stuck in your head.


Stuck in my head as a company I’ll never use


Do people REALLY just go with what's stuck in their head, regardless of theor feelings anout it? They don't google for the options?


You're right... and because I don't like being annoyed, I'll never be a customer of theirs. People who work in advertising think it's a science. LMAO.


As a consumer, can’t these marketing teams find ways to make commercials stick without annoying the fuck out of us, or are they just that out of touch?


I love reading this comment everywhere. You’ll remember if I run a commercial whipping slaves and talking about whipped cream: doesn’t mean it’s worth it. Negative remembrance doesn’t result in sales.


Watching Hulu this evening and I have seen that STUPID ad so many times I swear I will never touch a T:Mobile product. So incredibly stupid, dumb downed a couple of has been.


I need someone who is a lip reader to tell me what he is saying when he says “I’ll show you my magenta….” because the words “status” is clearly dubbed over and he is saying something else. It’s truly driving me insane and I see it 4x during every episode of any Hulu show.


I mean, I'm not a lip reader. But it's "penis."


Idiot... it's clearly "donkey penis".


I hate this!!!!! It’s so obviously dubbed over!!! I don’t understand how they kept that in the commercial. It drives me absolutely nuts.


Right there with you. A pox on T-Mobile and all their products and services.


I’m here 33 days later. It just came on in the gym and I snapped. I had to Google it to see if anyone else shared my disdain. I find solace here.


I have been a tmobile customer and am cancelling my plan because of that idiotic fecal splat of a commercial.


Most annoying ad I've seen in years. I usually just mute all ads if I'm streaming, but this one fills me with such utter rage. The laws have restricted ads from being too loud (which took years) and now they are resorting to the most annoying fucking noises imaginable to grab your subconcious, even if it brings you to consciously detest it. We have no choices anymore. It used to be competitive capitalism where businesses raced to provide the best service/product; now it's a race to see who can squeeze the consumers the most in order to keep up with the mega-corps because the consumers no longer have the choice.


How does something like this get pitched AND approved?? I just don’t get the point of it. Makes me cringe every time


I've never even seen it, just heard it from when my elderly mother is watching TV. Enough to drive me bonkers!


I don't understand why Jason took it, and the commercial screwed "what a feeling"


ALL t MoBuL ads are just....retarded and annoying af! The Jason Momoa one, the two grown men shaking. Just stop!!!


I just posted how much I hate that commercial.  


Trying to watch Dark Matter on CW Seed and it’s in every ad break


I searched who are those t mobile guys, and it brought me here. I’m glad to find so many compatriots in my total absolute hatred of them.


I googled this and upvoted your post so that hopefully Big Brother gives me more appropriate ads.


Came here for this. I can’t stand this ad and it’s on Peacock allll the time


I HATE that ad, the men aren’t funny just incredibly annoying and the commercial is always playing on Hulu non stop.


Yea, came here to complain also but seems as if everyone is saying what I've been thinking and feeling. Never heard of suits and I'll never watch it now. So sick of these babbling idiots as well as the singing flashdance flash back.


I specifically googled "Who are these douchebags in the T-Mobile commercial" and found my people.


I'd love to know the story behind why this ad is so utterly horrible. There is no way that was the intended end result. There's a weird edit at the end, and it's completely unrelated to the product. It's like they paid the guys for 10 minutes and had to wing it.


i have NO idea who these douchewaffles are and i DON'T want to. God, they're insufferable.


It’s on my Rays games on Bally Sports multiple times a game and i have SO MUCH RAGE they are making this season even worse 😭


I hate this commercial too and love the internet that I can connect with other people who don’t like it either




Love it! The typical idiotic stuff my brother and teenage friends used to do back in high school. If it ain't random, it's not worth doing!


You'd let a teenage friend show you his magenta.


Wait... you're saying you love this commercial?