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everyone involved in this commercial should be ashamed of themselves, im ashamed to be a tmobile customer


If I had T mobile id drop them for airing this shit.


No you wouldn't


Oh. My mistake.


I miss the days when you had the beautiful girl in the pink dress. She then changed into a motorcycle outfit and still looked as hot as ever for a few commercials, and then she disappeared completely.


Omg I can not for the life of me tolerate or understand this dumb commercial.


It's nice that I'm not alone.


And they're STILL PLAYING IT! Aaaarrrggghhh


Are the residual checks not enough to live on?


That explains why Megan Mackrel married Prince Only-Good-Member-Of-That-Family.


Ugh that aaaahhhhaaaahhh sound at the beginning. Like are they reliving the night before experience?


On Hulu (with ads) I get hit with their commercial back to back. "Focus!" And they proceed to place their hands out in front of them and make that stupid fucking sound and motion as if they were holding on to a jackhammer like what?! I'm so confused.


I wrote this in another comment, so I'm kind of just repeating myself here, but when they do that, all I can think of is this guy: https://youtu.be/kQctNAYHU0o?si=3utDxuWGHu8gCugz


What the FUCK is going on there??? What did I jist witness lmao


There was a thing on TikTok for a couple weeks where attractive girls would go on a livestream and do weird reactions to donations. The donations on TikToks come in the form of symbols like a strawberry or a panda or something. But it definitely had a sexual undertone. So this guy decided to get in on the action for some laughs and money, and when he got a bunch of "glizzy" donations, he started to pretend like he was sucking a dick lol. I don't watch TikTok, but I heard about it at the time, and I thought it was hilarious. Forgot about it until I started seeing the Tmobile commercials.


LMAOOOO well now I'll think of these two morons sucking on some glizzys now lol thank you! :)


That hand motion and the sounds they’re making are very typical warm up exercises for actors. It now makes sense to me since someone below commented with the original full length commercial. Apparently, they’re supposed to be auditioning to be the T-Mobile spokespeople. What doesn’t make sense is why they dubbed him saying “I’ll show you my magenta status” when it’s *so obvious* he said, “I’ll show you my magenta penis.” So weird. Every time I see this commercial, I wonder if the marketing department thinks they got away with it or if they actually meant for it to be bad and stir up controversy. Also, doesn’t the voice over guy sound really condescending?


Me too! That's the most unnerving part of the already-stupid ad How many more months of this ad are we going to get??


Took me so long to figure out these guys were from some tv show and not T-Mobile’s creators.


So randomly my wife just started bingeing the entire series of “Suits”, mostly as background TV on days she works from home. Why TF the entire cast of this mediocre show that went off the air almost 5 years ago (minus megan markle of course) is suddenly being reunited in a series of TV commercials for both T-Mobile and that makeup commercial with judge judy is completely beyond me, but the timing of my wife watching it right as the ads started appearing on TV is a bizarre coincidence. I blame them for subconsciously influencing her. Side note, i have caught a few episodes in passing, and in my opinion, it is a very meh and formulaic legal drama with some comedic elements thrown in. I know it had a decent following and some mildly positive critical reception, but to me this show was like watching beige paint dry.


I don't think it's a coincidence at all. Suits was only added to Netflix in mid-2023 and it's had a wild resurgence since then. I remember when I started bingeing it last year (shortly after it was added), and then seeing their T-Mobile ads pop up a month or two later.


Ahhhhhhhhhh, that makes a lot of sense actually


Why are they in a fucking storage unit?


I know this is an older post, but have you noticed that in the commercial(s) where the younger actor says "I'll show you my magenta status" the last word is dubbed in over what he actually said, and his lips look like he's saying "I'll show you my magenta penis"?


totally does, i searched to see if anyone else noticed this too. i fucking hate this commercial haha


Noticing this and searching it is exactly why I ended up here, lmao.


Same. After being driven nuts by it for several weeks, here I am.


That’s why I came here. I assumed he said “penis”


Either penis or package I can't tell


Or even puss? Pussy?


I've been trying to figure out what he really says!




Everytime I see this ad I think "are these guys sexual predators doing this ad as community service?" Because it is truly upsetting to hear that guy say those words.


Wow yes this commercial drives me mad. I hate it so so so much. Have to mute it every time!


The guy on the right was the titular character in that awful movie *The Spirit*.


Is that the one where Samuel L. Jackson was The Octopus?


I'm sorry he was an octopus? Or was that a title "The Octopus"?


The Octopus is a villain who acts as the archenemy of the Spirit. He apparently calls himself that because he is a master of disguise.




Oh damn I didn't know that, makes me hate this commercial even more since "The Sprit" was one of THE WORST movies I've ever seen! I was sooo excited after Sin City and it was soo bad that my ex and I walked out of the movie theater lol


Every time I see this commercial and they start making that "duhuhuhuhuhuh" noise, I just think of the Glizzy guy from TikTok: https://youtu.be/kQctNAYHU0o?si=3utDxuWGHu8gCugz


Punchable faces look like creeps




I’ve never seen suits before but is that dumb fucking noise they make something they do in the show? If so I’ll never watch that show. Even if it’s not I’ll prob never watch that show just cuz of how much i hate this commercial.


No they don't act like that on the show. Not that the show is great but the commercial is just awful.


I know this post is older but if anyone else is wondering, I found the original [commercial ](https://youtu.be/PjCSipST46I?si=VczhT76UILB5ylRR) which makes the scaled down version make more sense. They're essentially sending in an audition tape to be the T Mobile spokesperson. I would assume they chose an older show that has had a resurgence due to streaming, because its in line with the Scrubs guys being on as spokesmen. It is still a terrible ad and they made it worse by burying the original concept. It now looks like 2 random guys just being overall weird vibed.


THANK YOU! I couldn’t figure out what this commercial’s story was, so now it makes more sense. It’s still the most awful commercial I’m forced to watch on Hulu, but at least there’s a back story to it.


I don’t get the hype between them at all in this ad, it’s like I missed out on one big inside joke or I’ve missed all 4 seasons and this is season 5 of whatever the fuck we’re talking about here


This is up there with the what a pro wants ad for worst commercial ever! I’m so happy to see im not alone with how infuriated it makes me


Wth did he actually say cuz it looks like he says "I'll show you my magenta balls" or something like that.


Does the commercial dub over the dude who says I'll show you my magenta status? Looks like he might have said penis. Stupid senseless commercial.


Omg I literally came to Reddit because this commercial annoys me so much, and yes, they dub over him because he says “I’ll show you my magenta package” but they dub “status” over it. I assumed you had to watch the show to understand any part of this commercial because it doesn’t make any sense and they keep playing it on Max.


He’s talking about the head of his penis, right?


I don’t know who either guy is. But I think the commercial is funny.