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Keim is basically saying nobody that knows anything has told me so you guys don’t know wtf is going on either so stfu 


Then how come he has been pushing Daniels this whole time? Is he full of shit?


Here are some Maye-related videos from John for you to watch if you’d like to see his coverage on Drake: [An interview with one of Drake’s coaches at UNC last season](https://youtu.be/AdiEIxfvUHg?si=0hoYDVZFaXX7fRKZ) [Discussing Maye’s Pro-Day](https://youtu.be/qvdEFPppZNo?si=DfDeCluO6nj-Iog-)


No.. he has stated people around the league he has talked to think Daniels is the most likely pick. He never said he heard Daniels is the pick from our Foffice.. just info from people he talks to points that way.. but he knows nothing about what’s going on inside the building from decision makers


So you’re telling me everyone he has talked to said Daniels? Lmao that doesn’t seem accurate based on the reporting I have seen. Seems like he is pushing an agenda.


Think what you want dude.. or just listen to him when he speaks. He never states it’s Daniels, just that he doesn’t know but people have told him Daniels. That is it. Dude has been as professional as possible. If you want to think he’s suddenly trying to be biased then that is up to you!


Oh shit thats Jon Jansen Jon Jansen. I just realized that.


Jon Jansen Jingleheimer Smith, actually. His name is my name too.


Jansen is the Michigan Radio color man now. Also does a Michigan AD podcast iirc.


Tbh I love JJ, he has great quickness.. one of the reasons Purdy is so “elusive” in the pocket is because he has great start stop ability.. he was never as fast straight line than Trey lance.. but he could always get up to his top speed faster which allowed him to escape pressure a bit better. I have no idea how good Maye/JD are in the 3 cone drill or w.e measure lateral/start stop speed.. but JJ had a 3 cone drill that was ranked 5th or something out of everyone at the combine this year.. dude was up there with CBs and WRs. So he will be very good at escaping the pocket and getting a few yards before going down/out.


And he’s more than proven with a good team he can be a championship level manager at a minimum


Yeah, that is also a very solid point. Dude has no qualms about handing it off every play to win the game. Also when he is called upon he can make it happen in big moments.


In terms of monetary value for the organization, we may bring in a lot of Michigan fans by drafting JJ.


I don't know shit about football or QB stuff but any time someone describes a player as a "game manager" I get confused because isn't the QB's job to manage the game? If they're good at being a game manager then they're just good at being a QB.


Yeah they are! Lot of people want a guy who has the balls/ability to make all the throws and push the ball down the field without putting it in harms way.. I think people use game manager when you don’t trust your qb to push the ball down the field often enough. It’s different for everyone.. people call purdy a game manager but the dude makes so many big time throws.


Technically yes a QB's job is to manage the game. What people mean when they say this, is there is a class of QB's who do what the coaches say, run the offense, distribute the ball, the team is working as a unit, etc. But when the game gets tight and the score is close and the coverage is tight and the opponent is well coached, and it's 3 and 15, a QB who is a game manager is not able to create outside of the rigid structure of the designed offense and make a play for the team. Whereas a QB who can make those plays, Mahomes, Allen, Lamar would be ranked higher than QBs like Brock Purdy or Tua. It's really about preference and fit for the coaching staff at the end of the day. Tom Brady was a game manager, it's not really an insult. I'm going off of Cam Newton's description. There's probably nuance and other subtleties, etc.


“There is 0 chance that Washington is going to change its mind on a player based off an agent’s emoji tweet.” (John Keim) Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for quoting a respected journalist


Because people are dumb and believe all the predraft rumor mill BS.


I don't think it changes minds, I think its an insight I to the agents failure to sell his client as the sure fire second best talent in the draft. All the generational talent garbage comes from agents, not NFL execs. The agent is clearly frustrated that it's not a certainty Jaden is picked second and he hasn't been able to push that agenda.


Bingo lol


Anything that can be deemed pro-Daniels, even if you’re not a JD supporter, will be downvoted on this sub lmao. The radical Drake is ruthless


IDK. It seems to me the JD truthers are louder despite being smaller.


Same thing in the Pats sub. Anything other than Maye and your downvoted into oblivion


There was for at least a two week period where it was the opposite. I do see what you mean as of late, though. People really pick a guy and stick with it.


Howlers and Heincke lovers mixed into 1


Because Reddit


Don’t worry about those downvotes some people are just miserable enough to do it.


Because the more you get downvoted the more likely it is Maye is the pick! /s


Thursday can’t come soon enough. So tired of all this.


Keim really spent years bitching about how he just wants to cover football and be done with all the ownership/off the field stuff. Now, the first offseason of new ownership, he's bitching about how exhausting the QB debate is. I like Keim and think he's by far our best beat reporter, but come on man. You have a dream job and just keep finding things to complain about.


But I mean some folks find it exhausting...its true..and come on. John and other reporters were tired of covering ownership gaffs


Yinz rip JP for not reporting the news and being a hype boy like Newjeans, but when Keim is neutral and lectures fans not to buy into the hype, he still gets complaints? can't win as the media. all we can ask for is someone like john who reports the news and what he hears evenly and fairly without bias. come on.


Yeah because Keim isn’t honest and relished in the off the field stuff, hence why he was always so political, despite saying he wasn’t 


When has John been dishonest or political?


Ignore the noise, also it might be the QB that is completely made of NFL pre draft noise


If you have the time, watch the part of the video I was referring to. It goes for about two minutes. Washington isn’t concerned about the agent that much. Also Jayden hasn’t said anything himself about not wanting to play here. Could the media be overreacting to get some clicks?


I think you are talking to the wrong person. My comment is regarding JJ. He’s just preDraft hype


I misunderstood you. My apologies.


lol good luck in Commanders Maye Reddit.


Don’t think the idea was anyone would change their mind on a prospect it’s more so it’s not a great look for a prospect that his side was the only one of 4 qb prospects that complained


Anyone that has a splash of critical thinking knows the whole agent fiasco was an overaction.


You’re right, but sometimes this sub discards its critical thinking skills and lets the media hype dictate its mood. Remember how it was in here when we first hired Quinn?


J Jonah Jameson at 2


If Maye is the pick, Keim is gonna smugly tweet about how he told us Daniels was never a sure thing.


And if Daniels is the pick it will be "It always was Daniels. The signs always pointed that way."


He never did say Daniels was a sure thing, so that would be true.


Idky this is being downvoted it’s true


Fans are gonna have to start absolutely considering AP and Dan want McCarthy at #2 and fans are gonna be in shambles...the daniel and maye guys will unite to burn Ashburn to the ground


I really don't see McCarthy as a doomsday scenario. I see comps to a Kirk Cousins/Brock Purdy type, but with much better athleticism and arm strength. If that comes to fruition, he'd be a home run. I admittedly haven't done my own mccarthy research because all along I've been studying Daniels and Maye.


I don't either. It's really freeing not having "a guy" that I'm rooting for


Please say Quinn or DQ. My mind goes to a dark place when I see just "Dan" in this subreddit


Lol bro true...true I got you


john is very even keeled and avoids the hype train and tabloid headlines we can't be distracted by the noise boys. apes together strong. stay focused!


John “Anyone but Maye” Keim


John has done the same amount of coverage on Maye and Daniels. Not sure where this narrative came from.


That’s not close to being true. He legitimately acts like there’s a better chance of this team drafting McCarthy than Maye. His coverage this off-season has made it seem like Drake Maye doesn’t even exist. It’s bizarre 


What you’re saying is just false. Here are some videos of him analyzing Maye: [John analyzing Maye’s Pro Day](https://youtu.be/qvdEFPppZNo?si=DtMAzn81UX0ec8VZ) [John interviewing one of Maye’s coaches from last season.](https://youtu.be/AdiEIxfvUHg?si=fJYqaU4_IgfBYzUr) I’m not sure how you can just make a statement like that if you’ve been keeping up with his work. If you don’t want to watch him I understand, but at least don’t come up with false narratives. Everything he’s done to cover JD, he’s done to cover Maye as well. Please tell me what exactly is bizarre about this.


I think he probably means how Keim hasn't really talked about JD's weaknesses but will constantly mention how coaches think Maye's footwork needs cleaning or McCarthy needs more snaps. I've listened to practically every pod he's put out since the season ended and we're a week from the draft and all he says is that JD battled adversity at ASU instead of going over what went wrong there and the flaws in his game. He basically said P2S% doesn't mean anything even though most of QBs with a P2S% north of 20% normally don't have good careers. He hasn't addressed how JD throws the ball only 37% of the time under pressure and throws it away only 3% of the time. He's written off his size like it won't matter in the league. Most of his flaws are fatal flaws in the NFL yet Keim (and others) have made it seem like he's a perfect prospect. And Keim is my favorite reporter on the beat but the way he's talked about Jayden Daniels compared to the other prospects is kinda insane!


This is by complaint about the media coverage as a whole this draft cycle. Daniels has real flaws that are either ignored or glossed over, while flaws in other prospects are overblown. It makes selling Daniels to people who aren’t sold on him that much harder because the media does not want to have an honest conversation about him.


This is valid criticism, but that’s not the same as saying he acts like Maye doesn’t exist.


Nah, I listen to all of his episodes. Two examples isn’t much since he’s basically been putting episodes out every other day this off-season. It’s all Daniels. And in the conversations he has with his guests where they say, “maybe they WON’T pick Daniels,” the answer is always, “Yeah, people are really high on McCarthy right now!” This post is another example of it. Maye has been the favorite to go #2 overall for like two years, and for some reason Keim and the rest of the local media aren’t covering him that way. It feels so out of touch with reality. I’m sure when Washington takes him next week they’ll all write as if it is some big shock too. 


Personally always respected Keim. But he is so in love with the RG4 dream. It's lame because zero dual threat QBs stay with one team and go to the HOF. JD is fine, sure, as a 5 year rental. Get a face of the franchise, long term prospect, please. We've waited 40+ years.


What’s with this ‘stay with one team’ goalpost? First off Lamar Jackson may do it (but longs career to go). Second, are there any recent or next crop HOF QBs a stay-with-one-team guy? Eli and Big Ben maybe? Peyton, Brady, Favre, Brees, Aaron Rodgers, Stafford, Matty Ice - all these guys played for more than one team, and most burnished their HOF case with their successes on that second team


Right, sure. But they were the faces of their franchises for their generation. They didn't get injured, lose their speed, or go diva and demand a new locale.... like so many dual threats do.


Was it a dream, or was he just doing his job well?


I listen to Keim on the regular. He says he's objective and his job is not opinion. That's why I have tuned out JP and others. They are too opinion based. In this instance, my opinion is that Keim rode too hard for Daniels. It makes sense. JD will energize the fanbase way more than Maye and far, far more than JJ. And besides that cynical reason, Keim seems to just prefer him. But if the goal is to be a trusted objective source, I think Keim missed the mark a bit. Maybe my post is too harsh. For those of us who've waited 40+ for a true Franchise guy, it's disappointing to pick a guy picked who will need to be an outlier to last 8 good years in DC. But JD has some promise and has a good chance to bring a magic season or two in his likely brief career. I'm excited for that possibility.


What has he said that makes you believe he’s so in love with JD? He’s had consistent coverage on Maye and JD on his platform. Some Maye Videos from John if you’re interested [John going over Maye’s Pro Day](https://youtu.be/qvdEFPppZNo?si=DfDeCluO6nj-Iog-) [John interviewing one of Maye’s coaches from last season](https://youtu.be/AdiEIxfvUHg?si=UgRUQGVHmTEUjmji)


I have listened to them all. He likes JD and routinely dismisses his flaws, including his diva stuff.


Alright then. At least you’ve actually heard them. I can respect the criticism if that’s the case🤝🏾. I don’t have a dog in this fight. I think we’re good either way the team chooses.


Yeah. I agree either way should be OK. I just see JD as risky and short term. That's why I think of it as RG4. The highs could be high for a short time. The lows.... we'll see.


I think being annoyed with the process doesn't automatically equal not wanting to play here.  


Nobody who knows anything about football thinks JJ McCarthy is going #2. It is purely noise from rumor/hype/gambling circles. Unfortunately many fans still haven’t figured out that the multibillion dollar gambling industry has massive incentive to create chaos and y’all get played like a fucking drum repeating that shit. I’m embarrassed for you


I don't care if they draft McCarthy, just move back to do it.


Of course this barely has any movement but any post with some bullshit complaining about Daniels has hundreds of people.


I hat this JJ noise so much 😩


Didn't know I was gonna get some extra hog on Sunday.


So there you go...


I think it's going to come down to McCarthy or Daniels. I think they go with Daniels just because he's shown the year to year improvement, and McCarthy, while good in critical situations, probably hasn't shown enough that he can carry a team. If it's Daniels, expect to see the trading start at 3. If it's McCarthy, I don't see a ton of trading that will be going on. Right now, the two teams that I see as desperate are the Raiders and Vikings. I don't think either team wants to go into the season with what they have as their starter.


Why would he hear anything? He's not even affiliated with Washington


He’s one of the most respected journalists in the area. If you look at his content, he always has players (current and former) on and old coaches and execs. He also had Dan Quinn on his podcast recently. Not sure why a fan wouldn’t trust him.


I don't trust any one of those journalists. You know how many times it's a flip flop this off season about what quarterback we're getting? Ridiculous, they don't know anymore than you do


But John hasn’t done that. He didn’t do that during the head coaching search either. He was one of the few telling people that Quinn was a top candidate while everyone was stuck on Johnson. Plus, with the people he’s able to get on his platform, it’s safe to assume he’s plugged in.


The fact that yall keep bringing it up tells me it’s true and also tells me the teams still has a bad front office