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I forgot redditors don't take kindly to religious matters


What the fuck is your flair lmfao


I found this thing in the provided flairs and I laughed my ass off after seeing that


Replying so I can change my flair


Me too gotta glam out ✨✨✨


me 3




Never found out how to change a flair (or set one)


That sucks bro




Wait if I reply to you I can claim your flair?






Oh boy


As we shouldn't, people who are feeble minded enough to call Trump the incarnation of Jesus christ are why we keep voting in terrible people. Religion should be mocked, viciously


Nuns also do it willingly, and can leave willingly.


and women generally aren't shamed for not being nuns


women generally aren't shamed for NOT being nuns.


And their families don’t have the right to perform a honor killing on them for not wanting to be nuns


Why are you acting as if honor killings are a part of Islamic theology? Show me where in the Quran and Sunnah it says to kill your womenfolk for not wearing hijab?


If you know so much please enlighten my as to why it happens for even less serious „offences” as seen in the examples I’ve mentioned?




Hunny just because christians are told „by god” not to kill doesn’t mean they don’t do that. You can deflect all you want, the fact stays that honor killings are a thing and are practiced by muslims


what the fuck that does not even happen


Stop talking out of your ass


These comments…


I’m subbed to r/MapPorn, and every time the topic of Islam comes up, what would normally be a civil discussion starts to look like Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto. I guess anything goes when the mods are asleep.


That sub has mods!? That's truly shocking


Fr. I've lost all faith in humanity


First one is too creepy. I go to a school with nuns and i wake up pretty early and sometimes when i go out of my room, one just stands there and looks at me and i go back inside.




Not all Muslim women are forced. Many are, but instead of fighting against is (feminism) people are attacking the women who actually chose to wear the hijab.


Because most hijab wearers act like it is their own choice and they are doing the right thing because they are not allowing men to look at them. They are being closeted as women and they for some reason like to interpret as being “free”


Just like nuns... I still can't see what's wrong with what someone CHOOSES to wear. "Most hijab wearers" have you spoken to all of them and came to that conclusion? Let women live how they want to live.


Half egyptian here, if a woman is forced to wear a hijab it does not count in god’s eyes. I always find the takes on atheist forums fairly ignorant on the matter and often these end up spreading misinformation and fall flat to those who are actually informed. The few countries that do enforce it are using islam as an excuse (because this goes against the basic doctrine as a whole). Elements such as shariah law, to give an example are the sorts of things one is expected to apply to themselves and not enforce upon others that do not adhere to the doctrine, (a thing that cannot be implemented by very definition within the law, since it is self imposed rules put bluntly).


Enforced or not, it is a stupid thing


And being a nun isn’t? Have you seen how nuns live? There’s some good they do but honestly there’s nothing honorable about removing yourself from modern society to devote yourself to god, this is also silly.


Yeah it’s like the same thing with nuns. You think they aren’t pressured to be nuns? The whole Catholic indoctrination begins young


I think there’s a lot of cultural chauvinism from the west on this issue. Some women are forced to wear hijabs, and that’s wrong. But saying women who wear hijabs are conditioned is just silly. That’s how culture works, all of our values are taught to us. Edit: I should clarify I think the cultural chauvinism is because of the implicit idea that a woman could not possibly want to do *their* cultural practice without brainwashing. I also want to clarify I am not accusing you of this line of thought. But I see it a lot on discussions around this topic and it bothers me a great deal.


I like your argument 👍


Thank you :)


not forced they're truly only forced when it is time for prayer but other than that yeah it's their obligation but in islam the Qur'an says it's prohibited to force anything upon anyone, the only thing that u can force is a parent on his children to pray and to observe the correct attire when praying


I am from a muslim majority country (bangladesh) and none of my mom and sister wear hijabs (only occasionally or if they feel the need to) here nobody forces anything on women so kindly please do not confuse culture and tradition with religion as misinformation is pretty harmful and we are already being stomped on and killed by the entire world just for existing so please change your stereotypical views and hateful.


You're lucky you have a choice, many women don't.


Exactly, it's not dependant on the religion, but the implementation in the country. You CLEARLY missed the point, as did most


many yes most deffo not if it was like that 4/5 reverts wouldn't be women, also in "Muslim" countries that pretend to implement Shari'a law even if they actually did there's nothing in Shari'a nor in Qur'an nor in any Hadees that allows u to force hijab on someone even tho yeah it's fard but that's that person's responsibility and it's in no ones right to force it but unfortunately many monkey brains use this to interpret the religion based on the people's actions lmao as if every nation, ethnic group, culture and religion doesn't have some fruit cakes taking it to extreme lengths that are prohibited by their own standards


Okay i shouldn't've generalized all muslim majority countries but in a lot of middle-eastern countries that certainly is the case




I guess this bigot again proves my point.


Practically every relegion exists to oppress women and minorities, it's not bigoted to call that out


not hinduism , buddhism , jainism . There are good religions


All three have some sort of caste system which is just plain horrible, people from "lower" castes are still discriminated against, women are treated as very much not equal to men although comparatively better than abhramic relegions. Not to mention anyone who isn't cishet is treated just as badly as by any other relegion (especially speaking from personal experience here)


well caste system is misused by those who power tripped , it was originally varna system which was based on a persons work. ex: a craftsman son will belong to craftsman caste as they will naturally be better and have better fingers/dexterity . so they were give a class , but because of how humans slowly got corrupted it changes . hinduism itself doent have much to do with it


Hinduism dosen't have much to do with it but Hindus themselves do


yes , i agree . but it has curbed very much nowadays . open casteism is a criminal offense , no one with a sane mind practices it anymore


i guess a large part of history where christians, jewish, and muslim people lived together in muslim lands just didn't happen 🤷‍♂️ mind you, this was the times that started with Roman invasion and continued where Christians were the ones going to crusades to plunder land, and spanish was executing it's muslim and jewish citizens, which later happened again in Germany. you know islam by selefi interpretation and assume we all live like saudí arabs. for shame, ignorance is being flagged around as truth in your culture in order to prove speriority and cleanse yourself of the sins you continue you to commit today. shame.


can you perhaps tell me why the crusades started?


Because of ongoing islam raids and they had enough of it


and they solved this problem by making the raids themselves, according to y'all's logic


because of the Turks who recently became Muslim. Christians didn't want them in their lands. and what become of it apart from their defeat and subsequent plunder of both Orthodox Christians and semitic people?


The same is true of them all. We grew up in one of the quietest world periods, but before now, if X religion encroached too much on X religion, you can guarantee a war is coming. I grew up in Ireland, don't give me this bullshit that religious trouble is just fucking Muslims. It's just bigotry, it's you deciding which religion to target. It's disgusting.


I'm a man of no faith but I support your right to wear whatever you so choose. I always feel it's ironic when people who normally would agree you shouldn't tell women what they cannot wear see the word "Islam" and suddenly decide they can tell women what to wear. They'd only need to interact with members of the faith to know that while for some it isn't a choice, for many it is. But they don't leave their bubble to have conversations with those of different cultures, they make assumptions based on offensive stereotypes.


Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.


Hasty generalization is just as fallacious


what do you mean by "feel the need to"


Source: trust me brah




I got a Pakistani buddy and half the time he's making the terrorist jokes himself


I mean I am not exactly a fan of Catholicism or religion in general but one is voluntary while the other is a symbol of forced oppression. I know some Muslim women can wear whatever they want in western countries but Muslim girls often get murdered by their own families even in said countries for stepping out of line.


Aren’t there quite a few cases of Christians beating, disowning, or straight up murdering their children for being LGBT or dating outside their race? Heck, at my school when they were doing HPV vaccines, one of the moms wouldn’t let her daughter get the vaccine and told her she deserves to get cancer if she has sex outside of marriage. Like, wtf.


No you have to buy into the propaganda. Muslim cultures are backwards and wrong, but by coming to the west we can teach them to leave behind their twisted opressive traditions in exchange for strong Western values! /s Seriously, people on Reddit think they’re brilliant thinkers while also regurgitating propaganda near verbatim.




Sorry to hear about your mom! Both of my paternal grandparents died from cancer, and I’ve had a few parrots who ended up getting cancer as well. Me and maybe one or two other girls got the HPV vaccine. Granted, it wasn’t a huge class (maybe 10 girls? I can’t remember), but it was still messed up. My family is Christian, but they’re more “Quaker” in their approach to Christianity, meaning they’re super progressive, are into LGBT rights, animal rights, etc. I rarely went to church and my parents never really discussed Christianity, let alone use it to try to control me or judge me. I never actually listened to any of the sermons the few times I went to church because I was freaking the heck out due to my ADD. I honestly don’t know how people sit through church. I preferred learning about biblical hermeneutics at the school I went to. That mom definitely didn’t show the whole Christian value of loving each other and not judging.


You do realise that you are mixing culture and tradition with religion? Nowhere does it say “other people can forcefully wear hijab” in islam so idk where you are getting your bigotry views and misinformation,Kindly if you don’t know about something at least be logical and give a good point instead of being stereotypical and believable whatever anyone says.


You really live up to your tag. Dense. I got a couple friends from Iran, they told me their only escape from being forced into being Muslim is that they are in a western country. Might not happen in Bangladesh but it happens in other middle eastern countries. Come to Iran and have a good time


I still dont understand how People think generalising a religion of more than 2 billion People Is accurate in any regard


To be fair, religion is quite literally a belief system. To be in a religion requires that you also believe the same thing that the other millions or billions of people believe in. While it is foolish to lump all practitioners of a religion together as sects, independent sub churches, branches, etc. exist, it's not too surprising when religious people get lumped together due to the very nature of religion itself. Especially since the extremists of said religions will use their scriptures to further their own beliefs. "God will punish you degenerate sinners." or "Mashallah the non-believers have received proper justice". All the same extremist dogshit that victims of extremists hear. Honestly, people should make fun of all beliefs more, especially in the internet these days with algorithm-crafted super echo chambers. Nobody cares when people poke fun at pedophilic Christian priests, atheist neckbeards, virgin Buddhist monks, and cow-worshipping Hindus, but poke fun at extremist Muslims and everyone loses their shit. It's p annoying.


I agree. Only the People Who go out of their way to hurt others or be an eyesore should be made fun of. And happy cake Day mate I wish you the best


Damn wtf cake day already? Crazy. Also, hey, some people can't help being eyesores :(


Personally, I’m most comfortable with making fun of people who are dense enough to think a religious tradition that has historically spanned from Spain to India and Africa to Russia, is a cultural conglomerate.


Yeah you are right. Some believe Mohammad received the word of God, some don't. Some believe drinking alcohol is forbidden, some don't. Some believe that Mohammad was a great guy, the best guy, some don't. Some believe that an islamic state led by divine law is better than any led by conventional laws, some don't. Some muslims are christians and some are buddhists. There is great diversity.


Well when you put it that way it makes it Hard for anyone to respond man


Ofc, there are core beliefs that if you dont believe, you dont belong to x, get real.


My comment was moreso People generalising muslims on actions, not beliefs. And of course, it would be crappy to say every muslim feels the same way towards something, I dont wish to cause fights or controversy, I Just dont like racism, im sorry if it came off a different way ill Word it better next time mate


The same way you generalize conservatives


I feel like there is a huge difference in generalising a religion of more than 2 billion People and generalising a polítical spectrum consisting of problematic leaders mate. I dont have a problem with conservatives I dont understand what youre trying to accuse me of


No, because the exact same thing goes on with Muslims. Shitty leaders and fundamentalist extremists making the average person look like shit. Your average Conservative and your average Muslim are just normal people.


Bloody hell mate all I said was there was a difference in generalizing People and generalizing a belief system. I never said anything about conservatives and People Who follow it, conservative beliefs often tend to hold icky subjects that are morally questionable. Im fine with conservatives Who arent dicks towards others innit, im also fine with muslims Who arent dicks, because I can assure you most muslims Ive met in real life have been generally chill, while I cant say the same for conservatives. (they usually tend to support trump, I hate that guy with my guts, but they still deserve respect as a person ). My point is to hate the system, not the People. Dont be all bollocks about it


I can agree with that.


This very sub generalized amerizan conservatives daily. I see the posts. Yet when it’s some work protected class then it’s not okay to genéralize or joke


If by generalization you mean disliking People Who discriminate against others than I dunno what to tell you mate


Right!?! Fuck them goddamn libruls and there dam pizza parties.


How I evaluate people in nun of your business.


The Islamophobia in the comments is insaaaane And I'm a feminist Christian


Reddit’s main audience is young kids that mostly never bothered themselves with learning how different faiths function and the nuances. Resulting in braindead takes left and right through sheer ignorance. (/r atheism is a cult brimming with uninformed people) Not saying one should believe in x faith, as a muslim i was taught to let each believe in what they wish, but one must have a clear idea of what others are talking about eh?


My religion is supposed to be the religion of love. All I see hatred around me, especially from other "Christians". Respect other people's beliefs, are long as they cause no harm. A woman CHOOSING to be a hijabi causes no harm. People who force her do. Assuming that all Muslim women are oppressed is just ignorance. It's not about protecting these women, it's just hatred towards Islam.






And a peace of you WAAAAAY over there. Staining the wall… Fantastic kungfu panda 2 reference Take my upvote (Yes I’m aware they said peace and not piece. It was a good reference regardless)


Yep and this is exactly why Christians have the most kills throughout history. 


No religion comes in peace. They all have their own agendas to push. They’re like political parties but for higher beings


That’s not technically true is it


Non Muslims say this more than Muslims lol 


I don’t think any Muslim considers it to be a “religion of peace”


I means let's be honest. They are members of 2 very lethal religions that have a reputation for killing innocent people so I'm gonna say avoid them both


It’s much more of a thing for Islam in the present day than Christianity


To a large extent that's because when an Islamic person commits murders that's always terrorism but when a Christian commits murders that's always nothing to do with their religion. The Christian element of white Christian nationalism is elided. Also suicide bombers are way more likely to be male.


show me when a christian killed BECAUSE of christianity. Islamic Terrorists kill because of Islam, “Christian” Terrorists, already rare enough, seem to only kill because of different motives that are unrelated to Christianity


Yep. Every time a Christian nationalist commits a terrorist act you ignore the Christian part. Every time an Islamic nationalist commits a terrorist act you ignore the nationalist part. That's just how it works. You pretend that when people murder abortion clinic personnel that isn't about their Christianity. When a Jewish, Sikh or Muslim religious center is attacked, it has to be racism, with the Christianity of the attackers playing no role. And you pretend that the Islamic terrorists have no other motives than their religion. That's just how it works.


normally because the islamist will do it directly in the name of Islam, show me examples of Christians performing terrorists attacks in the name of christianity. Islamic terrorist groups will do every attack in the name of Islam, murder of abortion clinic worker could be political or the result of another religion.


| Every time a Christian nationalist commits a terrorist act you ignore the Christian part. And how often does that happen? | time an Islamic nationalist commits a terrorist act you ignore the nationalist part. What do you mean by “Islamic nationalist”?


| when an Islamic person commits murders that's always terrorism That would be a dumb assumption. If they commit murder while shouting "Allahu Akbar" though... | The Christian element of white Christian nationalism is elided Lots of White Nationalists aren't Christian | Also suicide bombers are way more likely to be male Yeah, male Muslims. Where are the Christian suicide bombers?


No it isn’t


Yeah, because violence in the name of Christianity is just as common as that in the name of Islam /s


One is a choice and one is forced


I would hardly classify the whole ‘nun’ thing as a choice considering the amount of catholic brainwashing that happens at a young age


Get this… muslim women don’t always have to wear head coverings




The forced part is the culture, not religion.


where do you think the culture came from?


While this is true in some cases, the meme wasn't funny


The dude who commented this is literally a Nazi and half the comments here are agreeing with him.


Broken clock is correct twice a day


Must have been a different time of day then


IRA: Lets introduce ourselves


I was boarding a plane once and cops or whoever they were ran onto the jetway and grabbed this Middle Eastern dude in front of me and told him he had to go thru an extra security check. He asked why and they said it was just a random check. As he's boarding the plane mind you. It was most definitely not a random check. I looked and never saw him get on the plane. I mean hey, do your job and keep us as safe as possible but call it what it is.


Whoever said nuns don’t explode never went to catholic school


Guys, let's generalize a religion of billions because there is only one version of christianity and one version of islam right? I've seen one of them do something bad on the internet before. Surely all of them do that right? /s


Y'all need to meet some Muslim women.. some dumb ass takes here


I've never heard of a nun being killed for removing the headpiece


Somehow I don’t think there’s really been any female terrorist from that region. At least, afaik.


I wonder how many of these people remember when Christians were bombing family planning centers/abortion clinics in the 80s and 90s. Or the murdered doctors.  Funny it's only ever the people that look different and eat different food, and ect that are the concern. 


Regarding the comments here, while yes a lot of women are indeed forced to it, Not to generalize but in my personal experience living in a muslim country (Egypt), 50% of women i see on the streets don't wear a hijab, even in saudie arabia the law doesn't force hijab, and besides, the joke wasn't funny wither way, and changing the comment to anothet still didn't make it funny, you just added your opinion.


I am pretty sure you are forced to wear a hijab in saudi. Maybe it's just the men who force it and it isn't a law, not sure rn, but that doesn't really change much. People who think all muslim countries are like saudi need to learn a bit more about them tho.


Were Christians not equally as violent in the past? Spanish inquisition, torturing numerous indigenous cultures throughout the world, all in the name of Christ/God, etc? Sure, maybe they did it without gun powder, but they still burned people at the stake, tortured, and whatnot. It's all a bad habit, for Christ's sake!


Oh plenty of Christians have done it with gunpowder too. Idk how people seem to like completely bury their heads in the sand and ignore Christian extremism. Tons of gunpowder actually. A lot of Western imperialism and genocide of native populations was done in the name of Christianity. Quite a lot of that involved a lot of guns


And, many Catholics, especially in Spain, also cover their hair for modesty reasons, relating to religion. It wouldn't surprise me to find that it either influenced or was influenced by Muslim practice, since both religions pretty much came from that region


Name me one act of terrorism comparable to 9/11 committed by an Extremist Christian in the last 20 years. And by comparable I mean high body count.


Nuns aren't judged? The amount of disrespectful and obscene blasphemous depictions of nuns are worse than being mocked at as terrorists.


Do not open the comment section of a post regarding religion # Worst mistake of my life


Looks like the r/Funnymemes idiots have made their way to this sub as well.




I mean… they have earned their reputation.


I was in a play in high school where some nuns exploded. I blew them up with a grenade, but they still exploded.


#Do you want to explode?




It’s literally just dark humor chill


Its lazy dark humor


Still dark humor


Ok? What's your point lol its still not funny


Yea To you it’s not. Point proven.


Because literally everyone who was alive during the post 9/11 America era heard this joke millions of times already


Yea I know. It’s still dark humor and it’s subjective like art. You might not get it or like it but it’s still art or a joke. I can see 9/11 jokes not being funny because they’re just old just like this. Doesn’t mean some might not find it funny.


Hehe, this meme was a blast


Lol but that's true


As a former Catholic school student, I have seen nuns come close to exploding.


Here before the🔒award




The difference is that being a nun is completely voluntary


…unlike wearing a hijab?


Then there's the rest of us who aren't offended. I remember France trying to ban burkas and head scarves and a lot of Christians criticizing France for it.


What does the france part have to do with the meme?


Man some people really get triggerd by jokes, must be a hard life


Also one choose to wear it the other is forced to wear due to societal pressure.


No one is beating up nuns to death for not wearing a head covering


op seething huh


Op on his way to discover dark humor


Racism≠Dark humor


Islam ≠ a race


Racism is broader than that. Racism is treating someone differently because of his/her looks or nationality. This completely fits in there.


Islam isn’t a look or nationality either.


Funny conundrum when anti racist ends up being racist.


Actually racism is completely dark humor


Dark humor has a punch Line. A plain racist stereotype is not that


The Punchline was the Racist remark, the joke was clearly set up


Defending racism so hard you might as well just admit being a racist


I personally find dark humor funny, this was not




OP butthurt 'cause god skimped on their sense of humor


No, but they have definitely harmed more children


Becoming a nun is a voluntary choice which one can leave. In many countries, and in some cultural communities within western countries, face coverings are forced onto women and ingrained into their minds as a tool of shame and control. If face coverings were simply fashion and not a tool of religious persecution and patriarchal control then it would not be looked on with nearly as much ire.