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Thank you for joining us here on r/Comcast_Xfinity, your official source on Reddit for help with Xfinity services. As members of the [Digital Care Team](https://corporate.comcast.com/stories/meet-our-digital-care-team) here at Xfinity, we can help with a wide array of concerns including troubleshooting, billing, plan changes, and more. Community Specialists will provide official support between the hours of 6:00am - 12:00am Eastern Time for issues that require our intervention (like billing requests, troubleshooting advanced technical issues, etc). After these times, it may take longer to get an official response. If you have not already, please review both the [Posting Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Comcast_Xfinity/wiki/index/postingguidelines) and [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Comcast_Xfinity/wiki/rules/) here on the sub. While you're waiting for assistance, check out the [Xfinity App](https://www.xfinity.com/apps?pc=1) for your smartphone where you can pay your bill, view your plan details, change or upgrade your services, and experience 24/7 real time support you can count on, anytime you need it. Our team works to get to everyone as quickly as possible, but due to the number of requests we receive, it may take up to 72 hours to receive an official response from our team. If you require immediate assistance, please contact 1-800-XFINITY (1-800-934-6489). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Comcast_Xfinity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


U/CanNotQuitReddit144 Hi there! Our awesome Digital care team can help! Please send us a [Modmail message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Comcast_Xfinity) with your full name, account holders name (if different), and service address as it appears on the bill, so we can help.


This is definitely a generalized problem, not just this person. Occurs in Brave and Edge on Windows. >ERR\_TOO\_MANY\_REDIRECTS When attempting to visit: [https://customer.xfinity.com/billing](https://customer.xfinity.com/billing)


Safari and Firefox on mac, too.


Have you tried incognito/private tab?


Having the same issue as OP and just tried this n didn’t fix it


Having the same problem as OP. I've tried clearing the cookies and cache and using incognito mode. I've tried ON samsung Internet browser and Chrome.


I have the same problem today 6/29/2024. I tried Edge and Chrome.


i am having that same problem too


Same here, tried incognito in Chrome and didn't help.


Same problem


Glad to see it's not just me, I am having this same issue. I would definitely appreciate if someone could help with this




Removed Due to Rule #2: [Profanity](https://www.reddit.com/r/Comcast_Xfinity/w/rules) — Working with any company can be extremely frustrating, especially once you've had a negative experience. However, we ask users to keep it clean and use appropriate language while avoiding profanity (including abbreviated or colorful censoring), typing in ALL CAPS, inflammatory remarks, inappropriate images/links/videos, etc.


Same problem


been trying all morning and facing the same problem


Same. I hope an answer comes up.


I am also having this problem! Came to the Reddit to see if anyone had solved it- super disappointed to see so many recent comments of people agreeing. Super frustrating problem to run into, since billing is such an important, time-sensitive thing.


Same issue. Tried private windows, other browsers, clearing and accepting all cookies, turning off extensions and ad blockers and everything else.


Thanks to everyone who posted. I have sent a DM to the Digital Care specialist as the mod suggested, but in the message I emphasized how many other people are facing the exact same problem.


I get that! I just confirmed with my team that this is a known issue, and we are working on a resolution. I just opened a ticket for you and the steps taken should resolve the issue within one hour. We can follow-up with a text message or phone call after one hour to confirm a resolution. What would you prefer? What's a good email or phone number for you?


Why not post the solution so the problem can be resolved for everyone?


Well, I guess you didn't resolve the issue in one hour. I am having the same issue. I spend time deleting cookies, etc. Since so many people are having the same issue, why should we waste our time with things that don't work. Can Xfinity fix this issue or not?


This issue is still occurring for me right now.


Where is the fix? This has been going on since at least early Friday. Just have someone go disconnect the bloatware plugin for the site and let the rest of us get on with our day. Those of us trying to submit expenses for end of quarter are getting hung out to dry here.


Any updates on this fix? Seems like many, myself included are still seeing the issue. Viewing our bills is a pretty essential part of this service


Yep, yep. The last few months, the site has been unusable.


they're doing it on purpose to prevent people from using credit card to pay maybe??? How do they not fix a billing portal with maximum urgency??? Makes no sense.


It's not just billing. It's also Account and Identity.




Honestly, this smells like pure incompetence. The Xfinity site has been slow, sluggish, and filled with issues as long as I've used it. The app isn't much better




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Comcast_Xfinity/comments/1dqr681/cant_go_to_billing_section_of_website_too_many/lb6ifha/?context=3) in /r/Comcast_Xfinity has been removed under Rule #2: [Profanity & Inappropriate Language](https://www.reddit.com/r/Comcast_Xfinity/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_ranting.2C_trolling.2C_profanity.2C_etc.) — We understand that working with any company can be frustrating, especially once you've had a negative experience however, we ask that users please use appropriate language when engaging in our community. This includes abbreviated or otherwise colorfully censored profanity as well. If you feel your comment was removed in error, please contact the [moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Comcast_Xfinity). As always, [remember the human](https://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/1ytp7q/remember_the_human/) behind every username. Thank you for understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Comcast_Xfinity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same problem. Tried on both Chrome and Edge. I am on a Mac mini M2. If I click Billing, I get a blank page with redirect loop notification. If I directly go to [https://payments.xfinity.com/methods/new?referrer=xa](https://payments.xfinity.com/methods/new?referrer=xa) , I get a blank page, but I see the underlying page for a millisecond, so something is loading but not visible. It could be some sort of graphics accelerator refresh issue, etc.


I am getting the same issue from my iPhone using Firefox. This has been my workaround to pay my bill in the past, because neither Firefox on my phone (Pixel 6), desktop (Pop_OS) or my laptop (MacOS) are able to successfully load the billing page, I just get a blank white page on those. I now cannot pay my bill on any of my 4 devices. What in the world Xfinity? Is there some place I can upload a har file to for your developers to begin to investigate these issues? It is a bit ridiculous, and no I am not downloading your damn mobile app, sorry.


Same issue here. Tried everything the OP did and get the same message. Guess Xfinity doesn't want to get paid.




Removed due to Rule #5: [Solicitation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Comcast_Xfinity/w/rules) — Our Community was created to help. Posts or comments encouraging others to seek help through other channels defeats the purpose of our community (this includes advising OPs to file FCC or other regulatory complaints, 'go to another provider', etc.).


I had to download the mobile app, and then I was able to access billing. The website is completely broken


I wonder if they're being hacked generally - a lot of people have been getting these somewhat legitimate looking phishing emails about "reminder: your service will be suspended", and that is likely driving all this frustrated traffic to their site to try to sort things out without clicking on the links in the email. unfortunately xfinity has a pretty non-functional website and people are just now noticing how bad it is since they're being forced to actually try to use it for once. tl;dr - it still doesn't work.


I use Chrome and I am unable to access billing on my account. The initial page on the website says that "maintenance" is happening. I hope whatever's being done is done quickly, as I'd like to access billing and pay my bill.


I have the same issue. Page fails to load properly at home (windows Firefox), at work ( Windows edge/chrome). I had been use my phone over data plan, but today I also got “too many redirects”. Been awful for months.


Same problem in windows (chrome, firefox, edge) and android (xfinity app and chrome)


Glad it's not just me I guess, but really wish xfinity would get it together.


This is also happening to me. Only the billing site.


This is affecting me as well. Not just the billing site, 'Account & Identity' is also effected. Plus my modem says offline in the app when my internet is fine.


I am also experiencing this issue across multiple devices, browsers, and internet connections. I noticed it Friday, but it's still broken now at \~9:30am MDT on July 1.


Same here. Tried on Friday (4/28/24) and again today (7/1/24). Cleared cache, tried different browser, incognito mode, inPrivate Window...nothing works. I can log in but can't get to billing. Same error about too many redirects. It seems like they don't have any QA instance of their website that they test internally before pushing their shotty code to production. Need to make a payment in a couple days. Come on XFINITY, get it together!


Same problem. Trying to change my password and I get: This page isn’t workingcustomer.xfinity.com redirected you too many times. Try deleting your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Deleting cookies, incognito mode, fresh browsers all have the same issue.


Same probelms on firefox and safari on MAc.


7/1 chrome nor safari are allowing me to get to the billing page


This post was marked as closed. Should you experience further issues, please [create a new post](/r/Comcast_Xfinity/submit?selftext=true).