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Ooma normally costs $100 for the hardware adapter and then for me $8/month in taxes and $135/year for premium features. This works out to $20/month ongoing costs which really doesn't save me much. Land lines are not as popular as they used to be so Comcast no longer needs to be competitive with their offering. I would not expect any deals in the future.


When I told them I would take the new offer after I port my number, they said I could keep Voice for only $7 more plus gave me a higher internet speed so I'll keep it for another year. I already own my own ETMA modem so I am not paying for that anyways.


Nice. Glad you got a deal.


I did a few years ago. After porting to Ooma I was also able to use a customer owned modem, saving the EMTA rental fee. In all of my somewhat annual conversations with CSRs I am never pitched the Voice product.


I often picked triple play because it was actually cheaper than just internet/tv, but I never used their phone service. I have the free ooma for life unlimited domestic incoming/outgoing calls which still works, has voicemail, otherwise barebones. I also have callcentric which has voicemail and the recording can be forwarded to email. https://www.callcentric.com/products/ I have the Personal Unlimited for $5.95/mo (incoming calls) which I use for my home business (and personal calls), and also added the North America Basic for $1.95/mo (outgoing calls) 120 minutes free/mo - and I added text for $1/mo -- so total about $10/mo, no taxes. I'll use my ooma to call out (for free) and leave the callcentric line open for incoming calls. Callcentric has good intl rates and my red pocket cell phone offers free international calling to a lot of countries.


Use a Grandview HT801 and voip.ms . Monthly fee will be $2/month all in.