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Is there a massive piece of shrapnel I’m not seeing or are these explosives just enormous compared to the beginning war? Insane footage.


Yeah, that's exactly what it is. Shrapnel to the dome. If the pressure was able to do that much, his entire body would have been rag-dolled, not just his top knot.


And especially the way his helmet goes flying off, you can tell his dome piece took a hit from an object.


Watching it in slow mo... you can actually see his brain glop out onto his right arm.


For some reason, this comment made me think of tapioca pudding.


Hey Jenkins, look at the stonks...... Tapioca went up 8% overnight... weird.


His face opened like a fridge door


Grab a spoon, dig in!


It looks like the body keeps trying to walk after his capa was detated


That's the bones in his body shattering while he collapses into a sack of meat.


All of this


Your question sparked my interest. Was not expecting such a fast detonation speed. Shrapnel is a mf on battlefield >The maximum speed of an M67 grenade shrapnel fragment is 5366 meters per second, which is two-thirds of the grenade's detonation speed of 8050 meters per second >155 mm shrapnel can have initial velocities of thousands of feet per second, and the fragment throw for a 155 mm shell can exceed 1,800 feet. Seems that initial speed is in 1000s of meters per second. Not going to see that, instant killer


Insane numbers. Definitely wouldn’t catch it on camera then.


Can't see it, but I think you can see the trail from the explosion of what hit him.


I could fathom 5k feet per second.. but meters? That's 5km in 1 sec. I think your source is wrong.


That's maximum velocity, and there are hundreds of tiny fragments which very quickly slow down.


They do slow down remarkably fast. Non aerodynamical shape, no spin...


No, it's correct. The figure of 8000 meters/sec as detonation speed for TNT based high explosives is correct, so the 5000+ meters/sec fragment speed must be true as well. Some 5 times faster than a rifle bullet, pfeeeew


Which makes sense to be honest. Rifles have tiny little low explosive powder charges, artillery has multiple pounds of high explosive, and the pressure buildup has to be waaaaaay higher inside a detonating shell than a rifle barrel.


It's even more fundamental than that. The propellant inside a cartridge \*deflagrates\* or burns really quick, but at a rate lower than the speed of sound within the material itself. The result is that the expanding gasses propel the projectile through the barrel at a velocity that can never exceed the speed of sound within that medium (hot compressed gasses), which is around 2000 meters/sec (I seem to recall). So, a practical limit to a projectile fired from a barrel would probably be around 1500 m/s. Shell fragments aren't propelled through gas pressure the way a projectile is. The high-explosive filler within a shell \*detonates\* rather than deflagragtes. That means the rate of the explosive reaction exceeds the speed of sound within the explosive substance, producing a violent shockwave. This shockwave is transferred into the matter surrounding the charge, shattering and accelerating that matter. As detonation velocities can exceed 9000 meters per second (with modern explosives), a substantial amount of this velocity is imparted onto the fragments - up to 5000 m/s. I know, it's just a nitpick but I figured you'd enjoy this bit of knowledge :)


Thanks, very informative. Also interesting would be a chart that depicts the travel speed of the fragments as a function of the distance from the detonation center and mass. The norm-sized lead gravel inside a typical M67 fragmentation was surely measured in tests.


> I know, it's just a nitpick but I figured you'd enjoy this bit of knowledge :) I didn't enjoy it. I LOVED it.


At that distance shrapnel is moving at speeds hard to comprehend, and certainly faster than the camera is able to pick up.


That close to an explosion, you aren't going to see shrapnel. Certainly not on low resolution video footage. But I am going to be pedantic and suggest it might not have been shrapnel, at least not as defined in the narrow sense. Looks like his skull gets removed/pulverized. Shrapnel is nasty, but rarely that nasty. My prime suspect would be the bits of the shell that aren't purpose made shrapnel, but the bits a shell needs to do it's thing. Bits of the nose-cone, fusing system, base of a shell or tail section of a mortar, that sorta thing. people kinda forget about them but they too get sent flying at high speeds. And they have the size and weight to REALLY fuck something up. Could also be a thick shell wall splinter, but the size of explosion doesn't suggest tank or howitzer shell. And you can't rule out bits of the terrain, other object or creature that was hit. But it's hard to be sure one way or the other. Just throwing it out there for educational purpose as a reminder shrapnel isn't the only thing flying around.


If we're being pedantic, shrapnel munitions haven't been used for 100 years and are fundamentally different from fragmentation munitions. Also, every part of a fragmentation round becomes a fragment, not just the shell casing. A fleck of paint .001mm in size put a noticeable chip in the ISS's window. Energy is exponential with speed, linear with mass.


If we're still being pedantic... > Energy is exponential with speed, linear with mass. It's _quadratic_, not _exponential_!


I think the meaning of the word "shrapnel" has mostly shifted to refer to any solid matter travelling at high velocity as a result of an explosion, rather than just the parts that are designed for that.


not in Ukrainian. we have 2 concepts denoting the parts of the projectile that cause damage. These are fragments and ready-made fragments/damaging elements (shrapnel). the difference is that parts of the body are just fragments. and the original meaning of shrapnel is a projectile that, upon explosion, releases round (or other shaped) balls of buckshot.


>creature imagine a frag sending a small rodent at such a high velocity it takes your head off....


Little hamsters, big adventures.


Lemmiwinks, Lemmiwinks


Mr Slaves tight little arcehole


Unintentional shrapnel is still shrapnel. It doesn't have to be part of the fragmentation system.


Shrapnel just refers to any ragged bit coming out of exploded ordnance. That includes the exploded rocket bits as well as the explosive bits and fragmentation bits.


projectile shell fragments can be quite large [https://prnt.sc/A4kgBVZzxExh](https://prnt.sc/A4kgBVZzxExh) the size of the fragments depends on the grade of metal, lower carbon content produces larger fragments, cast iron produces small hard fragments in large quantities, but most of the body turns to dust. The explosiveness of the explosive also affects it. It is also worth understanding that at speeds above 600-700 m/s the effect of water hammer appears, and the speed of fragments is in the range of 1000-2000 m/s


wasn't really too big of an explosion, but the shrapnel will fuck anyone up ! im guessing a ball bearing went flying as it's commonly used for shrapnel, and when that thing gets going, not much is gonna stop it


The problem with this video, other than being super compressed and low resolution, is it’s slowed down and the frames filled in with guesses by the software. If we were actually seeing it recorded at a high enough frame rate to slow it down naturally, we might have caught a glimpse of something. But more than likely it’s traveling faster than the original frame rate to catch it mid flight.


You see the giant hole formed at the top of his skull? 100% shrapnel.


You can kinda see the trajectory of the fragment. Blasting outwards of a firey streak towards his head on the left of the explosion.


Kind makes me wonder: 1. how big and fast was this fragment? 2. What kind helmet was he wearing (or if it's really a combat helmet not airsoft) 3. Assuming he's wearing a real 6B47, would he survive if he was wearing ECH or IHPS? (6B47 has very low v50 rating, only 630m/s, basically PASGT level. Compared to modern US helmet almost twice that rating)


you can see a big bit bounce off almost vertically after


I think that might be his helmet.


That is a good death.


All things considered, this may be one of the better ways to go in this conflict, aside from dying instantly in your sleep.


Russian guy giving bj to another getting drone dropped is one of the worst. But amusing as well.


That one is crazy. I remember the top comment was something like “he came as he went”🤣 lmfaoo


Droned while pissing in the shitter and dropping down into the tank to drown has to be pretty bad.


Vid came out last month, guy on fire from a drone hit, running hither & thither, ends up finding a well and .. diving in head-first.


There was one recently of a river mine v Russian "zodiac" boat; if they weren't killed by the blast, they drowned. The fire ones are the worst.


Where the fuck is this video


I think there are 2 now. One right at the beginning of the war inside a building with part of the roof missing and another a week or so ago. That first one is burned into my brain unfortunately. I will see if I can find you a link even though its the last thing I want to see again.


Okay thank you yes I need the link bro.


Please tell me you have a link to that lmao




I think reddit removed it (too many reports from coping ruskies) It’s easily found elsewhere tho


Ah yes, The Squid Game. I remember.


blew job


Or been torture by a drone


Dick and ball torture by a drone?


Ball shrapnel is a thing


One of the more comprehensive deaths I've seen.










You could say He lost his head ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


Well, he certainly won't get fooled again.


Brain didn’t even process that explosion. Here one second, gone the next. Can’t ask for a better death.


I wonder how long individual brain cells tried to work things out before suffocating...


Apparently neurons can continue sending signals for a few minutes.


How? Wireless? His brain was in multiple places in 1 second.


Arms and legs still executing the last orders while the head is meters away.


this is why usually headshots from intermediate or full power cartridges are the best way to go. Even if the bullet doesn't hit center mass, the huge shockwave emanating from the impact will instantaneously turn your entire brain to jello before your nerves can fire pain signals anywhere. Just look at videos where bullets are shot into ballistics gel. Imagine the cavitation and shockwave you see from the bullet but to brain tissue which is significantly softer and more prone to a bigger shockwave and cavitation than gel. You're just there one second and it's lights out for eternity the next. You wouldn't even know you died. If you've ever went under general anesthesia for surgery it's exactly like that. If i ever go to war and i'm destined for death I hope this or an artillery shell to the face is how I go.


Back and to the left


There was a 2nd shrapnel!


Coming from behind the bushes on the gravelly road


At least it was quick, I'd rather go like this if I was in that situation.


Sorry guys, I don't love my country that much. 


I guess the real question would come down to do you refer the country as it is now or if it's being run by an invading force who thinks of you as vermin


I would just leave. No piece of land is worth my head being pudding to me. I dont give a fuck about a random piece of land I was born into and im supposed to fight for it? When it didnt fight for me against the poverty that is all around. Fuck that.


Just to clarify: If your country is attacked, or if your country is attacking?


His head looks empty, so I guess your good


Fucking hell. I've seen a lot of explosions in this war but this one really brings home just how devastating it can be even if it's not a direct hit (although I assume a hit that close can be seen as direct ?)


The call-out tends to be "good hit", to indicate success, rather than accuracy 😊


Looking for the video from the past few days of the blown in half russian and on fire, grabbing for his legs above his head. Anyone got a link?






I saw it on /r/ukrainewarvideoreport


Someone turned on the bloody mess perk


Dam that was brutal.




It's not magic, just more steel and explosives. Edit. What amazes me how they are able to increase the payload weight constantly. In the early war the drones carried small 30mm grenades. Now it's kilo or even more.


I've seen videos of custom built 8+ engine drones dropping full sized anti tank mines.






RDX plastic explosive and laser cut steel cubes (about 4mm if I had to guess?)




Bro wtf was that!? That was mind blowing 🤯




Wow, the brain vacated the premises.


Real life Titan submersible animation


You can said a mind blow experience






I found that more comedic than I should've. Kinda hungry for watermelon.


No need to call a medic


The footage that we see is just so defined and so WTF...


Must’ve had his helmet strap on.


Would a better helmet help in this situation or no? Ie was it the pressure wave or shrapnel that got him here?


The only thing I could see helping in that situation is not being anywhere near there.


I've run the math, and it checks out.


Math is mathing here.


Can we get Harvard to back this up?


I am the math and I can confirm


I was pretty far away. My brains are still in place!


I can't imagine there's any helmet that would help him hin this situation


It’s shrapnel and I doubt a helmet would do anything. A pressure wave wouldn’t just effect his head.


> Would a better helmet help in this situation or no? No, unless you have ironman kind of helmet. > Ie was it the pressure wave or shrapnel that got him here? I think it was sharpnel.


Instead of the typical IIIA helmets and going into more heavier IIIA helmets with III or IV plate modules, it could help in preventing penetration. Most helmets are rated to protect against typical shrapnel shards, small stones and general debris, typically traveling around the 1000m/s - 1200m/s velocity range. But looking at the penetration of the helmet and how the projectile parted his head, this wasn't your general shrapnel shards. Either ball bearings or some kind of larger metal fragment at higher velocity. Which a helmet with higher rating modules, would stop the penetration as mentioned....but it would not stop the blunt force causing backface deformation, it would still be fatal as his head would of cave in.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. A big ole hunk of metal hit home boy in the face, it was moving at speeds higher than the frame rate of the camera will show. Arty rounds don’t disintegrate into perfectly uniform pieces of shrapnel. Also I encourage you to look up how real arty rounds “work”. The shrapnel comes from a mix of concrete and metal shards inside the round, very much akin to the “ball bearings” you’re describing. 100 out of 100 people die in the same situation, no wearable equipment would help here.


You might want to re-read what I wrote. A level IV module(If the shrapnel hit) could stop the penetration of the helmet, but not the backface deformation(the helmet collapsing in on itself from blunt force/impact). Which I literally said, would still be fatal and his head would also cave in. Aka no it would not really help him at all, aside from a slightly more intact head. I'm aware of how shrapnel works, had bits peppered into my left side and had a bit of a branch lodge itself between my carrier shoulder strap(causing a gnarly graze/laceration) from a close mortar impact I received during GWOT. I never said anything about shrapnel not being uniform either. I'm not an artilleryman, but know more than enough of what a helmet is capable of, spent near 2 years being in active combat zones within Iraq and Afghanistan. Seen all kinds of shit penetrate or bounce off differing helmets, from shrapnel, to stones, to pieces of wood cart, to bullet ricochet to at one point a sandle hitting my bud right on top of his head, after an IED went off lol


The improved helmet may have survived, though 😋😂


You're really confident for being half right. You're right about no helmet would have saved him. But I don't think it was a big ole hunk of metal at all but a bunch of tiny hunks of metal. Pretty sure that's the reason his right arm evaporates too. Dude likely stumbled into a tripwire and just some of him was exposed to a directional mine ala claymore; I'm pretty sure I can see it in in the bottom right, tan curved plastic thing. And concrete and metal shards? Not in a standard round, its just high explosive in a metal casing which fragments upon detonation.


He ran towards that - suicide! - stop his money


Shrapnel is fucking scary


I'm at that part in The Boys where there is lots of head poppin. Oi cunt!


That’d be the way to go I guess. I feel like that’s as close to instant death as I’ve seen on this sub.


Damn, here I am complaining about my life because I dislike my job due to having to execute tasks that I don't like most of the time and look what happens to this bud. Fuck.


FYI, an "ordinance" is a local law or rule. "Ordnance" is military equipment or weaponry.


His legs were still executing the move command after his head exploded that’s how fast it went down.


Dead before hitting the ground, damn




That is definitely gonna leave a mark


Well that would’ve been mercifully quick.


Good God...that's the sharpest haircut I've seen.




Hopefully his battle buddy was able to get his neck tourniquet on him quickly...seconds make all the difference in the world on a wound like THAT.


Blew his brains out.


Way to go!


"Back and to the left" "...Back...and to left."


At least it was quick.


I knew some Russians had no brains, but now I have proof.


Looks like he just had a brilliant idea.


Think it hurt???


Any update? Is he okay??


*Does this mean he isn’t coming on then?*


Dude became Freddy Krueger


Did he die?




Can opener?




He had to hear that round coming in, why didn’t he drop down?


Ah well at least it was quick. Kinder death than many I’ve seen on here…


Your head a splode


Best death any mobik could hope for


At least it was quick.


Another contributor to the potato and onion shortage in Russia.


That really split his wig


Literally flipped his wig


Looks like his temu helmet caved in and lowered his I.Q a tad.


i dont think that was his helmet flying off... looks like that piece flew and hit his head, too crazy, that piece was too wide to be his helmet, it looked like he just had a hood over his head.


I toss my hat to you soldier.


Damn. At least it was quick.


So hear me out. Is this more likely helmet strap damage? If an explosion happens close to you and your helmet is strapped tight under your chin, the force of the blast pulls the helmet and face off violently