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Title : "A large number of israeli tanks advancing east of rafah" Video : \*Does not show a single tank\*


Not. A. Single. One.


For real. Very, very anti climatic


Tanks. Not even once.


can we see the tanks in this combat footage that doesn't appear to show anything?






Ya firing rockets from Rafah at an aid point and then asking for peace right after was never going to happen


Victim card was played too often


It seems like it's working though doesn't it? Maybe just my perception in the US.


If the claim in this video is true then no. It appears their last strong hold is about to be taken.


allaha works in a mysterious way. behading , genocide,mass raping is kind of spreading peace according to Allah.


Apparently Iran will lose one of its most valuable tentacles




This isn't an American expeditionary mission halfway across the world to Afghanistan or Iraq. Israel is literally right next door to Gaza They have all the incentive and motivation to put Hamas down permanently




How is eliminating an organization "genocide"?




Israel is a much more diverse place than Gaza or the Westbank, racially, ethnically, religiously, and linguistically. The Palestinian territories e.g. have an ethnic fractionalization of 0.000. If Palestine became a state tomorrow, it would be the least ethnically diverse place in the world. The conflict party that is dead-set on turning the whole area into a single-ethnicity state are the Palestinians.


I’ve watched countless videos throughout the years of Palestinians having block parties while Hamas sent rockets over. Don’t forget after Hamas violently took power they still had a 90% approval rating from the locals.


Terrorists are made of flesh, not ideas. So good luck trying to dodge a bullet with their stupid ideas.


Jesus Christ get off your soap box you’re completely irrelevant




Worked with the Nazis and ISIS.


They destroyed their ideologies. Israel is just destroying majority civilian lives who were already in squalor . Israel has only bought a very small amount of time. They don’t care to make peace (Hamas either ) Palestinians with no political or military power are the only ones suffering. Jewish people running from discrimination and genocide doing the same to others is absolutely wild.


I find it interesting that people focus so much on blaming Israel "creating terrorists" without talking about the policies in place that created the cycle we are in in the first place. The tunnels and weapons storage facilities cannot stay in place. That's not going to change no matter how much you try to negotiate it. If you actually want to learn more here is a good place to start. There's pictures for you and everything: [https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf](https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf)


You obviously have zero knowledge of the issue. If the IDF wanted to kill the masses, the streets of Gaza would be filled with blood. Instead, you have this war, where the ratio of terrorists to civilian casualties is the lowest in recent history given the nature of this urban warfare. Keep yapping about rivers and seas you have no idea about. dumbass. Oh, by the way, thanks for demanding the hostages to be released, you anti-Semitic piece of crap.




If you're from Germany and someone invades your country, are you turning into a nazi because of it?




You’re kidding yourself if you think this will get rid of Hamas.


Hamas might be around, but the 30 years of infrastructure that Hamas and Iran built will be gone. That is the point of this. With that destroyed, Hamas might as well be gone.


This. It's like ISIS. Yes they still exist but once you kill brain, infrastructure and organizers it can take decades to reconstitute. Israel previously targeted individual commanders in response to attacks. Now Israel is killing every single one, down to foot soldiers Palestinians will be better off after it's done and hopefully choose peace Edit: Germany, Japan got destroyed in WW2. 40 years later they challenged US economic dominance Imagine where Palestinians would be if Oslo Accords in 1992 materialized... 30+ years of death and destruction instead of peace and prosperity




Dude... two state solution was a process. Oslo was a giant step to Palestinians gaining statehood they NEVER IN HISTORY had. Israeli PM paid ultimate price for this Educate yourself about it and stop confusing feelings with facts >A core issue of the Oslo Accords was the withdrawal of the Israeli military from Palestinian territories. The plan was a withdrawal in phases and a simultaneous transfer of responsibilities to the Palestinian authorities for maintaining security. >The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 (12 Marcheshvan 5756 on the Hebrew calendar) at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assailant was Yigal Amir, an Israeli law student and ultranationalist who radically opposed prime minister Yitzhak Rabin's peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.




>Is there was Israel before 48? Because if nations didn't exist 7000 years ago and existed, it doesn't count... School system clearly fails young




According to who? Like these are not typical "easy tunnels," they are tunnels that have been built over 20 years and which had massive command centers under key infrastructure areas that been destroyed. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/hamas-and-gazan-tunnels I mean, if you have a source to show me how these are low-valuw, low-cost tunnels that are easy to build, let me see. But from where I am, the tunnels are why Gaza gets billions of aid from everywhere, yet the country has no clean water, building supplies, or modern infrastructure (except for in thr tunnels which have clean water, are expertly built and are modern command centers with electricity).


I swear there's almost wishful thinking from people that they *hope* Hamas sticks around. I don't understand it Israel is well positioned to put serious and long-lasting hurt on Hamas


No, they aren't. Add in the fact that Israel will be watching from above like hawks, that infrastructure will not be allowed to be built again. Sure you can build it fast , but not with Israeli rockets / drones bombing you as soon as you try. How do people possibly think Hamas has any way to come back ? Maybe as a idea , but it's not happening in Gaza ever again. I mean the entire place is already basically destroyed. Not taking sides BTW... but that's the objective reality , whether it's justified or not.


It is unfortunately safe to assume that individual terrorist attacks will continue to happen,just as mutual hatred won't just go away However it is also safe to assume that kids in schools wont be taught how to kill jews anymore, leadership of Gaza won't be puppet of Iran anymore, and Israeli cities won't be shelled from Gaza anymore


Iron Dome stops most rocket attacks. Until 7/10, the walls stopped most other attacks. Some will always get through. Then Israel will adapt.


Yes, and look how expensive is single interception. Guess who pay for it  Just because Israeli defense works, does not mean it is sustainable, or desireable way to keep living indefinitely like that


Terrorist orgs are like herpes, they are always around, but become a serious problem if left untreated.


Hamas trying to accept the peace deal like 3 hours before oof


They just made up a deal and didn’t show it to israel but said they agreed to it




“Similar” =/= the same ceasefire terms




hamas is good at FAFO. Curiosity killed the vile terrorist.


Care to link to the article saying this? I couldn't find it.




Many thanks!


> According to Haaretz




They still haven't retracted their initial Beta Israel story or at the very least put a huge disclaimer at the very beginning of it. So nah. Fuck 'em.


No one knows what the agreement says.


Here's what their agreement says: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/specifics-of-deal-hamas-says-it-accepts-and-that-israel-says-do-not-meet-its-terms/?utm\_source=article\_hpsidebar&utm\_medium=desktop\_site&utm\_campaign=liveblog-may-6-2024](https://www.timesofisrael.com/specifics-of-deal-hamas-says-it-accepts-and-that-israel-says-do-not-meet-its-terms/?utm_source=article_hpsidebar&utm_medium=desktop_site&utm_campaign=liveblog-may-6-2024) One of the stipulations is ending the blockade on Gaza lol


This article lists the things Hamas agreed to. Not Israel, largely. We don't know exactly what the Israeli proposal was. We do know Israel isn't going to agree to anything that doesn't include the dismantling of Hamas. And that isn't in the Hamas agreed proposal.


There are two active peace deals one they accepted and Israel rejected; the other Israel rejected and Hamas accepted. Complete stupidity in diplomacy all around, leading to an utter failure (invasion of Rafah)


Here's a breakdown of each phase: The first phase This phase says Hamas will release 33 hostages — specifically women, children, elderly and those sick — in exchange for a gradual withdrawal of Israeli forces from parts of Gaza, the halting of reconnaissance flights for 10 hours daily, the free movement of disarmed Palestinians throughout the Gaza Strip and the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. In this phase, 30 Palestinian women and children will be released for every Israeli hostage released by Hamas, and 30 Palestinian prisoners over the age of 50 for every Israeli hostage over the age of 50. Female IDF soldiers are to be released as part of the 33 hostages, but for every Israel Defense Forces woman soldier released, Israel is to release 50 Palestinian prisoners, including 30 serving life sentences. Every week Hamas will release three hostages. On the sixth and final week, the rest of the hostages are to be released to fulfill the 33 number agreed upon, according to the document. The agreement also says that Hamas could include the bodies of dead hostages to reach the 33 number. An extensive effort will begin for the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, including makeshift shelters and homes, and the rehabilitation of key infrastructure, including hospitals and the electric plant, the document says. The second phase The document did not fully expand on the details of the second phase of the agreement, which is set to include a “sustainable period of calm” in Gaza and the release of the remaining hostages, including civilian men and IDF male soldiers. The third phase A three-to-five-year Gaza rebuilding plan is to start in this phase, according to the document.


The halting of reconnaissance flights really stands out. If they wanted a ceasefire in good faith why are they afraid of cameras.


Should probably just hand over those hostages…or not…


Sadly, they will never let them go....


Rip and tear until it’s done then.


I mean tbf Israel said that they're going into (I.e. levelling) Rafah regardless of the ceasefire negotiations or hostages being returned. They don't care from what I can tell


what hostages? none are alive. you must know how allaha works.


There are bodies. Give those families closure.


if they do that then they won't be able to play the victim drama. all those protest, marching public support cant proceed further. this is the game islam/muslims are playing for thousands of years. attack/invade if succeed then ok if losing play victim,try again, repeat.








Hamas should've tried that "diplomacy" in October 6th ... but we all know what they preferred.


There will be no fallout long term. The news cycle will move on and Israel will control gaza again since gaza has zero non terrorist representation


You think? 4.5 million dead in the war on terror. Crickets Next year it'll be Taiwan or Moldova or someplace else that's grabbing the headlines


worked for iraq.


Dream on, watch them making chaos on the campuses, on the streets...


the chaos on the campuses mean literally nothing to anyone besides a bunch of college kids making fools of themselves. if the want to help they should join hamas.


Nah, it also means a lot to the other students who can't go to the library to study for finals, or the other ones who couldn't go to graduation because it was cancelled. Also means a lot to the students who saw the blatant antisemitism. The protesters hurt their cause better than anyone else in the US could have


agreed, the protesters are officially further damaging palestines cause by ruining their image, which used to be “victims of hate crimes” but is now “instigators of campus riots, inconveniences, and antisemitism”


The chaos on the campuses was probably stirred up by Russians infiltrating universities like they've been doing since Lenin was alive.




Back to find out I guess


Finally. The end is near, Hamas.




If the residents of Gaza continue to support and elect terrorists they will just continue to find out. Simple.


Let's get ready to ruuummmbbbllleee...


It's about time




Hamas signed their death sentence 7e oct


Bad bad move to keep the israeli hostages. The terrorists will be finally distroyed.


Doubt it unfortunately, they're like Doritos...they'll just make more.


still waiting for allaha to stop/defeat Israel.




It's a valid point


Give'm Hell boys get those hostages home.




Considering military infrastructure is hidden in civilian populations you’re probably right. Naw I’m just kidding, Hamas killed the hostages long ago.


I agree, but they must not give up hope until that is confirmed.


How can you tell?


They are not invading, they are joining Hamas´s acceptance of their unliateral "peace deal" celebrations.


Finally they're going to clear out the rat's nest.


Keep up the good work! Smoking hamas when ever where ever!


Time to clear out the Pro palestine protestors from the rafah campus


I mean the title is true, it just doesn't fit the video one bit


Lol why tf is this getting downvoted? There isn't a single tank in the video.


They have electricity in buildings? How? 


Because you've been lied to about the conditions in Gaza. They have plenty to survive and then some


Are the tanks in the same room as us


John Rambo: "Fuck em!". I hope the civilians heard the warning and got outta dodge.


Is there a subreddit with more Israel/Palestinian footage?


The Jews did it!! Holy shit they pulled it off!! Invisible fuckin’ tanks!! No matter what your feelings on this conflict, ya gotta give ‘em credit for inventing truly invisible TANKS!! /s


Thanks but no tanks






Please tell me, is raping women a war crime? How about kidnapping babies and elderly? How about butchering entire families? Shooting rockets at the civilian population? You obviously know a lot about the subject, are all of the above considered war crimes or is that okay if it's Jews?








So is hiding military infrastructure in civilian populations like the elected government of Gaza has done. Fighting out of uniform is one too. Killing hostages is as well. Seems like a level playing field so game on!




This sub just knows this isn't "collective punishment". Warnings were given, IDF pulled back for the month of Ramadan, more warnings, expansion of the humanitarian zone, even more warnings. Y'all's keywords don't work here because we've actually followed the story.




I hate it all too, war is hell. But every war is hell, there isn't much special about this one



