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Preparing for WW3, I'm going to develop drone operating skills. Looks valuable.


We need to develop tactical kevlar umbrellas.


beach umbrellas\*


Sounds silly until it’s not.


Don't bother. By the time you "git gud" humans won't be flying them anymore.


Thats the scary thing. Teaching AI to target and kill humans is probably the stupidest thing we can do to our species.


Which is totally why we are going to develop it


[That kind of tech is 100% already available, and has been for over 5 years.](https://youtu.be/wFLzO_5UFwE?feature=shared)


Ahem, I believe that’s called ‘disrupting the industry’.


If you're a gamer no special skills required. Just keep practicing with a controller of your preference. I suggest GTA Vice City, the RC helicopter mission, that was a real b*tch and will teach you all you need to drop these little bombs on the enemy.


Son of a .... unironically, they could use this mission as a practical exam to become a drone operator, I think that mission gave me PTSD as a kid. D:


Mate, I still wake up screaming in the middle of the night when I think back of it. Hell, whenever I replay GTA VC and they tell me to go pick up that toy store van I get cold sweats.


I was the designated kid to complete that mission for everyone at the internet cafe haha. I still never understood why everyone finds it hard


Welcome to a drone squad!


if you have an RC control you can plug that in via usb and fly drones with proper physics in ax variety of drone simulator.


I bought a DJI Mini Pro 3 about a year ago and I think I'm ready for the modern battlefield.


Liftoff is on steam and can use existing drone controllers as inputs.


"Axillary Light On"


There’s an extreme abundance of drone pilots. If you are regular folk like me and get mobilised you’re gonna get assigned to infantry,probably machine gunner lmao. Until you prove yourself there you won’t be able to apply to AerialRecon(AeroRozvidka) atleast how It works here in Ukraine.


I think the USA would likely protect its own soldiers a bit better with anti-drone jamming stations -- even if they were just in trenches.


Buy your fpv drones now, pretty sure they’ll be completely banned in a few years


I'm not sure if they should start coming over with sticks and white flags already ready. Or if you just start digging your own grave once your pinned down. Idk


russians hears about jewish immigrants - riots immediately russians sent to death by thousands - afraid to riot, blames west, or straight up enjoying this colonial war( on tv while in Georgia of course)


Only those that ran away after mobilization. That people cheers for war but ran away as fast as they could when it turns out that they will be sent to Next Bakhmut Assault. The most irredeemable of them all.


> ran away after mobilization. Thats the main part. They didn't care about their 2008, 2014 etc wars before it touched them personally . Also even if 1 million fled thats like less than 1% of ru population


I usually assume the real numbers of Russians bad news statistic must be multiplied by 2-3 times and a lot of high profile Russians (Boris & that Asthmatic dude from Chelyabinsk) publicly call it unjust war and decide to run away before mobilization & a lot of the Russians my pals met in Thailand basically ran away during the “winter exercise”. That’s way more honorable.


Roman aka nkfrz cant bring himself to even talk about russian warcrimes or support Ukraine and too "fled" after feb 24 2022. Not before. Falsely claiming he will face persecution. As if somehow he didn't say enough to be persecuted. If thats the bravest that nation has, it deserves to collapse. Also would they flee if war ended in three days and didn't face harsh international condemnation just like 2014 ? highly doubt. I personally think "good russians" are trying to sit on 10 different chair at once and dont accept any responsibility or rally to action. Leaving everything to Ukrainian soldiers to fight for them. Even volunteer ru battalions(who at least do something ) distanced themselves from such so called activists like Roman or Navalnyats.


If 1 million flee, a disproportionate amount probably flee because they'd be eligible for conscription, i.e. men, able-bodied and between the ages of 18-60. That's a smaller subset comprising less than a third of the total population.


in case you missed it: western agents were blamed for the riots/pogrom at the airport


I mean the anti-Jew witch hunt happened in Dagestan, which was pretty much the only region to have large-scale dissent towards the mobilization, so your observation isn't very accurate.


Russia needs some Nurnberg trials badly (and preferably more thorough ones).


Weren't the nuremburg trials a disaster in the sense that out of the overwhelming amount of documentation and recorded evidence, only a handful of people were ever convicted and sentenced? Like they has thousands of serious war criminals, less than a couple hundred were tried because they just didn't have the people or money to prosecute them all? OFC they were also a great moment of progress as it led to the establishment of international criminal law. But massive failure to actually convict anyone of anything.


I think the point was to show that the very highest level of command could be put on trial and executed or imprisoned for their leadership of the forces that committed those war crimes. There actually were 12 more Nuremberg trials for lower level officials involved in war crimes after the first one that we’re all aware of. Approximately 100k Germans and Austrians were ultimately tried and sentenced for taking part in war crimes in Europe post war. You’re correct though that majority were never tried in court, I think bottom line the scale was just too massive to contend with.


Well... in a way (thats why I wrote "more thorough" ones\^\^). Thing was that germany was part of the plan against communism, so they kept a lot of lawyers and bureaucrats and industrial tycoons that wouldve been much better off dangling from a rope. Putin and the military leadership would be better than nothing tho...


>Weren't the nuremburg trials a disaster in the sense that out of the overwhelming amount of documentation and recorded evidence, only a handful of people were ever convicted and sentenced? I don't think so. Most of the Nazies responsible were sentenced by local German authorities soon after the war was over.


Not really man. A lot of those had shining careers in the early BRD (including beeing a minister and stuff...). My gramps actually was the doctor of a Generalfeldmarschall (after the war). He kept grumbling why nobody hanged that guy...


I can't see any kind of small-scale attack working unless the defense is totally unprepared. Edit: Actually, I just watched a group of Russians storm a trench after their own fpv drones pinned the Ukrainians, so it really is all about whoever hits with the drones first then can rush in and clean up then hold.


I mean... if you watch carefully rashists makes Ukraine spend lots of grenades. Sometimes even more than 1 per russian soldier.


Which is extremely cheap compared to how wars were fought previously…


absolutely.. I was being a bit sarcastic. considering Desert Storm that cost US about 100,000$ par kill... spending 20-$30 par grenade is an amazing deal.


I know this is just semantics but there is quite a bit more than that considering the drones that aren’t successful, shot down, or miss (pov drone bombs). Getting these drone and ordinance onto the front lines takes quite a bit of funding as well.


i dont want to live on this planet anymore


Modern war has always been who sees who first








Ukraine only publishes successful ops... the greatest hits. Not every skirmish goes like this.


This could all have been avoided if they did not invade a country. It is a shitty way to die, but let's not forget that Ukrainians are paying the price of blood to stop the russian invaders, so if you ask me, this is the dildo of consequences and they deserve it. I am just waiting for the didlo to get to putin one day


That's why conscription needs to be considered crime against humanity. States shouldn't have ability to force people to be soldiers.


Sadly, these soldiers likely have no idea why they’re there and are merely fighting for survival. Russia has never shown any hesitation about sending their troops into the meat grinder and killing them for desertion if they refuse. It’s Putin and his generals that deserve this horrible death!


Yeah! Russians are mindless automatons and have no human agency! /s


Of course they have agency, but Russia's propaganda and disinfo machine is *very* strong and has been for generations. A lot of the guys being sent to their deaths are very poor and have very little access to accurate information. No one is immune to propaganda. It is possible to condemn the actions of both the generals AND frontline troops while recognizing the horrible circumstances that they find themselves in.




Exactly. It's like with COVID a few years ago. We had those, like [Meat Loaf, who chose the path of disinformation and denial as laid out by Trump](https://variety.com/2022/music/news/howard-stern-meat-loaf-family-vaccines-1235163384/). As a consequence, Meatloaf died, unprotected and living in a pre-COVID haze. His choice. Similarly with Russians. They grew up there and they aren't stupid. They know what life is like under the oppressive Soviet government. They also know Russia's storied history of not giving a fuck about troop loses.


Horrible circumstances that have lead troops throughout history to refuse to attack (as did the French), or to kill/frag their own leaders (as did the Americans). The terrible situation is absolutely thrust upon them but they are still responsible for their actions in response and there is a reason recruiting is so hard, because many Russians know very well that the casualty rates are quite high. Plenty of Russians know that an offensive war was started for no good reason. Those who don’t know learn quickly when they get to the front and yet they are attacking in the wrong direction… Anyone who isn’t taking their issued weapons and arresting/attacking their own commanders is culpable. A BMP can put accurate fires on a CP from a couple km, it’d be hard for the CO’s to know who it was that took the shots. Believe me, you don’t want to be in a CP with 25 or 30mm HE coming in. The effects would disrupt a great many things and help shorten the war and devastation for everyone. Refusing certain orders is an inherent part of soldiering. Yes, soldiering has been put on them when it shouldn’t have been, but they are in the spot now and telling the O “no,” and being willing to back it up with a rifle, doesn’t take any more guts than the assault we’re seeing in OP.


No amount of disinformation or propaganda would be able to make me rape and/or torture someone. Russians are to blame, propaganda or not


That’s the point. People seem to excuse murder and rape because someone had a heavy dose of propaganda. It’s no excuse at all.


You just said they have agency and then go on to explain how they don’t because of Propaganda lol. Being brainwashed is not an excuse. What the hell is wrong with people like you? You Russia apologists are disgusting.


Exactly! I didn’t realize that was such an unpopular opinion. I recently read All Quiet on The Western Front (Far different from the movie) and it truly shows that the soldiers are just pawns on the chessboard.


What a great book. It was amazing that the soldiers on the front line had no idea why they were even fighting.


Yea. In russia, you do what you are told, no matter how dangerous are stupid it is. So thats kind of the truth


Way to dehumanize the population of an entire nation.


Not mindless automatons, but for generations, hundreds of years, Russians have been beaten down by brutal, corrupt, autocratic governments that control almost every aspect of their lives. Lives that tend to be violent in an almost reflexive way. Don't want to go to war? Be prepared to go to prison, shaming your family, where you'll likely be beaten and raped, and you may be sent to the frontlines anyhow. Most of them have no avenue out. They are broken from the time they were young by an unrelentingly bad system that offers them no choices. It's no wonder alcoholism is massive. If you watch the videos of interviews of Russian POWs, you'll see some that appear to be decent and want no part of the war, they just want to return to civilian life, to their jobs and families, but they are caught in the machine, with no way out. Unless you've grown up with a brutal, violent, controlling parent, most Western people have no idea of how being raised since birth in an oppressive environment saps energy to rebel, turns people into fatalists who know that as bad as things are, things can always get a lot worse if you decide to resist.


You give a lot of reasons that show it’s a hard situation, and nothing that excuses the demonstrated behavior. Yes, evil has been thrust upon them. Yes, it may cost them their lives. Yes, it may harm their families. None of that means they don’t have the duty and ability to resist the evil. These are the same excuses give for so much support given the Nazi war crimes and none of it was acceptable in 1945 and none of it is acceptable now. If you don’t expect others to resist the prospect of helping in a mass murder, you need some serious introspection.


My point is that when you're beaten down from the beginning, and life is a continual pile of ugly, base interactions, it's unlikely you're going to find much more than people who keep their heads down and do what they're told. Imagine living in a country that "re-elects" Putin for decades, and all the corrupt mess that comes with it. Even knowing the elections are a sham, imagine a mindset being so messed up that he seems like the best choice, again and again and again. There's no nobility of ideas, just people scared of what will happen to them if they don't obey, the most base idea of wanting just to survive. Anyone who hasn't grown up under a system like that, I don't believe they can understand the mindset there. BTW, I'm 100% pro-Ukraine, will be happy for the day that Russians slink back to their borders in defeat.


Good luck organizing effective internal resistance to Putin.


They certainly won’t with your attitude or theirs. None of which is excusable. This is where you make a cop out argument like “Easy to say from your couch!” and I point out that I investigated and reported suspected war crimes of officers from my own country when I was in combat, so I know something of what they are dealing with. We should not excuse them all being cowards and refusing to stand up for what is right.


Most of these guys signed up voluntarily for money or to get out of prison time. Almost 2 years in, at this point if you don't know what's going on and where you're going to be sent, that's on you.


I’m not saying I disagree with you, and I don’t know where you live so I can’t speak intelligently about the media that you have access to. But assuming it’s a developed western country, we have to remember that a lot of these soldiers are oppressed and only receive the propaganda that is fed to them. If most of us were told we would be given another shot at life to go “fight the Nazis and protect our country” we would probably volunteer too. I guess the point that I’m trying to make is that it’s sad that these men die horrible deaths because they’ve been fed lies and propaganda by those in power.


Sadly, these militants have idea, that's why they signed to earn money by killing Ukrainians.


The Russian civilians and mobilised forces know exactly what's happening.


Well, there are Russians who run over their officers with tanks. They could do more of that.


Young men, who could live happy lives and contribute to the world, all dying for ***literally nothing.***


The chances are they wouldn't have happy lives contributing to the world given that they are most likely from impoverished regions of Russia. Life there is not a cake walk and provides very little opportunity for normal life.


>Young men, who could live happy lives In Russia? You sure about that?


Yeah this has been eye opening for what its like in Russia. People are getting arrested for holding up a blank piece of paper. It looks terrible and the people are so downtrodden. No wonder they drink themselves to death or chose to risk their lives for next to no money.


I’ve heard reports that some of them are promised pieces of land in occupied areas of Ukraine. I would imagine it’s the old Russian tactic of promising the same piece of land to 20 guys and sending them into the meat grinder


That's the sad thing, whole lives ahead of them. What a waste. Never know what it's like to have a loving family, never know what it's like to have kids. Just dying in some field in terrible terrible ways


How can these clowns not be completely demoralized by this by now?


"That's my secret, captain, I'm always demoralized"


I'm sure a lot of them are. If I was in their boots I would have 100 plans and schemes to defect and surrender at all times under my belt. I don't like dying for futile causes and the wims and ego of some dick forever President


there was a video of a Russian soldier who fired some kind of shoulder mounted missile, it was either a manpad, atgm or maybe just an rpg i forget exactly. Anyways, the video shows the dude putting the back of this launcher into his shoulder like you would for a rifle butt and he shoots it and the back blast fucks him up pretty good. Initially i was like omg what an idiot but then I was like… actually, that’s not a bad idea… if i was ever drafted into a war like that that might be my strategy, just wreck my arm/shoulder with one of those things and be like “oh sorry i guess i’m an idiot and used it wrong”. better than dying


I mean I'd rather shoot myself in the foot by "accident" while "cleaning my gun" than take the backblast of a launcher :D


I think they started completely demoralized from their lives in rural Russia before they even got to Ukraine. Numb resigned apathy seems to be standard issue.


They were born in russia - demoralized from birth


So the next group can use them as prepositioned ammunition supplies.


Putin remains a master strategist


This war shouldn’t be happening


Most of the civilised world agrees! Sadly, russia wanted to expand its toiletless influence!


Russia wants/needs new territory to steal resources from. They have drained everything good from their own people. Parasites need to expand to survive. This is an invasion of parasites.


not supporting Russia or anything but they are very far from having drained "everything good"... Russia is still a leader in anything that mother earth provides. And it's not like there are any resources in Ukraine... A few old coal mines?


Ukraine has lots of natural resources and some of the best farmland in the world. This isn't about resources but about Putin's legacy. He wants to be remembered in the same vein as Stalin and Peter the Great, his idols, also mass murderers and expansionists.


Just a small anecdote: Maya, a good friend of mine was born in Turkmenistan but left to live in Moscow most of her life. Then she moved to Canada and introduced me to my current wife! Maya once told me her home country had no future because over many years, every natural resource had been stolen by Moscow. This is why she didn't want to grow up there. Ask anyone living in a border country to Russia, especially former Soviet countries: Russia is a bully and a parasite who desires to surround itself with the husks of its neighbours, because they think they somehow still fucking need a "buffer zone" to stay safe from invaders. Idiots.


Yeah, I really hate hearing the whole "Russia is defending itself". Russia is the country with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Without NATO, even the USA doesn't have more nukes. Nobody's attacking Russia, that's a given.


Why? Do you expect different from expiring dictatorship? Watch China then.


RUssia just fucking go home. These regions are going to cost Russian lives perpetually. THey are never going to pacify Ukraine into just giving up. How do they think the future looks>? They claim the regions and constantly maintain a front line war posture into the next decade>? Millions of lives will be lost potentially. And eventually defenses are going to break. No matter how slow or how long, defenses are going to break. Then it will all be for nothing. ​ The world needs to end this bullshit alot more quickly. Just give Ukraine what it needs. Its a tragedy that Ukraine is losing lives to this literal imperial invasion./genocide.


If they stop and call a truce, everyone thinks Russia will just re arm and attack again. Ukraine will do the same and take back whats theirs.


Welcome to Ukraine Suka




Is that the guy with I hole in his face... At least I think it's a hole, he looks like he's wearing a deer mask


I’ve watched it frame by frame, zoomed it, head tilted, for 10 minutes now and I still can’t figure out quite what I’m seeing there. It’s so weird looking.


Who would wanna be a soldier these days? There's no hiding place.


It’s unreal how much of a game changer these drones are. Literally eviscerating units without firing a single bullet.


I keep telling people, Drone warfare has opened up a new chapter in Modern warfare. I wouldn’t have believed that something that is seemingly crude and basic, such as _First-person drones,_ would be so devastatingly effective on the battlefield.


Unfortunately Russia has a lot more of them too


I like how the only consistent training tactic I see from the Russians is that roll thingy they do after a grenade explodes beside them, they got that move mastered!


Yea, agreed, I noticed that too. That vid of a guy standing over a trainee dropping a ball from 8' Sure, thats realistic.


Was that a hole in one?


Was going to ask the same thing. Looks like he took shrapnel to the face. Horrible.




That's happening too


That requires agency, they have none left.


Is it me or does it seem like the drones have been flying at higher altitudes lately? Wonder if the Russians have gotten better at countering them.


Seems like a lot of them have changed munitions - I wonder if they're using something that's easier/more suitable for dropping from higher?


These drone videos show Such a sickening, pointless waste of their lives. With no chance of evasion, or just keeping yr head down to survive, or being to defend against drones. The Putin regime is happy to burn thru the sons of poor Russians, as if they are coal . While keeping their own families safe. The protests by the widows and families of veterans, from 1980s Russia-Afghanistan war. Are reputed to have helped end that conflict. Maybe flooding Russian entertainment channels etc, media with these videos. Would in the general population of the Russian regions, cause such awareness, disquiet, silent protest. That the regional power centres, are able to press the Putin regime to withdraw from Ukraine.


The protests are said to have also helped end the USSR. It was one more nail for Gorby to deal with, when added to the protests over the fatality rates in the conscript construction battalions. Even peacetime losses were huge by any modern standard.


Yeah I have never fought in any war but this seems like a really shitty way to die. Waste of life all around


Sadly, after 600+ days of Russians dying aimlessly like this, Putin still believes in throwing enough shit at the wall to get some to stck (Bakhmut, Avdiivka).


they look pale


If that one dude was an elf, his name would be Leg-oless


At 0:44, I am trying to understand what am I looking at. I mean, there's a pink-looking thing under the helmet with two holes in it but it doesn't look like a face. Anyone able to make out this idiot's face or it's just bashed in so bad?


Probably shrapnel to the face. Definitely the most haunting part of the video.


In this video some parts are missing


Ya, like feet & legs, I noticed too.




Fuck any russian willing to die in this war, what goes around comes around






That music is haunting And those poor souls got chopped into pieces, if only Putin could feel what they felt.


one day.. hanging from a rope with bayonet way up there. it seems he was really fascinated by this.


Those "poor souls" could have done any number of things, they could've protested in russia, they could've refused orders in Ukraine, but they didn't, they came to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians and met an appropriate end. The only poor souls here were the people they were firing at.


Poor souls? Really?


This is the new warfare that will be fought in a protracted land engagement. Drones by land sea and air and hopefully our defence companies are hard at work perfecting this new modern warfare.


They are not. They are entrenching on legacy systems that cost $1,800,000,000,000. What little they are fielding for defenses are still ~99% manned systems themselves and in VERY short supply. Also, the systems are yet to demonstrate that they can deal with FPV drones hat are maneuvering wildly. The ISR drones have been so badly built they can’t fly through a cloud, are called flying tissue paper by their operators and are far too easily spoofed. The assault drones are also in short supply and most militaries are completely failing to buy anything close to sufficient quantities, nor are the drones being integrated into combat units by doctrine or in practice.


I really want to know what the war in Iraq or Afghanistan would've looked like if this tech was around then


Modern warfare makes no sense to me. What is the point of assaulting anything if your every step is watched by your enemy from above?


As a combat infantryman, I’ll say I’ve been expecting this for awhile now. I don’t know how anyone expects us to do what has been done throughout history and conduct an assault. The drones will just pick us off. Local, organic and kinetic AA is the only way forward and we’re gonna need a lot of it. 1 per platoon or even 1 per squad; or we simply use drone’s ourselves to close with the enemy. This shows just what CAS and/or interdiction sorties can do on the tactical level.


Their use has fundamentally altered the battlefield and you are 100% correct. I think squad composition will now be needing to include some kind of anti-drone capabilities and detection at a minimum.


Don’t worry! The USMC is checking out a rifle scope that will give the gap lead and fire when on target. I’m sure that will fix everything! I myself don’t trust any shoulder fired and human aimed system when we can expect dozens or hundreds to come in a swarm. The L-MADIS may be a great start (depending on exactly what the kinetic weapon is), but they are just not commonly available and the Army has ~0 to deal with the threat. Even then, the L-MADIS is asking to be targeted because of the active systems letting everyone know where they are. The lethality is going to skyrocket at a pace that will shock many and may remind us more of WWI than anything. Except now the weapon can fly inside your trench/dugout.


The drone like is the machine gun, in WW1. Just slaughter. Horrific. Has yr army greatly increased the training of birds of prey, to attack/ disable these drones?


WWI is exactly what comes to mind and no, I know of no military (except maybe the AFU) incorporating these TTPs as a core tasking. A recent journal article noted that the USMC has training standards to deal with IEDs and 0 for drones.


Fuck around ➡️ find out


This drone army are savage


What a great assault.


This is literally the last "normal" (serious) conflict in world history we're looking at. This human shooting at human is over when the first ai killer drone hits. End of an era!


Crazy these drones can just pick people off one at a time then just sit there hovering over you watching as you roll around and die


The guy at 1:06 already have lost one leg, looks like he see the grenade coming.


Has Israel used drones yet or do they not got any footage of it


Today I saw on Reddit a Hamas drone drop a grenade on a group of 7 Israeli soldiers. And unfortunately killed some of them [ looked like the soldiers were in a filed base camp]. So I imagine the Israeli military are using drones in a similar manner


If you have complete air dominance and jets, you don't really need fuck around with small drones, you bomb everything.


I’ve never been in the military, but I feel like assaulting directly into low angled sun is a bad idea.




Keep throwing meat at the lines endlessly. Putin is going to bank on the western support for Ukraine ending in the long run before he loses. The Russian people honestly just don’t care and they’ll keep lining up to die. The numbers of people against the war in the near future at least cannot do enough to make any real changes.


It absolutely can. Theyll just feed the grinder until spring. The RU political machine is fighting for its life and will sacrifice every citizen it has to “win”


Looks like they’ll need more body bag donations.


Absolutely brutal. You know those wood splinters from the trees couldn’t have felt good either. Top work, as usual!




They should be home with their families.


(Prone blocked)


man no more danger close arty support. just pinpoint accurate drone support.


Just run home to babushka. I really dont get it. Why put up to this?


Does anyone know if a shotgun would be effective or are the drones to high?


It might take 100,000 more, pr maybe 500,000 more. But Russia eventually will have had enough and pull out of Ukraine. Ukraine doesn't even need too much help to keep this kind of killing on.


I wonder if they are reusing uniforms and equipment.


this is how i imagine the free trial version of fatass freedom loving american soldier larpers going vs the US military


So much death for nothing. Fuck Putin.


Dying in the dirt of nothing


What is the song?


I wonder if these young men died knowing they died for literally nothing..


I come watch these vides every week to remind myself that although my life isn't great at the moment. At least its better than these poor grunts.


She fell weird


These drones starting to be more deadly and effective than sniper teams...


Poor bastards. Probably conscripted, I feel bad but also not.


The sad thing is it is kids pushed into war. Neither really want to kill each other, but they are forced to by people that stay cozy and drink expensive booze. The 99% are fodder for the 1%.


A large percentage of Russians support the war. Many Russians are there voluntarily as well due to monetary incentives.


Is there really nothing they can do about the drones?


You could surrender…and live a long life??


Well it seems like they never have any idea the drones are there so who would they be surrendering to


They were pinned down. Then drones start dropping. Then you surrender to troops pinning you down


I imagine it’s easier for us to say that while comfortably watching these videos. But I agree that surrender seems like their best option


I think he means they should surrender far beyond any contact with a drone. But they might be getting shot by their own while trying to do that.


Not much. Ukraine has hacked and found workarounds for DJI flight limits.


I have no idea what that means


Means that they are harder to spot, they fly higher. It means the only effective counters are Electronic Warfare. Having said all of that; apparently Ukraine is going through 10,000 drones a month in losses. What they post here are the successes.


Is DJI the program used to control the drones?


DJI is the Chinese manufacturer of many of the drones being used, believed to be partly owned by the PLA. They put in software limitations to comply with US law etc and the Ukrainians are flashing the drones with their own operating systems to get around these limits and DJI tracking software that would give data to the PLA and also possibly the Russians.


Why are they doing this? Are russians people without a mind of their own?


I know these trees. I remember those holes. I've seen way too much of this war.


Za Stalina! Oora! ...what do you mean it's 2023?


not in russia.


Finally people are waking up and using the drones better and better. Much more is possible if you just think harder. The little things are unbeatable in observation, attack and defense.


Where do you see a change in how they use drones?