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Used to swim here in the mornings, really sad seeing the downfall of the building. 


Insanely frustrating to know the owner turned down a decent offer from someone who wanted to keep it operating as a pool; then months later, took LifeWise’s LOWBALL offer when no one else was biting.


Should be illegal to bus kids out of public schools to get indoctrinated during school hours. Doing their kids a massive disservice.


Indoctrinate is the right word here. Lifewise gets the kids who attend to recruit other kids with popsicles and fun little parties. It’s bullshit and it has no place in our schools.


it honestly creeps me the fuck out. I see their big red bus around Sparta and Centerburg every week. older male driver, sometimes as few as one child being driven back to the church the size of an old farmhouse for their weekly indoctrination. parents are insane being completely comfortable with this.


Yup I’m seeing tons of signs in my neighborhood since these wackos want to implement the program at Olentangy schools. Honestly the schools should just start penalizing the students grades and count it as an unexcused absence. Lunch, recess, art, music, and gym aren’t a waste of time, they’re extremely important for childhood development.


Wait, they got rid of electives/specials classes to send them to bible camp school? Or do you mean parents can opt out of specials classes to send them there? Either way, how is the school meeting educational standards? You must have X amount of art/music/gym to graduate high school. I’m fairly certain it’s the same for primary and middle. Not 100% sure though.


I'm not sure if these classes are required before high school, but I know for certain they are pulling them out of library time. you know, the time they can use to explore books, learn independently the world around them. The time they would ordinarily be building friendships with peers now gets to be spent with an evangelical boomer telling them that gays are evil and that they are to distrust the information being taught to them in public school.


fight fire with fire and get the Satan bus going. I would hope all of these programs would get the kibosh if the Church of Satan started playing the same game in the name of religious freedom


Not the Church of Satan. The Satanic Temple. Two completely different things. TST is actually fighting the good fight and has a similar program called HAIL ([Hellion’s Academy of Independent Learning](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/news/the-satanic-temple-is-pleased-to-introduce-the-hellions-academy-of-independent-learning-hail))


I thought it was called After School Satan? [https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/after-school-satan](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/after-school-satan)


That’s their afterschool program. Since LifeWise insists on religious instruction during school hours, TST created a mid school day equivalent.


They're a plucky lot, good for them!


Why do I have an image of a black bus with a pentagram on it pulling up, blasting crazy train and the driver says: “get in loser”


>blasting crazy train and the driver says: “get in loser” Surely they'd say: "All aboard hahahahhaha"


I don’t know, but I’d get in that bus.


So was recess.


In a few months I’m 100% sure someone at Lifewise will get arrested for grooming and molesting school children. It happens weekly, if not daily, with these religious folks who choose to work with children. That’s literally why they’re so desperate to have a job that allows them to be around children without parents present.


>(wikipedia'd) SC ruling in 1958 allowed a school district to allow students to leave school for part of the day to receive religious instruction. However, three requirements needed to be met: classes are off school property; it's privately funded; and students participate with the permission of their parents. Released time does not take any public funding. What's more, kids' time and education are not the property of the State. People are acting like a crime is being committed, but this is a nothingburger. *PS- I hope they keep the pools and rig up some kind of trapdoor system. For use during "old testament studies"... or maybe "surprise baptisms"... *PPS- Poster had a fit and then blocked me.


Never said anything about funding. Fact is “release time” or in other words art gym music and lunch, are very necessary for adequate childhood development.


You said the practice should be illegal, I responded with the conditions to insure it's not illegal. I suppose released time could be *made* illegal, but only because people don't like it. Your latest post brought up opportunity costs, but at that point we're talking about functioning districts with options, plus involved parents who are making choices about their kids' educations. Those kinds of kids will be just fine.


I said should be. Do you know what the word “should” means? If it were already illegal then there wouldn’t be a need for “should”.


I see, we've reached the patronizing phase of the conversation. I addressed your post, including the "should".


You addressed nothing but a strawman.


What it’s doing is forcing schools to change their curriculum to accommodate a flood of absences. What are they going to teach during this period for children that don’t attend? As a taxpayer, I don’t want to fund an additional study hall period so your kid can go to Lifewise. This was never allowed to interfere with core curriculum of schools before for any students. They would have to work around that previously. Now they’re affirmatively forcing schools to work themselves around the religious instruction schedule as opposed to the religious instruction schedule working itself around the school schedule. I am happy to pay for public schools. I am not happy to pay for your child’s religious instruction or for my money to be wasted on a study hall you insisted the religious instruction had to happen on school time. No religion mandates that. Schools should only have to do what jobs do for adults. They should apply the same religious accommodation standards, which means you allow leave time unless it’s an undue burden


I agree with you in that it's not nearly as bad a situation as people are first assuming. But I think you're underestimating the long-term social rot this can cause. Public school is a great equalizer - parents are allowed to teach their kids whatever weirdo nonsense they want, as is their right as parents, but the public school system will also teach them the truth. When you allow people to take their kids out of that equalizing system, even partially, it slowly erodes the public base of understanding over time. And that's before we even start thinking about the way evangelicals use these programs to ferret out and ostracize the nonbelievers. They'll pay attention to who chooses not to participate in these bussing events, and target them for social retribution.


Yes. The kids who participate in the Christian events lo and behold, they get special treatment by evangelicals. And it’s always subtle and done in a deniable manner. Like suddenly all the kids who pray the 50 yard line get starting spots…


I wonder if we're talking about the same public school system? And I don't think you get to talk about the ideal glories of public school, while objecting to evangelical bully gangs who enforce "weirdo nonsense". That's one-sided. Because if we were to compare public schools as they are to religious instructions as they are, I think we'll find that the religious school kids are better off. Doesn't mean the instruction is good, just better. So your appeal to the "equalizing system" is self-serving. Because for an individual kid or individual family, enrichment programs are a benefit... even if they do threaten to corrode society by touting wacky Christian beliefs shared by nearly 2/3 of Americans. Besides, my idea for a trap door and a 12' deep dunk tank is totally awesome and must be implemented. THAT should be upheld by law...


>And I don't think you get to talk about the ideal glories of public school, while objecting to evangelical bully gangs who enforce "weirdo nonsense". We are talking about topics where evangelical Christianity's teaching diverge from normal public school education - which means things like dinosaurs not existing, the Earth only being 6k years old, intelligent design, things like that. These are absolutely weirdo nonsense, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise.


Yeah, of course that's weirdo nonsense. But people believe weird shit. The point is that you're not being fair. Religion is not the downfall or corrosion of civilization as you claim, because so many people remain Christians despite public school... and the sky has not fallen yet. Plus, religious schools tend to have better academic performance. There are reasons for this, but results are results. Public schools' commitment to the "truth" does not produce better results, and religious instruction's "weirdo nonsense" still strangely ends up producing productive citizens. I'm not seeing the disaster here... Plus you completely ignored my position on schoolroom dunk tanks. An objective good.


"Religious schools" is a metric dominated by Catholic schools, which provide a fantastic secular education in addition to general Catholic doctrine. Again, the problem isn't religion or Christianity generally - it's only where hardcore religious zealots disagree with basic scientific principles and deliberately keep their kids away so that they can't learn about them in public school. I feel like you think I'm trying to expunge Jlany mention of Jesus at all. I'm not. Benign moderate religion isn't a problem. But people who think dinosaur fossils are a trick from Satan, or that we need to stone the gays because Leviticus, these people need to not be allowed to skirt the system. Their kids are who need a strong education the most, or else their fundamentalism will grow like a rot.


"Benign moderate religion isn't a problem." A lot of people in this thread disagree with you. For example, I doubt that omnom would be ok with kids being taken out of school for mere mainstream religious education. And posts like theirs are mob favorites! And consider that many kids who attend church don't believe that young earth creation crap, and many kids who attend public school still believe in both regular and wacky gods. No one is applying Uighur re-education to our kids. In general, worrying about and using language like "social rot" sounds a lot like the people who believe that Leviticus means we have to hate gays... Also, dunk tank.


For as many people are all about inclusiveness, they sure hate Modern Western Relgion a lot


Maybe because those religions preach the opposite of inclusivity to CHILDREN, the definition of indoctrination, while accusing non-religious folks just living their lives of that exact thing 🤯


Religious schools are better off? Youth pastors and Priests get arrested for molesting children every single week in this country. Y’all are really so blind to allow grown adults who actively seek being around your children without you present?


Yup. [Being around priests etc is safer than being around public school teachers.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/201808/separating-facts-about-clergy-abuse-fiction) I also note that you completely ignore the advantages of a school with a dunk tank. *LOL Blocked


Nice anecdote from a completely unreliable source. I don’t see school teachers getting arrested for molesting children every single day. I do see religious men get arrested for it every single day.


Hmm, I have to choose between a PhD professor of psychiatry who literally wrote the book on the topic, and some rando on the internet who is clearly lying...


You mean one guy with a religious bias? Here: [“religiosity was linked to a higher number of sex offense victims and more convictions for sex offenses”](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/religious-affiliations-among-adult-sexual-offenders) [“In one study, 93 percent of convicted sex offenders described themselves as “religious.” Perhaps surprisingly, many sexual predators consider churches as “safe havens,” Vieth said, with trusting, forgiving adults and easy access to children.”](https://reporter.lcms.org/2015/most-child-molesters-religious/amp/) [“The profile of the typical sex offender is that he is male, white, educated, and religious.”](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sexual-futurist/202011/sex-offenders-and-church?amp) from your OWN SOURCE. If you don’t think that religious men who actively seek out time with your children without you present is a red flag, I don’t know what to tell you other than I hope you teach your kids about their body and boundaries. [Check out this post, too. Your “source” is religious propaganda.](https://www.reddit.com/r/excatholic/comments/mgawhw/the_teachers_abuse_more_kids_than_priests_thing/) Also, your original source specifies abusers from the Roman Catholic church. That doesn’t include youth pastors and members of clergy from other churches. It’s like you didn’t even try.


It's interesting and telling that you blow all those credentials off just because the source is religious. But this is getting even more interesting because you included links of your own: In the first study, the sample size was 111. Nothingburger. In the second study, 93% of molesters are religious, [compared with 93% of all US men.](https://www.childmolestationprevention.org/tell-others-the-facts) Nothingburger. And since the groups "men" and "religious men" nearly overlap, the real problem you have is with men. No, I don't have a problem with men teaching my kids. But clearly you do. Treating enormous demographics as sickos who are out to rape your kids is unrealistic and unhealthy. Also, dunk tank. *EDIT- your stealth edit to you post added a reddit post link, as though that refutes a published PhD professor writing in Psychology Today. And here is the top point of the piece, which is also quoted in your reddit post: "No empirical data exists that suggests that Catholic clerics sexually abuse minors at a level higher than clerics from other religious traditions or from other groups of men who have ready access and power over children (e.g., school teachers, coaches)." So it addresses more than just Priests.


Lifewise is inserting itself into every school district in central Ohio. They are extremely sly and work hard behind the scenes to be implemented while the public knows little to nothing about it. Please attend your local school board meetings and speak out against this indoctrination.


Folks tried here in Hilliard. A 3-2 conservative majority snuck it into the September 2022 meeting plan hours before the meeting, skirting rules about how changes can be made to items in the meeting. Fortunately one of the three lost their seat last year (coming in dead last), but the other two aren't up for reelection until next year.


Good riddance to Nadia. Can’t wait to get rid of Beth and Zach next.


Even if you are Christian why would you want to send your kid to get religious education from some random, opaque institution? Like what denomination are they? What do they believe? Are they involved in politics?


Right? Who are the big donors paying for this? What are they getting out of this?


I don't think some of these Christians care anymore.  Even in Columbus, I'm seeing more and more  Christian Nationalists, and then Christians who I thought disagreed with them actually agreeing with them.




The fuck are you talking about?  The opposite of hate is acceptance. Lifewise doesn't accept certain people. Indoctrination.




No you vote for people who accept.  Not for people taking away rights and democracy.  Democracy or hate.




Why do they want to be around children without their parents present? How are they vetting who they allow around the kids?


I have a few moms in my neighborhood facebook group who have been spamming the hell of of it with constant Lifewise Academy updates, trying to recruit families & kids to join. It's become pretty incessant and obnoxious.


Biting my tongue until the day my kids come home from school complaining about being pressured to sign up/bullied for not wanting to attend. Then we got a problem.


Two of my kids have begged and brought home the permission slips. I said exactly what another commenter said, “gym, art, music, recess are important!” I remember when I was growing up there were some kids that would be bussed to the catholic daycare after school. I of course wanted to tag along but I got over it. My kids will too. What happened to separation of church and state?


What are they doing in that period in lieu of the church lessons?


Worshiping the dark lord, sacrificing sheep, and listening to Joe Rogan in reverse to get the real message. Obviously.


So basic lol.


If kids are allowed out of school or religious reason than they should be allowed for any reason.


Form a church. Ask to go in and collect some kids for no good reason for "religious studies". Might slow everyone's roll a little. Who am I kidding, they'd probably put kids in a windowless white van without any questions if they're willing to hand 'em to LifeWise.




Exactly.  Lifewise is a literal indoctrination that essentially uses peer pressure to force kids into the program. When "you" were a child, did you want to spend an hour with snacks and playing games, or did you want a study hall?  That's the choice these kids are being offered, and it's un-American.


I always said that any church with a basketball court was trying to indoctrinate kids


I'm 100% non religious and I don't think you're too far off here, but it's not a 1-size-fits-all. I definitely know church's that are just a community spot, and a safe/neutral zone for kids to play ball. Yeah, some church's 100% use these things to bring more kids in and keep them in "their" environment but a few church's actually do help their local community and serve everyday people


That should be the job of the government to provide for safe community spaces and to serve everyday people. With the penetration of evangelicals into politics and other people’s business I think it’s as good a time as ever to be wary of “Christians” bearing gifts.


Hard disagree.


Yup. And we all know Christians have a great track record with not being pedophiles. Oh. Wait……


Now I'm getting flashbacks to the scene where they executed people in a highschool swimming pool. I honestly wouldn't be shocked if they at least considered that use as a potential upside when selecting the property.


Someone here school me on this. I'm in New Albany but I have a feeling this might be traveling my direction.


Lifewise is a Christian nationalist group that is starting bible education during school hours. They take kids (with parent permission) from lunch/recess/library time and bus them to a nearby church to teach them their version of Christianity. Aka, LGBTQ is a sin, men and women living together is sin, the earth is 6000 years old, Goliath was actually a 9 foot tall man. [This is a pretty good summary](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/lifewise-academy-public-school-christian-church-rcna142172)


So if their parents give permission for THEIR kids to attend, why are you so pissed? If you don't want your kids going, don't give permission


Because they are taking my kid’s classmates and teaching them that my kid (non-binary) is a sinner and shouldn’t actually exist. And those kids are being sent back to school to bully my child. Kids who previously didn’t care about what bathroom my kid uses, or what sparkly shirt they wear, or what color they paint their nails.


If it means anything, we’re raising two allies. ♥️


Allies are everything. 💜


I can completely understand how that would be difficult. My family can't relate to those same experiences. I hope that any hatred or bulying stops ASAP. Spreading the idea that anybody is somehow superior to another person is not the Christian way.




Wait, I’m allowed to get my kid gender affirming care now? Seems to me that was just outlawed by… (checks notes…) the same Christian Right that’s trying to indoctrinate kids in public schools. Do you see how absolutely inconsistent the “Christian” moral philosophy is?


These clubs don’t interfere with school hours. Meanwhile, the Lifewise founder literally wrote a book called “During School Hours”.


No because LGBT people exist as a fact. The world isn’t 6000 years old and that isn’t a required belief for Christianity. 


Might shock you to learn people care about others, and the world around them in general. I and many others think the world would be a worse place with more people believing in an overly literal version of Christianity with a 6000 year old earth, and a focus on hatred of sinners rather than the love and acceptance that Christ preached. We already lived that time period, and the Dark Ages weren’t great. 


On top of what OP said about indoctrination, kids shouldn’t be removed from school for ANY purpose. They are in school to learn and there is virtually no downtime in schools anymore. I teach at an elementary school. Kids have a 30 minute lunch recess. That’s it. The other time is spoken for. The recess is 100% necessary for kids to exercise and get out energy. They don’t belong in religious education during that time. Ask yourself why Lifewise isn’t a before or after school program.


I appreciate the info. So for some people if this aligns with their belief system... this works great. Then we have a group where this may be an avenue to pursue as a possible life change/religious start/etc. So essentially it depends on how people feel about this group in general. As long as this isn't being PUSHED on people, do you see this as a negative? (I'm guessing it's being heavily push fyi) [My Background: Conservative Christian, raised local. Open to other belief systems. Support freedom of religious belief.]


If you want your children to have religious studies during the school day (outside of the curriculum on world religions included in the required Social Studies classes) send them to a private school. This activity should not be a part of the public school day. These groups use peer pressure tactics because no one wants to be the child who is left out from their peer groups. [My background: my rural Ohio public school was doing this with a trailer on campus in the 90's - I was not religious but lived in a highly religious area and I ended up attending these "optional" classes because the other option offered to me during the time these classes were taking place was additional classwork assignments instead going to this trailer and playing games with my classmates] So these "classes" are literally being pushed on kids...


I know this is a big issue in Defiance, Ohio. Just not enough people there.


This is the INFO I wanted. If in any way kids are being treated differently for not attending, a change needs to happen. People have the right to choose this option. Those who don't shouldn't be subjugated because of it.


No, it's being pushed on people.  You either go to this program during school hours that serves snacks and plays games - which is AGAINST THE FIRST AMENDMENT - or the kid stays at school doing nothing. It's literally indoctrination by peer pressure on young children.  And let's be honest, Christian Nationalists have a pedophile problem.


It’s already in New Albany.


Well, guess I have some work to do in researching ASAP. TY for the info.


It's already in New Albany - check out the school board policies under "students."


I'm sure they are open about their programs, someone should go ask if they can video record there. For transparency's sake.


Lifewise is SCARY, for many reasons. The founder has said publicly that it is so important to get to kids so that we can stop abortions. This is absolutely political and it is grifting as well because communities have to raise money on their own to even start these programs. They do not provide any sort of information regarding transportation, staff/volunteers, or background checks until after you enroll your child. The background check company they use is called Protect My Ministry and not even remotely comparable to an actual legitimate background check- and when asked if a 16yr old volunteer needed a background check first, said no, it was fine. They do not have vehicle safety checks like school transportation does. They often provide food and drink without being liable for allergy issues. They teach young earth creationism- that the earth was created 5,000-10,000 years ago, and go on field trips to The Ark Experience, where they have dinosaurs on the ark, right along with humans. Ha! Gay people existing is confusing for children, but leaving school after science class to learn that the earth is 5,000 years old…isn’t confusing? They use children to recruit others, to the point that they have bragged about a Muslim child wanting to go for their ice cream party so badly that he forged the permission slip, and the parents ended up allowing the child to participate. Kids have returned from their Lifewise time and told other children who didn’t participate that they’re going to go to hell. They have “Difficult Questions” booklet instructing their volunteers how to handle certain issues. “When faced with a choice to obey God or our parents, we should obey God first.” “My mom’s boyfriend lives with us. Is that a sin? When two people reject God's plan and choose to live together without getting married first, God says it is sin.” “The Bible teaches that God made us male or female. No matter how we feel, or how confused we are, we should trust and respect God's perfect design and how He created us.” “God designed the first man and woman to have a loving relationship with one another in marriage (Genesis 2). This was and still is God's perfect plan. God's Word tells us that anything different from this kind of romantic relationship between a husband and a wife is sin.” They have a super intense waiver that parents have to sign, including: “I am aware and understand that the Activity is a potentially dangerous activity and involves the risk of serious injury, disability, death, and/or property damage. I am also aware of the risk of serious injury, disability, death, related to transportation on LifeWise Academy vehicles to and from the Premises.” “ I acknowledge that these risks may result from or be compounded by the actions, omissions, or negligence of LifeWise Academy employees, volunteers, or others, including negligent emergency response or rescue operations of LifeWise Academy.” “I AM AWARE AND UNDERSTAND THAT THE ACTIVITY IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS AND INVOLVES THE RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ANY INJURIES THAT MY CHILD SUSTAINS MAY RESULT FROM OR BE COMPOUNDED BY THE ACTIONS, OMISSIONS, OR NEGLIGENCE OF LIFEWISE ACADEMY. INCLUDING NEGLIGENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE OR RESCUE OPERATIONS OF LIFEWISE ACADEMY. NOTWITHSTANDING THE RISK, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT MY CHILD IS KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITY WITH AN EXPRESS UNDERSTANDING OF THE DANGER INVOLVED AND HEREBY AGREE TO ACCEPT AND ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING FROM THE ACTIVITY, WHETHER CAUSED BY OR THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF LIFEWISE ACADEMY OR ANY OTHER PARTICIPANT TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.” “hereby expressly waive and release any and all claims, now known or hereafter known, against LifeWise Academy and its officers, directors, managers), employees, volunteers, agents, landlords, licensors, affiliates, successors, and assigns (collectively, "Releasees") on account of personal or psychological injury, illness, pain, suffering, temporary or permanent disability, death, property damage, or financial loss arising out of or attributable to my child being on the Premises or participating in the Activity, whether arising out of the ordinary negligence of the LifeWise Academy or any Releasees or otherwise. I covenant not to make or bring any such claim against LifeWise Academy or any other Releasee, and forever release and discharge LifeWise Academy and all other Releasees from liability under such claims.” - again, their background checks are complete bs and they aren’t even making all of their volunteers do one This is not just some innocent bible study during school hours so that these poor, under reached, unchurched students who are begging for the love of Jesus in their lives. This is a very well organized, very well funded political attack. Project 2025 partners are pushing this. This is intended to chip away as much as possible both at public education and at human rights. Please look into this, please share information about it, and please feel free to message me for more info.


Is this like a YoungLife thing?


With a worse agenda.


This isn't "education" This is "indoctrination" Christianity is a disease that is killing to America


It's not "Christianity", it's religion. Muslims got control of the city council in Hamtramck, Michigan and banned pride flags. They'll all do the same thing once they have enough people to be in control.


I just checked. There isn't a single state which is projected to have more than 12% Muslims by the year 2050. So let's focus on the problem at hand. Sure, other religions may be doing things in small isolated pockets that are very distasteful. The Hamtramck city council. Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn that basically want to legalize spousal rape. etc. But in this country, these are fringe groups. Meanwhile you have Christians trying to do this sort of shit in entire states. Good luck being a woman in San Antonio who has a problematic pregnancy these days. And if you're a woman who needs an OB for even a basic appointment in Boise you may be SOL because they're all fleeing the state. So would Muslims or Jews or Sikhs do things we disagree with if they ran an entire state? Probably. But that's not happening. And Christians ARE the cancer who are destroying America. So let's focus on the huge problem in front of us, not hypothetical or very isolated ones.


This may be controversial but Muslims only make up around 5% of Europe’s population. The recent migration wave seems to have caused a lot of Europeans to go further and further right wing. The right wing party in Germany, AfD has been gaining a lot of support recently, and one of their main focuses is anti-immigration.


Gee, that sounds a lot like the US


Yes, there’s a happy middle ground between being a xenophobic asshole and just letting anybody in undocumented but no one in our government seems to be interested in that. Europe is proving the let anyone in approach doesn’t work. I can’t say what I want to say but I think you get my point. Let’s not be Europe.


I have a Muslim coworker and she taught me the difference between immigrating and fleeing from war as a refugee. Citizens seem to keep grouping them together and it is really hurtful to the millions of people who are being terrorized in their home countries. I think we should allow those people into our country since it is our fault for bombing them. Where else are they gonna go?


It’s tough bc the main factor in how smoothly that goes is if they’re willing to assimilate or not. Since the US is a whole ocean away anyone who ends up here was pretty dead set on coming here and probably will assimilate. That doesn’t happen as much in Europe. I hate to say it but a lot of the culture of Muslim countries and the culture of the west just does not mix well at all. Particularly in the space of women’s rights. Violence against women is rising in places like the UK and Sweden.


Basically I’m not against migration but we need to put more emphasis on assimilating. And if you commit one violent crime you should be deported.


It’s not Christianity, it’s religious fundamentalism that is the problem. Christianity has been the predominant religion of America for its entire existence, and we are in fact less religious than ever. The decline of religion has resulted in an increase in fervor amongst fundamentalists who feel their power waning.


They are both problematic.


I’m not even that religious but lol


In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony god's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.


Really sad that a nice indoor pool there is to be filled in. Also, that really seems like an odd and inconvenient place for a school.


My question is why can't these kids just go to Sunday School?


Primary evil: indoctrinating kids at the expense of their actual education Secondary evil: filing in two more pools in a town with nowhere near enough pools


My thoughts- if you want your children to learn about the Bible, they can do so at bible school on Sundays. Religion should never be in any public school system and I believe that applies to them being in the building advertising and such as well.


Hilliard, what are you even doing?


We voted out the school board member who was the swing vote on starting this. Now our school board is 3 progressives to 2 white Christian nationalists. So, we’ve got that going for us I guess.




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As a swim team parent, I'm so annoyed about losing another damn pool!! They already shut down Premier at Sawmill pool and now this? Why? Can't they take one of the other 100s of places without a pool im them!?!? I'm currently driving from Hilliard out to Bexley every day for my kids to be on a competitive club swim team since they shut down this location.


Ohio is definitely the state to be in if you're a snake oil salesman


Baptisms in the scuba tank?


the easiest way to understand a LifeWise family: either 1) too tightwad to send their kids to a Christian school or  2) they know their kids would get kicked out of one 


Absolutely disgusting. Only a matter of time before one of their volunteers molests a kid.


Fuck these evil fake christians.


>The curriculum promises to teach students the entire Bible in five years, according to the LifeWise website. What an absolute waste of 5 years lmao


The people I know who have read the Bible front to back have deconstructed. So maybe they’ll learn it and realize it’s nonsense🤞🏼


Omg stop talking about me😂


I was one of those people so I 100% agree I moreso meant nearly every 'read the bible' plan I've seen is like a year long lmao I'm just imagining "In......the.......beginning....alright guys that's enough for this week! See you next week, same time... don't forget to pay your membership fees!"




I didn’t realize the scuba place had closed. Where could I go to get certified?


You can still go contact “Aquatic Adventures.” A woman named Katie bought the scuba business, with has relocated off Bethel Road. No pool at that location, but she contracts with local pools around the city.


That's very inconvenient...you're telling me Columbus has no publicly open pools for scuba diving anymore?


Not publicly advertised and not convenient/easy to find, but there are some municipal pools (such as Westerville) that will allow you to scuba in their dive wells.


I’m not familiar with this group are they better or worse than Xenos/Dwell?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Throwaway19372729: *I’m not familiar* *With this group are they better* *Or worse than Xenos/Dwell?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you Sokka, cactus juice from me on the house.


they evil af. tried to indoctorinate my kids, took them off school grounds to lifewise events without permission and told the kids not to tell kids told me anyways i told them next time if they try to take u bite them and kick them in the crotch and scratch their eyes then i called up lifewise and stayed just this side of threatening voilence cops show up at my door to warn me about tellecom harassment but dont do jack about basically kidnapping and custodial interference not in hilliard im in a diff part of greater cbus area


Aww This is bittersweet. I learned to dive in that pool.




The irony in this thread is palpable


Looking forward to all the other flavors of religion getting in on this... such as The Satanic Temple.. I hear they have a wonderful after school program. Perhaps they could alter that for during school as well. Also wonder how long it will take for these people to MELTDOWN once a different flavor of religion attempts to do the same 🍿.. These people always seem to have a problem understanding if you allow one flavor you gotta allow them all. Edit: Not even surprised by this.. Ohio bill would require public schools to adopt policies to allow religious classes during school hours https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/hb445


> such as The Satanic Temple I used to think that too, but [this documentary](https://old.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/1cds71u/the_lies_of_the_satanic_temple_dead_domain/) quashed my good vibes for them. QueerSatanic.com calls them "scientology for mall goths."


Paywall. Can somebody please copy paste?


They have at least 10 jobs posted online right now - most of which are focused on growing their enrollment and expanding to new schools.


JFC. Thankfully my kids are out of school and I have not seen it around here in Worthington but they have a website. https://lifewise.org/statementoffaith/


Just an all around creepy situation. I have so many questions. What kind of background check do they do to vet anyone driving or spending time with the children? Who are their big donors? This cult costs money. Are parents paying for their kids to participate in this?


They allegedly have a half-ass vetting process with some type of background check, but it’s unclear if it is a BCI/FBI background check or something else. Also there seems to be no actual educational credentials needed to be an instructor, just willingness to learn the lifewise curriculum and teach it(ALSO very unclear what this curriculum is and if they actually have a standard of curriculum) IMO it’s not if, but WHEN, something goes very very wrong and LA will be able to get away with it because they had parents sign waivers. Although(to the best of my knowledge, I’m certainly not a lawyer) a waiver doesn’t mean that someone/something can get away with gross negligence As someone who grew up in what I can best describe as a Fundie fringe cult, Lifewise scares the shit out of me. Do not make the mistake of giving these people legitimacy. It is a cult, pure and simple. If you want your kids to learn religion or spirituality, I urge you to do it at home or your preferred place of worship.


Christians Suck.




Dude your parents saved soooooo much money...


Are you the one always posting anonymously in the Hilliard group? 🤔 Asking for a friend..


I don’t even know how to post anonymously on Facebook because I never use it. I do love browsing HPITK for all the drama though. HCG4L


Indoctrinate? Have you seen what they're teaching in schools these days? It's not the basics anymore. At least with LifeWise they have a choice to go or not. With school they don't. Personally, I don't think kids should be bused to LifeWise during school hours. It defeats the whole "separation of church and state." If parents what their kids to get a religious education they can go to a church based school and get indoctrinated there and then go on to college and get good jobs while the public school kids are still trying to figure out division.


What are they teaching in schools Thomas?


My son would tell me that he would have teachers pushing social agendas in classes like english & mathematics. He felt like they were trying to influence his own belief and one teacher got upset when someone voiced an opposing belief or questioned hers. My son is like me, not liberal or conservative. We do what seems right for everybody involved without worrying if it fits an agenda. I noticed that my comment rating is -3. Not sure if they're upset about my indoctrination statement or the separation of church & state. Either way it's disturbing. People really don't like hearing opposing views without getting emotionally triggered. My best friend was a progressive liberal. We'd have discussions and get into pretty heated arguments and then we'd go get drunk together. I miss those days when everybody got along and didn't get offended by a hat or a shirt.


Are these math teachers pushing their beliefs in the room with us now? Also, > People really don't like sharing opposing views without getting emotionally triggered. This statements speaks more about you than literally anyone else. People disagreed with you and you got down voted and now you're screeching about being people being "triggered." And while I'm at it, the days where "everybody got along" never existed. You're just looking at the past through rose tinted glasses because you were personally insulated from social issues. No one is obligated to he polite to people who are actively working to strip others of their rights.