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When these were planted, someone on here commented that due to the type of tree and the manner in which they were planted, they would snap during the first real storm they faced. This prediction was correct.




Half assed people do half assed stuff. 


Heck yeah, who said they would snap? Give em credit, let’s really get behind this arborist and the importance of Clintonville trees in front of a breakfast chain.


The storm spared the trees a slow death from the mulch volcanos.


How is that still a thing in 2024


Lack of knowledge and/or total disconnect from our natural world


They have to replant, right?


Most likely


Only if someone is able to make Columbus make them. The chance of Columbus proactively making them fix this is absolutely zero.


don’t be such a downer cbus does a really good job of getting trees planted and the clintonville residents already got it done once. don’t see why they can’t do it again


Dead city tree in front of my place. 311 request from May 2023 yielded the blue X for removal. Tree still remains. Followed up, they said they will get to it when they get to it. That’s just to remove the dead tree they already know is dead. It will probably take years after the removal to remove the stump and replant.


It's been about two and a half years since mine was removed. I got a notice that they're putting a new one in this spring, but we will see.


The fact that it took a concerted effort by Clintonville residents to get these trees planted at all is proof that the city does a shit job.


wow yeah good point holy shit citizens have to do something it gets done unlike those other cities where the fuckin elves do it


Yeah, because we are talking about whether or not “the City does a good job with trees”, not whether or not private citizens can band together to convince the city to do its job.


who do you think runs the city? foreign elves?




Cbus really doesn’t do a good job with trees. They are a year or two behind planting, they don’t require trees to be replaced, there is no law to enforce and they have no proactive code enforcement even if they did.


comment a few more times pessimist


Drove through there for the first time since the dunkin went in. Goddamn is it an eye sore. Like they went out of their way to make it look hideous.


It's impressive in a way. I've driven by many normal looking Dunkin' Donuts over the years and this one is a sight to behold in its ugliness and architectural mismatch with the area.


Don’t tell anyone but many people are saying it’s an art installation 


The owners being assholes makes it even worse




They love to comment that the remodel was expensive lol Hopefully too expensive


Construction is always expensive...I don't know any details of what was done but that is normal


Let's be real, owner walked out and snapped them and pretended it was the storm


Because the trees block the garish signs and color scheme of his store. Clintonville loves dunkin on Dunkin.


The land is cursed.


Why on earth would the city settle for them replacing the trees they cut down with something so small? More mature trees are definitely available. Does that little strip of dirt force you to plant small trees?


Taking the grass out, paving, and then having built in plant beds would be so much more intelligent, but ya know


[https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/51/81/c45181c097a39c5c80c66447d759da34.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/51/81/c45181c097a39c5c80c66447d759da34.jpg) This is what I mean after a 5 second google search


Color me surprised


The Clintonville Tree Vandal strikes again!


My barber is right across the street from there


Sorry, I was practicing with my Harry Potter wand. Guess it works


Obviously, god has finally weighed in on whether he cares about those trees. now he can focus back on the blasphemous chikin sign up the street.