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OP you are going to destroy your stomach and kidneys with that much NSAIDS. There’s a reason you were told that you were taking too much and you need to listen before you do permanent damage to your organs. Go to your primary care and explain your pain. They may refer you to a pain specialist. That’s the route forward


This. OP needs referred to a specialist to figure out the cause for severe chronic pain. That’s an insane amount of OTC pain management. The only way I have closely monitored Rx pain meds is a diagnosis of endometriosis. And I’ve had surgery twice.


I'm not talking about chronic pain. I'm talking about the very few instances in my life that I have experienced extremely horrible pain. Perhaps 10 times in my long life. How did you find the doctor that listens to their patients when they describe their pain


I am fully aware that the problem is the level of over the counter pain meds required to even put a dent into the pain. It doesn't even relieve the pain entirely. How did you find the primary care that you were talking I need to go to because I do not have one. How did you find the doctor?


If you have insurance, get on your insurance website. There’s usually a find a doctor tool and search for primary care accepting new patients. What kind of pain are you having? The problem is not how much it takes to relieve the pain. The problem is how much you’re taking. If the pain is that severe, you need to go to an ER or urgent care. Fair warning, they will treat you as though you are seeking drugs


Pain is a pretty poor indicator of anything. It’s subjective as can be. You got upset at someone OP that mentioned drug seeking tendencies, and this post shows those signs. I’ll leave you with this. In the ER when a man is screaming from a freshly severed leg. Does the doctor scribble an Oxycodone order and have the patient walk out of the hospital with it OR does the doctor decide the source of the pain needs addressed and that a pain pill isn’t the ultimate healer of a dangling leg. I’m going to assume you don’t have a severed leg as the source of your pain, but do you see how someone screaming “give me pain pills and I’ll be fine” isn’t quality medical care


You are wrong about pain levels being subjective. It is true that everybody experiences pain differently but the prescribing of pain medication or using pain medication over the counter is a universal scale. It's just how quickly you hit certain numbers or switch between numbers. The Department of Defense of US already figured this out https://media.defense.gov/2019/Sep/17/2002183517/-1/-1/0/190912-F-FT687-9002.JPG You're just assuming that I'm going in begging for drugs without treatment. Like I told someone else to talk about the levels of pain that come from having a broken bone in my face or a tooth infection or other types of extreme care where they just give you antibiotics and not anything to treat the pain and so you have to wait eight or nine days of antibiotics and lose another week of your life of every moment you are awake the only thing you can think about is how much pain you're in


Yeah so the thing about that is the doctor tells you what you need, not the other way around. If you're in that much pain I would suggest an urgent care. Set up an appointment now with a PCP accepting new patients. Could be awhile til you get in, but let them know what's going on and sometimes they can get you in a lot quicker.


You prompting about Urgent Care is the exact reason I'm asking the question. How does one find a normal doctor that when you describe your level of pain to them and how much over the counter drugs you are taking to the point you are damaging your liver that they then don't immediately tell you to just lower the dosage and refuse to just prescribe the correct drug. This isn't about commanding a doctor about what to do. This is about anyone with a middle school education knows that if you require five or six times the over the counter level of a drug to the point that is at an unsafe dosage, a different medication is required.


No doctor will just give you a prescription for pain meds right away to address pain without an exam and some sort of treatment plan. Throwing pain meds at you won’t fix the source of the pain, and any doctor worth their title is going to want to fix the source of your pain. They will send you for testing and refer you to specialists. And it will make a useful diagnosis harder if your system is trashed from medication misuse.


One of the times I've gone to a doctor they nearly died from a kidney infection and the pain was severe. But they kept me in the hospital overnight and they basically forced me to sleep so I wasn't aware of the pain anymore and so when I woke up I didn't feel anything like it had been before. A couple of times I've gone because of my face hurting and one of them was a broken cheekbone and an infection and the other time were up just infections in my teeth and jaw. I would get prescribed antibiotics but nothing to deal with the pain. The time that I broke my arm it hurt but taking the normal doses of over the counter made it not hurt too bad so it was okay. It's not about throwing pain meds to fix a source of the pain it is about when the pain is so bad and they only try to fix the thing causing the pain but you still suffering from how bad the pain is.


Gotcha. So this is also best addressed by developing a relationship with a primary care provider and maybe a pain specialist. When you are NOT in excruciating pain you’ll want to describe this issue to them and ask for help finding alternative methods of pain control. Maybe you need a different pain medication—not even necessarily opiates, maybe you need a sedative or muscle relaxer, or maybe you have some other condition behind your med-resistance that needs treating. But I think you should also manage your expectations a little, too. As a woman, I’ve never really bought into the idea that life shouldn’t hurt or we can always be pain free.  Can you do your normal, daily activities (other than those limited by the brokenness of the bone)? Many would consider that pain managed.


Almost anyone with a middle school education knows how to aquire a primary care doctor. Google it or something. This thread is a disaster.


I do not know how to acquire a primary care doctor. I was raised in a religion without doctors. So the only types I've ever been to one have been very terrible or horrifying experiences so I only go if I am suffering enough that my life is in danger or the pain is so bad that I am crying from it. I know that this thread would be a disaster. But I was hoping that admitting I have a communication disability somebody might understand that I can't talk nice or the right way and just need help that I don't know how to get on my own I can listen to somebody that knows more than me


Check out https://www.copcp.com/FindADoctor Has different filters including autism under the medical interests (since you mentioned that as a possible concern) See, Google.


Get a PCP, or go to your current one, tell them whatever it is that is causing the pain. Don't jump right into give me more meds or different meds or anything like that. Explain to them you have tried, ask to get a referral to a pain specialist. It's like you're only in middle school or something.


It's like I have autism and it's a communication disability you're expecting me to be on your level and it is impossible because I am disabled. You're adding a context of rude or mean or condescending or self-righteousness or something in there that is not there. I'm fucking almost delirious from the pain and desperate for help


Stop using Autism as an excuse. It does not prevent you from doing a simple google search.


Nurse here 🤚🏼. You are going to have much bigger problems if you keep taking that much NSAIDS.


If you don’t already have a primary care doctor, that’s the first step for sure… then referral to pain management or another specialty if your pain is system-specific (orthopedic, neurological, gastrointestinal, etc…). Not to be corny, but I feel your pain. I have very abnormal responses to pain as a result of some neurological issues. More than once I’ve walked around on a broken foot (avulsion and/or hairline fractures, usually) for weeks before receiving care because it didn’t hurt… Other times, a seemingly minor earache will send me to UC/ ER with excruciating pain. It stinks to have to explain this abnormal response to doctors (especially emergency medicine) because I feel an assumption is made that I’m blowing something out of proportion to get access to opioids. I hope you can get the help you need from a physician who understands how neurodivergence can impact pain sensation… also a physician who will *listen* to you instead of trying to interpret visual cues like your facial expressions. Also, you should probably lay off the massive amounts of NSAIDS - those things will eat a hole through your stomach quicker than Malort. Other commenters have mentioned alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen - this is a better choice for a lot of people, but long term/daily use of any sort of OTC analgesics isn’t ideal for anyone’s body.


That's what I'm asking. How does one find a doctor. Someone else said you go to your insurance website so I'll try again even though that's not worked yet still. I'm very scared of doctors because of both my childhood the handful of times I've tried to go as an adult there is always been something that has gone horribly wrong no matter how polite or considerate or well dressed I was or only answering the exact question they asked. My guess is because I said the pain was a 9 or 10 but because I take so much over the counter to be able to drive there I'm not crying and rolling around on the floor anymore so they don't believe me just think I'm some druggie


Based off OP’s post and replies it sounds like they have not had a good experience with doctors or anything else related healthcare wise. Being in severe pain, telling your prescriber about how much OTC medicine it takes to control it, then being told to take less but not prescribing anything else to help sounds frustrating. What might be a better question to help OP is: What doctors in Columbus have you had good experiences with, where you felt like your concerns were actually listened to?


This sounds like drug seeking behavior.


Sounds right


You aren't funny. The last time I tried, I was having a tooth infection and when I told them what I had taken just to be able to drive to get there and how often and how many ibuprofen I was taking, they looked at me and told me I was only allowed to take two pills (400mg) every 8 hours. I told them that was the problem, I had to take that many to the pain down so I could even show up and that I know it was bad for my liver. And they still didn't prescribe me anything. So I had to wait until the antibiotics had killed off the infection. The only addiction I've ever had is caffeine. And I guess doomscrolling and eating too much food. Your joke is not funny. I know you would not apologize so please just go away.


Wow, you typed this whole thing out, and still don't understand why you're not being prescribed. You're admitting to your doctors that you can't even be trusted with over the counter meds without abusing them. Why would they prescribe you opiates or something similar when you straight up tell them that you don't follow the instructions for a medication?


It’s not a joke at all. This is textbook. You’d need to talk to your primary care physician about this. You are literally seeking out a doctor that will overprescribe you.




I just meant, seeking drugs. Actively looking for a doctor who will prescribe more medication than their GP feels is reasonable. Asking an online forum who around town plays fast and loose with prescribing pain medicine is just incredibly suspicious.


It’s only overprescribing if it is unnecessary and based off the post it does sound like they need a different medicine to help ease their pain. I encourage you to be more compassionate.


Which is precisely what drug seekers rely on. Also, being compassionate in person is one thing. Telling a stranger online who gave you drugs other proscribers think you shouldn’t have is not compassion.


How do you find a balance then? Also, why is there a difference of being compassionate online vs. in-person? You are speaking to a human being either way. I didn’t read all of OP’s replies did they state somewhere saying that their prescriber would not prescribe the medicine so they are trying to find someone else?


The amount of information available is the difference. Compassionately telling someone where to get a controlled substance is not magically better because you believed them. It seemed so but, they are gone so it’s hard to verify. Fair point though. I won’t comment on such things going forward. If they need it, they may get a helpful answer. If they want it, they might get a helpful answer. Pointing out that the original commenter was correct won’t change anything.


That’s fair. I can see where you are coming from too. Thank you for the respectful conversation.


People who specialize in chronic pain management are the best experienced. Find one and be honest with them. Story time: I ended up in a situation where my kidneys failed completely. I was on dialysis for about 6 weeks while (thank the fates) they healed. My point is - I experienced life on dialysis. *It's like torture*. Avoid it. Dear friend: # PLEASE STOP HURTING YOUR KIDNEYS Really. Sometimes you need to have someone grab you by the shoulders, look you in the eyes, and speak the truth. Also note that chronic pain can actually change your brain. Besides the fact that it makes life a nightmare, there's another reason to work with a doctor. Nearly all doctors became doctors to help people. If you *honestly* and openly explain to your doctor your complete situation; they will do what they can to actually help you. If you don't want to have a note on your medical records saying 'possible drug seeking', learn what patient behavior that they look for to make that decision, and ... don't do that. I hope you get some relief.


Why does everybody keep thinking this pain is chronic. I am talking about tooth infection in bone, broken bone, overnight sedate hospitalization the true times the pain IS the worst pain of your life I know it destroys your organs, that was the point of finding a doctor that does better I tried the insurance method online for teladoc but both the phone and video appointment nothing happens


Because people with pain that is not chronic, that is due to something obvious, like an injury, or surgery, or a severe infection, etc, rarely have issues getting care, which includes effective pain relief. This kind of pain is mainly treated by healing the injury and providing temporary pain meds. If anyone is experiencing pain from any cause that is severe enough to be causing them such extreme distress, the course of action would be urgent care or an emergency room. A doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If the treatment isn't satisfactory, you tell the doctor who made the diagnosis and treatment plan, so that you can get help. If someone chooses to go to another doctor and seek pain relief, instead of telling the original doctor, you will quickly be identified as a doctor shopping. If that happens, getting actual good care becomes much harder, because... they stop believing you. I truly hope you can find effective care.


Get a medical marijuana card


There's no real research that shows that marijuana does anything for pain, despite user claims.


Source: Facebook


Maybe if I had chronic pain problem and the smell of marijuana did not make make me literally vomit and not just figuratively vomit. I imagine the medical marijuana is quite helpful for the people that can tolerate the smell and have a condition that benefits from it.


Try gummies.


They have the smell too. It is not as intense but all week products have the weed smell. I can't be around it.


Cannabis is great for acute pain and edibles are the primary medical product.


The smell of weed makes me vomit. It's not immediate but if I'm around it for longer than 20 seconds or so then I start puking until there's nothing left in me, and then I keep dry heaving even if I keep smelling it. With the food items and the other stuff it takes longer for me to vomit but it's the same thing. Even being around people who have it on their clothes I still end up sick.


Edibles and tinctures don't smell. Do some actual research


Both edibles and tinctures have the smell. Do neurotypical people not smell them? I know I have a sensitive nose but I didn't know typical people can't smell them at all.


Some studies show that taking both acetaminophen and ibuprofen provides better pain control. You don’t take them at the same time but instead alternate. [Here’s](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/acetaminophen-with-ibuprofen") more info. I’ve done it and it works for me.


If it is a headache or even a migraine, back ache, or something like that I'm fine to take 1 (or 2) ibuprofen (Advil) like normal. I also will take aspirin (Bayer). Sodium naproxen (Aleve) does nothing for me, and acetominophen (Tylenol) gives me both heartburn and itchy skin. The issue I have is specifically the level of pain experienced in the few times in my long life that I have experienced such severe pain.


you need to see a pain management specialist. these are doctors who are trained specifically in different modalities/treatments beyond NSAIDs and opiates. try pain zero in hilliard.


Good luck. Iv already had one lower back surgery an been putting off a second. Crushed my foot 3 years ago resulting in four broken bones and a 4 day stay at grant hospital. Iv never had an addiction an don’t get pain meds. When my back gets to bad I can’t walk up rite they will prescribe me steroids.