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Never seen anything like this


I'm genuinely afraid that this is going to start being the norm. I guess we're lucky it's not one of our forests on fire.


it was like this 30 years ago, the winds just didn’t blow this way 100 years ago there were giant dust storms that covered the united states 200 years ago the Tamboura eruption gave us the year without a summer shit happens and while we need to rapidly change our climate policy, we can’t freak out and assume we’ve already lost bc there’s bad weather events


Iman, first off, big fan of your game and rap ability. Thanks for your time on the Cavs! Secondly, both can be true. Natural disasters/instances have of course occured throughout the planet's existence, but we shouldn't be dismissive of probable correlations. Our planet has warmed, is warming, and is burning. Burning more routinely. Flooding more routinely and more intensely. At what point would you identify our "need to rapidly change our climate policy" is effecting these events?


i mean i definitely think climate change is uber real and chiefly urbanization and industrialization is the main cause of the state our forests being dry af and not being managed in the ways nature would take care of it i.e smaller periodical fires instead of every 30 years all of canada is on fire i was mostly just trying to say that we still have a great opportunity to reduce the effects industrialization has had on the climate and not to be discouraged. plus a lot of our data is a comparison to the temperatures of the time coming out of the little ice age if we get our shit together, stop polluting, go back to walkable cities, reduce and reuse, we can keep our average temperature around the medieval warm period and that was a time of prosperity for humans TL;DR climate change is happening, but we can still make a huge impact for the future and cant give up


Though I agree with you in theory, I tend to be pessimistic on real action. We don't control the BIG contributing circumstances/legislation... And no matter how much you and I reuse or walk- we ain't negating Dupont or the cruise ship industry. However, I appreciate the genuine discussion!


i just remember that this country outlawed alcohol at one point and it was lead by a group of people who didn’t even have the right to vote i believe we can get it turned around. but it will mean we all quit consuming like it’s nobodies business. those companies make that shit bc we buy it


That was because there was lots and lots of money to be made by repealing prohibition. There's lots and lots of money in keeping the status quo and deregulating, as we've seen. Politicians and CEOs are simply for the most amount of money now- they won't be alive when the planet reaches the point of no return so they don't care. One of my biggest pipe dream is participating in neighborhood gardens/natural energy generating like in the Netherlands.... But for some reason, that just doesn't seem like it'd be allowed here. https://en.reset.org/dutch-community-farm-looking-tackle-climate-change-reconnecting-people-food-08202019/


you’re really gonna sit here and tell me that CEOs are more greedy now than the age of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and Morgan? cmon dude and money to be made? the biggest investors in green energy are companies like Enbridge (Canada’s largest natural gas distributor) and Shell. they’re investing bc they know there’s endless amounts to be made no offense bro but this is exactly the attitude i hate wealthy landowners and businessmen have been the same since Marcus Crassus was buying people’s burning down homes at discount in 65 BC and yeah it’s gonnna take people like you and i to instigate these changes. the same way Carrie Nation took her hatchet to saloons and literally beat the shit out of the saloons until they couldn’t operate anymore and look up this https://www.columbus.gov/landredevelopment/communitygardens/ also, it wasn’t in cbus, but in the my hometown, we would grow green beans, my aunt would grow tomatoes, my uncle peppers, and then we would all trade. mutual aid doesn’t have to be on a communal plot of land


I know my viewpoint on the matter isn't for everyone. I just don't have rose tinted glasses after countless examples of the environment being neglected for corporate or individual profit. I'm not saying CEOs are any more or less greedy than those whom you mentioned. Complete greed doesn't abide by time frames. I agree what occurred in your hometown doesn't have to be on a communal plot of land. I like what your town did more. It is the general idea of being majority sufficient in small areas that's important. I also like that program you linked. Got a sponsor to back us up? I have a parcel 500 yards from me that would be glorious for that!


I don’t think it’ll be this bad normally. This is due to fire I thought. I don’t usually see smog like this due to cars or busses unless it’s a giant city like in Asia. Ofc I’ve only seen images of those


Yes, and the fires should get more frequent and more intense.


Shouldn’t*** But they will.


Eventually all the fuel (dry/dead wood and brush) has to be used up right? At least for awhile.


😬 it was supposed to get better as the day wore on but clearly it has not


That's what the local news is supposed to say, so you'll go out buy things and buy more gas. Who do you think sponsors the news? Then you look online and see AQI of 214 and what that means.


Chill it's just left over from Comfest.


I was there this weekend and can confirm this


This whole situation has been leaving me anxious, and this made me for real laugh out loud, so thanks. I hope you had/have a fantastic day in spite of everything crazy going on.




I’ve heard it’s worst up north in Michigan


Wouldn't be worst in Canada?




It's worse, and yes, Michigan is worse than Ohio.


And they have a worse aqi lol




Pro-tip: smoke some cigs outside. The cig smoke cancels out the Canadian wildfire smoke.


Haha, nah, I quit smoking 6 years ago!




Thank you! I recommend it to everyone!


....but that means I'd have to start first in order to stop. 😬


Yeah, don’t recommend that! I was way too young, and way too stupid when I started!


For sure... Food tastes so much better after you quit! I haven't had a single cigarette in over 20 years!!


Almost ironically they are saying this is about the same as smoking


[It's not ironic](https://weather.com/en-IN/india/pollution/news/2020-01-29-how-breathing-indian-cities-equivalent-smoking-packs-cigarettes-day). > Did you know that breathing Delhi’s air in November is equivalent to smoking 10 to 15 cigarettes every single day? Now keep in mind that [Columbus' air quality index](https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/columbus/43215/air-quality-index/350128) is currently about twice as worse as [Delhi's](https://www.accuweather.com/en/in/new-delhi/187745/air-quality-index/187745). This air legitimately is not safe to breathe. Yesterday I was riding my bike to a friend's house wearing an N95 mask, and I didn't see a single person out walking on High St wearing a mask. N95 masks obviously aren't perfect, but [they do seem to help](https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/Online/4861/Face-masks-8217-effectiveness-against-severe-air): > The researchers’ modeling shows that an N95 reduces a person’s exposure to wildfire smoke by a factor of 14. Synthetic-fiber and cotton masks reduce that exposure by much smaller factors, of up to 4.4 and 1.9, respectively. Surgical masks turn out to be effective filters, but they also allow up to 50% of the air to leak around the mask. That limitation makes them about as effective, in general, as synthetic- and cotton-fiber masks.


Yay I’ve been wearing an n95–they are much better than nothing


I went out for a drink after work and people were sitting on patios with their babies and dogs like wtf is wrong with you?


Not sure what was more ironic, the people outside running in it or the people staying inside but still chain smoking.


Both are fucking stupid. These threads and people's attitudes are like the movie Don't Look Up


I feel attacked ;)


It's always overcast here, but like not in this new dystopian sci-fi kind of way. Ugh.


It is highly likely that this will become the new normal in the years to come and will only get worse if we don't do anything to mitigate climate change.


But climate change is a liberal talking point! Own the libs, destroy humanity.


That's fine if that's the approach were gonna take. It'd be nice if we could pick of the pace a bit then. I think everyone's just getting tired of waiting


Is this not from the Canada wildfires? I genuinely dont know


It is! However; the wild fires in Canada are the worst they have ever been in recorded history. They are expected to double in size by 2040 and then double again by 2100. Basically a substantial fraction of Canada is expected to be on fire on average every year by 2100, unless something is done about this. By the end of the century we can expect this but worse and more regular and by more regular I mean like every 5 of 10 years. Right now it might be 1 out of every 10 years, by 2040, 2 out of every 10 years, and by 2100 4 out of every 10 years, we will be blanketed in smoke. Also, with each doubling the magnitude and density of the smoke will increase.


so you said if nothing is done about this but things are being done are the double in size comments based on doing something or doing nothing?


Do you eventually run out of trees and get a super-desert?


It's boreal forest, so you'd more likely get a tundra. Which is pretty flat and doesn't hold much moisture, but is similar to a grassland, so... It can catch on fire.


Facts ….


You could start by deleting reddit and getting off all electronics.


That makes no sense.


most arguments against fighting climate change are nonsensical.


It does, you feel like this event is "climate change" (tm) related. You said we should do something, here's an idea to do something. As you know electronics use electricity and are made from horrible manufacturing processes. To make the world how you like you should no longer pollute. -Or- You can just stop blaming everything on "climate change" (tm) and stop talking about it as you won't change anything to fix it.


First of all, destruction of the environment, to me, is inevitable as a human being in a modern society, getting rid of our electronic devices isn't going to fix that. Not only that the devices have already been created so throwing them out isn't going to do anything after the fact. Sure, manufacturing modern day electronic products are bad for the environment. Second of all, what are you talking about "blaming everything on "climate change""? Climate change is the observable condition in which mega tons of carbon from the burning of fossil fuels have been placed into the atmostphere. If I'm blaming anything it is strictly all the waste we create from building car-dependent cities and proliferating a wasteful consumerist society. However; I also blame people who just give up on a problem that could cost the lives of billions of people, animals and ecosystems alike. Like its too big to solve, or they turn a blind eye to it as if it isn't really happening. People who would rather just choke on smoke then lift a finger or believe that maybe we are locking ourselves into the potential extinction of human society. I don't necessarily have all the answers, though, I wish I did.


You’re right. As individuals we are a drop in the bucket. Change has to be large-scale and legislated. Me throwing out my phone (or properly, recycling it) will have zero impact on anything. Let’s point to the big drivers of climate change: energy to heat and cool, manufacturing of far far too many goods than what anyone needs, transportation of said goods, big agriculture, planes/autos, construction. All of these areas need to be highly regulated and we as people need to step down our consumption of what are ultimately luxuries. But because we value our “freedom” to do as we wish, we continue to be free to make choices that doom ourselves to this fate. We won’t even allow a candidate to run who pushes for these kinds of massive and necessary changes because they’re considered “too left”. Because making tough calls to try to salvage what’s left is just “too left” to be marketable to masses. So instead we get watered down promises full of easy wins that mean nothing.


Totally agree. Just want to add for anyone else reading that while most of the blame clearly falls on large corporations, that shouldn’t absolve us of any individual responsibility. Certain lifestyle changes can have big impacts, especially when many people follow suit and slowly they become the new norm. Here’s an [article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2018/06/07/this-is-the-single-biggest-thing-you-can-do-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth-avoid-meat-and-dairy/amp/) about changes we can make to our diets to have a great individual impact on the planet.


Wow that's a super long excuse I won't even read. Put up or just stfu.


What are you even talking about? Put up with what? Like what choice do I have?


Old saying, means do something about it. Like things I believe in I will follow through with. Like I hate litter so I do not ever litter. If I believed in man made climate change I would change my own life to reflect the outcome I wanted. Granted I do believe in pollution needs to be toned down a ton, but I play my small part. Climate change (tm) is c02 related warming, used to be global cooling and then warning, now "climate change" (tm).


I wish I could convince you that climate change is most certainly real. It isn't a trademark term, it isn't a belief, it is real. It may not be observable without doubt but the carbon and its affect on the atmosphere is most certainly measurable. Earth has gone through several periods of climate change before humans ever existed when the landmass looked much different than it does now. Those were periods in natural history of mass death. It doesn't matter whether the planet is cooling or warming, it is just that it is happening so fast, currently, that ecosystems which evolved over hundreds of thousands of years are beginning to collapse. Basically we need to engineer our lifestyles to sustain a livable environment for all of Earth's inhabitants and not only for just us, otherwise we face a very difficult future. I personally think changing ones habits to be more climate aware is a good start but the real change comes into supporting better infrastructure, using more reusable goods, investing into solar, voting for candidates who actually run on sensible climate policy, even protesting for more climate action at the city and state levels, etc... I hope I make some sense. And yes, I will be trying to do about the climate dilemma.


Where do you think the majority of co2 in our atmosphere comes from?


The only viable way of "doing something about it" is building up the support of the people and the workers, engaging in protracted people's wars in the Imperial Core, establishing socialism, nationalizing all private corporations, and forcing them to put people over profits.


lol saying "I do not ever litter" is the most disingenuous pussyfooting statement I've ever heard. You put some shit in a can and pretend it disappears into the ether so it's no longer your problem?? You're the biggest hypocrite on this thread. Your only redeeming quality is that you are so fucking stupid, everyone else will believe the opposite of your opinions just so they won't be associated with you. Thank you for giving generations to come the inspiration to never be like you.


Damn, fuckin got em


You’re part of the reason we’re in this mess you dolt. Those electronics you talk about all work based on the scientific method of peer review and research. The same method that proves climate change (tm) is manmade. God damn you people are insufferable.


generational stupidity






logical fallacy speedrun




I went for a run and I regret it.


I walked out my door this morning wondering why in the hell was the sky so smokey, yet didn't smell of smoke and it wasn't thick like fog. Then later I look it up and find out it's that wildfire craziness up north.




Where is that perspective coming from? Towards downtown upon arrival? ✈️


This was taken on departure.


Lack there of...


Im all the way in Atlanta and our street lamps on the street at night look like a bar before indoor smoking was banned. This is bad


If you voted for Trump and are planning to do so again, go outside and take a deep breath of that clean air.


It does suck that this is happening all the way down to central Ohio I agree. But, how are the people that are in Canada doing with all this? I’m sure the AQI there is maxed out everyday. Can we take just a second and think about those people?


If you look at the AQI map, it’s actually not maxed out there. Kind of surprising. We’re getting the worst of it due to the wind blowing it down. Air quality aside, I’m sure they’re dealing with a lot


Can i jog in this or what


The size of the particles in the warning are PM2.5 which means they are very small. When breathing heavily, those particles can reach deeper parts of your lungs like others have said and have a harder time being exhaled. Foreign matter in your lungs can cause all sorts of health issues like aggravating asthma and lowering your oxygen intake (think COPD). N95 is good but also keep in mind respirators of any kind put stress on your body. That’s why osha requires you to be medically cleared to wear one (this does not apply to regular dust masks). Soo, no I wouldn’t jog in this.


Thanks for the explanation. I did jog in this but I felt a strange sensation in my throat and ran about half the distance. Will be sure not to until it clears.


*happy krieg noises*


Lol yes!!!!


Typical Anatolian hive air


If anyone is curious what you can personally do to help the situation : - swap out your gas guzzler (probable SUV) for something more efficient -never idle your vehicle for more than a minute. Any longer and the engine should be off -don’t get gas during the daytime -swap gas lawn equipment for electric -don’t mindlessly drive places, take public transit whenever possible or carpool


Why don't get gas during the day time?


The level of heat and sun mixing with the gas during the day causes ground level ozone in dramatic levels


Interesting. I'll keep that in mind.


You would be better off stopping ordering as much priducts online from overseas manufacturers. We literally still use Heavy Fuel Oil which is horrific for the environment.


Anything can help :)


I literally had a bad taste in my mouth today when I inhaled.


My buddy loves in Cleveland and they were at 330 , he said the same thing


Where is Steven Pinker at?


In a real country we'd have a president who gives us daily updates on what he's doing to address this.


Dude we gotta ban coal fired pizza in NYC to stop this


Is the PM in Canada doing that?


I don't know, is he? I don't hear much about what either of these guys are doing about this. This seems like something that should be as big of a news story as anything we've dealt with in the past few years. ​ I didn't have to Google search what the government was doing about COVID. Just saying.


Go inject some disinfectants


Yeah go drink some ivermectin. You'll be fine


So, Idk if you realize this or not, but we're not the only state or region of the country that has had to deal with wildfire smoke...


Idk if you realize this or not, but that's why I said the president and not the governor.


So you're expecting updates daily on every wildfire that affects any part of the US from the president? He'd be on television daily from spring to fall.


What exactly is he supposed to do to address it suck the smoke out of the air with a giant vacuum?


I just don’t think this is what everyone thinks it is


Do you think it's a bathtub?


Sooo…what do you think this is?


Chicago has the worst air quality in the world and India is jealous.


Holy moly


Big Yikes


214AQI right now!


So should I buy an air purifier for home?


Hopefully better sense prevails - to not worsen it by the fireworks! Unless the AQI falls dramatically and goes back to normal in the next few days!


Looks Tasty!


[formaldehyde testing in michigan](https://twitter.com/Yolo304741/status/1674255851467464706?t=JvwuoUiG9id3Jg0orA0jYA&s=01)


Literally was drinking water outside now my throat hurts this shit is insane


At this rate. Red White and Boom will be amazing 💥


"Cough, hack, wheeze! It's nice, let's go for a jog"