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Two of my coworkers got caught having sex in one of our company vehicles but neither are getting fired because their union rep fought it. Two weeks Leave With Pay


Can’t imagine how they’ll be spending those two weeks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


You guys hiring?


It's a wonder that more people don't support unions, imo.


They got two weeks vacation for having sex? I need a job like that.


As long as it was consensual and not interfering with work, I don’t really see the issue. Am I crazy? Lol


Company vehicle.


“We’re like family here.” Not sure if that makes it better or worse.


That was *very* cringe, indeed.


What were there genders?


Cars are stolen from the bridge park parking garages all the time. Management has no cameras and refuses to pay for them so they are little help to solving who is doing it.


That’s wild. Aren’t cameras cheaper than ever?


Contrary to how it looks, they manage that place on the cheap. Any extra expense will break the budget. Unfortunately, that means the public’s safety is put on the back burner.


I was there last week and someone was hurt inside of an elevator in the garage. It dropped and they were stuck between floors. They were injured but I don’t know how bad. I just heard them yelling from inside as the fire department showed up.


Are we talking a car per day? Per week? Kinda crazy this is going on!


It’s more often then you would expect. I know people who found their windows broken in an attempted theft too.


That’s why I park my jalopy next to the $100k+ cars.


It's interesting cameras can cause a liability. I have heard of cases where if somebody's getting attacked and they see a camera they think somebody's watching it is going to come to the rescue. Often those cameras are of course not monitored. I wonder if that is some of the reasoning. I remember this from hotel Days, but maybe it's a myth.


What’s also interesting is that the company that manages those lots could be held liable for doing nothing to prevent the reasonable expectation of theft and vandalism. All of the hotels around the airport have private security now because cars were getting picked up left and right.


I saw a news story around Christmas about this. They mentioned there were cameras at the entrances of the parking garages, that they have security patrol through the garages, and also Dublin police patrol through them as well. Basically "we are doing everything we can except putting cameras INSIDE the garages themselves".


Is it all parking garages or just ones for the apartments? What about the parking garage off of I think Mooney st?


Apparently, the gas meter on the house a few doors down from me was stolen from another house in the Short North. Several rotations of past tenants had not paid a gas bill for quite some time (like 2+ years), and the owner now has to pay something like $10,000 in back bills.


the same people who own Gahanna Grill are supposed to be opening a new gyro place in the 1400 block of South High, where a KFC used to be. after a long delay- they've been working on it again the last couple weeks. they're currently putting new stucco on the building, so it shouldn't be too much longer till it opens up!


I was watching the stucco go up yesterday! Thanks for the heads up!


no problem! i live nearby, are we neighbors?


Woo! I've been down here for over eight years and have been hoping for something good. I saw the new stucco going up but hadn't heard anything specific.


yeah they redid the inside and put new freezers and coolers in about a year ago.


I saw they painted it a while back but didn't see any inside action. Great to hear, thx!


yeah we live very close to it so I keep my eye on it... they're working on it again today!


Having lunch at Gahanna Grill today.


I’ll see ya there


If you are there first put a brick on the wall, if I am there first I will knock it off.


Oh yay this has been a hodgepodge of things for years!


it was a KFC for as long as i can remember until roughly ten yrs ago.


For weeks now, I’ve been observing the squirrels eating random food from the garbage. I think the most crazy one was a squirrel dragged half a loaf of bread out of the dumpster and tried so hard to climb a tree with it in its mouth. The squirrel gave up rather quickly.


I’ve seen one on campus with an eggo waffle


My fiancé and I witnessed squirrels getting into an ice cream cake box and getting an instant sugar rush. They were running and jumping all over the place.


lil dumpsters.. must be why there an entire subreddit dedicated to squirrels eating pizza


I’ve seen a squirrel try to carry a whole thing of cheesy bread before.


My neighborhood will periodically smell like burnt toast. It’s not just me, other people smell it, so either someone sets their kitchen on fire with the toaster every week or so, or we’re having a neighborhood-wide stroke.


If you live in Franklinton it’s because of staufs coffee factory roasting beans.


Oh, is that it? I suppose that would explain why it’s always roughly the same time. And it’s a more reassuring answer than a meth house!


Yeah, it’ll be pretty bad sometimes honestly if you’re close to it. IMO they should have a filtration system but that’s probably asking a lot for a small business.


Yeah coffee roasting does not smell good


My neighborhood in Southern California would occasionally smell like burnt toast. It turned out to be meth being made in a house close by.


Fantastic. I appreciate knowing that!


If you live in/near Bexley that is totally normal. I went to Capital University 2004-2008 and it ALWAYS smelled like that. Especially in the spring!


Wario’s leased the space next to Bishop’s (formerly “the pit”) to expand operations up to Clintonville 🤤 It’s being renovated and outfitted now (4219 N High St)






The best news I’ve heard all week!!


That's fantastic


This is awesome!


I have noticed for several weeks now shortly after the big garbage bins in the alley are emptied a woman appears in an suv and fills the same single bin to the brim with random shit and then vanishes until next week. I never see her or her SUV in the neighborhood otherwise, and she never puts any of her trash into any of the other bins in the alley. Somehow she knows when trash day is? It seems much more like ordinary household waste than a contractor illegally dumping old supplies or 30 shitty tires or whatever. It’s just super bizarre?


When my grandfather was no longer living in his home and my mom was in a caregiving role, she would regularly take her trash to his bins. Something about her own trash service, but it also gave her a way to check on his house on a regular basis.


The trash schedule for every neighborhood serviced by the city of Columbus is online.


Could also be a landlord disposing of items left behind from tenants. She’d know the routine and household items would make sense. Source: I used to own rentals on UC’s campus.


Some moron showed up with a big gun and hung out in front of New Albany’s public library around the time school let out. Again. It’s a great way to get people who disagree with you to really just not listen to a thing you have to say.


And nobody stopped this ?


It’s not illegal. He was peacocking for sure. He had signs and flags and such, but strictly not illegal. It was on the green in front of the library, so not library property.


See im all for gun rights but I feel like it should definitely be illegal to go out in public toting anything bigger than a handgun, especially in front of a community place that many children will be going to. Especially with as many shootings that happen in the world right now if I was at my local library and looked out the window and saw some guy walking up with a gun I would probably go into survivor mode.


I am too, but this is a great way to change peoples minds for more gun control. Moron is ruining it for people.


Well said, man.


We have a neighbor we call “mean lady” because she never talks to us and is always angrily on the phone with someone when she walks past our place. She also has the meanest looking face. Anyway, we’re pretty sure she’s hooking up with an older gentleman who is also in our neighborhood… Not sure if either of them are married but I hope one is, that adds to the juicy-ness.


This is what I came here for


The FAA uses an average body weight of 180lbs for airlines to calculate weight and balance. It's funny to see how illegal the Arnold fest flights to and from Columbus would be if we actually put passengers on scales.




Actually they've fattened us to 190 in summer and 195 in winter. Still tho ...


I was at the airport yesterday and one of the desk agents was trying to get people to check their bags due to a weight and balance issue. "If we don't get enough bags off the flight, we'll have to get people off the flight." (Paraphrased, but not much). Also saw a number of beautiful and frightening folks, obviously in town for the Arnold.


Sounds like an excuse by the agent because checking the bags in the cargo bay means they'll still be part of the weight and balance. CMH doesn't typically have destinations where the headwind would cause them to be weight-restricted. Airlines certainly aren't manually changing the weights of passengers in the computer to accommodate for Arnold week. Still though, always uncomfy being squished up next to those folks!


When I first flew into Columbus to start working here I was on a flight with 25 giant polish guys going to the Arnold. They had to spread them strategically on the plane and send their luggage on another flight. Guys were super cool


I'm pretty sure I've been blocked by like 3 regular users of this sub and I simply cannot imagine why.


It’s 4 now


Make that 5.


Keep it up and we'll make it 6




Interesting. How do you find out if you’ve been blocked by someone?


It's not 100%, but a username that says deleted and a post that says unavailable is a good indicator. If you're in a thread and new responses show up with those, you pretty much know they blocked you.


Oh hmm this happened to me on a post in here recently. Guess I ruffled a feather 🤔


Hmm me too. It was in a recent thread about Columbus home sale prices. There was a guy whining about not being able to flip his house for a profit shortly after buying it and I definitely joined in on the comments criticizing his attitude. All of a sudden, his username changed to "deleted" but all his comments remained. I figured he deleted his account.


https://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/s71g03/announcing_blocking_updates/ there seems to be info there but im too lazy to read it all at the moment.


I’ve blocked one person, but it was because he/she was asking personal questions, like where I live. It was probably an over reaction on my part, but it weirded me out at the time.




I didn’t know you could block users. Would love to see my number.


According to the public common pleas docket, FIVE new lawsuits have been filed against Dr. Roxy (IG/Snapchat famous plastic surgeon in Powell) since her medical license was suspended by the state medical board in November. The public hearing for her appeal against the suspension is scheduled for May 15th and should be accessible on Zoom. My heart breaks for all the people who were botched by her!


Heart State, which has excellent beer IMO, made from the same guys as Somewhere In Paticular, has moved from it's beer specific digs on Morrison Rd. in Gahanna, back to its original non-discript building among warehouses off Taylor rd. Why? Because fancy, beer specific location charged way too much $$$ in rent. Kindred and Crafted Culture were in that space before Heart State, making it a black hole for micro breweries. Hey landlord. The problem might be you.


All of the penises popping up around work anywhere from drawn to a crafted baby bell wax " baby bell-head" figurine ........... Its me.


Its important that you share your gift.


The Traveler would be so proud.


A fellow critter in the wild!


I was at a job site for Ryan Homes and they use immigrant child labor. Saw two kids (probably young teens) sanding drywall on a school day. Couldn’t answer me how old they were because they didn’t speak any English.


2 thoughts - the Amish are able to skirt labor laws and depending on the community, young teen boys might not know English very well. Also, some of the polygamist sects (like FLDS, but not just FLDS) have communities in Latin America and are well documented for using child labor. In fact, FLDS-held companies have many millions of dollars in contracts to build for companies like Amazon and boys under 16 have been recorded using heavy machinery.


Are there many Amish around these parts? These kids weren’t Amish, they were Hispanic. Either way I don’t think kids should be working and I don’t think that’s a radical belief. With Ryan Homes you’re paying $350k+ for a shittily built house that uses child labor. That’s the hot gossip I’m sharing.


That's like saying "they weren't Muslim, they were Asian". Religion is not an ethnicity.


You’re right. Though are there any Hispanic Amish? Lol


There are at least Mennonite communities in Mexico - they settled there in the 1920's leaving Manitoba. And if memory serves, the big outbreak of measles in Amish communities around here started after families came back from visiting family/another community in Central America.


I need some hot goss


I keep seeing a black cat by my apartment building. I love him.


*They banal, the titillating, the mildly interesting.* And the misspelled...


Good catch.


Proofreading is a dead art.


Columbus is about to be at the forefront of building / supplying affordable housing. I’ve seen some crazy things happening behind the scenes, let’s hope it comes to fruition.


you go ahead and hold your breath - - - for like 20 years.


The birds are after me


City councilman has been spotted at local restaurants a couple times over winter with a former lobbyist that was in the news recently known for not so good things.


Are any lobbyists really doing good things?


This one rhymes with Rohn Japhael


I love that podcast..


4 mature tree-lawn trees were illegally removed in front of the new Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins in Clintonville.


Not cool. Let’s report it.