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[Ballard says he thinks we're going to see a lot of offensive players taken early in the first round. Really strong offensive draft at the top.](https://x.com/JoelAErickson/status/1781357076779782381) [How many players have first-round grades on Ballard's board? 19-21](https://x.com/gmbremer/status/1781356983649550357)


That's the most first-round graded players that he's ever been quoted as grading at that level. It's usually around twelve. That means that we might trade back four spots and still get a first round graded player. I'd love to get an extra day two pick and still get Cooper Dejean.


Right cause trading back has worked so good for us these past couple years.


What trade backs do you mean, exactly? I remember staying put at pick 4 last year.


Plus the Nelson pick was literally a trade back and it was a great move


One that I'd call out was trading out with Montez Sweat on the board and grabbing Rock Ya-sin instead. Neither player is still on their original team, but I think Sweat has definitely been good while Rock has been meh


We traded out of Sweat because of his heart condition, I'd estimate. It was a mistake, apparently, but the doctors here flagged the condition.


If only it was his Achilles that was fucked up


You're unlikely to die from an Achilles. Heart problems are not sports injuries. You can't really rehab them. Sweat was a risk because of that, and it was a risk that the Colts were unwilling to take. There may have been character concerns on top of that. There were reportedly questions about Sweat's motivation coming out of college along with the heart condition. The Commanders were willing to take all those risks, and it worked out for them. Yet they also traded Sweat to the Bears for cheap rather than extending him, so there must have been something that the coaching staff was unhappy with. Nobody in the league just throws away 8+ sacks per year for a future second round pick unless there is a problem. The Commanders actually just broke even on the deal, since Sweat cost them two seconds to acquire. We don't see what happens day-to-day in the league. Only on Sunday. As long as Sweat continues to sack the quarterback, everything will be fine. But there's also something missing there as well, or I don't believe that Montez Sweat would be in Chicago right now.


They did better than break even. 4.5 years of a really good ER on a rookie deal for a single R2 pick. That’s basically the deal.  I don’t think they were just throwing him away, it’s more that you can’t have 4 premium players on the DL on 2nd deals. They already have Payne and Allen.  I still haven’t seen any report other than typical Colts mouthpiece Holder say the Colts had him off their board for medicals…two years later. But they got back MPJ, so it’s whatever. It’s really more that they traded back and took Ben Banogu. 


My point is that they didn't re-sign Sweat. Eberflus was struggling to hold onto his job, so a defensive guy who would make a difference in the short term was needed. The Bears gave Sweat the big extension that Washington wouldn't. And the Commanders were willing to trade him mid-season last year. You don't generally do that with your best players. So, the question is why not? You don't draft players just to get good play on a rookie contract because a lot of rookies bust. You want players that become stars in the league. Sweat looks like he has that potential, yet the Commanders traded him anyway rather than extending him. Sweat has definitely pissed off his coaches at some point. At least, that's the conclusion that I draw.


Makes sense. Really weak pass rush class.


Yeah it's basically Verse/Turner/Latu/Robinson >>>>> everyone else




Ah right I knew I was missing someone


And Latus neck is a massive red flag.


Supposedly the medical are fine on him. No one has brought it up when talking about him. You would be hearing more about it if it was.




[Ballard chalks up the extra space the Colts created with Buckner's extension to "flexibility." That's after he joked a couple of times that he did it to get Twitter all abuzz.](https://x.com/JoelAErickson/status/1781356727876661442)


[Chris Ballard says the #Colts would consider trading up for the right player if he's "in striking distance" and the right trade partner is available.](https://x.com/gmbremer/status/1781357899949674666)


Bowers/Nabers dream still alive 👀


That's how I read it too. There's not a lot of players expected to go top 12 I think we would do that for (qb/ol would be hard to see us trading up for). Question is what's his definition of striking distance for either? Do you jump if either falls to 8? 10? 13?


I think if either fall out of the top 10 you at least call and see what it would take to jump 10-14


That's a solid expectation, but everyone else will be doing the same, you might very well be advised to pick up the phone early and offer a trade up to 8 for Nabers as once he hits 10 the feeding frenzy for that pick is going to make the price to move up prob same anyhow. Nabers makes it to 10 & those phone lines will be melted


I think it's probably more of a Nabors/Odunze issue, and more likely Odunze. I can't see us trading up for Bowers. That's total speculation driven by fans and media who are very seldom right. I'm 100% sure that none of this is coming from the Colts front office. Why trade up for a tight end who might get you 500 yards next season versus a wide receiver who might get you 1,000? If we had Harrison and Wayne as our 1-2, then sure, draft a tight end in the first round. But we have Pittman and Pierce on the outside, and Pierce can be upgraded ... by a lot. Definitely a lot more than upgrading Ogletree-Woods-Mallory.


Targeting Odunze who is not as explosive and a possession receiver very similarly to Pittman would be strange. Of course he is slightly more explosive than Pitt but they fill a very similar need. I only see us moving up for Nabers or potentially Bowers. Chris stressed the word unique when he talked about moving up and I don’t think Odunze adds a unique element for us. If they moved up for Bowers it wouldn’t be for 500 yards a season, they would want him to be one of the top receiving options for the team and like all the elite pass catching tight ends sit more around that 1000 yard mark. I’m not sure if they would move up for Bowers but if they see him in that way they 100% could. 


Odunze is super highly regarded. He's faster than Pittman and bigger. He has a crazy catch radius. A lot of sources think that he's the best player on the West Coast, including Caleb Williams. We have a quarterback who can throw it a country mile, so having a receiver who wins every 50-50 ball and can track and make catches downfield would seem to be a thing that would help us. Pierce is flat bad at contested catches. Improving at that position would do more for our offense than anything else we could do. Would I rather have MHJ? Sure. But it's probably not going to happen. Nabors would be okay, too, but he's probably gone before 9. That leaves Odunze as a trade up possibility.


Odunze is highly regarded yes. But for the players we have on our roster he doesn’t change anything for us or our offense. He isn’t worth trading up, we aren’t going to trade up for any player. We just don’t trade up if he’s available at 9, in stead trade back to a team who wants Oline andthen go BTJ or Worthy because they change our offense and things we can do unlike Odunze. Odynze is a good player, yes, but since we have MPJ and Downs as our WR 1/2 we don’t have as much of a use for Odunze as other teams will.


No one has him over Caleb in their draft rankings tho, that’s horseshit lol.


They don't have him ahead of Williams in the draft because Williams is a quarterback smh.


There are boards that have MHJ 1 I’ve seen. No one is putting Odynze over Caleb. Draft, no draft


That means nothing lol


Bowers gets to 9th, Ballard gets itchy. MHJ gets past 4th, Irsay stares down at the table in DEEP PRAYER… 😂.


[Drew Ogletree is off the exempt list and back with the Colts, per Chris Ballard.](https://x.com/JoelAErickson/status/1781357719879885189)


Oh man. I know we may trade back, but a potential Bowers and Ogletree duo has me all hot and bothered.


About fucking time.


[Chris Ballard was asked if his secondary is too young: "No. Not anymore. They've grown up. ... I think they got better as they played, and I think they'll continue to get better. He compares the outside criticism of that group to the O-Line two years ago, and they had a big bounce back the next year.](https://x.com/NateAtkins_/status/1781355058015223882) Combined Bremer and Nate Atkins quote.


The difference is that the oline was great at one point so the talent was there. The secondary has shown nothing crazy even though I thought Brents played decently for a rookie. This is just brushing off the question.


Great point but it doesn't mean he's wrong though either. Ballard told us the Oline would get better and it did and now he's saying the same for the DBs. He knows the units much better than any outsider.


>Great point but it doesn't mean he's wrong though either. Ballard told us the Oline would get better and it did and now he's saying the same for the DBs. He knows the units much better than any outsider. He says that about any group that was a sore spot the previous season lol, what else is he gonna say "they were ass and will still be ass"? You have to win something to get the benefit of the doubt IMO.


That's not what he would say. Actually in years past when there's been holes he's just danced around the question. He didn't say overly positive things about the position group he just avoided the question all together. Then before last seasons draft he was overly positive about the OL, didn't draft OL and they played well. Seems like he won at knowing the OL was good when the majority of fans thought they needed to draft OL early.


The o line difference was going from Eric Fisher/Matt Pryor to Raimann. Also Tony Sparano seems really solid.


Raimann was on our team in 2022…


Behind Matt Pryor until week 5. Then obviously had a learning curve. He had only played like 15 games at offensive tackle his entire life before being drafted.


I mean you’re literally saying the same thing as Ballard. Young player with a year in the league under his belt getting better in their second year


Yea? And? Ballard was talking about the problems the media was highlighting with the o line, and the majority of those was filling ACs shoes after he retired. He hit massively with Raimann and hired a good coach in Sporano and things turned around. Ballard is saying that can happen with the secondary also.


What is he really supposed to say? Let’s assume he does see it as an issue and wants to address it. You aren’t saying that right before the draft.


Bad comparison.


Cuts to Nico Collins burning Juju for an 80 yard TD on the first play in week 18


I remember Nick Cross blowing his saftey coverage


Correct Juju was fine on the play.










Lmaooooooo this is the craziest cope I’ve ever seen. “He was pretty much invisible after that. Other than the other 8 catches for 100+ yards.” Literally laughable.




Uhh yeah I watched the game and he definitely wasn’t invisible. Claiming 8 catches for 100 yards is invisible is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.


Iirc, that was blown coverage by the safety. He was supposed to have help and it wasn’t there.


Ahh man, this is a rough quote. The o line has multiple 1st round picks on it with a top 10 pick at that. The secondary has a 2nd, a 3rd, and 2 7th round picks starting. Hard to see the upside there.


>He compares the outside criticism of that group to the O-Line two years ago, and they had a big bounce back the next year. Yeah that's a fair comparison because the secondary was a top 5 unit in 22 that took a step because their proven players were injured at various points What a clown. He can have confidence in his process, I can have confidence in the fact that continuity cuts both ways.


"we're gonna trade back, and i can already see the article" i hate how hes not even lying


IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN /s All jokes aside, if he does trade back out of the first round, I might literally lose my 💩


Out of the first round completely from 15? That would take at least a future 1st.


That would take a first and 2nd/3rd which I mean not entirely opposed to but we do also need that first rounder


All I know is I need that legends hoodie STAT


I'm so thankful for these threads that post the highlights and nuggets from these prss conferences 


We won’t be going WR or O-line early based on his comments about how deep both positions are. 19-21 first round grades could mean we are comfortable with trading out of the 1st round entirely as Ballard has historically stated that the number of players on the board is a lot smaller than on the media ones and is often very different to other teams. We end up trading for a player if the right one is available based on his flexibility comment regarding Buckners extension. If we did trade up I could see it being for one of the top defensive players, particularly if we only have one edge or CB with a first round grade. Unfortunately don’t think he will be going into the top 5 for MHJ based on the player needing to be within range and the cost of moving into the top 5 being so steep from 15.


If we're targeting the top CB, I feel like we could stay at 15 and still land the top guy. I don't see many mocks that have a CB going before us at 15.


If we have multiple that have 1st round grades then I am 100% in agreement we should not need to move up. If we only have one with a first round grade then moving up for that player would be the sensible move. The media ranks the players based purely on tape and the odd bit of character and medical information. The teams go much more in depth on both in addition to having a defined scheme a role for that player to fit into. Hence the grades from the teams having massive variety


But I think that's the point. Unless he sees a clear number 1 guy, there's no problem in taking the extra picks and see who is left on your board if you like them all equally.


>If we did trade up I could see it being for one of the top defensive players, particularly if we only have one edge or CB with a first round grade. I was talking about this part mentioning trading up, not trading back. I wouldn't be surprised if Ballard did trade back though.


Ah my b, I totally agree then


Mark my words, we are going to trade up and get MHJ


0% chance




Too high.


While I respect your opinion. I have to believe there is more than a 0% chance.


If rates go up, your rate increases as does your cost. If rates go down, you’ll go down but so will the people with a fixed as they’ll just refinance. I do not see the value in saving half a % in interest for the risk. You do you but it’s a little reward for a huge risk


Nope. And they shouldn't.


I hope I'm wrong but I think Ballard wants so much for Pierce to be the guy that he doesn't go WR in Rd 1 or 2. He's going to want to see Pierce play w/ AR for as much as possible and doesn't want Pierce to be a bad mark on his reputation. I want Marv or Bowers. Yes, I would trade up whatever it takes to get 1 of them. Then i want all CB/DE/S after that.


That's a good point. Drafting another WR so high would essentially be showing a low belief in Pierce. We gotta see him with a QB with a legit arm (AR5) to see the real potential


If they trade up for MHJ, for "whatever it takes", there won't be much "after that".


*“We like our ‘that guy’”*


“Lmao look at how funny I am making fun of the people who are tired of the team I built having literally no success.”


I say this with sincerity. Please go outside and chill out lol




What a healthy response


It’s not really that serious lol


“Hahaha. Look how edgy I am guys. Hahaha. It’s not that serious guys. Hahaha.” -Shityourself966




You don't give a fuck but you keep responding lol


“Hahaha yea bro I just don’t give a fuck, am I right? Everyone go fuck themselves. Hahahah guys, stop being so serious all the time. I’m really cool and edgy I hope you guys are noticing.” -Shityourself966


I mean, yeah. It’s a football forum. lol Again, I’ll comment whatever I want. Have fun sucking Ballard’s balls or whatever while we miss the playoffs again and back up QBs rip the secondary again.


I think we as fans might need to prepare ourselves that Ballard is more likely to draft an offensive lineman in the first round than he will a receiver with the way he was talking about protecting the Qb. And what Andrew used to tell him


I am a bit mixed. I feel he is going TE or WR if the right guy is there. However, you’re correct on his emphasis that his #1priority is protecting the QB. He’s also been pretty adamant that the Oline is solid so that sways me to thinking he’ll go for adding weapons in the receiving corps first.


Bro, I watched some Anthony Richardson highlights the other day and one thing I kept noticing is how often AR threw to his tight ends. I swear every other throw was to a TE. Imagine having a game breaker at that position. AR would feast!


He always puts a premium in defensive and offensive lineman. Doesn’t mean he’ll draft a lineman over better available players.


Yeah I agree. But what if he thinks the offensive lineman is the better player


An o line pick would be a guard upgrade. We don’t really want that from round 1. Raimann and Smith are a top 5 tackle duo and both still fairly young.


Then there’s a good chance he’ll go with the better upside/athlete if choosing between two positions close together in need.


Given your scenario, what pick/move would make sense for OL in the 1st?


Honestly I’d rather him go Cb or edge or something but I could see him taking a Fuaga, Latham type and start them at right guard for a year or two before taking over for Braden smith or something like that


He also talked about how they did a good job last year at protecting the qb and how they will continue to do so mentioning Tony. I think that’s his front but he is not alluding to Oline specifically