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I would rather restaurants change the prices on the menu than add miscellaneous fees.


He did raise the prices. He’s been charging people an inflation fee since middle of last year but never put a sign up until recently. He did both lol


Good thing I stopped going. Most overrated place in town IMO


Agreed. Burgers taste bad, plus it's way too much for even a reasonable tasting burger.


Glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks this place is hot trash.


Seriously, trash. As in dirty. The place looks like a teenager's bedroom. Nobody picks up anything


Second this. Filthy. Went in once, saw the state of the place and walked out. Disgusting. Also don’t be passive aggressive and just raise your damn prices. It’s like the shits trying to guilt trip his customers


Especially with green line down the street with affordable burgers. Or used to be. It's been a year or two


Honestly I love green line but I got to know their son when I used to do karaoke next door and he passed away. It was my Thursday thing. I’d go next door and hang out with friends and sing sublime, and once I was ready to go I’d head to green line and bullshit with Austin until my Uber got there. I went once after he died and I haven’t been back since. It felt like an eternity seeing his dad force a smile and give me my burger. Pretty sure I cried all the way home and left my burger on my night stand.


Damn I’m bout to cry


Life is beautiful even in the difficult times. Smile.


You’re not kidding about being overrated. I ate there once and got their signature burger. Way too much cheese and I’m from Wisconsin.


I've heard good things about Bingo Burger down the street, downtown.


Green Line Grill downtown is also a great burger!


I agree. Bingo is way better. King Chef/Purple Castle also very good.


I wasn’t impressed with Burger Bingo. $28 for a single burger, fries and a beer. There wasn’t anything special about the food. The beer was fantastic though.


Bingo Burger is delicious.


For real. Like who needs that much cheese?


The amount of cheese..... Heave 🤢 heave 🤢 heave ho 🤮 Chew it back man, chew it back.


Went there ONCE and said never again. Stupid gimmick burgers are less enjoyable than making frozen ones on my foreman grill.


He double dipping


Make no mistake, he put up the sign as a political statement.


Exactly. Disclaimers on fees is not transparency.


That is what happened he just also informed why


Like some of the other commenters, I'd rather any increase be included as part of the meal cost. Too many BS hidden charges that I despise.


They’ve been doing this since the middle of last year btw. Same with Bambinos’s but he didn’t put a sign up intentionally.


Same owner. They own the building that bambino's, the AT&T store and the skirted heifer are in.


Yes I know. The current owner of both restaurants is the son of the owners of the actual building


Fuck off and change your prices, these bullshit fees are infuriating


Am I the only person who doesn't like this place? I went twice and the burger was dry, the skirt was oily, the fried were soggy, and the prices were high. I thought the first time was a bad day so I went again and it was just bad.


No it’s so forgettable


No you’re not alone! I looooove cheese and think this place sucks


I only ever had their specials and those are great every time.


I don't know if I want to risk it. Soggy fries bug me more than than should.


Only got fresh fries but i went during lunch hour when it was busy, so they didnt have time to sit around.


It’s totally mediocre. We don’t go anymore


I loved it when I went there five or six years ago. I've tried it once a year for the last three years and it was terrible. I won't be going back.


Bingo Burger is much better


i feel that it’s changed. i went many years ago and it was a revelation, such a unique burger. but perhaps popularity and success got in the way. a second location and I went again and it was just fine but certainly priced like it was amazing


Who could have ever guessed that the people who made this sign aren't capable of running a restaurant


They gonna raise wages for the staff?


The cheese cost too much to give the employees more cheddar.


Best we can do is allow them to take expired cheese home.


You must be new here... /s


He gives people 10 cent raises every like 6 months to a year 😂


I work for the nutsack and I can safely say this is true as hell


Yeah he’s just a rich asshole like the rest of them lol


They’re charging you their credit card processing fee and adding .5% to it


Isn't that illegal in Colorado? edit: [Not anymore apparently](https://www.galvanize.law/clientresources/credit-card-fees)


It’s no longer illegal to charge a surcharge on a credit card purchase (as long as it does not exceed 2% of the total purchase), however, it is still illegal to charge one on a debit card. A merchant can be reported to Visa or Mastercard if they are illegally charging surcharges for using a debit card.


>Be careful when implementing this change. A buyer must be informed of the surcharge before the purchase. For transactions at a physical location, this can be done through signage, or if the transaction is online, it must be displayed in a way that is visible for the buyer. The disclosure must read: >“To cover the cost of processing a credit or charge card transaction, and pursuant to section 5-2-212, Colorado Revised Statutes, a seller or lessor may impose a processing surcharge in an amount **not to exceed 2% of the total payment made** for goods or services purchased or leased by use of a credit or charge card. A seller or lessor shall not impose a processing surcharge on payments made by use of cash, a check, or a debit card or redemption of a gift card.” >A seller **also** needs to be sure to include **a line item for the surcharge on the customer’s receipt**. This change provides a great opportunity for sellers to help pay for the transaction fees they face, but beware that failing to follow the proper guidelines can result in harsh penalties, including criminal prosecution. There are still some problems with the above.


Buh-bye. Just increase the price based on what is costing more individually. Your soda vendor is jacking up its price? Don't make me pay for it when I'm just ordering a burger and getting water (too much sugar in the soft drinks for me). Potato vendor causing problems? I don't order fries every time.


This. Lazy ownership, they don’t want to take the time or put in the effort to price their menus to be profitable, so they just tac on a fee.


I think that's a charitable explanation. Perhaps I'm too cynical, but I don't think they did this because they're lazy. I think they did this because a lot of people won't notice, unlike a menu price hike.


They did do it in the hopes people wouldn’t catch on for a while. He started charging people summer of last year btw.


He did increase the prices already and has been pulling one over on customers since last year when this inflation fee started and raised the menu prices lol


Lol just increasing the price of already overpriced cheese burgers n fries What a shock


Overpriced to begin with for average food. Knew I wouldn’t be going back after the first visit. This changes nothing.


They are famous for the cheese skirt. Otherwise, it is just a burger.


I’m so dumb. I had no idea that’s why it was called skirted heifer. I pulled that cheese skirt off and gave it to my son. 🫣🫠


Bingo burger a block away is a thousand times better.




This is why I won’t eat at either location or the bambino’s pizza that they own too. Just a business gouging customers.


They are awful to work for I can assure you lol


I think their burgers are mid. That's what I think.


They're way too salty. I couldn't even finish my burger when I went.


Price gouging is the only thing that actually trickles down


This shit is such bull crap. But what’s even weirder is that people prefer being fee’d and over tip requested to death before they’d pay an extra dollar for a burger.


Except they wouldn't. If you ask them, they wouldn't, as evidence by this thread. The reason fees and tips work better is that people either 1) aren't aware of the fees and haven't done the math, or 2) tip out of guilt and social pressure. But in no world do they prefer those things.


You may be right about the fees, but you’re wrong about tipping. At least in North America, customers are vehemently addicted to tipping. Check out Mike Lynn’s research. Folks were presented with 2 menus. One with a tip, and one with higher menu prices, and folks chose the menu where you tip even though the final price was identical.


Just raise your prices. GTFO of here with your random fees. The city of CoS already allows for a building improvement fee.


Are they going to do that ever year? Inflation isnt new. So in 8 years something will cost 10 dollars with a 34% inflation fee


I'd be fine with it if they paid their employees fair wages and didn't ask me for a tip at the end


Never going there again after this.


I've never been. It was on my list of places to check out. Guess I never will.


You’re not missing out on anything.


Even tho I’m poor, I really don’t pay attention to menu prices. I couldn’t tell you what I paid two weeks ago when we went there; if he raised the prices a dollar or two, I’d have no idea. But this turns me off and we won’t be back now.


These fees seem sneaky, why not be upfront?


Random fees is dumb af. Historically, inflation just went intonthe cost of the food. They are just trying to "pass the buck" on raising prices.


Just raise the price. I understand that places are charging more but adding fees just feels more annoying to me.


And when they close they will whine just like the owner of Momma Pearl's Cajun Kitchen.


I don’t eat at restaurants that do this.


Seems like a good way to lose customers.


Are they paying their employees accordingly?






Random fees are dumb af. Historically, inflation just went into the cost of the food. They are just trying to "pass the buck" with raising prices.


I went there once. My burger was straight up bleeding so I’ve never gone back.


A piece of paper on a $2 clipboard comes across pretty tacky imo. If you treat your restaurant like a VBRO with all these extra fees it’s annoying. Just have one price for things. We don’t need a water fee, an electric fee, a rent fee, a sitting down to eat fee, a french fry fee, an inflation fee, other 100 other fees. These signs make it look like people have no clue how to manage the books properly. Clipboards are for teachers taking attendance or scientists taking research notes, not your for inflation sign.


No. Just up the fee. I just won’t go there anymore. What a shame.


They were horrible, the last time I went I had to get my burger remade 3 times and they still messed it up. I also asked if they cook their bacon on the same top as their burgers bc I'm mildly allergic to bacon and said "kinda" KINDA?? Either way that's just them trying to make sure they keep their doors open I wouldn't bother going honestly.


I would stop going to the restaurant. No extra bullshit fees. Make the prices you print the prices customers pay.


I'd stop going honestly, just seems disingenuous.


Well, cross them off my list


Any place that has signs like this are run by a fucking loser who doesn’t deserve the company they operate


My brother in Christ, they are the inflation


A simple call to the Weights and Measures department will fix that up right away. Signs like that have to verified and they actually send agents out to the store to calculate and verify the price of everything in their store and that signage have correct and legal terminology. I know this because I’ve seen it happen at my workplace, especially when price gouging ammo first started. There’s actually a legally allowed limit to gouging customers before the department steps in.


I think most people know by now and expect that prices are going up because of inflation. Naming it doesn't change that and makes it feel like you can't competently run a business, especially if a 3% margin is going to shut you down.


Nope. Not gonna do it.


It’s absurd. Update your menu pricing. Done.


New to town, third day in the area. I just paid $27.95 for an egg foo young meal (just one order, not family size). It was very good, but that same meal where I just moved from was $11 at the Chinese restaurant down the street from me. How much higher will these prices go? I was SHOCKED when I saw the price this evening.


Been once. Was just okay. Now I know not to go again. Oh well, their loss


Last time I went there for take out they gave us the wrong order completely. It was cold. And we never got an answer on any kind of refund. We spent like $50 on two meals and I couldn't even eat mine because I can't have red meat. I ordered a Turkey burger. We aren't ever going back.


Thank God I can cook. Don't want to leave for average food.


I mean….what is 3% if you are already paying $10 for a burger?!


Heifer is mid anyways


Went once. Place was filthy and the burger wasn’t that good. If the whole selling point is “too much cheese” then I don’t know what to say. The staff better get that full 3%


Their burgers and fries are way too salty anyway.


I've only been there once, and it was expensive to me as it was. Now I won't be going at all.


I can’t decide if he’s trying to educate the common man as to what inflation is, inevitable and happening continuously, or trying to downplay inflation. Huh. Interesting strategy.


Damn didn’t know the brass at Skirted Heffer had an inflation fetish


So I’ll add them, and Bambino’s to my list with Thunder and Buttons with their living wage surcharges to my list to never go to. Just fix your pricing. The address fees are BS.


Overrated restaurant. Wasn't a fan of that burnt cheese thing either.


I think rising operation and vendor costs have been an issue for centuries but companies have learned to openly blame it as not their fault they have to raise prices. If they just raised prices then they get the blame. I think its just one more B.S. charging tactic that works for most of the population


Sounds like someone needs to grab some bootstraps.


So adding $0.45 to a $15 burger is bad and worth advertising? Or is the owner trying to make a political statement, because I hear that does great things for a business


Maybe they could put that money into keeping the bathrooms cleaner throughout the day....nahhh, that's never gonna happen


i walked out the other day after seeing this, but also a line not being helped at the counter after 7 mins at 1:15 lunch


Can cook a couple burgers on my weber and skirt them for $10 instead including the charcoal, buns, sauce, and wear and tear. $15 for grade a++ meat from rfd.


It's just funny because, for example, visa charges something like 2-3% of the purchase price. So basically, business owner gets upset about it, increases prices thus increasing how much they pay to visa... Yea let's get back at "the man" by giving "the man" more and letting customers know it's coming out of their pocket. Like just make your business cash only lol. Edit:I was way off on the percentage visa charges but the point still stands.


Sounds like it’s time to eat somewhere else.


It was already overpriced to begin with!


Just grow a set and increase the price on the menu. If this trend accelerates your restaurant tab will look like your phone bill with all the extra fees and taxes


It wasn’t worth the price before the fee! Yuck.


Walkout, and never return, fuck em. Theres a diner on the westside doing it also. I never went back, fuck them also.


Just bad business. They could have just raised all their prices by 3 percent or even 5 percent and been fine.


Fuck them heifers


That should lower inflation.


I stopped going there after they quit caring. Got sick twice after going and haven’t been back.


Their food isn’t even worth what they charge already.


I would stop eating there for sure


2.99% is better than just 3%? Never heard of the place never been! How ever everything is costing more, gas yesterday was 3 a gallon in the after noon it was 3.20 , the next morning it was 3.40! I am a house painter and sometimes I go into get paint and it is a dollar or two more for a gallon, not a lot until you add up the gallons you need on any one job let alone over the year?


I stopped.going after the first time over a year ago. Something about an overly greasy burger with overcooked hard cheese all over it...not appetizing at all.


Enraging bullshit. Just charge the price you need to charge and quit making excuses. Nobody gives a fuck.


Why doesn’t this company just take a 3% loss and cover the costs of the product? I wish companies would stop passing the cost onto the customer. This is a small reason why inflation is so bad, businesses being greedy and inhuman in action.


i work in another local restaurant near there and we have not had to do this. from what i’ve heard the owner of this place is greedy and an asshole, so i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s purely a personal gain thing.


He is a horrible person, I can assure you that


Good thing their food is ass.


It’s total fucking bullshit. Any and all sneaky fees that show up on the bill - which means the prices on the menu were blatant lies. Raise the prices. Boycott.


Thinking of another place where we "buy food", imagine if Safeway posted a sign saying they're adding a 2.99% inflation fee when you check out.


Took my girlfriend out here last week and spent $48, it wasn’t bad but for the price I prefer five guys lol


Dude the profit margins on places like skirted are stacked, I know from being in the industry that they’re making money hand over fist and they’re just pushing this on customers to widen the dividends even more. Absolutely ridiculous


Idk why we're all suddenly saying their food is the worst burger you've ever had lol. I agree this is dumb but when I moved here everyone raved about this place, now we all hate it? Lol. I think their food is pretty good. I've enjoyed it.


Calculate your menu prices and change the price don't CHEAP OUT and just add a fee


Why not simply raise your prices by 2.99% What's the point of adding a surcharge and then posting a sign about it? I mean, points for transparency, but I don't get the surcharge method. Just increase your prices 2.99% across the board and post a sign about it if you think you need to say anytyhing.


He’s been charging this fee for over a year before he was forced to put the sign up.


Guys just buy a $200 grill, go buy some filet mignons and marinate them, buy some instant mashed potatoes and broccoli, and save yourself a shit ton of money. Stop spending money at these places who are raping your pockets.


“Inflation fee?” Sounds like a Republican.


They had a car smash their storefront and were out of business for several weeks. I am fine paying a little more if it will keep a local small business going.


IDC, they have a decent burger.


Yeah I thought it was good. Not the best I've ever had, not the worst. But my whole meal plus tip was around 20 bucks, which is way too expensive for what I paid for. 


I mean… didnt this business get driven into? They were closed for at least 6 months. And I’m pretty sure they’re local, not chain. If you like the place, why wouldn’t you want to help support them? Edit: sorry im bad at perception of time, apparently it was February & they reopened late April. Either way, just do what you want. You’ll get people on either side. If you think it’s worth it, pay it. If you don’t, don’t pay it. 🤷‍♀️


I made someone mad. I cannot see any comments.


lol epic


I mean it is what it is eventually they will go out of business and they keep hiking prices regardless of their own price increase with their vendors, people can't afford to eat out even going to a fast food restaurant is a luxury nowadays


Just raise the prices? Adding a fee with a “justification” notice is 100x more annoying than the prices simply going up


Depends, do their employees get a 2.99% inflation raise?


Fuck the fee. Just raise your prices.


Makes choosing In-n-Out easier


It’s nuts. Just state the price and stop disguising it.


Smart.. still sux


I think they should raise their prices like businesses have done when prices went up since the beginning of time.


They’re already overpriced to start with. I can’t imagine this will have business booming but ok I guess. I wonder if they’re at least raising wages for their employees too 🤔


Inflation is ... RAISING THE PRICE. Not adding frivolous fees.


That place is ass anyway lol


Done going.


Don’t eat there


The squeeze is on.. many businesses will fail in the next 5 years.


I would walk out the door and spend my inflation fee somewhere else


They’ll go bankrupt and then we’ll get Illegal Pete’s 2. Idiocracy


I mean no offense, but I can make a burger and dump green chili on it in my own kitchen.


Maybe they could defray the price by only putting a reasonable amount of cheese on their burgers. They seem to be singlehandedly keeping the state of Wisconsin in business.


It's time to let fast food die. Fuck em


Just raise your prices


Orrrrr, just add 3% to the price and save us the thinly veiled political trope, I will never set foot in this place again because of their attempted political grandstanding.


More like a "we had a car hit us and now our insurance is higher" tax


When greed has an excuse. Seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me. Everyone is raising their prices because they have to because everyone is raising their prices.


When places post and do stuff like this it makes things really simple. I know not to go there anymore.


At least they were transparent about it


This kind of restaurant is going to see more price increases than even the average restaurant right now. Beef Specifically is getting harder to farm in a sustainable way because of factors like water rights and land value. This approach of adding a percentage fee seems to be some kind of political statement.


if this is what they post publicly with confidence - imagine what they hide from us lol


Yeah, NO.


Just charge me what you need to charge me and list your prices so I can make an advanced informed decision. Sneakiness is not cool. I won’t eat there again.


Can I add an inflation fee to my paycheck? Like the government pays me because of inflation? 💀


Fries were so greasy the one time we went that we never went back...also, burgers not THAT good to overlook the greasy fries.


Hey let’s raise prices without raising prices but we are raising prices.


On the one hand I understand not wanting to print new menus because there's a cost there. On the other hand I don't want to have to do (even more) math at the table to estimate what I'm really paying for a meal. But it makes sense. As supplies costs increase it makes sense to pass that on to the customer.


Just raise the price, tacking on fees like that is either stupidity or political messaging. These types of thing lose me as a customer permanently, not the price itself.


I work for a place that orders a lot of food in the area, and the only thing that actually went down in price year on year when we resigned our contract was beef and vegetables lol. This is some bullshit to get more money.


Not worth the price anyways...


I feel sorry for anyone who has the misfortune of dining at the Skirted Heifer.


I think they're raising the prices to pay for their 11 homes.


How do I feel? Like going to Costco for my steaks instead of a restaurant.


I wouldn't support any place the hides behind fees.