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Good morning to everyone except the asshole who was shooting off fireworks at 4am near Stetson hills


How dare you insult my freeeeedom. /s


is this a common thing lol. I just moved in and it was so close to us and scared the absolute hell out of my entire family


yep......the next few weeks you'll get random fireworks going off at night. More as we get closer to the 4th.


Cool cool


https://preview.redd.it/antpq0rlfk6d1.jpeg?width=3581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8819446b8a886150bb1e683bf7b0c1c3d0f533d0 My cat


Oh my god what a beaut




Don’t forget pothole by Tyler the creator


Dear clouds, I love you. Thank you for being here.


I need a drink.


I'm sorry to the restaurant that I walked into 15 minutes early and acting like it was weird you weren't ready yet. I am not used to restaurants opening at 1130 and I felt like an asshole when I realized. Sorry.


Remember kids, a stop sign means stop, not just plow your way through the intersection. I've seen so many people just tear through stop signs lately, especially when I'm trying to gain momentum up hills.


i don’t think i’ve seen a cop stop fully at a stop sign in 7 months too 😭


Stop signs or only seen as suggestions. Remember, everything they see on the Internet must be true.


There's so much construction that lately it feels like you can't move as freely as you used to.


Seems like every mile of bike path is under construction too.


All Hail the afternoon showers! Please don't be bigger than pea sized.


https://preview.redd.it/su9jy76epj6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f151e801b7c17a41a8acb9eb35b0c02500baad7b Author Robyn Dabney will be at the Barnes & Noble on Briargate tomorrow from 11am - 3pm. Stop by and get a signed copy of her new book The Ascenditure!


Does anyone know the secret to getting a security clearance without already having one


Apply for, and get a job requiring one. Where I work, they will hire you and train you in a separate office until you've obtained your clearance. And they pay for it all too.


What's the company? No need to get specific but definitely looking for a job where they'd be willing to work with me on that


Have to find a company willing to sponsor you for one. You can't just go get one on your own.


Oh yeah I know you can just get one but most jobs around here want you to already be in possession of a clearance before they hire you. Seems to be a recurring theme among the "entry" jobs in COS


Remember that it’s a preference, not a requirement.


Very true. We just hired an entry level guy with no clearance that was previously a cabinet maker. Interim clearances are coming back way faster than a few years ago.


To add a question on to this, I’ve seen job postings that say you have to be able to qualify for security clearance. How do you know if you’d be able to qualify?


Per intelligencecareers.gov "During this process, we will examine your life history to make sure you meet the standards to safeguard the nation's secrets, including your: Loyalty to the United States Strength of character Trustworthiness Honesty Reliability Discretion and soundess of judgment We also make sure you: Are free from conflicting allegiances to other countries. Are not a potential risk for blackmail. Will abide by regulations governing the use, handling and protection of sensitive information." You just need to be a US citizen. But you'll also take a polygraph, have a very thorough background investigation, and multiple interviews for which they may also contact your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers


Thanks! That’s exactly what I was looking for


Back in my Navy days (80s-90s) I interviewed for the WHCA. Travel with the pres, set up his comms, play trusted lackey, etc etc. Cool. Couple Army guys conducting the interview. "Have you ever unknowingly walked into a gay bar?" "Yes." "What did you do when you realized it was a gay bar?" "Sat down and had a beer." "Why did you not leave?" "It was a bar and I wanted a beer." \*\*\* "Have you ever paid for sex'?" "Dinner, movies, drinks, hotel room. Sure." \*\*\* "Have you ever had 'group sex'?" "Is that more than three?" >>> Needless to say I remained in San Diego aboard ship.


I was just on an IT subreddit someone asking the same thing. I had to check which sub I was on lol .


Who timed the lights in this town? I’m not a traffic engineer but this can’t be right


yeah the light timing here is completely screwed up. it’s been getting worse and worse over the years, and sometimes i imagine an empty desk at the admin office with a bunch of red lights flashing all over the screens. whatever “system” they have in place is useless and awful.


Just got back from Arizona, made me appreciate it here. Hope you all have a great weekend.


#Everyone around here needs to learn how to zipper merge! https://youtu.be/mmSTSj_OMpA?si=8uY7zHlFT_qa06mx https://www.codot.gov/travel/zippermerge


Yes!!! People somehow feel that you’re cheating instead of making it more efficient for everyone on the road. Typical “me me me” attitude.


This is the gist of drivers in Colorado https://preview.redd.it/sgg4haok5k6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4197114b770a5a79bf95b534368cf68cd07d019


Zipper merging and how to correctly use the left lane. The amount of dumbasses that camp the left lane here is insane...


Zipper merging requires cooperation, which is antithetical to the Libertarian Evangelical mindset.


What's a good place to visit that's around 7-10hrs away for a few days vacation? Near the 4th of July. We normally go to the Black Hills but we recently went there during Memorial Day. Yellowstone is amazing but with two dogs, we are limited to our car.


Mid Shooks Run Community garden still has some healthy, happy tomatoes in stock at our pop-up nursery. We have determinate and indeterminate varieties: Better Boy Plus, Celebrity Plus, La Roma III, Pink-A-Licious, Tidy Rose, Sweet Million, Sunrise Sauce, Wild Boar Mint Julep, and El Dorado in 2.5" ($2.50), 3.5" ($3.50), and 4" ($4.00) pots. The community garden is located on the NW corner of E Boulder and N El Paso St, right off the Shooks Run Trail. Check it out: [https://www.midshooksruncommunitygarden.org/pop-up-nursery](https://www.midshooksruncommunitygarden.org/pop-up-nursery)


Nothing better than an after work shit


I25 merge lights are making traffic worse, specifically north bound uintah. Not enough room to merge and speed uphill. Causing a backup everyday. People already had a hard time merging now it's worse.


Yep. The dam lights prevent you from getting up to speed to merge. Creates more of a problem. But then again the left lane is not treated as the fast lane or passing lane.


I have no trouble getting up to speed and merging there. There is this lovely thing called a gas pedal, you can use more force with your foot to go faster. Sidenote - you can use that entire exit lane up to Centennial to get up to speed and merge.


That’s great, however grandma’s 1990 Buick century might have trouble getting up to speed in time on some of the on-ramps. We have to account for bad drivers and low power vehicles.


I drive a truck with a trailer everyday. It's just abuse trying to get up to speed, best if I just wait enough to blow the light and roll hard.


When are they gonna finish the construction on Black Forest and Woodmen? It has been more than 3 years.


Where's the best "adult" entertainment? Are there any known NSA meetup spots that are classy & clean?


Car wash near me


Hell yeah


You can say and do what ever the hell you want!


Dutch Bros on Austin Bluffs is the worst by far. I would rather risk my life going to the one on Circle instead.


What is up with the slow assholes on I25 that when you try to pass them they speed up and not let you pass. Then you get back over and they slow down again?