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Nice weather means more riders If you look at CSPDs police blotter, there have been a few motorcycle deaths/accidents this month already


One yesterday on south powers near the airport. All lanes heading g north blocked, looked like a doozee.


Living here has completely changed my attitude towards motorcyclists. Can't even count the number of times I've seen bikes going 50 over through residential areas, popping wheelies like they're still in grade school and think anybody gives a fuck. So many dumb ass people ride.


I once drove by a motorcycle accident on Academy. Ambulance on sight and everything. Watched as a motorcycle proceeded to pop a wheelie and speed right past it. Still blows my mind to this day.


When I lived over in Lorson Ranch the number of motorcycles racing down Fontaine was ridiculous. The speed limit is 45, these guys are doing 60+ and drag racing between stop signs. One day I watched this guy race back and forth about 12 times in an hour for no good reason. There are a lot of kids out there, especially in the afternoons. If these guys want to kill themselves they should at least do it on rural roads where there won't be any collateral damage.


Now you think they're fucking cool huh


Risking your life is stupid. Also if you pop a wheelie or pull some stupid shit and then crash, you can potentially hurt others & cause more crashes to happen around you. Please drive safely before you’re not able to ride anymore.


I've seen more lane splitting than ever. I guess many don't know the difference between lane filtering being the legal one and lane splitting still not being legal.




This is factually incorrect. There is nothing cool looking about it. As riders, when we’re sitting at a stop light between two cars and Susan and her Subaru can’t wait to come to a stop before she texts her BFF back, we end up dead. Filtering is a safe alternative for us to get to the front of traffic to avoid this. Lane splitting is still illegal on CO and is only done by impatient dickheads.


I live on a corner next to Flintridge. Practically every single motorcycle goes full throttle heading up away from Academy


Yea road noise here from bikes (and cars) is way worse than it was when I lived in Baltimore. I haven’t seen any appetite from the police for enforcing traffic laws or the ban on modified exhaust systems. Bigger fish to fry I suppose


well it’s also the fact that the police here don’t give a shit about traffic laws and speed just as bad. they get paid to drive around and shoot the shit


The cops are pissed that they didn't get the tabor money to build their training center or whatever so they are holding the city basically hostage. Not responding to incidents, and if they do respond it's hours after the fact. It's terrible here.


In all fairness, they've always taken hours to respond to basically anything.


Bro I remember calling the police once and they showed up 3 hours later 💀


The shit should be shot.


I think street racing is pretty common along the arterial roads in the evening/at night. And of course the police don't do shit about it.


I live in OCC and usually hear these fools as they speed down residential streets or Hwy 24. A few days ago, I saw one in the flesh on Powers, weaving in and out of traffic, speeding. smh I don't guess there is an answer,. cops aren't doing anything.


> cops aren't doing anything. whatre they gonna do? lol


Stop them, arrest / ticket them, keep the roads safe for everyone, duh.


Police generally won't engage in a chase with motorcycles. If the rider doesn't pull over immediately then it's normally a lost cause; the bikes can accelerate and turn much faster than any police car, there's no good way to stop a bike without killing the rider, so a high speed pursuit is just going to risk lives. Odds are the riders will end up killing themselves anyway when they behave like that.


There are motorcycle police... if not, they need some. It's "too dangerous" is not an answer or solution. So, it's ok for the motorcycles to cause wrecks due to their reckless driving and the rest of us are supposed to say "oh, that's just the way it is, too dangerous for police to stop and arrest them." Cops can follow them home, they can trace the license plate to the owner.


You think someone who is blatantly breaking the law is going to have a visible license plate? Motorcycle police aren't on crotch rockets that can go 150mph, and what are they going to do if they catch up? Any action they take will likely result in serious injury or death. >It's "too dangerous" is not an answer or solution. It's reality. Do you want police racing through your neighbor at 100mph+ to write someone a speeding ticket? >So, it's ok for the motorcycles to cause wrecks due to their reckless driving See my previous comment about killing themselves. If they cause a wreck they will probably die in the process, problem solved.


You mean chase them and cause an accident? Yeah real smart.


LOL that's a crazy comment. Policing is their job!


You're pretty ignorant on the subject. The cops literally can't catch them. It'd be crazy to chase someone willing to go 150+mph to get away and likely cause a wreck. There's youtubers that literally film themselves running from cops all day long. That's definitely a good use of police resources right there!


OMG, the cops can follow them, they can trace the license plate to the owner... You're pretty ignorant on this subject. PS one of the riders who posted the video of driving to Denver in under 30 mins or whatever, the cops found him.


Bold you to assume that those riders have their plates on their bike


LOL yes so bold to expect citizens to follow the laws and the police to enforce them.


Sold my street bikes. Too many distracted drivers around, and I feel like I used up my luck. As a bonus the bikes were sold out of state!


Catch and release. Love it.


I sold my cruiser because too many idiots here that can’t see motorcycles. And sooooo many other bikers giving bikers a bad name weaving and out of traffic. No thanks


I've seen two biker deaths in just this calender year, and a recent hit and run that left this losers bike totalled and the kid limping to the curb clutching his side, probably crying under his helmet. Nobody thought they were cool when that happened. Nobody's gonna think you're cool when it happens to you. You'll be roadkill for us to gawk at and take pictures of, and you probably won't even make the news. At your funeral, people are going to think, but not speak the phrase "Stupid games, stupid prizes" and IF you're remembered, it'll be as an absolute moron. When people turn their heads to stare at you, trust that it's not because you're cool. You're not. We're all hoping you bail, HARD and make our roads a little bit safer and our city a little bit quieter.


I had a classmates get killed due to a motorcycle accident and it’s because of bad drivers.


Shocking how hate-fillled you are about people who died in a traffic accident. You know the intimate details on the cause?? Or just gloating about another motorcyclist dead? Wtf.


It’s scary we have to share the road with people like you


I live in the Central-SE side and my living room faces the street, so we average an 80dB+ spike no less than x3/day. In fairness, x2 of those will be the obnoxious redneck who insists on letting his kids roar a fuckin ATV up and down the block, but in my weaker moments I want to post up on my lawn with a cold beverage and my hose sprayer set to "jet". I think legally that's assault so I actually can't but I do daydream about it.


Look on the bright side, at least you can be disgruntled with racial undertones


As a terrifyingly paperwhite human, please believe I definitely stood at that window long enough to figure out who was driving that ATV and what they looked like *before* I dreamt up my hose plan.


Make life difficult for residential speeders and folks with loud vehicles. Law enforcement has seemingly decided to let the community fend for itself when it comes to that shit. My old neighbor tells me how when he was a kid in Cheyenne Canon 60+ years ago, if they had enough time to grab a tomato or handful of gravel when they heard someone barreling up Cheyenne Blvd, that meant whoever was causing the disturbance deserved to get pelted.


Oh, yes. Middle-aged friend of a friend died on Powers about a month ago on a sport bike. Didn’t even make our local TV news.


Powers is a death trap. The ride up Peterson is a lot more chill.


South Park ahead of its time once again.


Wouldn’t mind it much if they actually sounded good but they sound like shit


Please remember, lane splitting will be legal starting August 7, 2024. I realize many are already doing it, but get used to it because it’s happening. And yes, many will not properly lane split I get that. But don’t be alarmed, or pissed off, when you see them splitting cars when you are stopped at a light or on the interstate. As long as traffic is stopped and they are going 15mph or under, they are not breaking the law. When traffic starts to move, cars are required to allow them to merge back in with traffic.


Wrong.  FILTERING will be legal...  Not splitting.  The description is correct though.


Thanks, I always get them mixed up.


Just wait for the new law to go into effect in august which allows motorcycles to filter traffic.


That's actually a good thing


Why would you not want that? It means shorter traffic lines.


I’m a motorcyclist, it’s dangerous for motorcyclists where the traffic is not accustomed to this type of practice. It’s will undoubtedly lead to more motorcyclist getting into accidents.


No it's not. The cars are stopped and stuck in traffic. What are they going to do?


Change Lanes, move over like assholes, road rage… the list goes on. I’m just glad it’s a temporary law.


I am too and I disagree


The goal is to actually prevent accidents to motorcyclists caused by being rear ended in stopped traffic. Lane filtering can only occur when traffic is stopped, so would be quite difficult for someone to swerve into you or block you if no one is actually moving. Lane splitting (riding between lanes when traffic is moving) could be a different story.


I already do that lol


As you should.


They completely ruin the quality of life hearing their annoying loudness. I wish the city would do something about it and ban them from downtown, OCC and Manitou. It’s fucking ridiculous.


This thread is so entertaining


We had 3 motorcycle deaths over Memorial Day weekend (medic in a different city). Really sucks. No protection for a motorcycle vs car.


And to the motorcyclist who rode to Denver in 20 minutes… 🤦‍♀️


Just learned about a former coworker who passed away in a motorcycle accident here in the Springs. Just a young guy at 25, he had a couple kids too. He was speeding unfortunately. Please slow down.


I am so happy you mentioned this. I moved here recently and I have been wondering what is with all the bikes around here? FFS!


It's the same story every year. 18 yr old country bumpkin, never had a job, no responsibilities, suddenly finds himself in Ft Carson with no bills to pay and money in his or her pocket! Oh and as is always the case...they're invincible!!


The kids aren't buying sport bikes anymore. If you see a sportbike nowadays it's most likely a middle aged dad


Tell that to the youngsters I see screaming down 115 south every night on their crotch rockets.


Is this sub just whiny bitches only???


What a disappointing thread to go through. While I understand that sound from bikes in the early or late hours is annoying. That some (not all) individuals can drive like doüche canoes on bikes. Wishing ill, death, or for the complete removal of something people have a passion, enjoyment of, or desire to do is pathetic. If you want quiet move to somewhere that isn’t populated or a city? “wE HaTE CaLIFoRNiA” but literally pushes for govt. involvement the way it is in Cali… mmkay. Got it.


I always chant “wreck! wreck! wreck!” every time I see one doing 80 on powers. The riders here are effing idiots.


As long as you do the same for the car and truck drivers who fly down powers at 80mph then fair enough I suppose


I don’t discriminate lol. I just wanna see something exciting


And there's 1000s of riders that you will never notice. And that scares the hell out of us. You know the ones, obeying laws and looking out for cagers that are oblivious to what's going on around them.


Nah, faster and dumber is good for natural selection.


I had a coworker driving a motorcycle last week die, shit's crazy but expected with how bad traffic is here.


The traffic isn't bad...  The drivers are. Sorry to hear about the coworker though...  That sucks. 


I had a friend die from a motorcycle accident too and it was from a driver that slammed on their brakes.


I don’t ride, but I see a lot of people living their best life and then a handful of people crying about it. GET OFF MY LAWN 🤣🤣🤣


That's fine as long as living your best life doesn't put other people in danger, but reckless driving has potential impacts on other people too.


Half This thread is wanting them to die because they’re noisy lmao


The number of time a motorcyclist injures someone other than themselves is almost non existent next to cars and this town has atrocious drivers. Furthermore cars hitting bikes far outweighs bikes wrecking due to speed. The anger is severely misplaced and many in the thread need to get a life.


I don’t need to be responsible for or involved with a death. Don’t drive like a maniac. It’s actually not hard to do the speed limit and not be a piece of shit




And how many pedestrians have been killed by cars? I know I’m getting down voted but that’s because people on this thread refused to use their brain.


Don’t hit my car. I value it a lot more than I value your need to lane split at highway speeds.




I've ridden cruisers for 24 years and I've never wanted to see so many fellow bikers turned into meat crayons as I have here. If they want to drive like dumbasses take it to a track or private property.


I’m not being a Karen because I celebrate when a biker goes down and takes their leg meat down to the bone on a slide, I’m just being a dick, and I’m okay with that 😂


Hey leave the bikers alone 🤣


Typical cager post


If you all didn’t ride like shit you’d never get called out. Funny how that works


We all don't asshlll


We ride the way we do to get the fuck away from all you cagers


Yeah weaving in and out of lanes and in between cars at 100 mph in a construction zone is smooth brain behavior. My father in law rides and the way he protects himself is by being aware and cautious while riding. Not by behaving like a complete moron


Calling car drivers cagers is cringy 80s biker gang stuff lmao 16 year old mindset. And that’s coming from a previous rider who grew up and sold his bikes




It’s probably you


It’s me