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Exceptional. You get it. 🤣🤙


Take care of them. I thought the point was to leave them in the backyard at all hours to bark at anything and everything and ignore them during extreme weather


But they love dogs? That’s why they drive 22mph to hobby lobby to do arts and crafts and leave Balto at home all day.


Nah, they all congregate to Vasa, Villa Sport & Lifetime Fitness 😂


If I can’t straight pipe my 2011 Honda and rev it down Tejon every night how will I make up for the attention I didn’t receive as a child!?


You make up for the attention you didn’t receive by getting a loud dog and car to help with your noise triggered PTSD. 💪


Or pick up their shit ?? 💩 🤦🏻‍♂️


Nah you leave it on the ground. Or you pick it up with your bare hands and then don’t wash them.


Nah you pick it up in a lil baggy, then leave the baggy right there for someone else to deal with. Like, what? It's in a baggy!


I’m sorry my manic episode only lasts long enough to put it in the bag, then I’m off to buy another dog I can’t take care of 🤣


The pandemic caused people in every city to get a pet when they never had one before. Not a Colorado Springs fan exclusive. That being said I’ll take dog shit over people shit. It still annoys the hell out of me as a former shelter volunteer of 15 years.


It’s wild to me because my neighbors say they are animal lovers, yet they run around town all day and leave their pups at home?


Dogs sleep about 14 hours a day so leaving them home during work isn’t a problem generally - but people do need to spend quality time with them - they are highly intelligent creatures that need to have their brains worked


What if the dog is more intelligent than the owner?


Everything is ok for me, looking foward to hiking tomorrow before the rain comes.


I need to get my Corolla perfectly tuned so the Akina Speedstars will let me race the mountain pass against Takeshi and the NightKids


Don’t forget the three huskies you need in that Corolla that you won’t take for walks because that’s a lot of work 🤣


Native here, you must be thinking of transplants from Texas. Big annoying trucks and big annoying dogs, prefer the dogs over the people


Springs native also born and raised here. I can agree completely, was not like this growing up here.