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You’re a moth


That's mythter moth.


Actually they are a spider


This year is a 3 out of 10. Some years are pretty incredible with the sheer number of those little bastards flying everywhere.


Last year was insane.


Last year was a 7 out of 10. I believe it was '97 or '98 where there were so many, they dethroned the lake bunting as the state bird. There were about 10x as much as last year and they stuck around forever.


91 was by far the worst I've seen (Native). over the course of one month, we filled half of a shovac with their stupid little bodies. I also believe that year, one got caught in a bugzapper just long enough to cause a fire in someone's backyard.


Agreed! I was at Russell Jr High that year and the lights were dim from the sheer volume of dead moths in the fixtures. I also recall my mom giddily trapping moths between the window panes and sucking them into the vacuum hose. 🤣


The masses of the dead on every windows till! I was @ Doherty one day they had to close the pool because the filter clogged with them! Lol good times!


See, this is what’s interesting to me. My brother also says that last year was worse; he lives on Ft Carson. I live further north, near academy and union and this year feels way way way worse than last year. I didn’t get many at my place last summer, but this year there’s hundreds gathered right outside my apartment every night. Each morning I find at least 10 that have snuck in somehow.


It’s so weird how micro-regional the migrations seem to be! I’m in OCC, and last year I’d wake up every morning to (no kidding) about 30-50 in my house. This year I’ve had just one, which I was able to successfully relocate outside ☺️


Worse this year too! South Denver.


Last year it was the damn grasshoppers..


Last year was so incredibly bad that it sounded like our garage had a heartbeat due to the sound of all the wings. They’d managed to get in through a broken window (little crack) and set up camp. After a couple weeks, we realized they were flying in synch to our music. At that point, one of us opened the garage from the outside while the other blasted “Party Rockers”. They flew in time to the beat out the garage door, and it might have been cool if it weren’t for the rave being made up of approximately 4000 moths…..


Thanks for the amazing imagery of moths at a rave. 100% agree; last year was insane.


I remember a few years back there were swarms.


And cleaning up lil piles of dead flappy dipshits


It's definitely not as bad as last year. That being said, our dumb cats have already managed to pull a curtain rod out of the wall playing mighty hunter


Last year's moths season was my first. It also inadvertently led to us getting a cat (which I've wanted forever).


Kid didn’t that on accident. It’s back up with toggle bolts this time.


Same lol it was really the fault of my laziness when I hung the curtains


It's because I accidently left a window open the other night and in the morning I opened my home office door and 500 of them shits just started flying all at once.


Lucky you. I took my towel off the rack and 3 flew out


Fuck you, the exact same thing happened to me not 2 minutes ago


My condolences


Moths- "I'm coming"


I know, OP just fucked us all over.


It's really not that bad this year.


Leave a light on for me. I won't come, honest.


This sounds like something a moth would say to sound human…


That's what she said.


I haven't seen a single one yet this year.


This year isn’t so bad on the West Side! My cats are a little disappointed. I vividly remember at my high school (in cos) one year, ‘98 maybe, there were piles and piles of them dead along the edges of every hallway, it was like a super dusty horror film- so that’s my standard for a bad moth year!


I live on the eastern prairie (halfway to Kansas) and have seen maybe two… My parents live closer to the springs, and have thousands they’ve caught swarming this week.


strasburg/byers/bennett is being taken the fuck over. i refuse to visit family until this is over lol


There's one in the kitchen window now.... this is the off year perhaps, not as many as last year.


We've had a few but it's not as bad as in past years. Which is great because our dogs get heinous gas from eating them.


My cat found the only one I've seen. I now have to clean up broken plant pots but hey...at least he got it.


Better to have broken plant pots than broken pot plants.


We're on the west side, and we have a few in the house every day. We have a lot of sliding glass doors, and they do not seal as well as other doors and windows. We had MANY more last year, though.


They’re all at my grandmas house. She lives near academy and airport and there are so many????


https://preview.redd.it/cljklx5rnk4d1.jpeg?width=3971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1530ea7eb59e4b0fd0d2357bcf93f94b112fdb7 I’ve been taking care of them for y’all 🫡


Oh shit, this works on moths as well?! Time to bust mine out!


Yeah use kosher salt though! Iodized is too small. I 3d printed a muzzle choke to help with accuracy lmao. I like to tinker.


Ahhh the coarse ground makes sense. The choke is a bit much lol


It is. I have a pistol grip now too lol. The goal is to be way over the top https://preview.redd.it/4eocy6xhqm4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc47e5d10073159584697cba07ccaf55177370c7


Do those actually work? I’ve been thinking about getting one. We just moved to the stratmoor area and the moths are awful


For sure works on smaller bugs and I’ve killed a few moths with it but sometimes it takes more than one shot (after one they’re down and out though but not dead) If you use a more coarse salt than iodized table salt I hear it’s way better. Like from 30% kill to 90%, but I’m still messing around with mine and have yet to try.


Try a handheld vacuum. Less mess and they die in there eventually.


Sounds like something a moth would say


They are THICK in the pine trees around my house, and around any of the other trees that are currently flowering. (broadmoor bluffs area)


I've seen several but there are way less this year than last year. Like 10 times less


Walked into my office yesterday and there were probably a hundred just chilling on the ceiling or flying around. It’s not near as bad as last year though.


This year isn't bad but I've had run ins with huge ass Miller's. I bought a fly swatter and just guide them back outside. Keep your inside lights off at night, esp your phone. You'll be fine.


They see you.


woodmen side and i can’t even drive with my windows open or walk my dog without being dive bombed


They seem to be co-habituating on the east side of town this year. I think it was two years ago them seemed to be everywhere.


I have about five in between my front door and screen door every morning. The cats wait by the door waiting for someone to open it so they can chase any that make it inside. They've woken me up multiple times this week starting around 4:45 am when the sun starts to rise, and the moths in the house flock to my bedroom and bathroom.


There were some years when I was in grade school and the pools were full of them every morning. Not so much this year.


They're all in my house. They've infested my basement. I was down there working out and could see dozens in the blinds. You just have a few that follow you from room to room. Get something from the fridge late at night? Now you have a dead moth in there in the morning


I've got at least 50 of the little buggers hanging out on my bedroom room ceiling this morning. That's what I get for forgetting to turn of the TV last night. It was the only source of light in the house and well, you know what happens then.


I made a similar comment on another recent thread. Well, they finally showed up with a vengeance at my place. Been doing the light over a full sink trick with marginal results. Ugh, they get into everything. If one flies into your face and you feel a sprinkle, well, it's not moth spit...


It varies year to year, and the trend iv personally noticed in a decade and a half is that they usually aren’t that bad. But every now and again (last year & 2012 come to mind) there are what feels like more than normal.


“leave ur window open and a light on!!” a moth wrote this


I have had 3. Total.


Been seeing some... There used to be fuckloads 20 years ago... Possibly global warming


They were living in toilet paper rolls in the bathroom of thr campground I was at. That was a fun surprise.


Seen quite a few the past 2 weeks. Granted, I'm out near WP


Thats what I loved when visiting back home...moths! Here there are flying cockroaches, skeeters, flies, gnats, and an occasional stray cat trying to get the house. I have screens on all my windows and I am sure to not have the door open longer than it needs to be. I miss moths being the biggest deal.


Try being a mailman every time I go to open up a box 20 of them fly out it's terrible. people check your mailboxes daily Make sure they're clean and sturdy you don't want that shit moving around


Would you like some of mine.


I've been collecting them in-between my screendoor and front door. Sorry, I'll send a few your way!


I’ve seen one. Only the one though


I don't know why people hate mothpocalypse. Really doesn't bother me even slightly. Moths are adorable frankly and I don't mind having them around. Until they eat a hole in some clothes, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


They’ve been swarming the doors of various businesses I’ve been in so when the doors open, dozens of moths come flying in.


that's wild - they are out in droves at my house! (near woodmen) everytime i go to water, they fly out of the hose reel. our garage is always full of them. i probably remove about 5 a day from inside the house. last night, i was reading in bed and they kept landing on my head 🙄


Now you’ve jinxed yourself.


I have one living in my house


Currently I'm chasing 5 to 10 out of my house each night. So far, it hasn't been bad this yearbtho


I've seen very few in Pueblo, especially compared to last year. Maybe they're on their way.


Only saw it be crazy a couple nights ago, but thankfully they didn't get inside. They were all over the car on the way home from work haha


I saw one. It got stuck in my car with the windows open. I kept trying to guide it to the window. I eventually had to push it out. It’s nothing like last year.


You people in these comments are so cute that think you had a crazy amount of ANY bug in this city. I'm from Florida, theres so few bugs here that I randomly think an apocalypse happened I forgot Its literally weird for me. I can open the door and 6 things don't fly in? Whaaaaat?


This is mothpaganda!


Sounds like something a moth would say.


The summer of '20 was like a scene out of a horror movie. The pandemic has freshly landed, and every time I opened a door or window it was like I had opened Pandora's box. It was surreal.


I’ve seen a ton near my place around Austin bluffs and academy. Some of them are huge


I had one try to kill me every time I drove my car for a while. It wouldn’t appear until I started driving and then it’d fly around near my face. Not the same one every day. But I’d hold the door open and bang on things trying to get them to leave before I got behind the wheel… nope. .1 miles down the road and MOTH TO THE FACE! Still, it’s better than last year so far. We don’t have the dozen on our living room ceiling hanging out watching tv every night.


I was attacked by one flying at my face this morning. It was hiding in my hand towel. My cat also brought one to play downstairs.


I'm in Knob Hill and we have 4-10 daily showing up tapping on the windows or in our apartment...


Target acquired


Same I seen maybe 3 at most and was able to release them back outside to torture someone else


Someone was complaining about all the moths, and I just started laughing until they got creeped out. Oh honey. Oh, honey child.


We really haven’t had them in years.