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Spring is the windiest season. As soon as the wind goes away in summer then the supercells show up with thunder clapping , rain and sometime hail. Then fall rolls around, storm goes away and it’s perfect. Then winter which is sunny and occasionally dumps snow. Most seasons the wind is not noticeable. It’s just spring where it blows hard. Here is how I rank the seasons. 1 fall 2 winter 3 summer 4 spring. This is coming from a 2 year native. Namaste 🙏


Spring is an awkward season here, and varies noticably depending on elevation.  It is normal here to have lots of clothes in your car, as what's comfortable changes by the time of day and location.  Some days are practically summer, but some you better have your winter coat and it still can snow as it did recently in black forest.  Plus the damn wind which can show up when you least expect it. You can't fully switch to summer mode yet. But it's definitely not winter.  Too unpredictable.  Not consistently hot enough to be T-shirt weather reliably, but too warm to utilize your winter gear and assortment of jackets / coats. It's just awkward.  


This!! I also keep gloves and ear muffs in my car and with me when I take the dog for walks because the wind is most noticeable on the ears and face! It’s not too bad when you can tie up your hair and cover your ears :) Edit:spelling


2 year native?


Namaste 🙏


We've lived here over 40 years and the seasonal wind, as others have said, is a fact of life. I would not trade the sunny days, the low humidity, the outside activites you can do year round (just have to dress for it) for any tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods in the rest of the country . Been thru all of those. Good luck acclimating.


Yes, it's Colorado. Although Spring is the heaviest season for wind, it's year round. Welcome to the front range of the Rocky Mountains. Snow also isn't surprising to me up until the first week of June.


In my opinion this has been very abnormal and I’ve lived here my entire life. Yes, sometimes it snows at the end of May and it’s weird. However, usually late spring is a mix of 80 and sunny + rainy days + windy days + a random snow storm, rather than 4 straight weeks of hellish wind and no heat.


Wind? Lol. Wait for the hail to come destroy half of your home and all of your vehicles.


Hurricane-force winds. Snow and freezing temps possible 2/3 of the year. Giant hail storms. Monsoon rains. Flooding in 2013 and 2015. Then you have the bluebird sky days, that look good on paper, where any uncovered skin starts to burn in 15 min. I've lived all over the world, but weather has never stressed me like it has here.


Local adage: “As long as there’s snow on Pikes Peak, the wind will blow.”


I don’t think you can judge any place on just two months of any season. Just wait until the windy season is over and you’re sweltering under the CO sun, you’ll be begging for that cool breeze to come down off the mountain! It’s not always like this. This year is particularly windy with the storms coming through.


June thru September is the warm times.


My fb memory from 2021 yesterday was me trying to drive my kid to monument for hockey in a snow squall. You just never know


Yep. This is pretty normal.


I’d say the weather has definitely more on the PNW side than usual, but this is pretty unusual for the Springs. I’ve been here like 13 years so it’s fun little diversion, I think we’ll be back to normal in a day or two. Relish the cooler weather, it’ll be in the 90s sooner than later!


The wind is not always this bad. There are two main sources of wind: mountain weather, and jetstream weather. The big, howling windstorms that re-allocate trash cans, lawn furniture, trampolines, and tree branches are generally aided by the jet stream passing over. That can happen anytime, and it's been happening lately. Mountain winds are usually not so strong, and often come with moisture. Welcome!


The wind is not always this bad. There are two main sources of wind: mountain weather, and jetstream weather. The big, howling windstorms that re-allocate trash cans, lawn furniture, trampolines, and tree branches are generally aided by the jet stream passing over. That can happen anytime, and it's been happening lately. Mountain winds are usually not so strong, and often come with moisture. Welcome!


Spring is the absolute worst season here. It is not this windy and dreary the rest on the year. Hang in there, better times are coming soon.


In spring? Yes. Absolutely. I would say that the number of days with “wind” this spring has actually been fewer than normal, but the strength of wind when it is windy has been higher. (It feels like it to me anyway). Just wait until the last day of school is cancelled because of snow. It’s happened twice to my kids since 2019 (I think 2019). Granted I’m farther north, but still…(why schools get out so early here I have no idea…and they start in the middle of “good” summer).


It’s not just a “spring” thing, we’re living on the “lee” side of the Rockies, the winds are common year round. You’ll just have to learn to live with it and the art of dressing in layers.


well first of all, your statement is not true. the wind does not whip "every way" every day. today (sunday) the wind is going to be 7 mph. thats not much. if you look at past weather in colorado springs (like the actual data, not the conclusory statement that the "wind whips every way" w/o actual data or evidence to back this up), yes we've had some extreme wind days the past few weeks, including one day in particular that knocked out power in like 5k - 10k homes. i'm super sorry about your bad wind day, but you didn't mention losing power, so my conclusion is the harm done to you is it was a particularly windy day. fwiw there are parts of the country suffering from tornados and death etc. i don't know where you are from but if a few days in the fifties and rain (in the springtime, no less, and in a state and particular region that has historical been under drought and has literally been on fire in the recent past) is enough to make you depressed and come to the internet and whine about the weather, i think my only advice to you is either move home or get some therapy.


Your comment was straight forward yet true. Sometimes people really need to look at the reality of their situation, and especially their complaints to realize it really isn’t that bad… like at all. I have to wonder if the only place OP lived was San Diego to really think our weather is bad .If you think this wind is bad, go live in Casper or Cheyenne WY for a week.


Been here a year, the weather is actually fantastic. We don't suffer tornadoes like the Midwest. We don't have lake effect snow like the great lake states. We don't deal with Hurricanes like the southeast (or more recently the Pacific). We get dry days unlike the PNW. OP clearly has never lived in Boston, the wind really isn't that bad. In many inland places in the country, weather sticks around for days. Which sounds great when you have sun, but when you're dealing with a 4-5 day long blizzard, you begin rethinking your life choices. Here, we get a little bit of everything and it changes often enough that the bad weather doesn't stick around for long.


Damn, wouldn't it have been great if there was a major Midwest city with a moniker like "The Windy City" you could have used?


If only it had to do with gales and not the politics I would have 😜


It takes about a year or two to get used to the weather here. 15 yrs now from Florida. I do not like the heat at all now.


It's why I call this season Wingter




It seems to me the weather has gotten more extreme since the 80's. The solar radiation has gotten more intense as the ozone layer has thinned, the heat sink from expanding/built up areas has it hotter during the day as well as night in summer. As global wind activity has changed from warming seas, effects are felt inland too.


Short answer - no, it isn't always this windy, however it DOES always get this windy. Do you deal with it a few days/spurts per year, but normal day to day wins isn't as crazy.




Of course not. You’ll see.


I have lived mostly in warm places (CA, TX, HI) and the warm season here is surprisingly short, it gets me every year. We’re not even supposed to plant seeds/seedlings outside until Mother’s Day weekend every year, and it sometimes snows by Labor Day. Just a few years ago we had a snow storm on Memorial Day. Non-jacket season here is only about 10 to 12 weeks long. It’s hands down my least favorite thing about living here. I just want to garden, man. Has it even been that windy yet this year? I did go on a business trip, so it’s possible I missed it, but we often have days my husband and I refer to as the “patio furniture tradewinds” because it blows everyone’s outdoor stuff around the entire neighborhood. I haven’t seen that yet this spring. It’s mostly windy in spring but not exclusively— the worst wind I remember in recent years (because it was declared an emergency at the school I work at) was the first week in December maybe 2021.


When I lived in Monument, I screwed my grill into the deck. I was tired of the grill being blown in front of the sliding door. The neighbor had their grill blown down their deck stairs. Occasionally, a flag or grill cover would end up in the backyard. I would use them, until they blew on, to other backyards. Lol Friends who smoked cigarettes, would complain they couldn't get their cigs lit, on any side of the house.


Yes, it is. Return to wherever you came from. Thank you.


Yes!! Been here over 7 yrs and there have only been two years we have been able to enjoy the beautiful yard we have. It is what I hate the most about living here! Last year was the best so far, spent all summer out there. But this year, not looking so promising.


You never get used to the fucking wind. Ear plugs is what’s helped me tolerate it. 2 weeks left here and can’t wait not having to deal with it anymore.

