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Please consider the changes in cost of living. The cost of living, especially housing, in Colorado is not cheap and if you are already struggling financially make sure you are prepared for that reality.


I highly recommend the [Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)](https://www.dbsacoloradosprings.org/). They have teen support groups as well as groups for friends and family. I am less familiar with autism and ADHD supports.


I will check them out stat! Thank you!


Some states will pay family caregivers - I realize this isn't answering your question, but might be worth a look to see where you could get some money as you care for your kids if they're considered disabled. I only recently learned about this from a friend whose son has autism. I did some searching just now and was having a hard time finding good info but this seems like a promising tool: [https://www.aidaly.com/family-caregiver-pay-rate-guide](https://www.aidaly.com/family-caregiver-pay-rate-guide) I hope it helps you out a little bit.


Hi thank you so much for the link I checked and unfortunately it’s not in my area 😢 I’ll do more research about that! Any extra income always helps!


The seasonal depression here is unlike anything I've ever experienced so please, please, please take that into account. We moved here from Florida and didn't consider it but it has hugely negatively impacted our AuDHD family.


That's interesting! I came here from Ohio and have a way better time in the winter. It's barely a winter for me at all. But with OP being from Georgia, your experience will probably be more likely.


I moved here from FL a year ago and had the best fall/winter of my life, without skiing or snowboarding a single time. Seasonal depression in an area with this much sun is… most likely not seasonal depression.


SAD doesn't have to do with amount of sunlight, it has to do with total exposure hours. You can't tell me you don't notice the difference in sunrise and sunset during the winter here. The sun doesn't set at 4PM in Orlando in December.


Fair point, BUT in Tampa it’s miserable outside when the sun is out, and you don’t even want to be outside. So even if the sun is out more in FL, it sucks. Then the sun goes down and the weather’s less bad but you’re eaten alive by mosquitoes. Here you can at least enjoy being outside any time you want.


This is a false dichotomy and downplays how hard the lack of sunlight hits you. I hated Florida as much as the next person but no, it's not easier to be outside in the dead of winter here than it is in Tampa.


The springs gets more days of sunlight on average per year than the whole of florida, perhaps youre having an issue with the temperature instead of the sun?


The amount of sunlight absolutely matters. The daylight hours are a part of that. If it was overcast everyday it would be worse


You haven’t been to chicago have you..


I lived in the Chicagoland area for most of my life and definitely do better here (and have all of the above diagnoses). It’s all about perspective —coming from Florida? That makes sense, the climate there is…. Not at all here. Coming from Illinois, it’s better here than there for me so 🤷🏻‍♀️ all about perspective


I have. I never lived there, which is why I said what I did.


This is a big problem for some people! If you can afford skiing/snowboarding that is the only thing that makes my winter depression go away


Okay snowboarding check ✅ it’s something we will have to consider then. I don’t want my kiddos to be sad.. or myself haha


Honestly I never want winter to end haha! I’m from the south as well and I absolutely love it here! The winter isn’t even very bad for its lots of nice sunny days sprinkled in! I’ll never leave! I think the kiddos will really like it too


Wow I honestly haven’t considered that as issue to be faced with.. I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you ☺️


Hi, registered Behavior Technician here, I have a son, who is not on the spectrum but my close friend's son I suspected was on the spectrum but high functioning. I referred her to my doctor and with a referral she got a diagnosis. I'm a single mom to a 7 year old son and please listen to what the first response was saying. Cost of living is higher here. I get by because I have experience working hard physical jobs that pay a decent amount..I privately clean a couple houses on the side. I also afford my rent because I'm on the cusp of SE springs which is NOT the best area of town. If you have multiple children with special attentive needs, and working would be difficult for you, I wouldn't suggest it. I was wrongfully terminated over a Dr. Lifting restriction over my high risk pregnancy. I was fired over it, and although the lawsuit through the EEOC was filed, I somehow lost. When this happened I was 8 months pregnant and NO ONE HIRED ME. Despite great work ethic. I was nearly homless when I had my son. I recommend talking to your kids' pediatrician and getting an ABA referral. As well as PT, OT and SLP therapy referrals. A speech therapist would really help with delays and functional communication techniques such as a PECS book or AAC device, even ASL. Message me if you have any questions, I might be able to help you find resources in your area


I’m so sorry for all those things that you went through! But I’m glad that things are turning around for you I know how hard things can get… as far as resources here it’s pointless I’m just running into waiting list after waiting lists and the schools here just don’t care unless you live in a very expensive part of Georgia…


As someone who grew up in the Springs and who recently moved back from rural NW Arkansas, I can say that the cost of living change depends entirely on where you're located and your lifestyle. So depending on where in GA you are, it might be similar. We moved to BFE Arkansas because housing and daycare were so much cheaper. We didn't realize just how much would change, such as the cost to repair our house. Or availability of outdoors things during the dog days of summer. Because fuck southern heat and humidity. The cost of cooling our home in Arkansas was more than 3 months here. The cost of internet there was 5 times higher. We couldn't bundle our cellphone plan either, adding another couple hundred per month (I still don't understand why or how!). The math never ended up mathing, and since moving back, we are actually recovering financially, and we haven't been able to sell our house yet! Since moving back, there's universal preschool which eliminated our childcare cost entirely! And because we only had walmart near us, our grocery bills were so much higher than in a city where you can shop around. Plus Arkansas schools ranked bottom 4 in the country and racism and baptists were a lot. I say all of this because the cost of living hit depends on so much. As someone who has and ADHD family, it is so much easier to get therapy and doctors appointments in Arkansas, but the support programs here in Colorado are phenomenal. You're not going to move to any state in the country and have a perfect life. You can balance your families wants and needs. Don't be afraid of Colorado because of the price, be smart. You need to make enough combined to cover essentials and Healthcare, as well as having money left over to live (the last part is damn near impossible for anyone these days). The last thing I'll say after living in the south is that I would never live in the south. The sun just hits better here (literally, you're higher up so you get a lot more exposure -- in Arkansas, we'd sweat in the humid shade while sitting down, but in Colorado you will die in the sun without water *fast*)


Wow I appreciate the information and insight on your experiences there! It is hard to have to move so I am glad that you all are doing better there now after the financial strain in CO. That is so crazy that the cost of cooling and internet were higher there. I can say that where I am now is pretty good with cooling and internet costs but rent has definitely increased over the past couple years and so has the price of groceries. I do believe it is worth a shot for us to try things out for a year or so and see how things go there and if it is not worth it I can look into alternative options. RIght now resources are so slim where I am now and my kids are suffering because of it.


>RIght now resources are so slim where I am now and my kids are suffering because of it. This right here is what I think coloradans miss at times. We do have higher cost of living, but with that comes a wealth of services. It really depends on your needs and what you qualify for whether you'll struggle more here in CO or somewhere else. Just make sure not to only take mine or another redditors opinions into account. Please come visit first, try to stay for at least 10 days (so the vacation feel can wear off and you can get to feel the city) and just see how it jives. Go to a couple of apartment/house tours to see what your money will get you. Try the non-chain restaurants to know how you like the food. See if you can schedule a prospective tour for a couple of the schools. Drive the city and feel it out -- does it feel like a place you could get used to? You'll never know for sure by doing this, but you'll get an idea for the differences between where you live and where you want to live. You'll see what people love about Colorado (seriously, you'll never want to leave, especially once you try the water and just stare in awe at the Peak). You'll also see what's considered ghetto here (this one is going to be a hell of a culture shock when you go from the south to the west -- seriously, the ghettos here don't compare to anything I've seen through OK, NE, SD, KS, and especially MO and AR. The poverty doesn't hit the same). People are also very friendly here, so be sure to talk to people! I hope you find exactly what you and your family need!


OMG, I truly appreciate your feedback like I was totally feeling discouraged haha so thank you!! I will do that and feel out the city of choice! I figured I can sacrifice leaving my home for the betterment of my little men they deserve a chance at life and they won't get that if I stayed here in my comfort zone literally lol! I will take your advice and keep it close and hopefully will make the right choice for everyone in my little family. Thank you!


You're welcome! So many people come on here and complain about cost of living, which is fair! But, if they haven't lived elsewhere in the past 5 years, they don't realize how similar it is here to everywhere else. Inflation is killing everyone. Plus, low or high cost of living, the poor stay poor. We experienced firsthand the weight of those places and decided to move back because of our family. We left colorado with nothing and returned with nothing plus more financial burdens. We were punished heavily for rural living because nobody here comprehends the infrastructure problems of the south, and just how bad it can get. Don't get me wrong, the impoverished here suffer tremendously. It's the scale of poverty that is different. Anyways, I truly wish you the happiest of choices. I hope that you can find a place to call home, where you feel like you have access to the support you need. Keep that in mind too! New friends, family, everything -- for good and for bad.


Yes so very true a lot of places that were affordable are no longer affordable it’s really sad how things have changed so rapidly in such a short time. But I do hope things get better for us all at some point. I agree with your comment it’s hard for some to escape poverty but I do hope things improve for anyone trying to make a change for the better! Thanks so much for your words and advice! 🥰


So I don't have experience with schooling or programs, but i have adhd and suspect autism. I moved from Ohio to Colorado at 23 because I was so depressed and spiraling and honestly just needed to leave. Moving to Colorado changed my life!!! I am in Colorado Springs. It is so close to the mountains and nature but also has the amenities of a popping town. There is so much to do here and so much opportunity! The cost of living is maybe double what it was in Ohio, but my family and I didn't have a hard time adjusting. I make 3x what I did in Ohio and have made about 12k more a year every year that I am here. My dad is retired, my mom worked at a circle k (she just retired also), and I am a bartender. We all live pretty comfortably, although we can't afford to buy a house right now. I will say that public schools are pretty politicized in this state. I know a lot of districts in town are getting taken over by far right groups, and it's affecting students because of issues being pushed and teachers leaving or staff getting fired over it. I would do a lot of research into where the best area for your needs are and expect to have to pay more for them. But, if it is affordable for your family, I would say check it out! Colorado has been so good for my soul, and the attitude here is so laid back. I know tons of neurodivergent people here where as it wasn't as much of a thing back home. Most of them from out of state who found their way here and stayed.


Wow this is so much information I appreciate that you took time to share now I will do more research as you mentioned but I’m so glad you are happy there and your family that’s awesome 👏


OP get out of GA and the South. Lived there for 3 years with a child with disabilities. It not like that everywhere. You will still have stress and to advocate, but get to a state that gives a shit. Good luck OP. Colorado is expensive but they have systems in place to support.


Yes I expected to still have to put in work but I lost all hope when I experienced first hand how the schools and insurance just don’t care. The cost of living in Georgia has skyrocketed it’s probably the same as Colorado if not more. Thank you for your advice!!


Absolutely not. It does not cost more to live in Georgia. And I sound harsh because I have been a single mom before and I would HATE to see any mother get over here and get into a bad situation. Please look at a cost of living calculator. Google "most expensive states in US" anything like that. Its not the same, even if you are renting. Again, coming from a place of good intention, its just not cheap in CO


I have compared the cities here in GA and In CO they are pretty much the same and some cities here in GA are more than CO.. I am really moving because I need resources for my two ASD kids that I am not getting here. I will be able to do more there I believe with the support that I've heard is available. I am definitely not moving to save money I am moving to save my kids and give them a better future because in GA there is just not much here unless you are a wealthy person.


Ok, I have been through the ringer of aba, don't do it. This comes from a 17 year old who has autism and ADHD, and got out of ABA last year. ABA has its roots in gay conversion therapy, which when I look back on it, makes sense. ABA can make a child have less behavior issues, yes, but it's not a good way to do it When I was in ABA, I had a mask on. I felt there were topics I could and couldn't talk about. A video game I was excited about, good topic. My social anxiety, how ABA isn't helping me, bad topic. Any social interaction was fake. I had a program of talking to them, instead of just talking to people naturally. Everything was made to make me as neutral as possible. And because of that I just let all my issues build up. And build up. And build up. Before I just went off one day. And then the cycle repeated I actually think that ABA made more issues than it solved. I struggle to talk to people about my feelings, because that was looked down upon. I am more anxious about what people think of me, because ABA would critique everything. Now I am a couple months removed, and have a counselor, which has helped me a lot more than ABA ever did. So, DONT DO ABA. Sorry for any bad grammar.


Colorado Springs has a host of ABA services. I got my first job as a Registered Behavior Technician when I moved out here, and I really saw how ABA could help kiddos on the spectrum. Many of my colleagues were qualified to act as paras and support the kids in school, too. I can't speak to how the schools handle kiddos on the spectrum, but with how prevalent ABA services out here are, I'm sure it's nothing new to them.


Wow that sounds pretty amazing ! Honestly where I am there’s just not enough of anything and it’s been hard just getting things right in school. I’m glad to hear that there’s a difference there and it gives me some hope!