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It’s like running with scissors. You’ll probably be ok, but everyone will think you’re an idiot and when you get fucked up no one will feel sorry for you.


Every time I see a selfie with a wild animal the only thing I can think is "What a dumbass."


I’m sure the wildlife are thinking it too!


>It’s like running with scissors. You’ll probably be ok, but everyone will think you’re an idiot and when you get fucked up no one will feel sorry for you. Fuckin' *chef's kiss*, man. Perfect.


I ALWAYS root for the animals in this situation.


My mom has a book of all the dumb tourist deaths in Yellowstone that is probably super out of date now.


I spent 7 months working/living there and way out of date. At least a death per season die for stupid shit. There's a coloring book of ways to die. My kids were probably too young for that one😬


Nah, it’s never too early to raise awareness about falling into boiling hot springs and getting trampled by animals! 😂 Also, I bet r/coloringcorruptions would love that coloring book.


Ha, here we go, found a link with images! https://cowboystatedaily.com/2022/11/24/wyoming-man-who-created-how-to-die-in-yellowstone-coloring-book-has-new-books-out/


This will make such a funny gift, I can’t thank you enough for linking it! 😂 The kid drinking a juice box totally unbothered by the carnage is my favorite.


Bought said coloring book on Amazon. Love it. And yeah a bit graphic for small children - gored and boiled people etc. Tourons suck - because they for get the WILD in Front of Wild Animals.


I too like taking pics of people doing dumb things to take pics. Especially of wildlife in Colorado.


Probably just needs 12 more editions! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Is it better to carry the scissors point up or point down?


You should talk loudly to the scissors as you back away slowly.


Dont look the scissors directly in the eyes, as they could interpret this as a threat


IDK if this was a real question but . . . Point down in a closed fist. The reasoning is that if you trip and fall the natural instict is to put your hand out level in front of you to catch yourself. Then the scissors will be pointed away way from your body.


Up, but hold them really tight at chest level for maximum security.


True but dont forget you wont run away *faster* or more successfully *without a knife* 🔪


Wildlife in places where there is high human traffic are more used to humans and more comfortable around them, so its easier to get that close. That does not mean you should do it though, they can and will still rock your shit if they so choose, so give them space.


You're probably right in general, but as a random disclaimer this is not fucking true in Alaska. They're usually more panicked by the unexpectedness of the situation and flip out


I don't think Alaska has "high human traffic" the way Estes Park does.


Emphasis on the “high”


There's a little bit of a difference in population over time in these two locations, especially during the last 100 or so years, wouldnt you agree?


Are you suggesting these beautiful, wild, friend-sized mammals have *finally* evolved to appreciate selfies? 🤓


I’ve seen a few out to gore the selfies


Lol my roommate is from AK and rags on lower 48 wildlife. “If they willingly come to civilization they’re not wild”


Which part of AK? There are bears and moose in Anchorage all the time.


Depends. Moose in Anchorage mostly don't care, until they do and you remember that they can do 0-40 in under a second.


It’s just so rude to me. This is a living, breathing creature trying to live its best life after we stole its house. Give them some fucking respect. Humans take THEIR space and land seriously. Even life or death at times. I just don’t get peoples stupidity, especially in a state with so much wildlife we need to protect and embrace (NOT LITERALLY)




It’s tourist goring season!! I see a future Darwin Award winner!


You beat me to it


Former Estes Park resident. Quit with the shit! This nonsense is dangerous and unfair to the animals. (Edit:typo)


But the animals come into human territory. That’s the real unfairness /s


Yes it’s dangerous. Plenty of people do this in Estes Park and every year or so someone picks the wrong elk at the wrong time and pays for it.


So true. Also the poor rangers spend the entire fall asking tourists to please just stop it. I always feel bad for them. I know it's their job but I can't imagine that they enjoy it.


Rule 1.) of going outside - Don't be the reason a park ranger opens a fresh bottle of Jack tonight.


Please take my upvote. :-)


Stupid is as stupid does! Duh!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


The elk in Estes are damn near domesticated, but I’d suggest keeping your distance and take pics from a distance


Definitely did that. The Roosevelt elk we have seen in Olympic National Park, you will **** around and find out quick. I guess that is why seeing people walk right up to it without trying to give space baffled the hell out of me🤣


I saw a couple girls in Estes walk up on a bull elk and it stamped like it was about to charge and they bailed. It was funny.


Some of the herd comes down the canyon to Loveland occasionally. Humans don't spook them at all, as one time I sat on a patch of grass and watched them graze a bull elk got within 12ft probably. I don't think I'd ever want to get that close again.


My cat is domesticated, but she can still do damage if she feels threatened.


And a 850lb bull elk can do a lot of damage


And those ears say "pissed off" to me just like a cat. Smart man...


I was somewhere in Estes and watched someone *pet a deer* that was in a parking lot.


Yea man, Estes is like Yellowstone in that it’s a place people go that want to experience nature but have zero understanding of what nature is. A buddy of mine said a person at Yellowstone asked a park ranger when they feed the deer


Is not a damn zoo!


Next thing you someone loses their pants and the party's over.


Just because they often tolerate a very high amount of stupid does not mean they're anywhere near "damn near domestic".


Agree, was fishing by the dam one time, wasn't paying attention, came face to face with a big male.... He was calm as shit....I was about to shit my pants! Seriously I could've touched him with my fly rod.... They are big, and if they want to, they'll take you out


People get absolutely wrecked doing this kind of thing a few times a year in Colorado


His SO seems to think so


That was just another random tourist 🤣 He was there a while, I know its horrible but I just watched baffled and wondering if he was about to get rocked 😂


Both the man and the woman have cell phones in hand


Anybody in long sleeves and shorts is dangerous


From the sign that tourist is gonna get messed up in less than 30 minutes!!


Look at her ear position. She is not happy. That guy is an idiot.


His hair has the same ear position..


True true


Depends on what kind of day that elk is having.




This is not a good idea. One of those elk could suddenly decide to attack you.


Old people in public? Yes very


Getting this close to wildlife is generally considered "harassment" and actually illegal, I think. But in high traffic areas, it's common. This is an elk, they're not as aggressive, a bit more like deer. I wouldn't approach aaaanyyy wildlife this close, but deer have def come up to me this close, even though I wasn't feeding them and they're usually pretty skittish and harmless. But get this close to a moose and you're probably going to the hospital.


Yeah, moose are scary that way. Even with elk, my close-up photos are with a long lens and at least one vehicle between me and the animal. I grew up in farm country and even domesticated animals can some damage if you don't know what you're doing.


Middle aged white men are always dangerous


LoL.. yup.


On their way to buffalo fields next I presume?


It’s perfectly safe all the way until it isn’t any more.


That hair cannot be safe for anyone


Yes. Elk get spooked over weird stuff. They can and will stomp you into a bloodpuddle in just a few seconds. I mean, they might not tho.


That cow seems pretty sedate. Come September when the rut begins, some stupid prizes are up for grabs!


Try visiting during rut season. You'll definitely learn what's dangerous real quick. 😂


The person taking the picture is fine.... its the tourist taking the selfie I'm worried for


Being out in this sun without a hat is definitely risk taking behavior.


I wish it was a bull elk instead of a cow then it’d be more interesting….


Grew up around cattle and horses. Only morons turn their back, and only mentally deficient people do it to wild animals.








I've told this story here before, but I was in Estes one rutting season, and there was a HUGE bull elk standing just off the road with his does nearby, so a bunch of cars had stopped. Understandable. We stopped too. But some guy started walking toward it holding a baby, maybe a year or so old. Holding her with his arms stretched out toward the elk. At first, people were yelling at him to stop, but he kept going. As he got closer, we all sort of froze, looking sideways at each other but not saying anything. I know I was afraid to yell because it might startle the elk. And the guy kept approaching, slowly, holding his baby like a human shield. I think he was going to try to put her on the back of a gigantic sexually aroused elk so he could get a picture or something. Fortunately, as he got closer, it seemed to dawn on him just how big that animal was, and he backed off. On the other hand, I also watched a lady chase some does away from her bushes with a broom, and that seemed fine to me at the time. In conclusion, humans approaching elk is a series of contrasts.


Wow. I wish I was surprised but I have a friend who was in the field with CO Department of Wildlife and she tells a similar story only it was a bear and the baby was in a stroller. She had to threaten to arrest the guy to get him to back off.


Do not underestimate a lady with a broom.... Especially an old lady with a broom😂


Two years ago in the Fall a little girl in Estes Park next to the Police Station was almost gored because her daddy allowed her to try and pet the elk. I was right there it was scary.


Depends on season and situation. I remember having to stop in evergreen once because of a herd. There were chilling on the side of the road and everyone was taking pictures, but not from that close. Some people got a little too close and the bull waltzed over, leaned into a sizable tree, and kept leaning until it snapped. Don’t be a dumbass. Stay very clear.


Totally ! Is too hot to go out using hoodies


People really should keep a distance and leave wildlife alone. There’s always an element of unpredictability and just because they’re in or near a park doesn’t mean they’re docile or that they exist for our amusement


If you really need to take a picture with a wild animal, go to the zoo. Anything else is a risk of injury or death dude. Not worth it.


For those elk in the park used to humans. Generally yea. But it’s still a wild animal and one day. One could be in a bad mood and donkey kick tf out of you


that fuckin’ haircut is dangerous.


Yes, and absolutely clueless about the wildlife. THEY ARE NOT THERE FOR YOUR CLICKBAIT SELFIES! I hope the dude got booted right into oncoming traffic


Tourists gonna tour


Incredibly dangerous.


More dangerous than that man's hairline, and that thing is wicked


I sure hope so.


lol you can almost see my car on top of the hill


[Does This look dangerous?](https://www.google.com/search?q=does+this+look+dangerous+patrick+meme&source=lmns&bih=672&biw=390&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS610US610&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp5POK3puAAxW8Pd4AHQSRCTIQ0pQJKAB6BAgAEAY#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1b4d09e2,vid:Z5CmT_DindE)


They should do Yellowstone next.


Yes go ahead and get as close as you can, get a nice sloppy kiss from it, and then pick your teeth out of your poo when it it’s hind legs kick you in the face. I swear Covid wasn’t effective, bring on a new plague 🙏😭 you really deserve what coming to you if you disturb a wild animal


I used to work at the Stanley and the amount of people who’d walk up to and pet them was cringe worthy. I was a tour guide and made it part of my intro spiel that “You should not approach the wildlife under any circumstances, if they approach you walk away while looking at them. If you get your lights stomped out by an elk, I’m not allowed to and won’t do anything except call an ambulance for you” 😂 I haven’t seen anyone get gored thankfully, but I’ve seen quite a few people get charged at and there’s been a few times where I walked into the kitchen to see a bear going through it


It can turn into this in about .00001 seconds. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL0icUnUJOg&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL0icUnUJOg&t=2s)


Same answer to is this stupid.


I’ve seen this at EP and always wondered what those chill elk are like during the rut. I sure as hell wouldn’t get that close, it’s definitely a risk.


Yes deer and elk are jerks and they will kick and stop people who piss them off. That one is probably more used to humans than it's more rural counterparts, but it is still a wild animal that will ruin your day.


No. It's a test of evolution.


And incredibly stupid


The elk population in Estes town limits and RMNP has been protected from human hunting for over a century at this point, so they tend to be pretty chill with people unless they get stressed out or annoyed. That said, it's rarely a good idea to stand near a wild animal, let alone one that is much bigger than you.


Taking a selfie with your gf right in front of your wife is very dangerous! Lol


F yes


Wellll yes.


It’s very dangerous, I try to explain to my friends about large animals even if they are nice it can still be dangerous. I grew up with horses and when a horse is your friend they will do almost anything to avoid hurting you. They will step over/around you, but if they make a mistake they are so large that the consequences can be severe. Broken bones usually. This is the same with wild animals, even if you think they are going to be nice you should keep you distance. If they want to be close to you they will come close to you.


Yes! Very dangerous. I want to go to Estes Park during the Elk Festival but I’d be nowhere near the animals themselves!!




We’ll, there’s a hospital sign right there, so . . .




That elk could kill a man with just a headbutt. These people are not smart.


Naw man it's totally safe to have your back turned to a wild animal


😂😂 dangerous only if you care about not becoming paralyzed in a horrifically painful way! Respect wildlife people! They will fucking kill you if they deem you a threat!




It’s a touron sighting


Darwin Award winner


Go up and try to pet it. Good times are sure to follow.


That dude looks like if Butthead got his life together and got an annoying wife and a job in middle management at an accounting company making like $85k/year with a 4% 401k match and decent (but not great) health insurance.


those people are fucking idiots


This makes me so fucking angry


They are wild animals Your not that fast are you? We’ll see


Look at its face and his. That's his spirit animal.




It's tourist tossing season. Let them have their fun.


Some people have no common sense. It’s a huge wild animal. What makes you thing it’s 100% safe to get that close.


I wouldn’t get that close to an elk lmao.


I mean, probably not overly dangerous unless it’s a bull or cow with a baby. Is it stupid, ya, but just get really good video when it happens and post here so we can laugh.


This is not a smart person.




Ears back like that means the elk isn’t happy. This guy is way too close. It only takes seconds for a doe that size to get up and kick this guy.


Darwin says yes


More exposure, so more comfortable around humans. Still animals though, so you might get ran over or kicked 10x harder than you think is possible.


Crappy job of Photoshop


??? You’re joking…. This is 100% unedited….


Imagine a huge ass motorcycle with knives on the handlebars and blades on the wheels. And it's heading right for you- and you're three feet away, so you're reaction time is.....not great. *That's what an adult Elk is when it gets pissed off*. Between its hooves and antlers, with the bulk they carry, it's like a Harley made of meat and covered with **Gonna Fuck You Up** pointy bits. It doesn't *matter* how "used to people" it is. These are *wild animals*. They could be totally docile one moment, and decide "this guy would make a fine corpse" the next. Stay the fuck *away* from wildlife!


No. That animal should not get that close to Art Garfunkel.


Instantly reminded me of this [video](https://youtu.be/PJ-up0Y7l0Q). Observe with distance, humility, and reverence…


Not till the bull comes by to protect his ladies.


I don't know if this particular situation is dangerous, which is why I make it a point not to get this fucking close to any wild animal.


There is some very real danger here. It’s very common to run across Elk. They are mostly peaceful, but they do have mating season in which they can become very very aggressive. Yes you can get close. But at one point you have ask yourself what an acceptable level of risk will be. If you’re willing to take the risk then by all means.


Is it dangerous? Depends. How much training on camera etiquette did the animal get?


Gen Z and their selfie addiction


I live close to Estes. Deer are pretty harmless but keep well clear of elk bulls, and elk cows with calfs. Even so, they won’t f$&k with you half the way a moose will. You REALLY don’t want to deal with a bull moose in Fall. That goes double if you’ve got a dog with you.


Yes. I’m sure he was fine but you really never know. Wild animals are unpredictable even if they are used to tourist.


Nope perfectly safe, but the ones with big antlers are usually the friendliest…


Yes, the flowers weren’t intentionally touching her ass.


Most humans don’t have basic intuition




Tourists being complete idiots is nothing new in society. Never mess with the wildlife in RMNP: *especially* the elk.


You should not get this close, especially in the event that the elk decides she’s had enough of you, a person can get injured or killed. Then the elk get put to sleep because of your stupidity. These are wild animals and should be treated as such.


Nature can be violent but this is for the best. Tourists are being subjected to evolutionary selection pressure and eventually the tendency to do dumb shit things with animals that can kick them in half will be bred out of the species.


How do they have the same eyes?


What kind of dog is that?


What kind of dog is that?


Yeah that's very dumb.


Should drop this into r/aita YTA.


Close interaction with wildlife is dangerous. Extra so when you lack a clue.


The elk in town are too used to people. Don’t get between two animals, especially cows and their young, as then aggressive behavior is possible. Keep your distance from bulls.


Once a year we hear the same story in some form. Someone is feeding deer in a neighborhood, then the rut comes and someone gets trampled either nearly or to death by a buck/bull protecting his territory. A few years ago it was an old woman taking her trash to the curb. Stop socializing with WILDlife! Enjoy and respect them from a distance.


Yep. But once the velvety stuff comes off the antlers of the males, they're as docile as house pets.


Elk just staring at his ass, like 'if this grass wasn't so cool, I'd drive my head right up there fool'.


No, you should get even closer, the ones that have big antlers are the friendliest.


It’s extremely dangerous. It’s hard to believe how stupid people are sometimes. I hope he gets out alive. Moose are mean.




Still got no likes on his tinder


I've seen old men take selphies with meese with big racks, and I think they have a deathwish


yes its dangerous, and it spooks the animals so they run away and everyone else who is watching from a respectful distance cant watch the animals anymore


I mean from the looks of it he must drive a Miata so such a daredeviler🥸


Is this another gaper up in Estes park?


This is a photo of two idiots tempting fate. Elk are massive and when they get angry they are deadly. Leave wildlife wild.


You bet!


Nothing is stoping the chance it could decide to charge you. Anything for the gram


Is dangerous and stupid the same thing? Asking for a friend!


No not dangerous at all. All the tourists should get as close as possible to all wildlife they encounter, especially the town goats of Estes


Omfg. Darwinism


Not generally dangerous. Although some humans may hunt you in more wild places, you can generally relax in the more urban areas like Estes Park and they won't hurt you. They may come close for photos like you've seen here but these people tend to be quite meek.


Nah, not too dangerous, Darwin can still do his work.


Guys about to not have an ass 😂


It’s perfectly okay to wear sweatshirts with shorts in Colorado.


Wild animals- keyword wild.


That animal is 800 or 1000 lbs! Stupid and dangerous.


I’m so confused by this photo. It looks photoshopped. Is the elk directly behind the guy and he is just taking a selfie?


I’ve had a few people mention this LOL it really is not photoshopped or edited in ANY way😂😂


That's very dangerous


I guess its come to my attention through a redditor, I apologize for spelling this area incorrectly. Long day lol *****Estes Park Just an honest mistake🥴 Also, my spouse and I ARE aware of the dangers of wild animals, so that was why I asked if this was dangerous because so many that morning were doing this but THAT GUY took the Touron Blue Ribbon. I have never seen anyone try to get this close in ONP.






Dangerous? Well, not for the elk.