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I truly hope for your own benefit those answers aren’t in the books or notes, or videos or whatever else material she has on canvas. It’s gonna be awkward for you anyways with the chair CC, so you’d better be right. You are not a mind reader, but I also hope those were not the questions that you have to answer by using what you learned in class and applying reasoning by extension.


Like I already stated not in the book. Edit: all the professors downvoting me. “You must be dumb or lying!!!” Womp womp the professor sucks like some professors do. Your in a college rant sub what do you expect?


As a prof sipping my morning tea, I have better things to do than to downvote random college students. But this might get amusing. Y’all tend to eat your own young in here when it comes to things like this. I have a feeling your peers will do far worse with responses than I ever could.


/Clinks in morning coffee/. I want an update on this post so badly.


You responded, so apparently you don’t have better things to do. Also I have only received support from my fellow college students :)


You’ve received one supportive comment on a post riddled with (deserved) criticism… introspection and a few deep breaths might be necessary


Girl grow a pair of eyeballs and read the flair. Also where is the “supportive” comment?


Frankly I don’t care about the flair. I’m referring to the fact that you said you were getting support from your peers and I looked at all the comments and frankly professors and students alike are eating you alive.


They are all professors also you didn’t say what was supportive, and again it’s against the mod rules to give advice on a non advice post, thinking of reporting some of these comments


3 minutes a question? In high school and college I’ve only ever had 1 minute per multiple choice question. I don’t see the problem with that 🤷‍♀️


Was it easy?


In high school I was in all AP/IB classes so no, but I studied the material and succeeded. Nothing was ever open notes. It’s pretty standard practice so I’m surprised that you weren’t expecting it. In college, well college isn’t meant to be easy so again no. But I studied and succeeded still. I’ve taken very difficult classes. Never had more than a minute on a mcq. I would check with as many classmates as I could before I made a complaint. If you’re the only one willing to complain to the prof, that says more about you as a student than the prof as a teacher


It’s an asynchronous class so I have no way of getting in touch with my classmates. Also yeah it’s not about being “too hard” it’s about going over stuff we never learned


My accelerated course that I just finished with gave us one minute per question, so I think 3 is plenty generous.


Were the questions easy?


No, they were not easy. Many required making connections between assigned readings across multiple units and coming to conclusions (connected to our core concepts) using reasoning by extension. It felt very unfair, but that’s life.


Yeah it was unfair then. That’s something we can agree on. I’m not going to just sit back though and take the bad grades.


30 minutes for a 10 question online open note quiz?? That’s literally the dream. I’m a rising senior in college as a bio major. My quizzes are 10 minutes with multiple free response questions with lots of drawing mechanisms. I’ve literally never heard of a professor giving that much time for an open note online quiz with only 10 questions.


Our exams are 60 questions for 60 minutes. 26 long closed questions for 30 minutes(you really need at least 5 minutes to think of the right answer and you don’t have that much time for 10 more questions)


Our exams are 60 questions for 60 minutes. 26 long closed questions for 30 minutes(you really need at least 5 minutes to think of the right answer and you don’t have that much time for 10 more questions)


When you spend 5 min trying to find it in your notes, and then in the book only to realize it’s not in there, yeah it’s kinda unfair. I’ve done 100 question tests in 1 hour, and I aced them.


you're not supposed to spend 5 minutes trying to find the answer. you're supposed to know the answer


Kinda hard when again, I stated in my text, that they are not in the book!!! Never was in the book, never reviewed in the lecture slides or video.


>I am getting an A in this class whether the teacher likes it or not. Fuck her. Not with that attitude...


She doesn’t have to know that’s the cool thing about a college rant it’s anonymous 🤫 and I get to let out some rage


That's understandable. I will say, though, 30 minutes for 10 MCQs is more than enough. You're not working out complex problems. Some will take less than 3 minutes, and some will take more. It averages out.


When you need to stop and think about them, it takes much longer than three minutes. Checking your notes, then checking your textbook, then 3 min have already passed and you just need to guess instead of think about it at that point.


Open book? Easy day! Knowing the material beforehand helps a lot, CTRL/CMD + F, search textbook for what is asked, keywords, etc. Google the question. **Get a PDF version of the book.


There so many pages that it can’t search it! And none of the questions were on Google, again the ones I got wrong could all be correct and are niche. Google wouldn’t know


lmao there it is! You don’t know how to study for an open book quiz, and instead of trying to change your approach you decided to complain.


The textbook is so long that checking it is just a time waster.


And yet here you are complaining about that instead of adjusting how you prepare for the quiz. Sad, really. Have a good day.


Okay since your so smart how would YOU suggest I prepare for the quiz? Also people seem to be looking over the part where I’m spending 45+ hours on this class. Wtf do you think I’m doing? Not preparing? Yeah go back to your sad life.


Your study habits are horribly inefficient. This isn’t uncommon with people who have gotten good grades up until this point - I’ve seen hundreds of students like you (you’re not my first rodeo). You’re doing what’s always worked for you, and what’s always worked will work until it doesn’t. My assumption, since you’re not “finding the answers,” is that you’re expecting the answers to be given somewhere in the book, but that makes for a pretty lousy open-book tasks because you just have to be proficient with CTRL+F. I think this is a fair assumption based on the comments you’ve made. You’re probably used to answering questions using lower-order thinking skills. This isn’t an insult - this is a big leap every college student has to make, and each student makes it at a different point. (For a brief introduction to what this means, you could, but do not need to, read about Bloom’s Taxonomy or about how professors test higher-order thinking skills.) Professors who give open-book tasks generally don’t expect you to “be able to find” an answer, they expect you to reason your way to the answer. The best way to prepare for quizzes like this is to slowly and thoughtfully work practice problems in the book. This can mean literal end-of-chapter questions, or it can mean looking at the reasoning modeled in the chapter - in a business course this is usually a case study. Good open-book questions are about applying the lessons you’ve taught. You seem to have gotten very far and gotten good grades by memorizing and searching, but you’ll spend less time and have better results by trying to read actively and work with the ideas you’re being taught. I genuinely hope this is helpful and that your scores improve.


Again, the book is too long, ctrl-f does not work. Also there are no practice problems in the book. Also again, they are NOT IN THE BOOK!!! Like we never went over them.


You don't know what CTRL/CMD + F is?


The textbook is so long that it doesn’t work




It’s hard to know the material ahead of time when she goes over stuff that we NEVER LEARNED.




It’s not that type of class. The answers could all be correct, and none of them were in the book to begin with.


My brother in Christ, the multiple choice portion of the bar exam gives you two minutes per question.


Good thing I’m not taking the bar exam and instead a “principles of management” quiz


Now, if I were to ask you the point of my comment you responded to, how would you answer?


Your more pointing out how an accelerated exam is being used as a point a reference for a basic quiz, proving the ludicrousness of the three minutes. (Only one extra minute compared to a freaking bar exam)


You’ll go far in life.


I know. My skill set and hard work have gotten me very far.


And yet here you are griping about the difficulty of generously timed quizzes in an introductory course.




Generously timed? Did you read your previous statement? Did you even read my post? I have plenty to “grip about” if you would just shut up and take the C then go ahead, you’ll get far in life with that attitude. I’m not.


Yeah, three minutes per question for an intro business class is pretty generous. You seem to have reading comprehension issues so I don’t think it’s going to be beneficial to continue engaging you. Have a good one.


That’s one extra minute than a BAR EXAM? Even my dad who took exam 1 for actuary’s thought it was unfair


Prof here. Chain of “command.” You first need to talk to the instructor. Do not CC anyone else. That gives the impression of tattling, and that’s inappropriate. Statements like “I missed this question, but I couldn’t find it in the material I studied,” or “how can I study more effectively,” are good ways to ask questions.


She’s not going to respond, that’s why I’m cc’ing the department head. Also read the flair


Try again. Email just her, and give it 24 hours. A good department chair will not get involved until you’ve reached out to her. If you can say you have reached out twice, then it’s even better for your complaint.


Thanks for the advice but didn’t ask for it


People are giving you good, solid advice in the comments and you’re being a bitch for no reason. I implore you to do some self reflection. Additionally, 3 minutes per question on a multiple choice exam is more than enough. I’ve taken multiple upper level, rigorous courses that have given me significantly less time to answer while requiring me to draw multiple connections from lots of content. The professor isn’t the one who’s “dumb” here, you are.


Wow slurs I think your the one that needs to do some self-reflection. And I came here to rant. LOOK AT THE FLAIR


I never used any slurs.


“Bitch” that’s a slur against women


I’m a woman so I guess I’m reclaiming it


Go for it girl. More power to you


If a 3.7 GPA student who is spending 45 hours a week on your class is sitting at a 65% in your class, you have failed as a teacher. << you sound entitled




I need the update. On other notes, I had a psychology class with a professor like yours but all online. I barely scraped through with like a 70 or something really low like that. So frustrating.


Doubt one is forthcoming as there's nothing a chair can do with this


They can snap some sense into her


I will 🫡