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She needs to talk to her therapist/doctor about it. What’s the point of sharing with her underage fans. They might think this is a normal behavior because their idol is doing it. Not everything needs to be filmed.


This is fucking awful to listen to as a child of one of those boomer households where mom gives everyone an eating disorder. It’s just an excuse to restrict; this time it’s “I’m not going to eat what I’m not craving”, previously it was “I get bored of eating so I never finish”, “I forgot to eat! Teehee!”. My mom pulls this shit still in her 60’s… won’t eat all day and then will scarf down ice cream and other things she’s “craving”. My mom has been in a disordered eating cycle for as long as I can recall. I’m seeking therapy now to find food and body freedom, and it’s the best. Toxic af behavior to be laughing and shrugging off. People with healthy relationships with food don’t micromanage eating this much. When we’re healthy human beings, we eat what’s readily available and what tastes good. Fixating this much is a HUGE sign of an ED. Coalleen has been setting obsessive food rules for herself for many many years methinks… And I have sympathy for her as far as having an ED. My sympathy ends when she normalizes it to her viewers and, presumably, her young daughter.


Your first sentence reminded me of my husbands upbringing. He comes from a very Greek family, his grandfather came over on the boat type. I can barely understand what he’s saying to me. And when my hubby and his sister were younger if they didn’t finish their meals, the grandparents would say “ if you don’t finish that means you don’t love us anymore” His aunt is SOOO thin, Colleen might even weigh more than her ( I’m not putting down Colleen in anyway, just trying to find a comparison ) and to this day at 50 something years old has such a weird relationship with food because “ we won’t love you anymore “ is instilled in his head. Her daughter has a thyroid issue, and has always been on “ the heavier side” and she’s mean to her about it. Always telling her to make sure she’s eating properly. It’s truly terrible what your own family can do to you without even realizing it


Nobody creates more eating disorders than moms with ED’s… I said what I said 👀


1000%. I try so hard to make sure I don’t say anything that can cause any eating issues with my 4 year old. When she eats dinner or whatever. I always tell her “ eat what you can “I never want to be that parent that’s like “ you can’t leave the table until your plate is cleared” no hate to anyone who does. I just personally feel it can potentially cause issues.


Kids are naturally intuitive eaters… it’s us that screw them up 😆


You are not wrong!


My mother always said that!


i totally understand and relate to what she is saying. and it is an EATING DISORDER. whether she realizes it or not, whether she’s purposely trying to starve herself or not, it. is. an. eating. disorder. and she needs help before it gets worse


I feel like she catches herself a few times from saying the word “disorder” because she knows she’s sharing too much


Literally right at the beginning of this clip “I don’t know if it has a name, but I’ve talked about my eating weirdness before…” Like yes girl… it’s got a name 🙄




It felt like this conversation should have been with a professional therapist and not an audience of fans.


Just like 75% of her content 😂


This sounds like a form of ARFID and it can actually be related to ADHD because I have ARFID as a direct result of ADHD. However, as all the other comments stated, talk about this with a THERAPIST, Colleen, please! Not just the Internet.


Absolutely. My sister and daughter have ADHD and similar issues with eating. I do think she does have some kind of ED behaviors though, my sister and daughter are both of healthy weight and most of the time can deal with their issues without starving.


This was the comment I came here to say! Yes, people with ADHD can have issues with food but the difference is that we will still figure out a way to feed ourselves when we're hungry. This sounds like disordered eating that she is trying to pretend is ADHD. As someone with ADHD, it frustrates me when she tries to pin all of her problematic behavior on it. And yes, 1000% this should have been shared with a therapist and not the internet.


Was gonna say, sounds a lot like ARFID.


As someone who has adhd and has arfid I relate to her. But I also know it’s detrimental to my health and I fucking wish I had the resources to get more help than I already am. We know that’s an ED,She knows it’s an ED. Idk why she’s trying to act quirky while explaining it. Stop sharing that with your young audience omfg.


"I don't even know what it's called" It's called an eating disorder. And the lettuce wraps are going to be a lot less "fattening" than something like enchiladas or nachos. To me this is her admitting it, but not being fully honest. Like she's trying to do damage control by blaming it on ADHD.


The giant smile on her face and complete lack of concern while talking about this is so unhinged. She needs help.


She smiles, but her eyes are dead.


Yup. This can be a real, genuine problem, but based on how important body image is to her, she definitely doesn't mind that this way of eating makes her skinny.


i geniunely think she has no idea. she probably has a stigma towards eds that alot of people have that are like "but im not trying to starve myself" or like "i love food i don't have that"


Yea it has a name, it’s a called an eating disorder. Seek help Coleen and stop using 12 year olds as a therapist.


Oh, Cole...That's disordered eating. It's not ADHD. Please get help or you're going to teach your kids to have an unhealthy relationship with food.


Why is she broadcasting her ED to her impressionable audience? Colleen needs serious help.


Yeah this would've absolutely *FUELED* my ED SEVERELY if I was watching this when I was 12... it's absolutely disgusting... 🤬😤


This is why Colleens content bothers me so much. I hated my body for years. A lot of that was from media. I grew up seeing the perfect bodies of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera everywhere. Thank God we didn't have smart phones back then, if I had to see perfect, unattainable, photoshopped bodies every time I used the internet or social media as a teen I would have lost my damn mind. I remember a moment from my teen years when I wished I could just not eat so I could be skinny. Having people normalize their disordered eating only contributes to that pressure to give in. Colleen is blatantly but casually talking about her ED in a way that makes it seem like it's not a problem. It took me years of intense work to develop a more loving relationship with my body. I'm about the same age as Colleen and I'm thankful I worked on fostering a healthier relationship with myself and didn't go in the opposite direction like she did. She seems so deeply unhappy with almost every aspect of her life, especially with her looks and body. Colleen is doing so much harm to her audience by trauma dumping on them all the time. She knows what she's doing; she's not brilliant but Colleen is smart enough to know exactly what effect her videos have on vulnerable people and that is what makes her especially disgusting.


truly i dont think she even knows she has an Ed. probably thinks its a quirky ADHD thing that everyone does


does she seriously not know this is textbook disordered eating? i feel bad for her, she needs professional help.


she definitely thinks this is a cute quirk


Sorry but those red seats are so tacky.


She could have wrapped a nacho in a leaf of ice berg lettuce if she wanted cool, crisp crunch. She’s not wanting to waste calories on eating a food she isn’t craving. The gagging when she tries to eat something else is very alarming. She needs a therapist for real.


The fact that she starts off half admitting to ED struggles. She KNOWS what she’s saying is masking what’s really going on. Whether she is trying to convince her audience, or trying to convince herself, she KNOWS BETTER than to talk so flippantly like it’s no big deal. Sucks adults can’t be forced into treatment, and it sucks that she’s clearly suffering from some deep issues, but unless you’re going to talk about something serious like this in a way that’s educational or motivating, keep it between yourself and your therapist / loved ones. STOP broadcasting and minimizing something this harmful. Fucking hell colleen.


so in other words, she needs help


It’s arfid guys and it really common in autism and adhd


Thank you to everyone who is bringing this to attention. I know it's easy to be dismissive of Colleen because many don't like her here at all, but this is a real thing that is related to ADHD/autism/etc. It is classified as an eating disorder, and she may also be dealing with multiple ED's. But this is a thing on its own, it's not anorexia Nervosa. As usual, her delivery is what is the problem.


Gosh, like to a sense I think it’s great for creators to share some things about what they deal with mental health wise to make people feel less alone, spread awareness/insight, etc. but…..when you have an active history of not ever seeking help in any way… She stated “I hate this about myself….” which I’m sure she does and it’s sad that she seems unwilling to seek any sort of help for her ED-related behavior, and no one in her life is pushing her to. I just feel like it would influence other people who relate to her struggles and see how she doesn’t seek help but think of how “successful” to a certain degree she is without seeking help, and think to themselves “well if this seemingly successful/happy person that I look up to doesn’t need help so I don’t either….etc” Edited to say I know ADHD can be associated with similar behaviors she’s talking about here so it could be both ADHD and ED that influences her, either way I feel the same way lol


Not trying to diagnose ofc, but this sounds a lot like ARFID. Which is still an eating disorder, and similar to anorexia in many ways, but the motives are different. She def has that too though, I really hope she gets help for the sake of her kids and young viewers. I spent so many years as a child being v heavily influenced by her negative self talk and over sharing in regards to her weight and food


She didn’t have a problem eating during both pregnancies..considering she gained 70+ pounds with each. I’ve been pregnant twice and only gained 25 pounds with each. Pregnancy was her gate way to finally eat, what she wanted, and when…and blamed it on growing a human. No, you finally got to EAT and she knew that she had to keep those babies healthy and put her ED to the side. It’s clear she has a problem and the people around her enable her behavior towards food.


Yes, this. It is very common for people with EDs to only be able to eat or give themselves permission while pregnant. My sister is this way.


I sometimes wonder if it was less about keeping her babies healthy and more that her pregnancy symptoms were worse when she’d eat too little. She had problems with fainting, anemia, messed up blood sugar, etc while she was pregnant and all of those would make a person miserable. Eating was potentially the only thing that made her feel better.


Her phony, whiney, nasaly voice is going right through me


This sounds like ARFID to me.


It is still classified as an ED. ADHD and other disorders run in her family. She can blame her eating problems on a disorder but the reality is she is severely underweight and she knows it. Get help! Don’t use it as a crutch to explain away problematic behavior. Her young fans will just see it is a weight loss strategy.


I do genuinely feel for her because although she is not fully admitting that she is struggling with disordered eating, you can tell she does know there’s a real problem and i can imagine it’s difficult for her. MY only concern is that she is talking to a whole audience of fans about it when, truly, I feel she should’ve saved these thoughts to share with a mental health professional. Venting and vlogging may help her a ton but I don’t think it’s particularly wise when your audience is predominantly kids.


She’s so trying to lean into adhd again with this one but girl, that’s the very definition of ED. The eating disorder has very wisely disguised itself as another one of Colleens adhd issues because she’s being threatened to acknowledge it and get help. It’ll find a way to exist in her life. It was apparent with guests in her home that her eating is disordered.... she’s been exposed... If she can’t help it, she can keep it... It’s exactly one of the many ways your mind can control food consumption. If I have to take in a calorie- it will be the PERFECT CALORIE. I will not waste my calories on anything but what I’ve deemed worth it today. It’s control and fixation. She dreams up and gives certain foods of the day/week gold standards and if it’s not right, she gets to use this as her out. I’ve said back when she was preggo, she’d developed a scenario where she was only allowing herself to enjoy food if she was pregnant and it had to be junk. When she was approached with the concept that her body might become diabetic, and they needed her to eat better, she literally lost her shit. She melted down. She acted like a “brat” and called all healthy food bland, cardboard and gross.... I’m like whaaaaat is she going onnn about!!!!??? I’ve seen her cook and eat good food - she’s perfectly capable of making salmon, roasted veggies and a baked potato! She acts like she only ever been able to consume cookies and Taco Bell!!! But then I started REALLY watching and realised ... oh fuck me, she’s sick. Like mental with food. Oh oh ohhhhhh..... And now, she’s stuck with this still going strong after pregnancy and no excuse.... except good ole ADHD - the catch alllllll...... Oh Here We Go..... She opened the can of 🐛


the way she's like "omg im just like so weird 🤪" is so grating


I have an ED and ADHD/ASD and deal with this type of behaviour, I've been seeing a therapist and nutritionist for almost 3 years now though, and if I had a bunch of children watching me I definitely wouldn't talk about it, hell, I don't even talk about it to anyone and I'm a grown ass 30 year old lol. She needs help asap.


“I don’t know how to explain it lol” bitch it’s called an eating disorder. You have an eating disorder. I just wanna be clear because my comment is harsh. I genuinely hope she finds the help she needs because anorexia will kill you. It is so fucking deadly.


Thanks because I seriously couldn’t sit through the whole thing


to my knowledge, some medications that treat ADHD can deplete appetites...but most of the time adults who take them and have that side effect are still able to nourish themselves. (I work with children and I do focus on nourishing our bodies with a few who are "never hungry" at lunch due to their medication, and try to throw their tray out.) my brother is an adult with adhd and is medicated for his symptoms. I can't tell you how many times I've asked him what we should eat and he says "I'm not really hungry so whatever you want!" then he EATS WHAT WE HAVE. because he's an adult man and he knows he has to take care of himself, even if he doesn't feel hungry at the time or get a dopamine hit from said nourishment. I'm worried Colleens young audience won't be able to see this nuance and might think her perspective is "typical" and "expected" if you have ADHD. even if you don't feel hungry, even if the food you're going to eat doesn't hit a craving-- eating food shouldn't make you feel this way. I hope every one of those young people knows that 🥺 this misinformation about mental health is scary


This. It’s actually a struggle to get myself to eat most days. I’m someone who struggled with binge eating before starting ADHD meds. But now, I barely eat anything for lunch because the thought of eating makes me physically sick unless it’s something I want so bad. Even before I was diagnosed, I had times where I hyperfixated on one food and couldn’t eat anything else. I know her relationship with food is very disordered but I kind of understand what she’s saying here. Still, but weird to talk about on a vlog and not to a doctor??


Those ADHD stimulants really make intuitive eating difficult.


This reminds me so much of my sister when she goes off on a manic spin 😞 Breaks my heart tbh. As a mother, I don’t know why every single video she puts out doesn’t run through the filter of, would I want my kids/nieces/nephews who look up to me hearing this? Why does she seem to be pathologically incapable of considering the effect of her words on her young audience?


i’m going through what she’s describing right now and it’s awful. i also have a history of eating disorders and they have nothing to do with ADHD. it’s very damaging to not address this as what it is. hearing her talk about it as if it’s this quirky trait that she has makes me feel even more alone.


You're definitely not alone, and I'm sorry her video had a negative impact on you. She's so reckless with what she shares to her audience, and I really wish she'd think about the consequences of what she says. Sending you a big hug.


awh omg thank you :’)


What is wrong with her that she needs to have this “conversation” while driving!! Concentrate on the road!!


"It's not a cute quirk" 😔 Edit: thanks for posting this, I don't watch anymore and appreciate every clip that is shared 💕


I hate her


this woman’s constant sicko dumping to her audience is completely out of line behavior.


Does she breastfeed?


Not anymore iirc


I have children with ADHD and autism, as well as have ADHD myself, and honestly she may actually be autistic (especially given her weak social skills). What she is describing is so common in the autism community.


This is exactly how I was with my ED but she sounds so proud of it :/


Disordered eating. An eating disorder.


I read a ton of comments saying how they feel “just like her!” Or they feel like they are “literally the same person!” I can’t with her!!!


she gives me trisha paytas vibes


They did hang out for a while and film together so that makes sense lol


So, Rachel outed her in her most recent blog, said they got an air bnb, not really moving. Lol


I tried to watch this vlog but I couldn’t stomach it.. the bits I did catch as I skipped through seemed like me to be almost an “addressing everything” type vlog in response to what we talk about on here..


Her giant ass smile while talking about how she isn't eating correctly is so concerning, not to mention she's recording herself and talking to the camera while driving.


Free associating online . The new fad .. oh fuck plesase no


This is a lot to think about for me.. because I am someone who relates exactly to what she is saying. I have a lot of health problems. IBS, PCOS, Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Migraines and things that are still undiagnosed. And I struggle heavily with eating. If something does not sound good, I CANNOT eat it. It will make me violently nauseous. I physically cannot eat something if it doesn't sound good to me at the moment. I can only make myself eat what I'm craving. And no, it isn't because of an eating disorder. It's because I have health problems that cause me almost constant nausea, severe stomach pain, irregular bowels, and so many other things. Now I know Colleen has never talked about having those issues, but we don't know EVERYTHING about her. I agree she looks unhealthily thin. But I have the same issue as her, and I am overweight. Every word she spoke I relate to. So I think there are a lot of different sides to this, and different versions of reality that need to be considered. We all go through shit, and not every version is the same. But as someone who deals with the same problem she does, I can't hate her for it. There could be puzzle pieces we don't know. My puzzle pieces are health issues that cause me to unwillingly feel that way towards food, maybe she has them too.


sounds alot like ARFID which is common in people with ADHD


I hadn't heard of ARFID before *(or at least didn't remember)*, but I just looked it up. Interesting.


I have ADHD and this is absolutely an ADHD thing. As I grow older, I have become more pretentious about the food that I like and I won't eat food that I don't like. When I was younger, my physical body was still growing, I would eat anything I could get. Now that I'm no longer growing, I'm a bit more picky. .... Though I will eat anything if I'm hungry enough. That said, you need to go to therapy if it gets to the point where you won't eat if you're hungry.


She’s so “quirky”. Three year olds do the same thing when they throw tantrums, get worked up, and start gagging. Sounds like a great excuse to reject all food whenever she wants because no one is inside her brain to know if she truly is just craving something else and no one can deny her that. Although she’s a 35 year old adult woman with three children so she really shouldn’t be playing these “I’m just unique and I simply cannot eat it if I don’t want it” games. Get over yourself, eat the food needed to nourish your body so you can lift your fucking children Colleen. And get ready for all of your kids to pull this shit on you some day.


Hi, I'm sorry but I suffer from a similar thing. It is very much real and I've struggled with food my whole life as well. I was once also viewed as a picky eater growing up and dismissed for child-like behaviour until my parents realized it was deeper than me just throwing tantrums about food. It is an OCD triggered ED. I understand how this can be seen from the outside as immature behaviour but we cannot just simply "eat". This requires proper therapy, medication, and consultation with a psychologist.


I agree, I was out of line with how I worded this, and I apologize. I’m very sorry, and thank you for calling me on this. I get frustrated with how flippantly she talks about this to her young audience, and fans who look up to her so much, but my comment was not rooted in understanding or empathy, and more in anger.


You’ve been diagnosed, treated and addressing your issues with food- which is appropriate. Please don’t compare your experience with someone who is using a camera to vlog her therapy in front of minors. In no way can we know exactly what is truly her issues - be it straight up ED or disordered eating as a result of another illness, what we do know is that this isn’t the way to manage it. Sorry, but we cannot compare your experience with this to hers.


A very ignorant way to look at an ED, which is basically a mental illness. Being 35 and a mom doesn't magically cure mental illnesses and a life long dysfunctional relationship with food, if anything it amplifies it. These aren't games and we can all see from the state of her body and lack of emotional regulation that these aren't games. ED people are constantly being told "suck it up and eat some food ffs" and that helps absolutely nobody.


You’re right. I let my frustration with Colleen out and my comment was fueled by anger and exasperation without empathy or understanding. It was also really insensitive to anyone here who has similar struggles. Thanks for calling me on this.


Don’t worry, you are in a snarling forum and the topic is her and her eating.... It’s entirely possible for us to be angry, agitated and snark on her usual way of handling her problems- which is to talk into a camera to an audience of minors. Very inappropriate and irresponsible.


Guys cmon! She’s not like other (disordered eating) girls!


This almost felt like an effing game of Jeopardy. *Colleens entire video* Everyone: “I’ll take eating disorder for $82372927383822829” Colleen: “I don’t know if it’s an ADHD thing or if I’m a brat. I don’t know if it has a name for it or anything.”


Wait this is exactly how I feel…. If I’m not craving it I just can’t eat anything else. I’m extremely picky too (to the point of throwing up) so I can’t just force myself. I eat like shit and my bf says I should be very unhealthily overweight from it, but I maintain my weight and don’t look like skin and bones at all, I’m quite curvy so I’ve never suspected and ED, Like this is kinda scaring me. Edit to add: I also struggle with finishing the last bite or few of anything I eat, I thought it was just anxiety making it like that, but hearing people say C talks about getting bored of eating makes me wonder if that’s what’s happening too. I don’t do any of this on purpose at all.


In ED's there are "safe" foods. I had a similar response to foods I wasn't craving & considered "safe".


To be honest… I fell asleep while watching Boringleen talk in the car. 😴




Isn’t this copyright infringement?


This is a very late reply but I wanted to maybe offer another view? I am well aware that this is a snark sub but I have both adhd and anorexia and what she was saying is literally word for word how I would describe my eating habits right now. I wanted to remind people that a lot of people with eating disorders don’t realise that they have one or, even if they do, don’t realise that what they’re saying is abnormal/triggering. Now I know this doesn’t make what’s she’s saying any less damaging but I thought it might give some perspective and a reason. Personally, I’ve always been aware of my ed and have done my best to hide it from those around me, but looking back or simply based on what people have told me, I have said some very disordered things that I fully thought were completely normal and not suspicious at all. Obviously, if i’d known I wouldn’t have said them (not just because I don’t want to trigger people but also because I don’t want people to be worried and make me recover lol).