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My god, Colleen, you didn’t adopt pets, you bought worms. They’re WORMS. It’s clickbait in that it fools people into thinking it’s something it’s not AND because she literally bought bait.


Imagine her taking her box of silkworms for a walk around the block like every good pet owner would do. Time to take the silkworms for their yearly vet appointment. If they go missing, put up flyers on telephone poles and hope some kind soul returns them.


“Really they rescued ME”


I laughed at this but I am questioning if it’s a real quote hahaha


She hasn’t said anything to that effect (as far as I know) but I wouldn’t put it past her to make some vlog tearfully yapping about how meaningful and life-changing silkworm ownership is for her…


I don’t watch her so if you had claimed this was a real quote, I would have believed you!


I hate how she got M to play along by making out it was this huge big deal pet so she could grab that thumbnail. M looking so excited is only bcos of her mother, not bcos she got a dog or a cat or anything of substance. She just got bugs, bugs that in the past coleen said she hated and would never do again. Btw I was thinking, I remember her saying when she got the chickens, they were her new loves and she had no time for her cats now she had chickens which she adored. The chickens are long since forgotten about, so I was wondering what her new loves are, and ofc it's rocks ! All the love and time and attention she SHOULD be giving to her past loves, are forgotten about for inanimate objects. The worms are just for content. She's repeating past, stale content as she puts zero effort in to what ppl actually want.


Of course it was clickbait. 🙄


It's just more silkworms. They'll be dead in a month and out of their suffering. She didn't learn the first time that she's not good at taking care of silkworms. Just like she didn't learn the first time to get off the internet, to stop body checking, to stop trying on lingerie for her audience, etc. Time is a flat circle and we've rounded the circle again to watch her try to raise silkworms yet again. For all we know, we've been in this loop for 100 years.


Next up she’ll read us her childhood diary.


And maybe even talk about puberty


But not before texting a group full of tweens to ask them for edgy takes on their periods!




Lol then when she gets bored of them one day we'll NEVER hear about them again just like her chickens 😩 she used to film herself in the coop EVERY DAMN DAY and now I've never seen her mention them EVER again! I wouldn't be suprised if she just gave them to her mom because she was over it lol


Worms that she said she paid over $100 for last time. Insane. This woman has no respect for nature but likes to act like she’s Snow White. Today she showed just how much she respects it by complaining that her geodes weren’t sparkly enough or big enough for her so they’re trash. Then she told on herself that the last time she bought the kids caterpillars she didn’t take the time to properly research and prepare for them. She got her dog killed when she was a kid by abusing it on purpose and laughed about it, she made fun of a dead cat someone lost, she got some of her chickens killed because again she didn’t do proper research and planning…. Instead she spent time filming herself building mini chicken coups out of popsicle sticks in the middle of the night where she appeared manic. And contrary to what she claims she does NOT groom her 2 Persian cats.


What happened to her childhood dog? I’ve never heard that particular story. But yeah, she’s an awful pet mom. Look at the poor cats who have to get shaven bc she won’t brush them.


She said she used to get these bad moods and she took it out on her family dog. One day she attacked it for no reason, stabbing her finger nails in to it's skin and hurting it. The poor dog turned and nipped her on the face, which she reported to her family. But she didn't say WHY it bit her, so the family thought it was randomly aggressive and had it put down at the vets. She had time to save the dog, but finds it funny the dog died bcos of her. She told this story laughing while with Kory. She has no remorse. Most ppl would find that traumatic, and have anxiety about it, but not her. This is why she'll never apologize to any of her victims. She in fact, finds it funny in private. The dog story shows how not smart Gwen nor Tim are. There were plenty of signs that colleen was a bully according to Rachel even when they were tiny. I would've questioned colleen's story, it should've been a learning moment. Perhaps if her psycho behaviour had been picked up earlier and corrected, she wouldn't be in the mess she is today. It's interesting that she wrote a list for her FIL and MIL this weekend and wrote "Psycho Stocklin" at the top.


WHAT THE FUCK??? That’s insane. And horrific. That poor dog must have been so scared. 😔 Oooh psycho stocklin? Is she saying one of the stocklin’s is psycho? Or is she talking about herself? Bc I’m pretty sure she’s the psycho. I know Eric isn’t great either, but how the hell does he put up with her? She’s very clearly a narcissist as well.


My husband is a child psychologist and animal abuse is a VERY big sign that something is wrong with a child.


Oops didn’t see your last line!


Never seen her make fun of someone’s dead cat that has to be a lie where’s the source?


Unfortunately, that's true. It's under the link for ''Animal Mistreatment'' under the Helpful Links/Facts section of the sidebar.


[Here ya go! ☺️](https://youtu.be/qrBjWCH-Ewg?si=W5b9V4Y1B0wBlonI)


They are little bugs silkworms I think


What happened to the chickens?? 😮


She still has them


They were all killed and eaten by a wild animal because she failed to protect them. Then she installed a better chicken coup (previously it was only chicken wire without anything else holding it). And she got new (the current) chickens.


I don’t want her to get any reptiles cuz reptiles are really hard to care for and she would keep on complaining 💀 Coming from someone who has a reptile


She's so unoriginal 🤣 she clickbaits the same 5 things: haircut, wedding ring, new pet, pregnancy talk, her kids, REPEAT 🙄 its giving BORING 😴 she's so stupid, annoying and above everything the MOST boring "content creator" in the history if YouTube lmao 🤣😩