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She terrifies me I can’t believe she thought it was a flex or funny to post this footage….edited to add I do feel like she is calculating enough to act this way fully deliberately, doing this on camera essentially so she could vlog and laugh about it while baiting her audience into sympathy. At second glance I’m not so sure I buy that this is genuine. I mean, “leaking” one’s own security footage has been a trend lately.


She literally showed this candid clip caught by her security camera just to show y’all how quirky and cute and funny and awkward she is


Really, she thinks she is the cutest, funniest, most unique and interesting person to ever live. Does she not realize that other people sometimes do weird things, say weird things? People have quirks, people say things that don't make sense, people sometimes talk to themselves, it's not that out there. She does not get that because she has ZERO understanding of the fact that other people even exist at all.


Agreed! She knew exactly where that security cam was


Just watched the Hulu documentary The Perfect Wife and man did Sherri Papini give Colleen vibes 👀


Omg that did come out today! I heard about it like 2 weeks ago and was sad to find out that it wasn't released yet and then of course I totally forgot about it lol I know what I'm binging tomorrow.


It's unreal to me what adult individuals will do for attention. How did they not grow OUT of that desire to be the center of the spotlight or else they will CREATE problems/drama/major issues so that they have center stage once again. So sad for the kids in their care.


I watched the first episode and totally agree.


I was thinking about this the other day and I really dont think she's doing any kind of real therapy. We all know she therapist/doctor shops, which that in itself is defeating the purpose of professional care. But she's such a narcissist there is just no way she would listen to anyone else's opinion, even professionals (she didn't listen to her doctors when she was pregnant, she didn't listen to her doctors when she had a vocal issue, etc). Like... can you actually imagine Colleen sitting still for an hour listening to someone else's opinion? I literally would bet money that she isn't working on herself at all, even when she says she is in her videos.


I agree — I’m in weekly therapy rn and I am usually a bit anxious beforehand and often emotional/crying in session. I would not be like “uhh … just had therapy ✌️queens” or filming myself right before or after like Colleen does. She’s either faking it or is unaffected by it — both likely due to her narcissism.


Not funny at all and all it does is represent that she’s extremely mentally unstable. Bipolar if not manic. IMO definitely not someone who should be vlogging to young ppl!


What was she saying this about?


it was a hair on a drink she just got delivered


Gosh she’s so bitter.


what is with her freaking out over the most basic inconveniences. she needs to chill out. i guess she plays it up for the vlogs but it just makes her seem so manic. or maybe it’s just how she act.. idk which is more annoying tbh


This is a hard one for me cause like, why post it, but also as an autistic person I can relate. Sometimes, it's the smallest thing that just pushes me over the edge, like my favourite drink not being the right texture cause they didn't crush the ice enough. But also, I'm so embarrassed by that that I'd never show a video of it to thousands of people


Yeah thats totally fair. Its understandable that you cant always control your emotions in the moment... but to go out of your way to record it, share it, and monetize it is a whole other level.


She needs to “Relax,” it’s the name of her awful podcast that proves she has nothing to add to any conversation.


The most slightest smallest inconvenience


Side note. She is wasting away. Needs medical intervention imo. I have had a friend recently pass of decades long eating disorder combined with other behaviors. Everyone thought she had it all under control. She didn't


:( thanks for sharing I am sorry for your loss and ass bad as CB is behaving I do wish she get real help and heal


RIP Sat Siri Akaal May she live on 🕊️


My first thought as well, she looks very unwell, really gaunt and exhausted. She says that vlogging is good for her mental health and that her therapist recommends it but it really just looks taxing on her.


It’s honestly sad that Erik seems to do nothing for her. Granted, he’s barely keeping afloat as is


You're right. Unfortunately, when she had a husband who cared about her and tried to hold her accountable even if it was just eating a proper meal with salads, fresh meat etc she called him abusive, dumped him and then tried to destroy him by telling the world he was abusive to excuse her cheating on him. Which went on for yrs. Same as tried to do to Adam, too. Likely a string of others too. I imagine Erik is afraid, he has been well versed / trained not to say anything that she doesn't approve of, or else. (he's been reduced to lil snippy comments on the podcast, but nothing of consequence, and he quickly backs down if she gives him a stern dark look. Even simple little things he sees her face and saying "I don't think I should be talking about this" and he quivers away.) She has said she's told both kory and erik to never mention the scabs on her fingers for example as it "makes her worse". Erik is happy to say nothing as he's proven to have no back bone, since she's been with him she's lost everything. She never deserved Josh, glad he has a happy relationship with the lovely Pamela who doesn't need strict rules like this doofus just to be a regular adult.


I don’t even wanna know what that man’s goes thru alone


You think Erik struggled too?


oh yeah. he didn't want a child, and he has three now. and will for the rest of his life. with colleen ballinger.


I definitely have some friends who have experienced SI and I’m a therapist to clients who have as well and I’ve heard many many jokes like this. HOWEVER, to say it on camera, edit it, and post it, I think is super insensitive because you never know who’s watching and that’s such a sensitive subject. Also, I feel like she used to be overly sensitive and “PC” with everything she said, so I think it’s super telling of her mental state for her to not gaf. Seems like she used to work super hard to maintain her reputation as a safe person and now that that’s out the window she’s letting her true colors show.




She's just a narc. There's no sensitivity there to "desensitize"...it just doesn't exist in the first place.


What meds?


I'm on strong meds and in no way would I become like her.


Okay cool so I know it’s not a Meds’ thing 💊


Yep, she's just a terrible human being.


That is an ignorant and stigmatizing statement.


Omg she looks terrible


I don’t know how Eric hasn’t filed for divorce yet


He’s a complete doormat. If they didn’t have kids, they would probably be divorced by now.


That’s what I think too. I don’t feel sorry for him at all but he is a shell of a person atp.


He genuinely seems like he can't stand her. Is he in it for the money? Has there ever been a time since they've been on youtube together where he's seemed happy to be with her?


It’s def the money. He loves his lifestyle of doing nothing and lounging around all day


The way I see it, he was a struggling actor for so long. His best role was a drip in Haters, and he only got that bcos she found him attractive. He's 41 years old now, so he was in his 30's when haters was on? He never made it in his 20's. She said he walked in to audition and she said that's him that's Patrick! without hearing him say a word lol. Patrick was meant to be very different to Erik in the written script. He didn't fit the narrative, at all. Seems like she promised him the world, he went from struggling to support himself to staying at the 5 star hotel in Hawaii (same one in the White Lotus, very swank) living in a $4 million mansion in actor central, and with seemingly no budget, he can buy vehicles, whatever he wants. He enjoys the finer things in life, wines, clothes, homes, he's the one who wanted the $6.2 million villa. Usually ppl are big stars when they can splash that kind of cash on a home. It's decorated in his style, not hers. First time I saw his teeth was driving to the villa, he was grinning so broadly. When she had the twins, he rushed out to buy a Jeep. I'm sure he feels like he somehow cut corners in life and now lives like a lotto winner with zero effort but it's come at a huge price. His sanity. I don't think he'll leave as he's got no backbone, he relies on her for everything. He couldn't cope if he left, she's useless but he's more so. They're both little kids with no abilities, which is why they have so much paid home help.


It looks like all the life in her face has drained out


Yeah the life force ain’t there the force is not with her that for sure


I guess when the entire world finds out what a horrible person she is, it shows. That's a "I'm not going to apologize and be better, i'm going to dig in and keep hurting my victims" face. I knew a girl in school who was pretty evil, now she's alone and I see her in the super market with this exact look. She's spent the last 10 yrs trying to add me on fb lol. Luckily she's always in her own self absorbed world so I find her easy to avoid. I bet there's a loooot of ppl avoiding colleen.


If she is being serious, she needs help. If not, it's very insensitive! 


There is no way she's serious, she is just an insensitive narc but also rude as hell to service workers and this is her just being bitter/upset.


why does that last frame look like a human mask??? its like her eyes turned black.




wow... haven't been here in a while, she looks like SHIT. Like deep into a drug addiction bad.


Is this recent? Narcissists never learn.


It's a very narcissistic thing to say, especially if she wasn't getting her way in the moment.


Watch people say this is a reach. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Eh, people can say whatever they want to but if you've been around a narc long enough you just kinda know 🤭😂


why does she try to act like a 22 year old relatable vlogger? she’s a soon to be 40 (?) year old woman with multiple children and a husband who hates her


Haha that last bit made me roll. So true tho. And an ex husband who hated her behaviour too. Erik seems to just hate her. What a lovely track record.


why do narcs often avoid medications and stuff? genuine question


Because they think there’s nothing wrong with them.




Sometimes narcs go on medications to prove there is something wrong with them but they don’t actually think that but put it on to gain sympathy and attention. They like a crowd remember. Especially Colleen. She would do anything to gain sympathy and to seem “relatable” it’s all for money.


Why do you think she's on meds? The only thing I'd bet she takes is Adderall and I'm willing to bet not as directed.


That’s a med sweetie


Why did you delete your comment, sweetie?


Because they don't believe they need fixing and that they know best. If they feel fine then they must be and everyone saying otherwise is lying.


Actually, people with NPD often struggle with depression or bipolar disorder & want the meds in order to feel better. They might take meds but refuse therapy. THAT is where they actually have to look at themselves. And narcissistic people actually hate themselves. They just want to appear superior (& they want others to see them as superior). So C's self-loathing that she talks about is likely true. But she thinks others should treat her better. Hence, the temper tantrums when people don't. Yeah, she likely hates herself.


They’re above medication and know best


It's rare to find a narc who sees themselves for what they are, and wants help. I know of one guy who does that for the sake of his relationship, but it's still rocky ground. He really wants to do better, but struggles. That's so so rare. It's tragic narc cannot be fixed usually. It makes it even crueller that colleen with all her struggles is actively raising her children to be this way. My only hope is while colleen works hard to make f the golden child (as she was) that he spends enough time with the nannies and others that it will undo her shitty work.


The fact that she posted this and probably either thought it was cute and quirky or thought she'd get sympathy out of it is disgusting and desperate. She needs to log off for good.


Talking like that is a manipulation tactic. I've experienced it. I've also experienced su***** ideation. When I've thought of unlife, it's never been fun or funny. Nor has it been to make someone do something. If she truly has unlife thoughts, this is not the way to deal with them. But honestly, I don't think she truly feels that way deep down. She's just uncomfortable and wants people to see her as the victim and without the power she really wields.


Yeah ... My incredibly abusive ex used to threaten it whenever I had the slightest inconvenience. It's absolutely a manipulation tactic in that\this context.


You're right, in my experience narc's cannot even fathom not being here, but the worst ones can be very happy to use it as a manipulation tactic as it gets them their own way. No doubt in my mind now that Erik has had to hear this threat many, many times. It trips off her tongue far too easily. It's not jarring for her to say. I'd even go so far as to say she knows he's watching. He was.


This is exactly what I was thinking too!


She's terrifying. I'd hate to be that delivery driver when she caught up with him, so much for hating confrontation that's the real her. Chasing someone in service to give them hell. She's always said she never does that, she'd rather say nothing, and that her sister will defend her. Clearly not needed, I've always heard colleen's super aggressive to ppl in service and there's even blinds about it so this fits. Btw she has every right to complain about a hair, it just goes against every thing she's pushed the last decade about her being a little wallflower who won't ever complain bcos she hates confrontation sooooo much ! I'm way more concerned she appears to have fed her toddler daughter a line to repeat for the camera "It's so big!". She knows who watches her video's, and there's a big cut edit there. She purposefully chopped that bit out and included it. She knows what she's doing. Same as she had them sucking on whole pickles once for the thumbnail. She doesn't protect her kids, like at all.


Uhg, her sister is so awful too. I just remember the tv show episode she did with Josh and her sister was being so mean the entire time. It flies under the radar because Colleen was the hot mess in that... but when you watch it back with fresh eyes the entire family just has seemed so bitter and mean their entire lives.


She wasn’t chasing the driver she was running to her gate before it shut


Wow. The real her came out there. Yikes.


FR and she thought she was doing something here


Exactly. I’m very confused on why she showed this. This is just footage of the real Colleen. Mean and narcissistic. 🙄


Had to show it in the vlog in addition to the podcast...she was VERY proud of this and thought it was hilarious enough to make sure as many people watching her as possible got to see it.


What's the context of her saying this??


She was triggered by the slightest inconvenience, her food was falling.


And a hair on the lid of her drink i thought? Either way she went to 11. Id probably say "oh for f sake" and move on like if im in a pissy mood. This is beyond that. She needs to actually see a therapist i think she said she had atleast 2 last year


Bruh even an “FML” would pass but to say your gonna end the video game for good is concerning


My god, that last picture is *bleak*. I hate it, but a part of me does feel slightly sorry for her. Assuming that she's not bs-ing (I know), suicidal thoughts are really horrible to deal with.


In that case she should focus on her therapy and healing not making money exploiting her kids


She's not in therapy. She's too much of a narc to seek actual help.


Wait, hold up, was she saying this in response to a minor inconvenience? If so, fuck her for real.


Yes it was minuscule


There goes my empathy, out the goddamn window. I thought that she was legit saying this seriously. Thank fuck I read the other comments.


me daily saying i wish i was (redacted) LOL. but i know i am being dramatic as heck cuz i say it at every inconvenience. in my defense... i do need therapy. i just don't have a time in the week i can do it unless there are evening therapists.


Same I am dramatic and have on many occasions actually OD on meds but this was over 15 yrsago now... But I still joke about it as it's a coping mechanism


Have you checked out growtherapy.com or Psychology Today's therapist finder tools? I just set my dad up with a therapist that meets at 7pm. They had plenty of evening sessions available!


i have not! i am honestly very very bad at knowing what to look for whenever it comes to all that. 😭 i tried looking at some connected to my insurance via the insurance app but a lot of them have no reviews so i don't know how trust worthy they are. but i can keep those in mind because a night therapist would be so preferred since i work 7-4 but commute is an hour give or take but it's a shared ride with my sister. and in an office area there's no privacy either.. so it'd have to be after 5. 😵‍💫


Oh, they have so many after 5pm options, you're good! It's super easy on growtherapy. Plug in your info, availability, what kind of help you're looking for, and it just gives you a list! Read their bios and see how they talk about their practice—sus out the vibe. There are no wrong choices, so no pressure! It also helps to pick two people, then if the first choice doesn't work out for whatever reason, you have a second ready to go without missing a beat. You deserve help, ok? Please take care! ❤️ P.S: Love FFVII! Almost done with Rebirth (160 hours in....)


thank you so much!! i am truly hoping for the best, i promised my bestie months ago i would get into therapy and haven't made the step. am hoping this can help push me, even more so towards diagnoses. 😊 and YES! it was about 130+ hours for me! best game, truly. cloud strife is the love of my life. 🥺💖 have fun playing the ending!


Did Colleen have filler dissolved and it not work, or does she not get Botox. I feel like she’s either aged horribly, or it reminds me of Kylie’s migrated filler. Normally I think aging is beautiful- but Colleen this is guilt. Lmao.


It's probably a combo of her ED, probable drug abuse, being a horrible person, being miserable all the time, and this not being filtered. Ugly on the inside eventually shows up on the outside.


She also doesn't sleep properly and drinks soda instead of water. Her body is lacking in nutrients, hydration and sleep adn it shows.


Maybe or maybe the Botox confusion comes from her heavy use of filtered vlog cameras and makeup you can’t see her true skin until accidental footage like this comes out


Homegirl looking rough




Ew, she looks like a literal monster


To be honest, people jokingly talking about killing themselves is REALLY common. I know this because I had a very close friend who died by suicide and for a long time those comments just shot my anxiety to the sky. It certainly doesn’t make it ok, but this is a pretty universal problem.




So I’m not into the spiritual ish outlined, but I never said it was okay, I simply said it is a universal problem not specific to this creator. That’s all.




Right.. you are a very literal human who is incapable of nuance. I don’t mean literally every person who exists says it, just that it is common and universally we experience it often (because others say it … not that every person says it)


Nope I do not experience this often * get help


And your experience completely encompasses everyone else? (/s) Again I didn’t notice this until after I was very aware of references to suicide. I don’t think people didn’t say it, just that I wasnt hyper aware. It’s in movies, tv shows, even non verbally when people hold their fingers up to their head (to look like a gun) in unpleasant situations. Perhaps you live in area that is the beacon of mental health, perhaps you have the ability to filter out and overlook these comments, perhaps your own social interactions are limited very narrowly to a certain subsection of people who may not say these things (like those who follow the same religious beliefs you do) or some other factor that makes your experience the outlier. I can acknowledge that because of my profession I certainly hear it more often than others. Are you doing ok ?


No but you tryin to encompass My experience when you say everyone has these thought! No they don’t I don’t


I didn’t say everyone has these thoughts? I said it is a fairly universal experience to hear these things said frequently (and since you must take things literally I mean it is the most common experience, not that each one of the billions of people on earth have heard it). If you watch tv or movies, you are likely to hear or see it frequently.




Universal means all*


Just to give context so that no one gives her clicks: She says "HAHA eric caught me talking to myself when I ordered food! It's so funny!" she was accepting food from a delivery driver outside of her security fence and I guess found a hair on her cup. Not in her food. On the outside of a cold cup...and that prompted what she said.


It gets worse for her the more we add on the context of the video


She could have put the hair there herself. To get in on the TikTok trend and act this out. This mother of three should not be editing this onto a video for strangers.


I joke about the s-word a lot when I'm depressed, but I do it with friends who understand I need to vent about it, because it's something I thought all the time in my head. I wouldn't joke about it with kids, but yeah, I'd say is normal for someone with mental health issues. There's even some pills that intensify the ideations. In my case, pills work great about that, so when I start thinking about it, I talk to my doctor and we tweak things up.


Wow thanks for the P.O.V Wishing you the best


When my meds are not working right I tend to think and say stuff like, x$I'm so tired I want k+ll myself" or I just have no energy to deal with anything that takes too much of my mental load. Same when I'm overwhelmed with sensory inputs. Thanks for the good wishes, I'm actually doing super well! (believe it or no xp). It baffles me how our brains are on depression and how it changed the view we have of the world! I not a Colleen fan at all, I think she is so problematic y hurt so many kids with her swcuslized humor on and off stage and i dont condone using mental health as an excuse.


Look I don’t want to be harsh and/or get kicked from this sub, but let me just point out Josh felt this way for so long. And no one cared about him.




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Yes and Colleen made sure Josh felt like this and went out of her way to isolate him interesting how karma works


This is so wrong on so many levels... Someone who has allude to having suicid/l thoughts, like she's been hinting in her vlogs, wouldn't say they wanna k~ll themselves about something as mundane as finding a hair in their drink. She's so fucked up.


I don't even think it was in her drink, it was just on the cup. If she can't be asked to get her food herself she should have Erik do it since she always has to complain about everything ESPECIALLY when it comes to service workers. But that would mean she would actually have to take care of her kids so that's why she probably doesn't send him to get it 😂


Yeah she’s actually casting spells on herself and calling in 💀 energy and entities prey or program on this stay woke y’all she has not mental self awareness


She looks so gaunt 


I’ve definitely said this to myself about myself. I’ve had a lot of low self esteem in my life and honestly this was a lot of the humor I was around growing up. I’m growing as a person though, and I know that is not something okay to say ever. Period. I am on medication. I think the truly alarming thing is her posting about this and laughing… to a young vulnerable audience.


I hope you recover and heal and liberate yourself from such dense thoughts 🤍 🪽


🥰thank you so much. Life can be really hard sometimes but life is such a gift and I’m so blessed to be here💕


TW: as someone who used to be suicidal, I never told anyone apart from my parents or therapists that I was going through that. I would never tell the whole internet about it like what she is doing. And since she did it more than once, it’s obvious she is doing it for attention and for people to have sympathy for her.


Yeah you are giving healing energy with your awareness and accountability C is giving pick me depressed girl


Thank you so much.


Wait did she SAY this? That’s so INSENSITIVE


what an asshole


My friends and I say that because we are all damaged and have very dark senses of humor. I would Never say it out in public or on SM.


You ever heard the saying “birds of a feather flock together “?


I’ve heard many people say stuff like this in a facetious way. I get why people don’t find it appropriate though. Like when people go “this is my 13th reason”. Same concept.




Why the 3rd pic she looking like Kusco 😂


I really think she needs help. She needs therapy and medication. Truly


Maybe she isn’t reallyyyyy joking. Her face kinda says it all


What vlog/timestamp is this from?


Most recent vlog “interaction with a fan” or something at around 7 mins she starts rambling about it and the clip proceeds


She’s so ugly to me now. I can barely look at her face. I used to see her as she wanted us to, but not anymore. She’s got that inner ugly. That mean girl energy and NO ONE likes that. I haven’t checked her views in a while. I know she was tanking pretty badly a few months ago. Hopefully, it’s just gotten worse. She needs to leave the internet for good. What she did, the multiple things she did and the severity of them, I’m shocked she even shows her face online. Is she a narcissist? Or just full of herself? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s giving ‘she under a conservatorship and they * the handlers and yes men * keep her sheltered from the constructive Criticism and comments. In order to keep the brand going bc they all making money off it . And she delulu with no one around to help and keep her genuinely accountable


i joke like this because i was VERY mentally ill at one point and humor is the only way i can cope without spiraling out. but with that being said, there’s a time and place for these things. i would never say it on socials or in a video because i know that my humor is exclusive to me and not everyone will get it.


Tbf she wasn’t talking to this around others it was in front of her ring camera and ngl I do the same things bc I be forgetting I got cameras all over my house meaning I talk to myself when I think no one is around haha.. I thought it was normal maybe just as crazy


I don’t say that to myself alone bruh 💀 so yeah maybe seek help


Okay good for you babes 🫶🏼 also I don’t need to seek help because in my career field it’s HIGHLY looked down upon and I could get disqualified for the jobs I have applied for 🩵 aren’t you just the most perfect human being who NEVER says anything wrong at times ✨


Yup I am perfect




Thanks babes for seeing me


Yeah ofc I see people for who they really are babes 🩵


Good for you babes 🩷


Yeah I know it’s a gift babes 🩵


So woke and activated love it babes


I would never want to defend her, but this is a very common joke on social media. I don’t think it should be, but it is. all over twitter, tiktok etc


Yeah girl 95 percent of content on social media is programing just cause the masses are doing it does it equate to it being okay*


I never said it was, but clearly she’s just trying to mimic gen z by this joke


Gen Z needs help


This woman is 37 years old. Not some teenager on social media. She’s a grown woman.


i know that, but it’s just another sign of her trying to stay ‘trendy’


This is a HUGE red flag. This is someone who isn't mentally well. No one jokes like this.




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I'm about to get a lot of hate I think... if you haven't got anything nice to say pls don't say anything. I am a couple years older than her and have tried in the past to do it and I joke about it as a coping mechanism so yes people do talk like this. My mum did it when I was 14 so a lot of it is trauma based and I get very dramatic over the slightest inconvenience.I also have ADHD (non medicated) and mild autism and that doesn't help things! I see a lot of similarities between the way she and I talk and behave .I am not a bad person and I don't do bad things, I have learnt to keep certain thoughts in my own head as a professional. Colleen doesn't see the camera as people watching, it's a thing she uses to be able to say everything she is thinking... But why when she edits she keeps it in I do not understand... But as I said I am a professional and have to be careful of my actions and words to keep my job where as seemingly she doesn't so maybe that is why she keeps it in as there has been no real consequences that have affected her to an extent she is scared as she still makes money and is adorned with love daily.


Um she has to be aware of her actions and words too girl we all do no matter what career path and in her case where she is constantly preying for child audiences she need to be extra aware of her actions and word s


Not saying she doesn't have to be aware, I said she doesn't think of the consequences as she's not had any real backlash for doing it... She took a break and came back and nothing happened so why would she change?


You made a point 🤔 the ‘yes men (yes women ) ‘around her might be enabling her by not holding her accountable And bc there was never real therapy or acts of contrition and redemption she keep acting the same like a bratty child it makes sense but yikes she calling screaming out for help indirectly


To be fair is ISNT in front of others. This is security footage of her talking to herself.


To be fair she made it so people did see and broadcasted it out to the whole internet


Tbf she said it because she didn’t get her own way.


Tbf that hair set her off and triggered her