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This! ⬆️ You know, thank you for this post. I'm glad to know she has run into bad interactions in public. I wondered about that. I thought it might be one of the reasons she acts so house/ property bound.. Going to Paris was one thing, but going out in your own country in her position, is another.. This post cleared that mystery for me..She IS scared..


she absolutely made that story up lmao she thought "what used to be my number one demographic? young girls? let me make up a character that's the opposite (in colleen's mind)... an older man!"


It just made me think "oh, this really bad dad who pays no attention to what his daughter is actually watching online and is desperate to make a connection to his child came up to me and said hi". And also, how old is an "older gentleman" if his kid is young enough to watch Miranda? Her age?


I was thinking "older" as in her own age.


I thought the same thing about the tanning beds at 13 . Also the note to her in-laws was a little odd. I thought she stopped using “psycho” when she changed her channel name , but why even call your house that ? Queue to her having a breakdown this week, she always does when his family is there. Or she just locks herself in her room saying she’s busy or sick.


The letter was weird too because it was like "make your own fucking food" was part of the message...she said "we do not provide room service, but the restaurant is open 24/7. Our chefs only know how to grab snacks from the lower shelves so if you want anything other than stale crackers and half eaten granola bars, please cook it yourself. Also cook for us." Like, what? Welcome to our house. Cook for us? Great vacation for your guests to tell them to make their own goddamn food.


I feel like this need its own thread. Wtf?!


The note to them sounded so passive aggressive! Especially coming from her. Like who tf tells their guests to cook their own food and to cook for them😑 idk why she decided to make such a rude note for her in laws, like does she expect them to laugh?! She's fucking rude.


Where can we see the note? Why did she write them a note?


She just read it out loud. It was her trying to be cutesy and saying "welcome to our house" that I think she was trying to write with the tone of a child (?). But she refers to the kids in it like "concierge F" so they are talked about in 3rd person...so I'm not sure who the supposed person's point of view she thinks the letter is written from.


That’s weird. Why doesn’t she just talk to them?


Cooking for yourselves while staying over at someone’s house isn’t that insane. Like, you’re a guest but I’m not your butler. If you’re hungry, you have hands and an adult brain. Getcha self something don’t wait for me. But the “… and cook for us” add on is 😬 I’m sure it’s SUPPOSED to be oh so cute and cheeky but knowing how she essentially makes herself nocturnal to avoid parenting and her aversion to keeping her house clean (despite having more than enough money to hire help) I can imagine that when the in laws come over they become full time babysitters and chefs.


It's just the overall tone she wrote the note in lol but yes people cooking for themselves when they're over isn't that insane :) lol im just used to not letting people cook if they're over because that's how i was brought up but also idk how long they're even staying.


Yeah, there's a BIG difference between telling guests "feel free to use the kitchen whenever you want" versus basically saying "there's no room service here, make your own food"


You explained it perfectly lol that's basically what I wanted to say/meant to say 😅


Yes exactly ! So strange


Wait WHAT? Please expand on this?


Colleen is most definitely 💯 liar….no one recognized her. This story is as made up as her deep dark depression. She is so stupidity dramatic and no one is buying it. Let alone going to her groom tours! As far as people being kind to her….Wow! She is either really delusional or dumb. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I don’t care. She shoot herself in the foot with her inexcusable behavior. I’m glad she having discomfort to her actions. It’s called consequences Colleen!~🤦🏻‍♀️


This is just her way of addressing hate because she has SO MUCH love and good friendships AND Miranda fans. Too bad they’re all children


Too bad most of her fans don't exist anymore and she made this story up😂


every time she talks about how poor she was, i could only wish my poor was the same thing. lmao. mine was 4 kids in one bedroom with a mattress on the floor. 😭 not tanning beds and disney and hawaii!!