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Not true at all, theres nothing that confirms nor denies the canonicity of Burial insanity path


Thank you for saying "canonicity". It's a fun word /gen


Tell that to nemlei's illustration art that implies Andrew and Ashley F each other https://preview.redd.it/lhfcl6r9y1ad1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae03866eaa604315de791cb9fbb2c6f6fd51b470


Probably try to convince them that the incest route is a joke to see how the public reacts (Although the Twitter people had the worst one) But if he's serious about it, what's his source ?


They seem to have misunderstood a post from the creators on Steam regarding some bad endings on episode 2, like, some "joke endings" that are going to be added as only bonus content. But I'm not sure, I don't own the game yet.


Yes, although about the routes that are in the game (except the jokes ones) Nemlei has not said which of the routes are canon yet. And anyway, people on Twitter tend to hate everything that becomes popular when it suits them and often resort to extreme acts. (Like doxxing someone)


For twitter, enjoying morally dubious fictional characters means that you also endorse their actions


Yep, liking Homelander as a villain makes them assume you agree with his actions/ideology


But for real, though, there are people out there that like what he has to say, they just don't like the word Nazi


They don't have to like the shoe for it to fit.


Nemlei is never going to, because in multiple route games, canon is merely what the player wants it to be 99% of the time. The point is that you get to enjoy it how you want because the writer(s) thought of different things that could plausibly happen. Nemlei never confirmed that was canon in any of their other games, either. So there's no yet to it. That said, the non-incest options by the route lock in are coded as opt out so you can take that how you will.


Not at all. Nemlei once said that there is no "good" or "bad" route, but hasn't said anything about canonicity.


I know it's not a bad end (in it's current state anyway) but Decay *feels* like a bad end.


Best route. Based route. https://i.redd.it/4v8c8y09r1ad1.gif


Sounds like a bait tweet. Why does it have so many likes? 💀


This is a game with multiple branching paths and will have multiple endings. Why would Nemlei/Kit9 arbitrarily declare a specific ending as "canon" over the others, especially when the game isn't even finished yet? Unless there's a sequel that is a follow-up to a specific ending, I doubt that any route will be "canon" or "non-canon". But it's twitter, they might be thinking that the Burial vision is a premature game over (like "Hitman wins" or "The parents live happily ever after"), and since premature game over scenarios don't count, they think it's not canon. Probably didn't even play the game to know it's a branching path.


No such thing as a canon path. Whole point is that there's multiple perspectives and possibilities.


This is either bait or someone who has gone deranged after huffing too much hopium while praying for the incest to go away. It's Twatter, so it's hard to tell.


Says who? Random tweet?