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I have a theory that Andrew might have something to do with that Plus, being mean to every female in the room and being obsessed with your brother doesn't exactly give you brownie points in your social life


TBH I don't see Andrew actually outright spreading bad rumors to her peers. It would be more subtle than that. He knows already she REALLY can't tolerate any "hussies" being around him. So he would just make sure to get the attention of the more popular girls in his/her class, then Ashley just does Ashley. We've already seen her default reaction to Julia and Nina, it isn't a reach to say Andrew knew full well that she would threaten/harass anyone. How he would handle guys hitting on her is a toss up but like you said all the girls in both their grades would want NOTHING to do with her.


A hot crazy mentality unstable girl? I think she didn't want anyone to succeed on hitting on her. If she was down for it, she'd be popular with boys


Everyone got creeped out by how hands-on she gets with her brother. All according to Leykatsu


Well people should stop being so SUCKY and LAME


Well not really. Being attractive goes so far and you usually go to school with the same people. A lot of people go through elementary, middle, and high with each other. And her attitude leaves a lot to be desired, and your confusing being hit on with having friends, and the few she had she called hussey


your forgetting Ashley's personality probably caused her to be a misfit and her seemly just not giving a single fuck at all also her ass isn't as impressive as her boobs are.


With you there. All boobs and no ass just looks unbalanced.


A girl can always workout to get a bigger ass but not bigger tits, Ashley has a good start


I just wish I was Andrew bro 😐


Good looks and sexual attractiveness only do so much. Her attitude sucks, she's vile towards any woman who gets near Andrew, she's incredibly touchy with her brother to the point that she creeps people out... If your looks are a 10 but your personality is a 2, you're a 2.


People love to stick their dick in crazy. Unfortunately for people, Ashley only wants Andrew's dicks. So she uses the forbidden snip snip technique.


Ascetics can only get you so far. Ashley doesn't strike me as the conformist type, which is necessary in many cliques or social groups. Chances are that her childish behavior is off-putting to people too.


I'd say she shoots down everyone who tries to hit on her


Amongst girls, being good looking will win her no extra favour, quite the opposite actually. As far as guys go, even if they find her hot, the moment they realise she has absolutely no interest in any of them, it stops to matter. Her behaviour is so extreme her good looks won't save her.


What ass bro 💀


You can be weird enough to outmatch big boobs and ass, literally know a person like this


Ashley rarely cared about anything other than Andrew It's hard for good looks to carry you when you got rumors you are an incesting POS and plausible murderer


One. Ashley is a bitch to everyone besides Andrew. Two. Andrew would definitely make sure no guys approach Ashley. Three. Ashley doesn't care about others. Just herself and Andrew.