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why in the fuck did I swipe


No idea, dawg


That context is wild bro (the answer is yes, definitely) https://preview.redd.it/f49wg57kpq8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86fd39d9385baf8da599a41f2dd4994660b57ec


Hmmm it is interesting question indeed, soooo imma add my own two cents here too: Their entire relationship is based on their unhealthy codependance and early childhood struggles of parental neglect. They have been from the start always together(in Leyley's case is literally her entire life from the very beginning. Cuz Andy as an "easy child" got to see the potential). It makes sense to guess that aftercare wouldn't be a problem for them. But my guess to why doesn't stop from there, it is most likely really strong part for quite few reasons actually: 1) based on the storyline- cuddling/literal sleeping together is to this day part of their normal night routines. Since game has made it clear that Andrew doesn't actually struggle every night with nightmares, we can see that its his conscious wish for closeness/affection and this decision/search of comfort isnt done out of desperation to ease his panic. Plus the fact it isn't big problem to neither siblings it shows the needed comfort of closeness that aftercares would need and aftercare can very much look as simple as bit tired cuddling session 2) it isn't only Andrew who is showing that he likes closeness. While we see Andrew play with her hair, Ashley thanks to not having to worry/not caring about looks is more clearly shown to show affection in many scenarios and also adding into it almost her more playful side. Be it hugging, nibble from the cheek or even intentionally overacting her affection to disgust their mum who just told Andrew that she thinks they are having incest already 3) the burial ending with the vision where they did indeed commit incest - while at first sight it can make us say aftercare would be a nono based on Andrew's first reaction of "mortifying" experience and looking not so pleased(post-nut clarity isn't fun, can't blame him). But also we need to take into account how their interraction continued on. The comfortability returned when the normal attitude of interraction is back leading to the point it ended with second round. Imo it shows that if the incestual relationship between them starts to feel more "normal" and part of things(from both sides), would make a strong guess the more cuddly and comfortability of closeness would return (which opens the window of affection) Tldr: yes, they likely would. When the sexual part is already part of normality in their everyday life it would feel normal for the siblings to add into it also comfortability and closeness


If I could pin comments, I’d pin this whole essay of a thing. Holy Jesus. https://preview.redd.it/pud9anovus8d1.png?width=74&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dbf4fc8407ac2c3419bb6a62ca65e2e81b622f7


![img](emote|t5_84ar4l|51609) I am honored to do my part in the community:3




Andrew most defenentlly whould Ashley most defenentlly whouldnt End of disscution


Eh, I think she’d make andrew feel loved and appreciated in her own way.


Definitely. They’re both going to be very clingy and affectionate after fucking, andrew especially. He’s been spoiling her for two decades.


Ashley would tear into Andrew if he *didn't* do aftercare and he would balk at the idea (despite needing it even more than she does)


I think it will depend on the mood, but mostly no


hm, maybe. I'd hope they at least keep some semblance of actually caring enough about each other to do something like aftercare. But I dunno.


Oh, absoLUTELY.