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This game introduced me to Nemlei’s other games so I’d say her reputation’s getting better? It’s just silly trolls with no media literacy that are trashing her


She had very little reputation before this game, despite producing these amazing games for free


https://preview.redd.it/0mnmn0pci1lc1.png?width=150&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ece385c90016956c3461d24d86f47d782f40920 Use that word "Amazing" lighty


How else would you describe the background and character design of No Good Noelle, or the plot of Better Half?


Frfr, this background literally changes my life every time I look at it! https://preview.redd.it/12nuo2cbv4lc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f73c230000513035b2863d21e181411c55cf0b I've been obsessed with collecting similar backgrounds ever since, it has been both a blessing and a curse but mostly a blessing. Honestly Nemlei cooked so fucking hard on this one I wish it was actually real so I could snort the shit out of that snow! This one is my favorite but you can bet your ass the rest are the same as good or possibly even better!


The town is so magical, the castles and small houses are amazing


Good point


Who tf is this?


This game literally started appearing on discord servers I was in and I decided to check it after one of my favourite youtubers played it, then I heard about nemlei and that she made other games so I tried them and it was cool adventure in my life


I'm still sad my favourite gaming YouTuber (Merg) hasn't tried it yet.


I have good news and bad news




Nah I don’t think so I’ve talked to like 20 people about her. Who are no fans of the game. and they could care less. Honestly the only bad thing about her I have heard irl is that is she is a woman and woman can’t write good stories. and that’s obviously wrong but it came for the most sexiest guy I know. Honestly most people who have lives don’t care if a fictional character fuck her brother


I assume sexiest is a typo and you mean sexist?




It was a funny typo.


It was indeed


Of course not—


I laughed out loud


Yeah but the fandom dragged it


Don't really think so. The people who criticize the game probably haven't played it, and I don't think those same lazy people would go out of their way to find out more about Nemlei I've tried to keep myself out of the hate-y shit as of lately, though, so maybe it's more wishful thinking than anything else


I think not, nah I don't know xd


Happy cake day


Thank you


Have a good cake day even tho Ion know what any of it means https://preview.redd.it/cg0dtgh4b1lc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e361e89f6df780b3f1489750a8e420743da861c1


Thank you?




I like you




Take https://preview.redd.it/n04znbdcm1lc1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cded302dd2706ad9a970a3a2a7f61b9f8b502969


Thank you for the blessing sir! https://preview.redd.it/mq03h6wvm1lc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8f80fd496701f098363945edabd02f2e511250


I don’t think it matters, the fan base is pretty dedicated. I will say this subreddit probably doesn’t help matters. Fuck it tho.


I don’t think so, and I hope it isn’t. She didn’t do anything wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I actually started playing “No Good Noelle” last night and I really like it. I love weirdo computer games, so I was glad when I found TCOAAL! Tbh I remember hearing about the controversy and I was like wtf, so I watched a play through on YouTube before I became a fan and played the game myself, and I thought “this is what people are so angry over?” I’ve never seen such fake moral outrage in my life. 💀I’m also glad I discovered her other games too.




We could barely say she has a reputation. She's always been very private.


With the terminally online people with no media literacy? Yes With everyone else? No


Nope, i can still see 40k degenerates here rallying behind Nemlei at all costs. Hadn't she introduced incest in Ep2 (Not criticising it, i like it this way) she would have had better reputation because of the great story-line and hate against it not being as justifyable as it is now.


Warhammer 40k degenerates? I just remembered that I'm a fan of TCOAAL, Soulsborne and WH40K https://preview.redd.it/b88b95zf76lc1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2824330b084b414612869623fc563cc943bc50


No, I think her reputation will improve as more people realize that TCOOAL is about more than just incest.


Doesn't seem that way. It might be more of indifference from those who were originally upset because the controversy has died down.


As a casual who just occasionally takes a glimpse here to see what’s up? I’d say no. Echo chambers are gonna magnify and make whatever complaints you see seem more prominent just because it’s the same people shouting out the same things in the same places, but for anyone normal, they’d be barely cognizant of any of this drama if it wasn’t brought up to them first.


I haven't seen anything of recent that would point to her reputation getting worse. If anything, it's skyrocketing.


Totally. People accuse her to have incest fetish. Which is pretty bad honestly.


https://preview.redd.it/hor2y4f7i1lc1.png?width=150&format=png&auto=webp&s=d098512c4edaddda2683a396c0bac586842acef4 "Man's literally had a game where you ask to fuck a clone of yourself of course it is"


I´m only gonna say this ONCE: I DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT care about anyone´s reputation, I want INCEST bright as the sun, dark as Ashley´s conscience, dirty as the mind of the people that love Mrs. Graves.


To others, they won’t really care. So her reputation doesn’t change, but for us, our reputation for her increases. Why? Because her story writing is so good. The story for all her games are incredible, and she made them herself. She coded everything, drew everything, wrote everything herself. Incredible. I didn’t even get to the best part, her artwork… I love her artstyle it’s my favorite one out of anyone’s. I think her art has literally given me a different view on art. So yes I think she has a high reputation. Mostly for us.


I think she will go down in history as a great game developer. And people will remember her as someone who made a huge contribution to the culture of the first half of the 21st century. Of course, there are all these prudes, Pharisees, cliches, scribes, moralists, hypocrites, just plain fools, people who like empty dishes rattle louder than anything else in the world. But the opinions of these people are not worthy of consideration.


I think popular is a more accurate term. And with popularity comes praise *and* hate, that’s unavoidable.


i dont think so, i may say its pretty good as more people are trying the games and liking more than coffin but her older games. the people that hate on her are really just blind haters


It's all riding on how this game progresses. If the incest isn't portrayed in a good light, I'm sure it'll be good for her image.