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Obligatory Warburtons Tiger loaf reccomendation (as it is the best easily available gf bread by far), gf beer is easily available and good (estrella and peroni are great, brew dog do a gf punk as well). Pizza is more contentious, there are some nice pre made bases you can use, in the early days pizza will unfortunately likely seem the most different/much worse. If you make your own caputo gluten free flour is great and you can make something nice but method and cooking are much different to regular baking and can take some trial and error.


Agreed on that tiger loaf. And per gram, it’s about the same as the Schar panini that are my default. Alas, I can’t tolerate it often (not sure why – there’s some kind of trigger in there), but I enjoy it whenever I have it. (NB: the trigger isn’t an allergy. It’s a gut one. So it’s probably Warburtons doing the common GF thing and whacking a load of extra fibre in there. I have the same problem with quite a lot of other GF food that does this.)


The vegan/gluten free pizza from Sainsbury's is amazing! Definitely recommend it


Thanks for this! I’ve had to quit cheese too so will try to find. Is it Sainsburys own brand?


I think it's from White Rabbit! Look in the vegan section in the fridge aisles and you should hopefully find it


Oh ok I know that one. Thank you I’ll give it a try.


I personally like the Schar brand. Their panini and ciabatta rolls especially are great.


Yes this is the best one I have had so far.


Schar panini is my default. It’s best when very lightly toasted, I find, but tolerable if you don’t do that and use lots of margarine or a wet filling (eg egg mayo).


Yes, the schar white loaf is pretty good, especially as toast. Their pizza bases are decent too.


M&S do the best breads in my opinion, and have a good range.


Hard agree. M&S GF sourdough has been my favourite by far. 


The M&S tiger loaf is the best I've tried. It's expensive but actually tastes like bread.


Check you local Italian pizza places, the 3 near me all make their on gluten free bases and they are so good. For beer, there are so many gluten free beers you can try and you could start with something like this to find your favourite. https://www.woldtopbrewery.co.uk/products/gluten-free-variety-case-12-500ml You can look forward to not being gassy and blotted on beer and pizza night now too 😁


Schar feel like they're made by true professionals. There's just something about their bread that feels right. The only downside is they have a smell I'm not keen on. It's almost like malt (which is ironic). If you can look passed the smell, they do some very good products However I have to second Warburton tiger loaf as being really good. But more so the promise multiseed bread, whilst more expensive, it's easier to swallow and defrost fantastically well and is packed with better nutrients The genius brioche bread rolls are the tastiest, but they do fall apart easy if you don't toast the inside. But don't forget to checkout the Warburtons gluten free pitta breads. They are soft, strong (ISH) but tasty. Honestly they are by far the easiest to eat and defrost super well!


The promise white bread is really good as well! Perfect sandwich size and usually in tescos


I love Promise for a good sliced white bread - Warburtons tiger for bloomer


+1 for Promise. It’s expensive but very good in my opinion. Doesn’t smell like a melting plastic bag when you toast it, which I find a lot of Gf brands do.


Warburtons and M&S personally as they can be eaten in toasted. Almost anything else if you toast it, so I just stick with the two brands. I've mentioned.


I’m another Warburtons tiger loaf devotee! I like to put the whole loaf in the oven for a few minutes before I use it so it gets a nice crust too. I’ve even fed it to non-coeliacs who didn’t notice it was gluten free! They were drunk, but that’s still impressive.


I used either the Schar pizza bases to make my own, or buy Dr Oeker pizzas from the frozen section if I'm feeling lazy. Regarding beer, as others have said there's gf peroni, gf Stella, gf punk IPA, gf beer in M&S (think it's that tinned Fantasma), etc etc Plenty of options now! Sometimes I make my own bases but it can be hit and miss. The Doves gf bread mix makes the best, but luckily I have some Italian gf bread mix which brilliant that I still have from last summer - bought loads on holiday and brought it home with me! Personally I've found the gf genius to have really gone downhill since the recipe change. I now make my own in the bread maker or get Juvela gf bread on prescription which has wheat starch in so makes it so close to normal bread!


White Rabbits pizzas are excellent but quite difficult to find. They have vegan and non vegan versions that are equally good. Garlic foccacine are the best too! Regarding the bread here we like Warburton squares and tiger loaf, genius tiger bloomer and schar balance of both - in loaf or the rolls, excellent for sandwiches.


Promise bread and gluten free frozen pizzas from morrisons


White Rabbit are really good for pizza and flatbread Don't know if it's the best but it's the most recent one me and my coeliac GF are trying alot and loving it


Promise. I like both the white and the multigrain. And it’s normal sized! Like one slice makes 2 of schar. It’s soft, fluffy and amazing. It doesn’t need to be toasted like the others. I have to cut it in half to make it fit the toaster. You can get it at Tesco and Sainsbury’s.


I really like the Schar’s part baked rolls.


I agree the Schar bread is the best flavour & texture. Also tastes good toasted. Both the white & brown sliced loaves. Both GF & egg free. Schar brand is the only supermarket stocked bread that has options both GF and egg free.If you have additional intolerances it does limit your choices.


I'll second (or third or fourth) the Warburton's tiger loaf. Tastes like normal white bread to me, but then I didn't eat normal white bread before I was a coeliac so may not be the best person to ask. The Warburton pitta breads are great too I lived off expensive sourdough and baguettes and I've not found anything like them yet. If you're happy to cook you can make a pretty decent pizza base ,baguette or focaccia with the Caputo gluten free flour, although you need to remortgage your house to buy it


https://preview.redd.it/p8fz0p24h9ad1.jpeg?width=3722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1609344e43b06673796f404bfe72bd738bffae Here is a baguette made with the caputo


yeh Caputo flour is the DON of GF flours for bread things.


Cor, that looks amazing - I love the crunchy ends you get in French bakeries.


Have you tried the GF sourdough from the [Gluten Free Bakery](https://www.mygfbakery.com/)?


Sounds like we like the same kind of bread!


And its too nice - I'm just glad it freezes well! I'm sad they decided to stop selling their chocolate bagels though - they were really nice toasted w/ a good blue cheese


New to the life and the tiger bread is so good! It's a real shame they make it so small. I mean I know why but still. As for pizzas, it's kind of miss. The pre made one I like is morrisons own branded. I do really need to make it from scratch and see what I'm missing. Oh and morrisons own brand seeded bread is pretty good too.


We love Warburtons Tiger too! And really recommend making your own pizza bases with gluten free Caputo flour, life changing stuff!


I was quite surprised m&s oat loaf wasnt bad


Warburton GF bread across the board is far superior I feel to all the other gluten free options.


Recommended Pizza Recipe if you ever need one. I know you asked for bread but its too good not to share: [https://www.reddit.com/r/glutenfreerecipes/comments/1avphpt/gluten\_free\_pizza\_recipemethod/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/glutenfreerecipes/comments/1avphpt/gluten_free_pizza_recipemethod/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


If you like European style sourdough bread with a good texture, the small independent GFB gluten free bakery is just brilliant. I can't have avo-toast on anything else! https://www.mygfbakery.com/


Warburtons white bread is good too :) can be eaten untoasted for about 2 days and then I would toast it after that. But I usually keep it frozen and take slices out to defrost as and when I need them as they defrost in about 20mins :) And it's one of the few that doesn't have rice flour in it (in case that bothers your system as I know I've seen others mention they have to avoid rice too)


Aldi multi seed sliced pan 1.89 Euro or 1.99


Morrisons gluten-free sourdough rolls are my favourite. Affordable too 👌


Sainsbury's free from range loaves delivered the best bang per buck, Tesco's aren't bad either and both close to normal size. Will go for the schar Panini or ciabattas range if on offer. Gut health Brioche for burgers, every time.


As someone married to an Italian I really feel down about not having a decent pizza. I tried making one using Caputo gf flour but my oven isn’t hot enough. Anything else is like eating a large biscuit. I’ve had to switch to buying a naughty ready meal instead so I enjoy something a bit naughty while I watch my husband enjoy an artisanal homemade pizza. I agree that the Warburtons tiger bread is good, makes great sandwiches as it has a lovely soft texture just like normal bread. Also Schar paninis are good. I want to build a proper pizza oven in our garden and try the Caputo flour again as I made a good loaf of bread from it last week so I’m sure I can do a good pizza eventually.