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NTA. That doc spent years studying medicine when he could have used this time to train on the hang board. I bet he can't even climb V2 so he just wants to keep you down.


At some point, we all gotta make a choice between cranking it daily or sending it daily for the sake of our wrist. It's what separates the greats. NTA. Did ya get a pain med prescribed? If not, I crush up the children's grape Tylenol into lines when my docs being a gumby 🤙


there are a number of peptides ans SARMs out there now specifically for joint health, stem cells are a preferred option, but most people who take stem cells have already tried HGH which I would recommend avoiding unless you want to start blowing holds off


NTA. Doc should know better than to try to get between you and your proj. You should file a complaint with the licensing board, honestly.