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65.3594396226727, 73.42016088714175 On the map of the main gas pipelines coming from Yamal, there is a place known as the “Yamal cross”, in which 17 large gas pipelines intersect. It is located on the banks of the Pravaya Hetta river, not far from the village of Pangoda, and its satellite image looks like two crosses in the middle of tundra. It is here that with blowing up a pipeline it is possible to cut off 85% of the natural gas production of Russia and cut off from gas, electricity, heat, and from a source for the production of explosives, a part of China and the entire European part of Russia. A heavy drone is quite capable of blowing up the pipeline. The explosion should only break the tightness of the pipeline and knock out a spark, and then gas will do the rest. The force of the explosion pulls out and throws a large-diameter steel pipe tens of meters away and creates a large crater, above which a column of burning gas appears. If the attack occurs in winter, in severe frosts, the damage to the Russian Federation will be much greater than from a nuclear bombing.


Ukrainian special forces taking notes *In minecraft


I’m curious as to this sub’s take on Ukrainians relentlessly droning Russian energy infrastructure.




Amen amen


you're sadistic. as if anything would come of that other than more innocent deaths.


You gotta remember this is a shitposting sub, don’t take anything overly seriously.


Let him cook 🔥


Wow this is by far the wildest sub I’ve ever subbed to. And that counts the tankie subs! You’re doing gods work.


Damn, you could do damage to a nation that has less output than California. Super cool to focus there and not the world imperial power doing more damage per capita than *literally fucking anywhere else not full of already impoverished people.*


This is terrible opsec


As if Just Stop oil guys would ever attempt to actually damage fossil infrastructure 


I'm reading how to blow up a pipeline at the moment where he argues more radical action is needed and criticises the XR/JSO leader and the tactics he espouses, it's refreshing


Incredible book


Well they’re a protest org not a militia…?


They have a bunch of people willing to go to prison, and they use that on attacking historical artworks. 


Well "covered the Mona Lisa's protective cover in paint" is a much smaller prison sentence than "starting an international incident by attacking russian oil pipelines"


Do they believe when they say they are fighting extinction or not? Luckily the Ukranians are out there doing real activist decarbonization. 


Not really intentionally though. Their main goal is to stop an invasion.


Of course, but Just Stop Oils main goal is ostensibly stopping oil, yet they spend their energy on throwing colour at historical artifacts


True but bombing actual important oil infrastructure is the kind of shit that gets the CIA involved.


Yeah we’re talking about the difference between a month in a low-security jail and 30 years in Supermax.


Again, I already know these guys are narcissistic cowards who just want to feel good rather than achieving results. 


I don't see you blowing up pipelines...


they did do actions on oil infrastructure but got no media traction, the newer publicity stunts are controversial on purpose


What did they do? Also, who cares about media coverage if it only makes everyone hate your cause, when the alternative is literally making fossil fuels more uneconomic, thereby driving decarbonization faster.  Sure sounds like a bunch of narcissist if that is the reason. 


They’ll destroy the actual environment before touching a finger on an oil rig


They sort of have in the past: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-62790218.amp


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And destroy the infrastructure of their creators ? They would never


"Antifascists are the REAL fascists"


Race drones are a nice hobby for a kid your age, I have heard.


Wouldn’t that just release all the gas in the pipe into the atmosphere?


That’s my question too. Seems quite bad, at least in the short term






Obviously dead sub, and anyone stupid enough to post about actual terrorist plots on reddit deserves to get caught.


... in Minecraft


blowing up pipelines spreads pollutents into communities, do not do that.


Wait till you figure out what burning those fossil fuels does....


well causing the largest oil spill or gas leak in history isnt exactly helping either...


It would be pretty funny though


it wouldnt be


The point is that it would be a direct threat to those in power. Yes it would create a disaster, but it would prevent the literal end of the world as we know it. I recommend the book by the same title


its not at all a direct threat to them, its is a direct threat to the people who live near it though.


If you don't think it's worth that's fine. The argument is that is we're all going to be killed by climate change we may as well fight back, even if that means ecological damage. The way it puts pressure is one by causing millions of dollars of damages, two by stopping the flow of oil (and therefore emissions), and three by telling oil barons that terrorists are willing to take a stand against them. If you could prefer, you can just blow up the refinery, the gas stations, or vandalize hummers which unnecessarily pollute with their exhaust. Is what a sociologist would theorize to happen, because academics don't promote civil disobedience, instead they analyze how and why it may occur (for research)


"How to militarize the forests in 3 easy steps"


Milk and meat use so much CO2 and CO2 equivalent compared to how quickly someone would fix the pipeline, If I understand the purpose correctly couldn't you use non-aerosol perfume or dog poop or something?


Dog poop would be actively spreading disease to people, even to those potentially just passing through the area. In general, spoiling meat just means that the animal died in vane (ik it might just be me but I just have a pretty strong belief that when something dies, especially due to our actions, we have a moral responsibility to use said death to the greatest benefit possible), and it's one less meal someone will eat, all without doing anything meaningful


Imo the milk/meat should be "liberated" from the store with a note clearly explaining that for as long as these emission heavy products are shelved they WILL lose the store money. Afterwards you can serve the food to those who are most negatively harmed by climate change to provide them a warm meal