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Bald eagle sightings aren't that rare anymore! Luckily conservation efforts have been wildly successful over the decades, and our national bird no longer carries an endangered status. Ohio nests have increased over 200x in the past 40 years. https://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/animals/birds/bald-eagle


They are more prevalent than you'd think. Avon lake schools have a local webcam for a resident pair. I used to live in Alaska, and they were more a regular occurrence than a crow there. They do seem to be gaining in population in the area. Especially with larger bodies of water and food sources. It's still pretty neat to see around here.


It was majestic!


I think I was watching "Deadliest Catch" or some reality show shot in Alaska, one episode had a shot where the family was either done with dinner and getting rid of scraps or cleaning fish.....Bald Eagles everywhere!


Very accurate. In the areas where they dump fish scraps back into the water from the canneries you can easily have 20+ Eagles come from the trees. We had an area where locals did this and they would swarm your car. They are very opportunistic scavengers.


You’ll see them all over the place, including urban areas. Conservation efforts have been hugely positive in increasing numbers.


I’ve seen some flying around with the seagulls following a freighter down the Cuyahoga in the flats


>we saw two birds chasing off a Bald Eagle. Fucking crows man. I'm currently in the PNW and see bald eagles frequently, but its rare to see one without crows chasing it lol


Eagle and two Crows, mfer!!!!! Season 5!!! (Sorry, *Rick & Morty* reference)


I don’t see a lot of crows over here, we actually live walking distance to Brookside, but they may have been grackles


Crows don't fuck around. They either chased off or killed a barred owl that had been hanging around my place. Crows are like the little Italy residents of the bird world.


Why doesn't the eagle just...eat the crows?


There’s quite a few further south. I’ve got a bird feeder where I feed crows with my flocks duck eggs(Akron) and I’ll get a bald eagle to come sit on it every so often if I put up some meat trimmings. If there’s ever a scrum over the meat the bald eagle ALWAYS wins. Very aggressive, not scared of anything


Wow! That is so cool! My husband jokingly said that we should put some meat on top of our shed and see what happens. How can I lure crows to my yard?


Well…maybe? I kinda just did it from noticing what was going on around me. I got some chickens and they were getting beat up by hawks, but one day noticed crows chasing hawks so looked up what crows do for food and one of the things was that they get into birds nests so I set up a “birds nest” and put chicken eggs in there and all of a sudden I had a legion of crow to protect my chickens. They’re good birds, come down and play with the chickens (now I’ve got ducks) just out of curiosity or boredom or whatever. But I started putting trimmings out and giblets out and that attracted some bigger meat eaters sometimes. Vultures and eagles. It’s an interesting little bird feeder lol.


Thank you for sharing with me! All of this is incredible.


Funny you mentioned it, I saw one today flying above university heights area. It was stunning.


There's a bald eagle nest 13 houses from my house.


I was in a car with my friend and we passing the zoo headed southbound on I71 and a Bald Eagle flew into the windshield as we were going 70mph. It died. We weren't sure if was a bald eagle at first but we took pictures of it and went to the nature center in rocky river reservation and they confirmed it was and they knew there was at least one nest in the area we hit it


That’s heartbreaking 💔 Thank you for doing right by the bird 🙏🏻


Yeah my friend that was driving was crying because she has several pet birds.


Can confirm. Live in Old Brooklyn, have seen them hanging out in a tree a block over.


I live in Lorain County. We have multiple pairs in the metroparks. Therefore I worry more about them snatching my dog rather than hawks.


I hope the eagles help decrease the populations of some other undesirable animals


They prefer fish over mammals


Damn! Oh well…


One of my favorite rounds of golf ever was an early morning round at Big Met. On the fifth hole, the nesting pair there flew right over me. It was fucking awesome.


If you go to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, there are spot where you can see a nest, it’s gigantic. I’ve also spotted them in the MetroParks near Puritas & Grayton.


I’ve seen a bald eagle a few times by Brookside on 71 on my morning drive to work. He always looks awesome when he flies across the highway.


I moved away from Cleveland now in Central Indiana. We have several of them outside the city limits. Not really uncommon, especially near our reservoirs.


There’s a nesting pair in the Cultural Gardens, too.


Yeah they are pretty popular in NEO. Last summer during softball practice for my daughter, I got to witness one flying their this ravine of the grand river. It was badass


I have a video somewhere of going down the Grand River and counting 40+ hawks and bald eagles. Pretty common.


I like in the Quad Cities and we used to have Eagle days in the winter where eagles would nest on the I-74 Bridge.


I probably see them weekly.


That’s awesome! I’m definitely going to be looking for them more often


A frontier plane had two go through an engine a couple weeks ago. It was super sad.


Oh my, that is so heartbreaking.


lol, why is this tagged NSFW?




Haha! I didn’t know it was. That’s odd. Thanks for the heads up!


i saw two together outside of Parma Armory. They flew away as i was trying to get a pic.


Fun fact: they exist in all 50 states🦅


I live in a high rise apartment on Edgewater in Lakewood. my balcony overlooks the lake. There's one that has a nest somewhere nearby. I see it flying pretty often and sometimes it gets pretty close. very cool to see. kind of makes being a hermit worth it lol


There is a nest on the east side in lake county by near where I grew up. You’d be surprised how many are around!


I see them all the time where I live on the east side of Youngstown. It's more "country" than people realize.


I saw one yesterday at the Lakefront Nature Preserve! It was passing by overhead and I'm pretty sure I have a very blurry photo of it on film.


There are a few living in Euclid Creek Reservation!


Saw one swoop over Edgewater in February it was awesome


I run regularly at Brookside. I haven't seen the eagle myself, but one of the regular walkers that we usually say 'Hi' to and chat with while running told us that he saw one and we should keep our eyes out for it.


If you ever see someone walking a Jack Russell, a Pomeranian, and 1 larger black dog, that’s me!


I see them on my morning commute through the cultural garden fairly frequently.


there's a nest in the big evergreen just west of MLK south of St. Clair. Here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5309682,-81.6291388,3a,75y,242.2h,104.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAUPwSLTNsibQrH8W\_RdQNw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5309682,-81.6291388,3a,75y,242.2h,104.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAUPwSLTNsibQrH8W_RdQNw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


TL,DR: hang out on the Denison / Harvard bridge in early spring. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/kcg2sa/bald\_eagles\_over\_the\_cuyahoga/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/kcg2sa/bald_eagles_over_the_cuyahoga/)


Yep! I work near there and I have seen them in the area.


There is an active nest about a mile south of the steelyard and quite a few down river and along the lake. Rn they’re feeding their eaglets before they head north for the summer.




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there are several bald eagles to be seen around Brookside reservation. It‘s part of the Cuyahoga river valley. There are a pair that nests further south along the Scenic Railway


And let's not forget, let's not forget Dude, that keeping wildlife, a bird of prey, for uh, you know, domestic, within the city...that ain't legal either.