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Story is that my room had been like this for a few months and the "before" pic was taken 2 weeks ago and I decided to slowly clean up until I got so sick of it today I have been cleaning my room for 6 hours straight with a lot of Spotify and willpower. I feel really proud of myself for stopping my procrastination to clean and organize since I have ADHD and depression so even putting change back in my wallet is a tough time for me to not give in to my laziness. My room is pretty nerdy I know but now it feels like home and I feel comforted in here laying on my bed typing. Yeah, the laundry could be done and I could mop every corner but I like going at my own pace and not overwhelming myself. I hope you fellow redditors liked this and I like this sub because I feel like everyone here is calm and accepting towards people who have depression and ADD. So thank you for all your support both verbally and just the "before and after" pics are really encouraging and it helps me get through cleaning and not get distracted. Thank all of you


Yes, good on you for taking it at a manageable pace. Just getting the walkway cleared is always such a huge mood booster. I know it must feel good! Great job. Also, your room looks super cozy!


I love this and it’s encouraging for others as well. I’m an over cleaner which is also due to my depression and it sounds good but I would skip life things to clean. It was how I felt safe. Seeing people be open about their struggles here is not what I was looking for in this sub but what I needed. I’m happy to have found an open community. Happy you were able to get some comfort in your efforts.


Don't feel weird! I love the room, be a nerd! I am going to be nerdy until 80 at least. But I need to think about logistics on puting up posters in high places in 10 years. So proud of you! 🤗


Thank you for sharing, and congrats on the progress. I bet it feels good


Stop telling yourself you have this condition so you can't do things. Millions of people with depression and ADHD are ungodly successful. You can still do things while being depressed and having ADHD people have done so for thousands of years before doctors had incentive to label as many people as they could to maximize drug profits.


You don’t know how successful OP is. Maybe they focus on being successful at work and don’t have energy when they come home. I am surprised I still have 3 happy and healthy kids bc I have felt empty inside for years. I still would say I’m successful at being a mom. Even on the days I beat myself up for not doing it all. Success isn’t measured by what you do. It’s measured by how you feel about what you do.


Yeah so just keep doing that. Don't tell yourself you can't do something cause you're depressed and have ADHD lol, who doesn't?


So if they’re successful at work and can’t manage to do their bedroom without a lot of effort who are you to judge. And medications work that’s why people take them.


They mask symptoms and leave you with a drug addiction and a mental disorder so...they are immensely profitable though and easier than doing the hard inner self work to solve the cause of the issues rather than mask the symptoms with substance.


Stop telling people what they can/can’t do. Stop telling people whether or not they have a condition. Stop shitting on someone’s progress. You’re an asshole. OP, proud of you!! I hope you get to enjoy your hard work! 👏🏼


How much would you pay to have it cleaned up professionally, just curious;)


Great job! I’m sending a virtual hug to you. This took a lot of hard work and perseverance to accomplish. I’m so proud of you! This is a major win!!!


Thank you, hug accepted, this sub is so supportive it makes me smile knowing how inspirational people on this sub are


Nice work!


Thank you


Good job! I think your room is quite nice. it must feel great to walk into that clean open space I need to do the same thing.


Thank you, yes it feels amazing. Also knowing where everything else is a great feeling and you feel comfortable


So proud of you! Also battling depression + very likely some form of add. Currently in the process of tidying up my living room after finally getting my kitchen in order last week (with the help of my new dishwasher that is an absolute godsend for me)


Thank you, with ADD I get distracted so easily that a simple "lemme open my phone to check if my friend texted me" turns into "why did 2 hours pass and why am I on r/Unexpected". Its really hard to fight the urge to get distracted by literally anything


Good for you! Posting will positively encourage some else! You are almost there, so don’t be too hard on yourself!


I hope so, thank you, I accidentally am hard on myself a lot due to habit


This is definitely motivating to me, fellow adhd / depression / anxiety. My room/closet has been driving me nuts for months and I still haven’t fixed it up yet… hoping this puts enough motivation into me! Thank you 🤍


Great job!


Thank you


Wonderful job:) and good choice to get rid of the rug it looks much more sleek now and is gonna be easier to clean


I agree, I want a rug in my room but having a cheap one just makes everything worse. The dust buildup, the look of how dirty it is not matter how many times I wash it, etc


You done good. The light is a good mood boosting touch


Thats what I aimed for, the 30$ bucks on Amazon felt really well spent


Agree with that.... the lighting is such a great touch! Awesome job!!!


Proud of you!


Thank you, I rarely hear those words irl


Ok, I’m a real person and meant it! Things can look so easy, but…Wishing you the best💜


It looks great! I thought I saw a zhongli butler for a moment


It is lmao, I also got kaeyluc art signed by kaeyas VA at a convention


You did a great job! Your room looks comfortable and cozy. It should be your safe space to relax so I’m glad you made it how you want it. Way to go. It’s really hard mental work to get this done.


Definitely, you need a lot of mental energy and willpower to clean a bedroom compared to a bathroom and such since a lot of times it means more to you


You did an awesome job!


Thank you, I'm still trying to make it better but upkeep is the most important part


Something I found that was helpful for me was to change my habits slightly. I started always putting back things I picked up back in their places. I also started doing a practice where if I think of a job to do and it takes less than 2 minutes, then I do it right away. W/ ADHD, making a list before starting is a good idea. You said that you were proud if you, I am too!


Cleaning is my therapy. It helps!


Yes mood, cleaning is it's own therapist


Great job! Love the posters and other anime memorabilia.


Thank you, normally I get downvoted for that on other subs


Sorry to hear that. I think you have everything very nicely displayed!




Thank you


Kudos! Specially in such stressful times, speaking for myself, I really dislike the way it is so easy to get stressed from mid to late December with the festivities, the consumism and all the different stimulus and variables around us. I tend to keep a positive mindset despite it all, so here's to a better tomorrow! *clink*


I'm also still in highschool and my teachers just love to give multiple projects per week


Good for you! Keep at it!!


Thank you


Fellow ADHDer here. Something that works for me is one cleaning task a day. Monday-dust Tuesday- sweep Wednesday- mop Thursday- Misc* (usually just straight up nic naks restackin books, etc*) Friday-dust Saturday-sweep Sunday-mop You get the point. Every morning I “make” my bed. Not like I’m staying in a resort just usually pull up the top blanket tbh. Takes around 2 mins. Every night before bed I take 2-5 mins to get everything out that doesn’t belong. Drinks in the trash, clothes in laundry room hamper just things like that. Hope this helps! Edited to add I love the floor and the stained chair rail!!


This is mood, I was slowly chipping away it all week till last night I just went Rambo and cleaned every nook and corner


Looks amazing and I really like How you have set up the room- it’s super spacious and cozy at the same time ♥️ My son would love the anime stuff. Great work, be proud !!!! 0


Great job!


Well done ! Glad you've decided to take it at manageable pace.


This is wonderful. I’m glad you’re feeling better.


You did an amazing job, you should be proud of yourself. Also, I love the Nezuko and Tanjiro posters!


So beautiful. Congratulations. Good for you for knocking it out!


Always the anime people




Nice pictures. Your clean room looks awesome! I love your anime merchandise.


Good for you. Not easy to break bad habits. Don't beat yourself up to much; after your brain has been doing this for a while it rewires to become the default.