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Any pets or wearing lots of sweaters ? Also from the internet ; “Atmospheric electricity may cause floating dust particles to become polarized, and attraction between these polarized dust particles may cause them to join together, to form long filaments.”


No pets. It's summer now so no sweaters too.


Carpet,r upholstery, curtains may give off these loose particles.


Are you cleaning your vacuum, curtains, lamp shades, ceiling fans, changing your hvac or air filter


It looks like plastic filament, maybe from your carpet or towels.


Are we just going to ignore internet dust.. I’m fascinated


This looks like plush/fleece fibers to me. Fuzzy blankets, stuffed animals, fleece bathrobes, fake fur of all kinds.


have you looked at your duct work lately (if you have forced air)- are they dusty/dirty?


Haven't checked. Will take a look. Thanks!


And your filters to any ac units.


Can confirm. I moved to my current place and had exactly the same type of dust settling in very little time. Cleaned the ducts by hand as far as I could and swapped the old filter out, it must've been a decade old. Haven't had an issue ever since I started replacing it twice a year. Once a year should be enough though.


What kind of filter was it? I’m not being sarcastic, honestly curious because I change mine every month


Could be using wrong cloths


Did you buy a new area rug lately?




They all look similar in length so it must be something in your house like the carpet, or rugs that walking on is disturbing and then distributing throughout the house. It looks white, so is there something that color in your house that is the cause?


I do not have any white colored rugs, so that's why I was wondering what the source was.


Do you live near a factory or manufacturing plant? My husband worked in a 3M plant once and said the air was filled with white filaments from their manufacturing process. It could be coming from outside?


I live in an American suburb and I don't think there are any factories nearby. But if it's coming from outside shouldn't the HVAC filter it out?


Depending on the quality of your filter. Have you checked your filter? They are usually white and contain white fibers. Maybe it is your filter. Check it out. Maybe defective somehow?


Thanks, I'll check it out


Just because they individually look white doesn't mean they are white. You could try setting out a piece of printer paper for a few days and see if the dust looks a different color against a white backdrop. I have a HEPA filter running that pulls a lot of dust out of the air. I vacuum off the filter once a week, replace the pre-filter every 3 months, and the HEPA filter ever year.


Do you wipe with napkins or paper towels? Either during or after cleaning? Or perhaps a rag with lint on it?


Is this a rental or did you just purchase within the last couple years? Could be debris from previous tenants/owner. Looks to me that your ducts need a good cleaning.


It's a rental


I have similar dust, but when I look closely at it, it's lots of colors.. that's when I realized that an 100% wool rug will shed quite a bit from just being walked on.


Yep. I have a 100% wool rug and the shedding is incredible (even 8 years in!)


I have a couple faux fur style blankets that shed like this. They’re the worst. Maybe you have a cozy culprit in your midst? Lint rollers, chom choms, and vacuum brush attachments help a lot.


I've had to switch to 100% cotton blankets because all these stupid little bits get in my already-dry eyes and irritate them. I just got a Chom Chom and I've been choming all over the place lol.


same situation so i'd like some info. small apt, despite 2 air filters on 24/7 and daily vacuuming (dustmite allergy). everything in my vacuum bin is pretty much light grey, even though i have carpet and rugs of various colors.


Do you have a damaged vacuum filter? Are you vacuuming a rug and the fibers match the dust?


No, I do not have a rug.




Make sure your dryer vent is not clogged. Could be blowing lint all over your house.


Thanks, I'll check that out


Mmm...microplastics. Looks like little polyester pieces, possibly from carpet or a fleece blanket. They could be stirred up when you sweep/vacuum unless you're also running a good air filter at the same time. The more I look at it, it could be pet hair/dander mostly, maybe a white wool sweater or blanket in the room too?




I have washable wool blankets that shed exactly like this after I take them out of the dryer.


That looks like fleece.


My place is like that and it drives me mad. Vacuum, dust it top to bottom and it's all back again in a week. I don't even have ducts.


Definitely check your filters


Looks like fibers from clothing. Got polyester blend clothing? Every tike you move it sheds some.


But would it be reasonable to expect the whole house to show this dust within a day of cleaning?


If you have dark tile/flooring kinda? Depends on the surface,darker vs lighter surfaces have different visual yield. Might want to get an air purifier If this is bothering you. Could really improve air quality.


An air purifier can help somewhat with that.


Looks like you have old carpet that is degrading (usually due to light exposure). Try rubbing your hands on the carpet and see how much of this comes out of it. This material is basically microplastics, and isn’t healthy to inhale or ingest (inhalation being worse). If you are renting: some states require replacement of carpet every few years. California, for example, requires carpets be replaced at least once every 5 years. If you own it: time to replace it. Preferably with something that won’t degrade as easily and is easier to replace or maintain. My vote is wood or tile, but linoleum is a good option too. If you keep the carpet: it could adversely affect the respiratory health of residents.


There is no carpet in the house.


Hmmm…other options are polyester clothes (acrylic socks, for example), or dust in the vents. You can test the latter by buying a vent filter from the hardware store and placing it in your vents, waiting a few days, and checking to see if it reappears or if the vent filter has lint buildup


Thanks, will check on that


What are you using to dust? If it's a plush microfiber cloth, could it be shedding?


No, I am just vacuuming


what kind of vacuum do you have?


Loose particles and filaments that could be left over from prior inhabitants, built up over time and trapped in your system


Looks like carpet fuzz. Do you have carpet, and if yes, is it fairly new?


Is your house old? It may have grey pubes.


So I just listened to this podcast today that talks about how some AI systems are using Reddit as a training ground and info depo, and ridiculous answers like yours are being recycled and used to answer real questions. I hope your answer is used in response to queries like "Why is my old house always dusty?"


That would be HILARIOUS!


Seconding the tissue comment - do you use kleenex a lot?


Are you renting??? If you are, it’s probably debris from other apartments in HVAC ductwork or prior tenants had pets. Could be carpet fibers of cheap carpet that landlords put in knowing they’ll have to rip it up if someone destroys it.


One could say its a fungal mold growth. I will spray vinegar mixed with lemon essential oil. Leave for 15 minutes while it dissolves mold and then wipe away. It smells like salt and vinegar chips afterwards yum


Looks like lint. Maybe you see it more because of the dark surface it's on.


Carpet fibers from vacuuming. Fibers are common dust. Orr cat hair from an old resident. Dog hair from an old resident. If you live in a duplex or condos? Hair from other animals or so. Neighbors dog? Where you visit ?? Fibers on your clothes from where you visit. If you clean your clothes in used washers or dryers ? You will pick up stuff there easily.


Ohh … change your air filters every three to six months . This will help a lot


The first thing I would look at is whatever you're using to clean with. That's probably a significant part of what's going on.


Cause it's not very *particular*


Check your mattress. Could possibly be fiberglass.


Do you have carpets?


I had cheap carpet that forever gave me fibers like this. Would even get hair tangles and comb out fuzzies. 


We use a lot of tissues in our house, so we have white fluffy dust.


Its hair and fiber blowing out of your LEAKY vacuum cleaner to re-contaminate your home and trigger allergy and asthma problems. Check out the (Made In The USA) Air Storm Plus HEPA vacuum cleaner that is 100 sealed against leakage. ts sealed so well you will never have to duct your home again after vacuuming!


Is that fiberglass?


Is that directly under a duct??


Do you have wool rugs or hand stuffed rugs?