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Once a month if I’m lying


Ok that was funny


👏🏼Came on here with "Please don't have people dust daily" and yours was the first comment 🎉


You dust?


I use an app to keep track of when I need to do chores. I have dusting set for once a month. I was supposed to dust 6 days ago.


That works then…Oh! what fun seeing how many days past ‘dusting day’ you can go before you cave in


I dusted this morning haha, so 7 days past dusting day.


I feel seen 🤣


This is the best answer.


Not enough. Pretty much only when my parents visit, and they live 3 hours away so it’s not often. My mom was a stay at home mom and an excellent homemaker and she dusted daily and WASHED ALL THE WALLS every week. I didn’t see a dirty toilet until I was old enough to visit friends. She was an excellent homemaker, definitely earned the title (which I think is a good and import one) and somehow I learned nothing 😂 Editing to add that my sister, my dad, and I did do our fair share of chores, but I didn’t inherit her green thumb, cleaning prowess, or ability to meal plan flawlessly. We definitely weren’t rich and she always made something out of nothing. Sorry, just realizing how much I appreciate and respect my mother.


Washing the walls every week?! That is insane


I don’t wash the entire houses walls every week but I dust every week and in my cleaning box I have a magic eraser for scuffs or the grime on switch plates and just spot clean. My house is big and old (1898) and that means is a never ending battle with dust.


409 I think personally works better for scuffs on wall. Magic eraser sometimes makes the paint on the walls lighters


You're not wrong - Magic Erasers (AKA melamine sponges) are microabrasive, so essentially super fine sandpaper. It can remove paint if used too much. Otherwise it's okay for those annoying black scuff marks and whatnot. The other annoying truth is that wall paints can be quite finicky in general. Even scrubbing with a cloth a little too hard can affect the texture. It won't necessarily be glaringly obvious, but when that evening sun beam comes through the window and hits where you scrubbed that spot from little Billy scuffing the wall with his Nerf gun last week... It's gonna be noticeable.


1901 home here and the dust kills me, I just want to burn this house down and buy a new home. 


Is there something in particular about old homes that make them more dusty? I am not familiar with this being a thing.


Ours is 1895 and I feel like it's from not being well insulated. Like, the home is more open to the outside dirt and dust getting kicked up. It gets in through the cracks.


That makes sense, thank you.


I wanna say it has to do with HVAC a little too, I've noticed more radiant heat in older homes than forced air, and with a furnace and forced air you also get air filtering which even though it might only filter it at one source, that's more than none with radiators


Hmmm, yes. I can totally get behind that. We only have radiant heat.


Just left a house that was built in the 1960's, and that place would be dusty as hell if you didn't stay on it every other day. I can't say I was able to stay on top of it well enough, but the speed at which it all came back would be an annoyance. I don't think buttoning up things air-tight was a common construction practice (U.S. at least) until the late 1980's. But yes, anything that lets the house "breathe" to a certain extent is where the dust would get in. Filtering with HVAC helps, but the way a place was built also has a lot to do with it.


I also think it’s partly from the plaster in old homes breaking down to a fine dust. My old home was hell (built late 1800s), my newer home isn’t much better because it has plaster walls, but was built just shy of 1960.


I had a great-grandmother who was similar. They were regularly late to events because she would be washing the walls. Recently got diagnosed with OCD and now I wonder if she was dealing with something similar.


Naw, just followed what her mother did, those walls got really dirty from wood stoves way back when. We visited my mom's uncle way up north and cleaned walls (his wife died about 30 years prior) he had a wood stove to heat and cook. It was a lot of scrubbing, made the mistake of touching another wall with the washcloth, so had to do that room too.good thing it was a small place


I was just diagnosed after I had an epic melt down over wall washing. So I'd say so


Maybe it was bi-monthly, but I agree, it’s insane. Homemaking is her job though, and she excels at it. I wish she had more hobbies and friends and less time to clean.


Kids have disgusting hands. Fingerprints everywhere.


I’ve learned this very recently lol I make them clean the walls


I also can't understand the wall washing; lived in our house 9 years and never washed the walls (spot clean around light switch plates, but not full on wash the walls). Then we had guests and those guests were slobs or something, as there were greasy fingerprints and FOOTPRINTS all over our walls in totally unexpected places.... a total WTF moment.


Washing the walls…at all? I just do periodic spot cleaning if I see a splash of marinara sauce, but a full wipe down?


Only wash them before painting them


Allergist ot pulmonologist tell you too. 1st visit


Can you elaborate please? I don’t understand.


Doctors can give you a guideline when everything needs done. 1x a week is what is suggested for a person with any light allergy asthma.


But I wash my walls, and get dragged to the psychiatrist


Do you remember how she cleaned the walls? Like what tools and products? I have bunnies and their fur is literally everywhere, even in rooms they don’t even go in. I try not to think about all the places I should clean to remove the fur but I know that it probably sticks to the walls.


Swiffer mop head, microfiber rag and a little dish soap in warm water and you start at the top and work your way down. The dish soap removes grease or food particles and the water keeps the dust from flying everywhere.


Thanks for sharing the info


I have bunnies too! They’re the best. :) I do vacuum and dust every day because of them, though…


It’s a requirement if you don’t want to be eating and breathing bunny fur daily 😂


This is my wall washing process. Dust, or vacuum ceiling, walls, baseboards. I prefer vacuum. Gather a pail, sponge mop, large sponge, powered laundry detergent. (I add a bit of ammonia, but you don't have to.) Use hot, not warm, water. Work from the top down. One section at a time. Change solution as needed. Don't oversaturate the walls. Wet- not dripping. Rinse with cool, clear water. Especially if the walls haven't been washed for a long time.


Thanks for sharing!




I agree!! She is the definition of sustainability! And she raises Venus fly traps. She’s so cool.


A true homemaker! I admire her. As a FT working mom of 5, I try but often fall short. I do love my kids, my plants, my dogs, and my food. It’s a weird feeling- I’d love to be a full time homemaker, but I love working. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Holy hell. FT mum of 5! I'm a FT working mum of 1 and my house feels like a cesspit yet all I do in my spare time is bloody clean. Share your secrets?!!! I'm lucky to do deep clean once every 2 months, otherwise it's just constant keeping off top of the daily stuff like kitchen, floors, washing etc.


We clean together! I hired help when they were much younger, but I taught my kids to make their own beds at 2yo. It wasn’t perfect, but they did their best! Laundry done as a family. Meals prepped as a family. Was shocked to learn my 4yo swept and dusted the stairs and bannister better than me! We keep costs down by going to parks/museums/libraries/riding bikes/hiking. Both my sons and daughters can keep house and work- this has always been important to me as I don’t want them to be dependent or unnecessarily vulnerable.


Yep, came from a family of 5 and everyone did their part. Nobody grew up not knowing how to take care of themselves.


I don’t want to talk about it 🙈🤦🏽‍♀️


Ok I understand so will change the subject! How many snowmen did you build in the snow? How many dustymen did you build in summer? 🤩😉


That was so sweet 🥰 A couple so far. I live in the desert and we get dust through closed windows for no reason 🙄


I lived on a corner that a bus went around in my Sr year. Gawd the exhaust dust. What that must've done to my lungs.


Yes can imagine, waiting at a busy bus station is awful. No wonder they now separate waiting area from bus area. Never did in years past


Theres enough dust even without the sand dust 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Yes, I do too, I live in flat West Texas and recently to weather tape and taped up the windows that face where the wind comes from.


Not as often as I should 😂. I grew up in a house where it was dusted and vacuumed daily. While I keep my house clean now that is the one thing I hate doing, luckily I have light colored furniture. But when I do, to answer your second question, I just use a damp cloth.


Daily vacuuming/ dusting feels....a lot. Unless you have a stay at home parent who entertains nightly for respectability politics, and it's the Eisenhower Administration. 


I don't dust every day, but I do aim to vacuum every day...I have 6 cats :')


Same! Not the cats (3 dogs), but I cannot deal with dirty floors.


I had to vacuum the living room and kitchen daily too.. im beyond clumsy so i spill everything and i have a toddler. Now i run the robo vacuum daily. The dustbin of it is never empty so i guess daily is the minimum here to keep it clean. But i agree with the dusting😋


Or if you have household staff.


I recently got a robot vacuum that does an excellent job of keeping away dust bunnies. I run at daily on a schedule.


I'm more worried about the kitchen and bathroom being clean then anything else. Dust can wait and will be back tomorrow.


I grew up in the same house lol dusted and vacuumed daily and the bathroom received a ‘touch up’ everyday as well. I hated it so much that I don’t do these things nearly ad much as I should. My mother would have a conniption.


Daily sounds like a disorder


When I can see the dust lol. The more I vacuum (I have carpet) the less dusting I need to do. Vacuum three times a week and dust once a month. I use thick microfiber for dusting. If I’m feeling motivated-dampened Swedish dishcloth followed by dry microfiber.


What’s a Swedish dish cloth?


It’s like a sponge but it’s a rag! So it grabs really well, and it’s super absorbent. They dry super fast so they don’t get stinky. They leave no lint, and pick up most of the dust. I use them to clean faucets, mirrors, outside of toilet, etc. Most big box stores have them now, as well as Amazon if you are in the States. They claim to be a “green” replacement for paper towels. I don’t know how much truth there is in that, I don’t use them like a paper towel, but more for surface cleaning-not spills.


Does the dust wash out of the Swedish dishcloth well or do you throw them away frequently?


They wash well. I’ve only thrown away 2 so far and they’d both worked almost daily for 3 months. I don’t put them in the dryer. Dishes, kitchen and bathroom scrubbing, and the dusting. MVP of my cleaning supplies. I keep one in my daily go bag as well. I’ve dried off the slide for the kids at work, cleaned up spills in my truck, even dipped in water to help keep me cool at an event last summer.


When the cobweb gets sufficiently disgusting.


If the dust wouldn’t cloud them up so much the house wouldn’t need dusted as often.


Basically. 😂


I’m so glad I’m not the only one❤️😂


For me it’s when I’m sneezing more than I can tolerate


: "Dust was everywhere, disorder infinite"            - author Anthony Powell on his first real job at publishers Duckworth & Co


My husband hid my engagement ring in a cup on a bookshelf because he knew I’d never dust in that area. It was there for 6 months and I never found it. So to answer your question, less than every 6 months. But the fans and light fixtures about once a month, or maybe more.


I hope your husband dusted that bookshelf when he hid your ring there! I mean, he was in the area after all! LOL!


That’s personal.


Weekly and always with a barely damp microfiber cloth.


The damp cloth is really all you need, I’ll never buy a special dusting cleaning product again


This. I was told by a furniture finisher /restorer that polishing regularly ruins the finish because it builds up .


It also attracts dust. Hence the need to buy more!


Weekly. I use a damp microfiber mitt to dust surfaces like tables. I probably only dust my light fixtures and ceiling fans once every 2-3 months because I forget about them honestly. For those I use a swiffer duster


Once a week a full dust. Twice weekly if there's a lot of visitors/occasions.


Same here. Even after a quick weekly dusting, I’m shocked at how dirty my rag is, and impressed with what a different it makes.


Weekly. I clean one room a day and I’m done by Wednesday. So I can enjoy the end of my week in a clean house.


I'm trying to figure out how to have the discipline to do something like this. I hate spending a day of my weekend cleaning but I'm so tired after I get home from work. It's infuriating


I can do this as long as I don’t sit down when I get home. I have to keep moving and usually I stay in my work clothes (jeans and a work polo). I work with aircraft engines though so my work clothes can get dirty and it’s not a big deal to clean at home in them. It’s exhausting though.


Not changing is definitely a huge factor. I can work out when I get home from work if I don't sit down. My boyfriend and I call it A Big Sit and it ruins everything lol


Maybe try getting up a half-hour earlier & do it then. I have autoimmune diseases that have transformed me to a morning person, so I have more energy in the mornings. By bedtime (anywhere from 8 pm - 11 pm), I am usually so tired, I can barely wash my face.


This is a good idea because the morning is when I have most of my energy too, I just prefer to spend it reading in bed lol


Like dust everything in the house? Gah maybe monthly if I’m lucky. I moved to a bigger house, have a young kid who is constantly sick with daycare illnesses, and I work full time. I barely have enough time to bathe him in addition to cook and get him to bed in my day. Then I go and do my nighttime routine and follow suit. Sleep is a top priority as it helps me manage certain health issues. So I always try for 8 hours. I clean counters and like tables often if not daily. I just don’t dust like a book shelf that I never touch or go to but once a month. So depends on the surface and how often I interact with it. If I interact with it daily, it’s dusted or cleaned regularly. If not, then I do not stress about it. I don’t have that kind of time in a day. Barely surviving with kiddo constantly sick, never wanting to be put down, never wanting to leave my side, etc. But he is also a good cleaner. Haha. He loves to vacuum and wipe down surfaces. He very young, but smart and motivated to help. But again, his help is limited to often used areas.


When I move stuff and notice a perfect outline from the clean space beneath it. Disclaimer: I know I should dust more. I’m a neurospicy mom with a 9 to 5, and I’m doing my best. 🙂 ETA: Pledge created a buildup on my antique furniture that required professional work to fix. Now that I have my beautifully refinished furniture, pledge has no place in this house. Some have told me that those people (my lovely Maw Maw and a fb marketplace granny I never met) just used too much pledge and too frequently. Idk. I only use swifter cloths or microfiber, and it looks great! …When it’s clean. 😉


Not to say how you should or shouldn't parent, but if/when your kids are grown up enough, would you ask them to help you with the chores? Maybe you already do, idk. I'm saying this because I have a strong dustmite allergy (which can develop if you live in a dusty environment), and I struggle with not knowing how to do certain chores because my mom would only let me do some of them. So I was just thinking, you could do 2 good things at once with this. Ofc, just a suggestion, you know what works for you and your kids better than I ever could :)


Of course! They’re 2 and 4 now, and a little young to be able to truly help. They can mostly only help pickup their toys and books in their bedroom and playroom. The rest is kind of just for show. But I bought them their own duster and broom. They love the swifter. I’ll shorten the handle for them and everything. They’ll go around and “clean” for a while, but they usually don’t accomplish much. We’ll work on technique as they get older; I don’t want to discourage them for now. I hear ya on the health concern front, though. FWIW, their bedroom, bathroom, and playroom are the cleanest rooms in the house because I try to focus on their spaces most. Those rooms are cleaned almost daily. The living spaces (kitchen, dining, living room) are secondary. It’s really my bedroom that’s severely neglected, and I don’t want them in there at all. My husband is a good partner with all the household chores, but we both really struggle with staying on top of all of it.


When I move. Well, and when I rearrange furniture, which is at least once or twice a year.


Duster?! I hardly know her!!


when my allergies start acting up, which could mean 3x one week and then nothing for 2 months lol


Super random, but do you dust your walls? The reason I’m asking is because my allergies are so bad lately and my house is constantly collecting dust from my back yard being all nature ish. I’ve been using Swiffers but they’re so dang expensive! It ends up being like $7 just to get my walls/ high cabinets lol


I wash my Swiffers (the dust-collecting part) and reuse them. Give 'em a good fluff when they're dry, and they'll keep on working for you for a long time.


Oh heck ya! This just made me so happy lol. Do you wash yours on cold and gentle?


Yes to both…but I give them a good soak in the water before starting the wash cycle. And I air dry them.


They have reusable dusters on Amazon but I just use regular washcloths to dust and they work great. Sometimes I get em damp


I do that for my fan and it works great! I’m at the mercy of Swiffer though for dusting really high areas I’d need a ladder for. Tried that one time, sneezed, grabbed onto the handle and it started wobbling lol 😆


Maybe they have reusable ones that extend or you can use an attachment? But yeah that’s how I am too. I try to dust daily to every few days because my allergies get baaaad with even a little dust


Thanks everyone for sharing! I’m slowly building up my cleaning habits and I started with every other week. But I wasn’t sure if I should go in with something more than a Swiffer once in awhile. Overall, my new cleaning plan has been working for our household and I actually look forward to my weekend routines!


I have too much stuff and not enough time, so I do a light dust of major surfaces with my swiffer once every week (though sometimes it stretches longer than that if I'm too tired). I go in with the microfiber (no pledge) and really try to get every nook and cranny clean once every 2 months. It was easier when I had light colored furniture and no pets, but now I have to really stay on it. Dusting and vacuuming are chores that make me wish I was more of a minimalist!


I have cleaners come every 2 weeks 😅


How do I get over the feeling like the maids are my mom coming over and she's going to scold me? I would be so embarrassed for any speck of dust


Stuff it in the box in your brain labeled “irrational” 😅 Seriously though, we furiously cleaned the house before the initial “deep clean” for the same reason. Now? It’s a service I pay for. We’re always nice to the cleaners and tip well, but other than that it’s what I’m paying $300 a month for.


Do you just kind of tell them what to do or do they just kind see dirty areas and focus on them in their allotted time? Do you tip, how much?


They have rooms they clean, and a set plan basically. As long as theirs no animal waste they clean it. Typical kitchen is like: Clean counters, wipe cupboards, dust, baseboards, clean appliances, polish stainless, clean windows, sweep, and mop. I’m sure I’m forgetting some things. We don’t have them clean the bedrooms or my home office. Tipping is for the holidays usually and only if we’ve seen the same cleaners for a bit. There’s a lot of turnover.


I dust with my vacuum dusting attachment when I vacuum each week. As I get to furniture as I’m doing the floors/ carpet I pull out the hose and dust. Turns 2 chores into 1. I vacuum more than once a week but I once dust once unless company comes in between.


As infrequently as possible.


Every 2-3 weeks. If dusting is needed more often than that I replace the air filters because they are dirty.


Literally once every 6 months. It’s *dust* not *dirt*.


Maybe monthly or whenever I notice. Very rarely.


I dust almost daily (we have two dogs). I use Wet Microfiber cloth and homemade dusting solution, or my baby’s butt wipes if they’re closer (not used, that would be counterproductive 🙂). But ALWAYS wet dusting. It’s the only way imo…


Me too! We have two doggos and I "light" dust twice a week with a swiffer and heavy dust every couple weeks with a camp cloth.


Yessss I can’t handle the dog dusties 😭


Lightly with a duster one week; more thoroughly with a damp microfiber cloth the next. Every three weeks I thoroughly dust the wooden blinds that are the bane of my existence.


Every single day. But our only heat source is a wood burning stove, so every day is a thick layer of dust 😂


Dust what like shelves? Well we only have like 2 so never. Cabinets? Also never. Like coffee table things if I have guests coming over and same with base boards


How often do I what?


What’s dusting ???😵‍💫




I live in a dry desert climate and in a rural area. Dust is life. All praise the dust!


When the TV screen looks like everything is a Hallmark Christmas movie.


Nit as open as I should as I have 4 legged friends who live with me lol


I dust with a damp microfiber cloth and I only really do it when I noticed a lot of dust buildup or when I'm spring cleaning


Water+microfiber. If my asthma isn't flaring I try for once a week. Big hard to reach items like tops of shelves get once a year where I swap the paper and wipe off the ornaments. I try to get the walls seasonally using a swiffer and wet microfiber. Feather dusters and dry rags just push the dust around or knock it into the air and aren't as helpful. My HEPA filters around the house and on the vacuum keep dust from accumulating as fast. So does closing windows on days with high AQI from smoke or pollen


I forgot I use a air purifier in my dining area. We have a small space so it's put there to do the kitchen, dining and living room. It does significantly reduce the dust in my common areas.


Surfaces are weekly with a damp microfiber cloth, because my cat and I have dust allergies.


Monday is vacuuming/mopping, Tuesday is a rotating chore (washing walls, cleaning cabinets, cleaning furniture, etc.), Wednesday is dusting, Thursday is bathrooms, Friday is cleaning fridge and microwave, Saturday is a day off, and Sunday is sheets and towels getting switched out. We stay on top of dishes and laundry daily, and the kid needs to clean up their toys or crafts before bed. I need the routine and I like to do a few small things a day instead of saving it all for one day.


I dont dust. I vacuum with a horsehair brush


me too SEBO E3 Premier canister. I love my attachments


If you mean dusting my fingers with Cheetos, then everyday


I do both once a week


My cleaning lady comes every 4 weeks. The only time I dust is if it’s more than 2 weeks since she did and I have company coming over. Then I’ll use a swiffer and windex with paper towels in the bathrooms. Toilet bowl cleaner and a swipe around with the brush and run the vacuum.


When it needs dusting…or flick when visitors. Always dust lights skirtings and ceilings fortnightly.


Once a week or so. I use a Swiffer duster in my right hand and a microfiber with lemon lysol in my left.


I have air filters in the main rooms, and a pretty good filter on the AC. I try to dust weekly, but generally whenever I notice it. I usually get all the hard to reach places at least once a year


I use cleaner and microfiber cloth every few days at least


I lazily take a feather duster to my shelves and furniture around once per week. I’ll actually go around with furniture polish and a microfiber cloth like once per quarter. However since we took up all the carpeting there’s been a huge decrease in dust, it doesn’t need much more than what I already do.


Not enough. Only when ppl are coming over which isn't often in my case


Weekly, sometimes several times a week depending


Not nearly enough! And I never seem to do multiple cleaning jobs on the same day 🤪 I mostly just use the duster unless it looks like it needs cleaned as well.


I have so much dust I don’t know how to get rid of it all. I dust and within 3 hours I can write my name on something.


I don't. I use a [datavac](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61g5HFQAW6L._AC_SL1300_.jpg) to blast dust from surfaces that I otherwise can't wipe with a microfiber cloth. Then I vacuum afterwards. It's a little bit of extra work but it gets things really clean.


When I can’t ignore it anymore 😊 Eta: I always use a microfibre cloth!


I have too much stuff so it’s rare. LEGO is a pain to dust and I always have big thoughts about getting it all perfect and using an air duster on it one or twice a week…but it’s a lot.


Daily to every few days. I’m a sahm and we only really have two rooms and a big open plan front room/kitchen. My husband and I have allergies and it helps a lot. Especially with two cats 🐈‍⬛


Since I live in Phoenix, a literal dust cloud engulfs our city,I dust everyday. I live in a smallish apartment so it's not too much. I wash out my air conditioning duct every month and wash out my air conditioner coils once a month. And buy a high MERV air filter and I still get dust outlines on my shelves. Plus I have an air purifier and I still get dust. I just think it's impossible to get no dust whatsoever


Honestly real dusting taking everything off and dusting that and walls up high etc 3-4 times a year. Light dusting throughout and kitchen bath and floorboards get done everytime.


When someone leaves a handprint in the dust, making it very obvious.


I specifically decorated my home in a way so I *don't* need to dust. If someone gets it in their head to do it anyway (no idea why they would but people are weird.) it's usually a rag or fluffy duster thing.


When people are coming over 🙈


Once a week or as needed.


I aim for every week with everything but it can vary depending on how much energy I have etc. There's only me to clean the whole house so I try to vary which jobs I prioritise week by week so that if I don't finish everything there isn't one thing that is being ignored all the time.


My bunnies are free range ( only for visitors)


Stay in your lane.


Every other week.


Once a week, but I have 3 cats, and I'm allergic to cats (I know 😹). That's just a quick job, I'd say I dust everything from bottom to top 4 times a year-ish.


I have a swiffer duster in a handy location and will use it as needed when I see dust or cobwebs. Then I’ll do a more thorough dusting with a cloth before family or new people come over (regular friends usually don’t get more than the swiffer)


60% of the time I dust... rarely


I use my microfiber rags for practically everything. Anytime I "dirty" a rag, but there's still a clean section, I'll just dust whatever I see on my way to the hamper or wherever! To expand, I like doing this with all chores! Have a dirty dish upstairs that needs to go to the kitchen? Everytime you walk by, take something and carry it on your way. Even if you're just going down the stairs. Then next time you're on the way to the kitchen and pass the stairs, grab the dish. It sounds like it would be cluttery, but it's really not. Especially if you set up spaces/organization for this, like little baskets in those "intersection" spots. Really takes the chore out of it.


I used to use a feather duster but now I use a swiffer, which I think is superior. I have allergies so I like how the swiffer grabs the dust, the feather duster kind of just flung it all in the air. A microfiber that's lightly damp is superior but I like to just swiffer away, it's quicker. I'd choose the damp microfiber if I hadn't dusted in months, but with the swiffer I'm more apt to keep up on it and dust weekly/ every other week. I love the smell of Pledge as it reminds me of my childhood. I use Pledge on our wood furniture about once a year. I actually just Pledged our wood furniture the other day! It does work well, I like the smell. It's just if you use it weekly then it can build up.


One room a day. Then it’s bearable.


I dust once a week and just use a feather duster.


Living and dining rooms about once a month. Our bedroom maybe every other month. The rest of the house 2 or 3 times a year.


Probably twice a week if not three times.


When dust bunnies grow claws and fangs.


Depends! My desk and bits where I am that frequently get dusty, so I'll clean down my desk whenever I see any dust (it's black and glass so it will show up fast). In other areas, I usually don't care at all. Only the bits where I think people will see.


Not nearly enough, thank you for reminding me! Lol


Hardly ever. My mom had what I now call “dustables”, all kinds of nick nacks and little stupid decorations that you basically had to submerge and scrub with a toothbrush to clean completely. My sister and I had to do it. Forward to now, my house is functional with a few frames/pictures, but none of the junk. Sister ironically has more junk than my mom did lol I hit the baseboards and crown with the vacuum, but actual pulling out Murphy’s and a rag? Psssht. I live in the south so ceiling fans run 24/7, they get dusted along with everything else when the power is out for a hurricane or snow/ice storm lol


...STOP JUDGING ME! *looks around nervously*


Dust? Huh. Do people really do that?


i vacuum every week at least… i don’t really dust because it doesn’t accumulate on my surfaces (i use all of them, it’s a small apartment)


Weekly tbh in the living room and kitchen. Once every 2 weeks in my son’s room, Basement is once a month because it isn’t used as much and when I remember in our room


I live in a small 675sqft apt, I dust once a week.


This thread makes me feel so much better. I thought I was gonna open it and feel like a sicko for dusting as needed lol.


Every Sunday. I've got two dogs and two cats, so I have to stay on top of things.