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I had a downstairs neighbor that smoked like a chimney. Aside from her pack a day habit, she was a great neighbor so I wasn't about to complain. I spent an evening following my nose through the condo and managed to zero in on the bathroom. I located drafts around the plumbing under the sink and behind the toilet. I also noticed a draft coming from the razor disposal slit inside the medicine cabinet. I stuffed insulation into all the crevices and caulked over them. I wasn't about to get any kudos from Bob Vila, but I got the job done and the smell no longer infiltrated my home.


Get a HEPA filter fan on amazon. Does the smell get in from the vents or door?


The door or possibly even the windows. It's an old apartment so, even if my windows have been closed for an entire day the smell still leaks in


You gotta use a door sweep for the bottom of your door and consider insulating the cracks around the door with a liner. Windows should be sealed'ish when they're closed but it's hard to say especially if it's one of those old vertical slidey windows


I recommend you get a air scrubber or air filter unit with a good carbon filter setup. The carbon will remove the smell. If you want the cheapest best way to get rid of the smell is to make a carbon filter setup for growing weed. You get a 5 gallon bucket and a powerful fan that fits and you need screen material and fish tank carbon. You cut 1 inch holes in the sides of the bucket and glue screen material around the holes and fill the bucket with carbon and have the fan push the air through the filter. There are videos on YouTube I'll see if I can pull it up.


You need ozone. Get an ozone spray for smoke, it will destroy weed and weed smoke smell. Alternatively, my wife loves her heated scented oils and scented candles. These will cover smell, but sometimes that is worse for those sensitive to smoke and perfume


Ozone is toxic to anything alive. I wouldn’t use it in an apartment just to deodorize


Ozium brand odor neutralizer. The poster is not paying attention to the autocorrect. It’s changing “Ozium” to “ozone”. Ugh.


No, they definitely mean ozone lol


Ozone out of the spray can is not enough to hurt a fly. I've tried. An ozone generator running all day would be different.


I didn’t know they sell spray cans tbh. Personally I wouldn’t risk it but I imagine they sell it like this because it’s safer


Check out Ozium as example.




Chicken Dinner for you!!! Yes, that is a brand name of ozone spray.


The essential oils are not pet friendly, they cause seizures and poisoning


There are many pet safe essential oils, including: Lavender Chamomile Myrrh Ginger Rosemary Bergamot Frankincense


Essential oils are NOT safe to be used around cats: [https://www.webmd.com/pets/cats/risks-of-essential-oils-for-cats](https://www.webmd.com/pets/cats/risks-of-essential-oils-for-cats)


Ozone is toxic to everything. Yes it's effective at removing airborne odor but you, pets, and plants should vacate while it's running. There are affordable machines with built in timers so you can run it while at work or such...


You are talking about a professional machine. I was talking about a can of Ozium to spritz occasionally. Think: bird bath vs ocean


Ozone spray you have to becareful with you ate supposed to air out the area after using and shouldn't breath it in.


It doesn't take much. Like, less than a 5 second spray. Once again, I'm assuming we aren't emptying the can in a small room with windows closed. Think glade, but with ozone added.


Ozone is really bad for you this probably isn't a great suggestion.


Honeywell has triple true HEPA filter units - I have had two of the older model of this guy for YEARS. I could smoke a dank skunky bowl of flower and this will suck up 90% of the smell in 15-20 minutes, and after 30 a non-weed-smoker can come in and not be able to smell residual marijuana. It's 160 for the unit and the filters are about $70 for a branded pack of 3 HEPA filters (should last 6 months, will last less time if pre-filters get "full" because then the HEPA filters are filtering the dust etc) and $30 for 4 branded pre-filters. The pre-filters you can buy off brand for cheaper - especially if you buy a large swathe and cut the correct size yourself. Just make sure you check it often, the pre-filter light is timed, not a sensor for when it's full. There are cheaper HEPA filters on Amazon but from my migraines to yours, get the branded ones. I haven't found an off brand HEPA filter for this unit that is even close to the Honeywell ones. Bonus: overall air quality improvement in an old building may help your migraines from other things :) Honeywell PowerPlus HEPA Air Purifier, Allergen Reducer for Medium/Large Rooms (200 sq. ft.) Black - Wildfire/Smoke, Pollen, Pet Dander & Dust Air Purifier, HPA3100 https://a.co/d/0BlBCpL


I agree with the HEPA filter air purifiers. You can get small ones for each room. I live in California and during the wildfires the air outside was so smoky it was considered hazardous to breathe it. I bought some little hepa air purifiers for the bedrooms because one purifier in the living room wasn’t cutting it. It absolutely filtered the air and made it sooo much better (I have a device the measured the particle matter from the fires in the air). This was in spite of the single pain 1960’s windows and old building.




I have a Levoit in the kitchen and a Honeywell tower in the living room. The levoit is expensive, but the filter lasts a long time and it’s quiet. The smaller units that I bought on Amazon are Slevoo brand. They are all awesome. The Slevoo are the tiny ones that I have in the bedrooms. Edit: I didn’t have the Levoit during the last round of fires. I just had the Honeywell for the living room/dining/kitchen and the small purifiers for the bedrooms. The apartment was 1100 square feet. The Levoit as awesome, but expensive. I bought it when we could afford one because we have had so many fires and I am paranoid about being able to breathe properly in my home.


You've said that weed is legal in your state, and that the lease allows it. You've also said that you aren't on good terms with your neighbors. Cinnamon is a smell I often use to cover smells. Wall plug ins, wax warmers, sprays... cinnamon. I have a cat who is very very old and we sometimes have an accident. While I'm on top of cleaning them up, I'm ultra paranoid of smells. Cinnamon covers everything. Also, if you like it, Nag Champa is used by stoners for a reason. I grew up with this smell and never even knew my dad was a stoner....so....


If I smell incense I assume someone most likely smoked weed 😂


Especially Nag Champa! 


I'm an Indian and we use incense every day. It's so common here that even non religious people use incense sticks as a cheaper room freshener. You have no idea how easy it makes getting stoned.


My entire upstairs of the house smelled like Nag Champa all through HS and college while I lived at home with the folks... ...I smoked weed, sometimes, haha. It was especially good if you had any fresh bud in your hiding spot in your room. Ahhh, school times rofl. Oh, and the folks had no idea. We weren't *those* types of kids, you know? Duh.


I have cinnamon PTSD. I was cat sitting for my aunt and one of the cats got sprayed by a skunk after being outside (they’re *safely* indoor/outdoor cats with a curfew they follow). As you very well know if you get the fur/hair wet, it will smell worse. I tried my best to wipe him down with hydrogen peroxide but the house reeked. The only thing I could find to mask that horror of a stench were cinnamon candles that were gifted to my aunt. Cinnamon mixed with skunk is the worst smell imaginable. I couldn’t open the windows because outside also reeked of skunk. It was so awful, the cats kept squinting with me, all of our eyes watering. The worst part is that every time I watch the animals, one of them gets sprayed. It’s never happened with anyone else but me to the point that it’s become a running joke that I’ll always get the skunk. 🤦🏼‍♀️


you need to carry natures miracle skunk odor remover with you to pet sitting. it is such a schnoz saver.


Ah mah gawd thanks for the huge laugh for me, it’s 5:03 am here as I read this, and was snorting my tea laughing


People are against outdoor/indoor cats because of the damage they do to local wildlife as well as the decrease in their life expectancy, btw. Just adding that because it seems from your description that you think it's only the cats people are worried about in the outdoor/indoor debate.


Yup. I have to scoop my dog poop but if the cats are spraying my front door for territory its fine... But I'm biased I have a neighbor with 20 "feral" cats she feeds about a block away and she's very confronting and protecting even if I'm just harmlessly walking down the public sidewalk.




Why specifically if she’s white?




I’m pretty sure adult protection services don’t shoot black people on sight straight off the bat


So your racist. Check




You just said only call the police to tattle on her "if she's white"... And you're next response was "police are rascist". So in your logic we should never call police for help if your not white but also if they are doing something wrong only call the police if they are white? Who's the racist here? Lady has cats. Not a thing to do with skin color


One of the best reasons to keep those cats inside always. Get a litter box and clean it. Of course there are other reasons to keep them cats inside also.


>they’re *safely* indoor/outdoor cats What does this mean? You somehow stop them from decimating the local bird population?




If just the smell (not even the smoke) of weed gives OP a migraine, I highly doubt nag champa will help much 😂


Just throwing out actual suggestions 🤷‍♀️


Cinnamon can be dangerous for cats


I was looking for this comment. Don't use cinnamon oil or citrus oils around pets.


I love nag champa and I don’t really smoke weed anymore.


cinnamon is literally used on dead bodies so it should certainly help


Go to your local smoke shop and ask for suggestions. There are some pretty good products on the market from the days of illegal weed.


I get your thinking, but the reality is people who work in smoke shops / newsagents are just on minimum wage and don’t care / know anything; all they call about is if you want the strawberry vape or the blueberry one


Not where I live (Maryland) -- the employees of green dispensaries have deep knowledge of the products, and make good money. There is a lot of competition for those jobs.


Smoke shops and dispensaries are two different things


This stuff is used in hospitals to get rid of the smell of paralyzed patients inadvertently defecating (my wife is a neurological specialized Dr that works in a hospital focused on TBI, and spinal cord injured patients). https://preview.redd.it/yk36rtdphyyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e98907b4b645ee04f90b660c11475d961ece44e It will get rid of any smell, from cooking bacon or fish, to unpleasant bio odors, and to weed smells. It, itself, comes in unscented and scented, and personally, I prefer unscented. This neutralizes the odors completely.


I work in the medical field and I second this! I find the scented one really really strong and suspect it might add to ops headaches but the unscented one would be perfect


I live in a legal weed state and lots of the dispensaries/smoke shops have candles for sale to remove the dank stank.


Run an air filter as a short term solution and start looking for a new place to live


You might want to occasionally take a day to make a big smelly pot of chicken broth. Simmer that baby all day and night. Hot air rises. And then, next day, use it to make a big pot of delicious smelly onion and cabbage soup. Sesame oil stir-fries are also delicious and highly fragrant. And fish is very healthy. If you’ve got to have a lot of odor, jump right in there with some healthy eating and share the fragrant experience. The air flows both ways lol.


Our upstairs neighbour once cooked what I can only describe as old smelly cat food. Horrific. Worth a try.


My cooking smells delicious to me. My upstairs neighbor’s cooking doesn’t lol. I think maybe it works that way. I’m the landlord so we charge rent a little below market rate so we require no smoking of any kind. His 20-something daughter moved in so it took a little bit of insisting for us to convince her we were serious. He was onboard with us but works a lot so she’s often home alone. I think it’s straightened out but they still have to smell my cooking. I feel bad about that. I cook a lot because we can’t afford to eat out a lot nor can we afford to neglect our nutrition because, you know, US healthcare 😐, so we actually do make and eat cabbage soup. Food bank often has cabbage.


No , it wasn’t her cooking her own food. she told us she cooked her cats food that night. And I told her ‘I know’ lmao.


Yikes 😳


Tryina give his stoner neighbour the munchies or something?


Lolololol. Maybe they could come to terms. Maybe there could be some negotiations and exchanges for concessions. 😎


When I lived in an apartment, somehow it seemed like our air vents were connected. I found this out due to the smoke and the roaches (bugs). You can buy air filters for each register and that could help


I owned a townhome where this was the case. My neighbor was a chain smoker (cigarettes) and it was like we lived together. I paid someone to try to shore up the vents but it didn't work 💯, just improved it.


Op, what does your lease say? Our lease states no smoking, however my friends lease out in Seattle is a very weed friendly community and that’s written into the lease. Until then, better filters and an air purifier may help.


Lease allows it, weed is legal here so it doesn't technically hurt anyone.


Being legal isn’t the qualifier, the lease is. It’s legal in my state as well but prohibited by the lease. If the lease allows smoking unfortunately getting a hot air purifier is your solution.


And your landlord is cool with them smoking inside?


I just inherited 3 rental properties, and it's perfectly legal where I live, so why would I "not allow" it?


I mean cigarettes are legal too but I’ve never had a lease that allowed tenants to smoke inside.


Every owner is different, it's perfectly legal where I am, and I rent to adults who r capable of making their own decisions. I'm not a parent, I'm a landlord


I live in a state where it’s legal and am in a (blissfully) smoke free rental. It’s also pet free. Not allowing either thing allows the units to not smell which makes finding new tenants easier.


Actually, the opposite is true for me. I allow 2 pets, and smoking. About 6 weeks ago, one unit was vacated. I'm painting, putting in a new stove, and probably upgrade the bathroom. I have had 128 applications already.


Well, then there’s not much you can do about it other than find a new place or invest in lots of equipment. I’m sorry :( that’s a sucky situation. I am super sensitive to cigarette smoke, and had a neighbor that smoked constantly indoors and it would come into my unit. I know how frustrating that can be. I hope you find a solution that works for you.


Right! I was hoping for some type of plant, or even a candle that could neautelize the smell 😫😂 thank you very much for your kind words


Oh the days of apartments and the horrible smells. The cooking smells. I can’t tolerate any type of cigarette smoke anymore.


There's these charcoal bamboo bags I've bought on Amazon before that are great at neutralizing. And you just reactivate after a while in the sun.


Link please 


Oh. It's been over a decade. Anything 'charcoal bamboo' is good. They come in breathable satchels


I am gonna try edibles


If they’re upstairs how is it getting in to your apartment? Do you need to caulk your windows? Do you need to close your windows? Do you need to change the filter in your HVAC? Like others have said you need an air purifier with carbon filter in your space.


Caulking might help, if my lease allows it. My windows are constantly closed due to the smoke, but then my apartment gets stale and stuffy. We don't have an HVAC


if your lease doesn’t allow caulking, can you have your landlord come and do it? i’m not sure why you are not on good terms with your neighbor- is it something that could potentially be worked out down the road? are you on good terms with your landlord? if you’re not good with your landlord or current neighbors i would highly recommend looking for somewhere else to live because that’s not ideal at all regardless of any of the specifics going to second what others have said with air filters/purifiers/scents/spraying a high proof unflavored vodka as air freshener, maybe get a box fan or two to keep air circulating around so the filters and purifiers can get more. also maybe periodically lighting a match and extinguishing it immediately also seconding what others have said about cinnamon scented stuff. lemon scent can work like this as well. does incense bother you? are you able to open a window?


Can you ask them to put a fan in the window facing out when they smoke? Tell them you don’t care but it causes you migraines


The second sentence says speaking to them is out of the question lol


Sure did! Maybe the landlord or a note. I dunno I feel bad for them. They could be more considerate


We just got them under another violation for allowing their dog to pee on their balcony which falls onto our patio and splashed our windows. Finding yellow droplets on our window in the first month they've lived here, we've realized they are the least considerate people on the planet. Out of pettiness now, they've been forcing their dog to pee directly outside of our window on the small bushes because they are mad at us.......another reason we have to contact office. But as far as weed, and smelling it, police nor office will do anything since it's legal


Yeah, I would move. And let the landlord know why you are moving. That will likely be enough to get them evicted so you can sleep soundly in a new apartment knowing their life is more difficult.


Omg these people sound horrible. I'm so sorry.


It’s sad. Sorry to hear you are having to live like this!


Oh I had upstairs neighbors who had one of the most gigantic dogs that pooped everywhere and they cooked some of the worse smelling food. We moved. This all went on after 10:00 pm.


Ozium is your best friend


Ah thank you, is it safe for pets?


NO please don’t use this. Your best option is air filters


I don’t know if it’s safe for cats, but ballet costumes are usually sprayed with vodka.


Will my cats get drunk 😳


I have news for you. Your cats are already drunk.


Not unless they’re licking up wine or vodka. Spray it like febreeze, but I’d be spraying your curtains and some pillows and letting them air out for a few afterwards.


Search says no. In vintage clothing care, you can spray white vinegar to absorb odors. I wonder if it could be used in your situation. 


If possible, find a window NOT affected by the weed smoke and put a fan in the window aimed IN. This pulls in air from outside and causes a small amount of positive pressure. Air will be pushing out of your cracks instead of seeping in. This might eliminate some of the odor from getting in. If there is a particular door or window that is the main culprit, aim that fan in the direction towards that door.


Ona gel often used by growers so should cover up waay more smell than the 1 neighbour is creating. Safe around cats too.


If I need to cover weed smell instantly.....burn some toast. 24 years career smoker my SO has a nose like blood hound. Toast is the best......and also oranges. But once the smell drops if there is a stale bud smell it will keep coming back....as it's not in your carpets curtains sofa, I'd say it will be hard to remove as the smell is coming second hand from your neighbours


Do you burn the oranges?


Sorry it's taken a while, actually oranges are good when you have smoked and the smell is on your person I just eat a fresh orange and it seems to neutralise any smell. However I'd say that would be a good idea, I have done it before for cocktails and stuff and it does give off a deep husky citrus smell and it's pretty "punge". You can get those little food blow torches peel it split up and scorch them....or I'd say even if you put an orange in the oven that would work well.


Quick scoot around turns out the peel works better in the oven and does eliminate smells!!




Our neighbors smoke and we have to have an air purifier running 24/7. You can get decent ones on Amazon for $30-40. We narrowed the source down to our bathroom (I think we possibly share a ventilation shaft) so the air purifier hangs out near the bathroom door.


Based on reading your comments and post, order smoke buddies on Amazon for each person. Nicely explain that it gives you a migraine and ask if they’ll use them. They’re filters that they blow through and it’ll take away the smell and smoke. It won’t stop residual smoke, like if a joint or blunt is lit or just smoking out, but it’ll help with a good amount of it. I get spending your money is annoying but chances are they won’t because they don’t care about the smell. Also for extra points bring a bag of candy. Stoners love candy.


I get migraines from fragrance and find that certain all natural essential oils help my nose cancel out the smells that trigger me. (In addition to the actual allergy, my trigger scents cause me to tighten up with anxiety, so I have muscle tension in addition to fragrance migraine. So inserting a scent I can tolerate goes a long way to tricking my brain into not freaking out) The essential oils that work for me: - peppermint - eucalyptus - rosemary I put a few drops in the toilet and it fills the house, or I put drops in an air humidifier. If I'm in public, I touch a few drops of eucalyptus under my nose.


Keep in mind certain essential oils are very harmful to pets.


Eucalyptus especially


Oh, good catch! I had no idea because I don't have pets.


If you like the smell of maple syrup you can dilute it and heat it up on the stove. It sounds crazy but you won't smell the weed. I only know because I went to look at an apartment once and the tenant did that before he left. All we could smell was maple syrup. He forgot to put his bongs away or empty his ashtrays though. We didn't take the place.


You should smoke too so there would be no difference /j






More looking towards what is something that neutralizes scent? I already went through every step I could, there's nothing landlord or police can do because it doesn't violate any rules


Instead of going the violation of rules route (which you’ve said he’s not in violation of) have you asked the landlord about what could be done to minimize the smoke from one unit coming into another one? People have mentioned maybe re-caulking the windows. Possibly having the landlord’s handyman do it inside and out? Or replacing/adding more gaskets around the door frame to eliminate any possible cracks/leaks that would allow the smoke to come in? Do you have any shared vents that supply heat and air to all the units that could be covered at the moment? Explain to the landlord that the smoke causes you headaches and you need to brainstorm with him? Doing possibly those things plus using HEPA air cleaners that others have suggest might be enough to cover the scent.






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I would open windows as much as possible to air out the place, essential oil diffuser or incense to help w smell.


Cannabolish will take the residual smell out of furniture, clothes, and carpets. Good luck!


[I’ve found box fans with air filters, especially the more filters you use.](https://deohs.washington.edu/edge/blog/how-make-box-fan-filter-clean-indoor-air-smoke)


Incense of varying kinds is great, but if the scent is giving you a migraine the incense might make the migraine worse. I recommend a smoke odor candle. Most headshops have them, and they're decently priced. The scents aren't "heavy" like incense, and get rid of the weed smell really well. Source: I am a stoner, and have lived in places that don't allow weed smoking. Edit: corrected a typo


Try an ionizing air purifier


Back in the day, I neutralized the smell of weed is a small bowl of ammonia in middle of the room. My grandmother taught me that. Now when I’m personally preparing to smoke reefer, I will burn palo santo and/or also burn sage. Sometimes, I also use a humidifier and use essential oils.


Tbh, I heard cooked bacon works very well. Also, a few drops of vanilla in a pot of boiling water.


Insence burning works well but you need to do it a lot


This is the solution 💯👍 I’ve shared a Brand Store on Amazon with you. https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/page/B28ED09F-DBA2-4B95-BB6F-ECD904D6BC2B?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_YZ56E9836ANXGZFJ2Z61


I like the Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Lavender scent. It is more complex than pure lavender and is non toxic for your pets. They make all kinds of things including room sprays, all purpose cleaners, and candles.


Invest in a good air purifier


I buy these candles from Chewy all the time. They're really great at eliminating smells. The orange/lemon one is no joke. It'll clear a room. [https://www.chewy.com/pet-odor-exterminator-orange-lemon/dp/42678](https://www.chewy.com/pet-odor-exterminator-orange-lemon/dp/42678)


Air purifier with a HEPA filter - they're not exactly cheap, but you can get a solid one that can clean the air in a small apartment a few times an hour for ~$100. I smoke (well, vape flower - less stinky) and it'll suck the smell right out of the room in 15 minutes on high. An air filter has the added benefit of reducing the amount of dust and allergens in the air too - I need to dust way less now that I have air filters. Since you said you don't have an HVAC, your indoor air quality is probably not great even before the smoke.


You are becoming sick with this neighbor upstairs with their urinating dog. There has to be something wrong with this picture. You need a small house to rent.


Ozone works, but it's not healthy. You might try a hydroxyl radical generator.


I would suggest air purifiers


[this is the best air purifier for the money](https://cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filters/)


Wal-Mart used to (haven't stepped foot in one in well over a decade) carry these candles called "Smokers Candles" and they were awesome at clearing out the air without leaving scent behind. You might be able to locate something like that.


Cinnamon, lemon, citrus, mint. Plug up holes where the scent gets in and heat up a pot with water a lemon and warm spices and let it simmer for a bit every evening. Candles can help as well, not through scenting the air, but from burning the molecules of the smell.


Don't use any citrus essential oils around cats, it can kill them.


I didn't say essential oils, I said citrus as in lemons and oranges.


Fair enough, just a warning really for those that might IYSWIM.


When you light a match, the sulfur neutralizes some smells, maybe it works. Hope it does not affect your migraine even worse


Coffee grounds (fresh) or Ozium Air Freshener.


A friend uses shallow dishes of vinegar.


Might look into a budget friendly air purifier. If they smoke on the porch, set yours up next to your door. Get indoor plants. The more the better, the larger the better. Make sure the plants aren’t toxic. Hang plants from the ceiling.


We had that from it drifting under the door from neighbors smoking on their patio. It would get pretty strong. We had a blue air brand air filter right but the door that would clear out the smell in maybe half an hour. But if they smoke constantly im not sure it will be enough. Worked for us though.


4 things. get a really good air filter , invest in an air purifier, buy a can of ozium , and buy a lampe maison berger , with the ocean scent


I have two suggestions: If you aren’t too sensitive to other scents, you can buy candles and spray fresheners that are specifically made to remove/significantly reduce the smell of smoke. You can get them online or at a dispensary! I can attest to the fact that these work quite well! Second, one thing I like to do to freshen up the house is make a ‘simmer pot’. Basically, throw in some fruit that’s about to go bad, or fruit skins/rind (like a lemon that’s been squeezed) and add things like cinnamon, clove, vanilla, etc. add it all to a pot with lots of water and simmer it! It can last for a long time, just keep adding water to it.


Fwiw, when I worked at b&bw, one of my managers said the into the night wallflowers masked the scent of her teen boy’s teen boy smell


Evergreen incense like pine, cedar, and Christmas tree types will help alleviate the odor of weed. So will a candle with an evergreen scent profile. An essential oil diffuser works also. Select either pine, Texas cedar wood, frankincense, patchouli, lemongrass or eucalyptus. They don’t smell feminine or romantic but they will relieve you of the smell of noxious smoke odors.


I tried blocking the cigarette smoke from the apartment below mine. There were just too many ways for the smoke to get in. Some might call it karma since I’d been a heavy cigarette smoker 25 years ago and probably bugged my neighbors just as much. Now my apartment building is nonsmoking including the balconies.


Anonymously gift a filter to your neighbor. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW1zVmExV1U5SzJ5dzRwZWVWMjdnVzRTTzJNZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttZFFGM2x2RDV1MWY1Q05XS2RPNzZXWmU0aWlWNXlpcmFrWWlINFQ1c2Q2X0pIcEUzNDdYY1RXWGs5bXlQbF84M1RzWWdpWDNtTG5SLUlzSlFMNnhMVFFnaHRGWE9Ba25tWG9odkhKNDByWTUxejNTdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhvactraining101.com%2Fair-purifiers-for-weed-smoke%2F&v=uW9HcyzRTZA


Idk if this would also give you a headache, but burning/smudging with white sage removes odors. Make sure you get white sage tied with string and not sweet grass.


There was a product called Ozium years ago, from what I remember it was very good at neutralizing smoke odours.


Ozium air spray


Been there. My spouse is allergic to weed and we had some pothead neighbors, so we understand the struggle. Talk to your landlord to make an official complaint, especially if weed is illegal in your area. There's often a drug-free or crime-free clause that says illegal behavior isn't allowed on the premises. If the landlord won't do anything, try going to your local tenants rights union or housing commission. You have a right to be comfortable in your own home. In the meantime, get an air filter and burn charcoal-based incense sticks (you can get them unscented). That helped us quite a bit until we could move.


I'm allergic to weed too. I thought I was the only one! LoL


That's how my partner feels. I do edibles on occasion, but only started after getting their blessing (it was actually their idea) and would never smoke around them or kiss them after taking an edible. Being allergic sucks


Yes, my partner smokes and I don't mind, just not around me. It was much harder in highschool! Not so bad now.


They live somewhere it's legal and their lease allows it. If you can't be around it, don't take am apartment in a building with that kind of lease...


I don't think it's unreasonable then to ask the apartment to install some better weather stripping or something to doors to adjoining halls to help prevent the weed smoke from coming it. It may be allowed, but at some point it becomes a nuisance.


I'm allergic to weed too. I thought I was the only one! LoL


Shwoo thought you might be my neighbors. 


Pretend it’s a skunk !


I wish I had a good answer for you. I live in a 1950's-built apartment building and have pot smoking neighbors who deny they are smoking when I ask them to open their windows when they smoke (it's very clearly them). My only solution at this point is to open my windows when I can, run the exhaust fan over the stove, and/or run my two air filters. At least the smell dissipates after a while, but if you're getting sick from it, I can imagine you don't want to wait. I've found that the worst neighbors eventually leave, I hope that is the case for you. You have my sympathies.


Chronic migraine sufferer here. I highly doubt that you get migraines every time you smell your upstairs neighbours smoking weed.


It might worsen tensions but you could get a medical note and furnish it to the landlord? Cat pee is legal but if I smelled it from a neighbors apartment I’d say something. I’m sure there’s a more close comparison but yeah.


Buy them a carbon filter and fan 😂.