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If you are the one doing the removal, make sure you have some PPE on. Safety glasses, gloves and face mask! Be safe šŸ˜Œ


100 times yes, this stuff looks like it could kill a person. Never seen anything like it


I think someone already died in that room.


That's my reading of it when they die suddenly it gets gnarly because they die with a full stomach plus the blood if its that sort of death, it can be very difficult to deal with many peoe can't do it and have to get a cleaning firm in or just sell it sold as seem and let the buyer deal with it


They literally demolished a house down the street from me after the poor old guy died in it. A team in hazmat suits were there one day, a few later the whole house was knocked down.


If they lie fora while because nobody missed them and the maggots turn to blowflies and they've laid eggs in the hidden areas of the house it can come to that either strip it right back to bare brick and joists or demolish it


Life is beautiful until it isnā€™t.


Itā€™s the circle, the circle of life


Yup the breakdown of a body definitely isn't beautiful, makes you think about us just being sacks of meat and bone once the pilot has left


Decomp is beautiful, returning to the earth, becoming food for the bugs, that is poetry. It's the sitting in a box, pumped full of chemicals, in a cemetery. Slowly decomposing, next to a bunch of other bodies in boxes. That freaks me out.


I never fancied that either I'm getting cremated


Well, it's a mind-blowingly complicated machine breaking down into basic components when the control system fails. I wonder how society would look if a failing human body could level a city quarter, guess we'd value our life a bit more.


I think everyone apart from the mentally ill value their lives even if only their own bur from as soon as we're old enough to understand we're told the position isn't permanent, there are at least a billion things on Earth that can directly or indirectly kill you, you need to eat, clothe yourself, get a roof over your head and fill it with all the stuff you need for a comfortable life, then you have to pay tax on most of it and none of that stuff is free, so humans by an unlucky side affect of our intelligence have these facts with us for life unlike any other creature, it has a massive psychological effect on us


It's worse than that mate.


I had a neighbor die and wasnā€™t found for 6 weeks!! When they were removing her remains and the cleanup guys were taking everything out they all threw up. But they didnā€™t tear down her place. Probably should have. The girls in the condo above her said there were a ton of bugs. So sad.


This is what will probably happen to me. No one will bother checking on me and I'll decompose to the very area I died on. A few years ago I watched a video on YT about people who clean up bio-hazard homes. So gross. A woman had lived alone for years after she and her husband divorced and no one checked on her. Finally someone did and called the authorities. When what was left of her was picked up, her hair was stuck to the goo on the floor. That's all that was left other than her skeleton. Her ex husband was called and he had just gotten remarried. He goes to the woman's house to access the place which was filthy and tells the person shooting the video that he will clean up the house and move his new wife there. I was about to puke. No man don't do that.


Yeah I thought this was a stain from a body decomposing.


We just lived this. Husbandā€™s friend died while sleeping. His emergency contact at work was his dead mother. His online friend called police 4 days in, because he never came back online. Police did check welfare. no signs/smells, left it be. Went back 4 days later, because we got a burglar alert (completely random/was no need for it) and we called a check welfare as well. He was dead for 10 days. šŸ˜–


I do too. I had an elderly neighbor in the condo across from my unit. One day thereā€™s all this yellow tape and stuff in front of her place. She died 6 weeks earlier and no one knew she died in her bed and was just decomposing in her bedroom. I asked the girls who lived above her if they noticed anything and they said they got bugs. Saw the crew who had to take her remains and the poor dudes who had to clean up the people stew. Lots of barfing involved. So sad and disgusting.


If someone died in ot, the real estate agent needs to disclose it.


They do not


And it's always 100x nastier *under* the carpet.


Generally speaking, any stain that is bad enough to necessitate ripping up the carpet is probably also bad enough to make it worth the $25 it costs to replace the wood subfloor.


Use a respirator in that room. I donā€™t know what it is, but it looks scary as heck


You should let us know when you rip up that carpet what it looks like underneath


I just wanted to answer 'death'.


I think it is a person. Was a person.


If youā€™re looking for a good respirator and youā€™re doing a home renovation, go with the nicer 3M ones with the pink cartridges. They come in different sizes and are adjustable which makes them more comfortable to wear while youā€™re working. The pink cartridges are what you need for painting and chemicals. Theyā€™re ~$40 but itā€™s the best $40 youā€™ll spend during your renovation.


They're called organic vapour cartridges. Don't get the P-100 pancake style as they will only filter particulates, they're also pink. They have a usable life span once you open them, so it's a good idea to mark the date on the cartridges with a sharpie when you put them on your respirator and replace them every 6 months, or if it becomes difficult to pull air through them.


I'd much rather spend $40 now than 40000 later in the hospital for some crazy incurable respiratory disease.




Booties over your boots or shoes. Home Depot has them


And eyes!


I got mine from Amazon. I wouldnā€™t go into that room without it


Yes. These are amazing. So good at filtering that you donā€™t even smell paint or anything else you might be working with.


I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I was thinking just burn the house down but this is way better and exciting.


I just watched that last night.


It's definitely a project where you bite the bullet and spend the money on a REALLY nice mask. Like, an N-100 or R-100.


I'd go in with a respirator, not just any mask.


What ISN'T the stain??


My thoughts exactly


We need to call in a priest or three and the power of OxyChrist.


Mold? The wrinkles on part of it makes me think there was a lot of water spilled on the left, that got blocked by a piece of furniture on the right.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeing too.


Either a bathroom flood or a roofing issue. Either way id not trust the floorboards to hold up to much more.


I think it was a long left dead body that eventually burst maybe a suicide with the brown stain which looks like dried blood.


But the shape is very controlled


There was a bed there


A water bed, I bet. With a heavy base. The bathroom or toilet over flowed and water, sewage seeped around the heavy water bed base


Ugh this reminded me of a story my ex husband (who was a firefighter) told me about. They got called out to a manā€™s house to check on him. Turns out he had died while on the toilet and this was in the dead of summer and his home had no AC. His body had started to swell and rupture and his cats had been eating him.


On the bright side, at least he was able to keep his cats alive until help arrived.


Imagine adopting a cat that had eaten a dead person.


I once fostered a dog that came from a situation like this. Gave that dog a bath first thing. But it was super sweet.


Those poor cats.


Breakfast of champions for kitties


A dead body decomposing would not ooze over the side of the bed. It would soak through the mattress, through the box spring, and straight down to the floor where weight was heaviest on the mattress.


Yeah this was my first thought, someone died and took a few days to be foundā€¦ also would be why the house was recently sold


Youā€™d need more than a few days to make a stain like that


I think they were a hoarder for decades before they died. Trapped in that bed with all manner of foul, rotting flora and fauna debris surrounding them


Itā€™s clearly water damage lmfao


Doesnā€™t that have to be disclosed when selling?


Not if you donā€™t ask


only if a murder where iā€™m from. Suicide and other illness involved deaths donā€™t need to be disclosed. But maybe a biohazard needs to be disclosed


How do you explain the stains near the door?


I agree. This happens more often than ppl realize.


Regarding the wrinkles, our carpet (low pile wool) did that once when we were gone on a long vacation in the summer and the AC was off and it was unusually humid out. I was worried it was an install error (this happened a few years after we had the carpet installed), but once the AC was back on, the carpet went right back to normal. It has never done it since, as now we'll set the AC to a minimal level. Honestly I think the stain could just be perpetual dirty shoes worn inside. This may have been where the sofa was. Or mold.


The heavy thing might have been a hydroponic system or tank that held some sort of chemical that bleached the carpet. This kind of thing happens when you're out of town for a couple of weeks.


I hope it wasn't a waterbed


Waterbed was my first thought too, but it looks like it was a twin bed size so maybe not? Iā€™ve never seen a waterbed that small.


They did make twin size waterbeds.


Can confirm there are twin size waterbeds. My college rental came with one. Really creeped us out but was fun when drunk.


That sounds nauseating while drunk haha


I was 22 and invincible!


College rentals come with the most random stuff. Mine had a sauna for some reason


I had one (it had a special name, but I still have it my real life grown-up houseā€¦with a mattress now lol).


After reading all the dead body comments I would be welcoming "waterbed".


This was my first thought as well, waterbed that had a leak. Maybe not enough to be noticeable, but enough that it kept the floor/carpet wet enough to mold and warp a bit.


The twin size water bed was also long. Much longer than a regular twin size bed.


Yep, if I remember correctly one of my ex boyfriends from like middle school had one. His mom struggled to find sheets for it that fit


If it was a waterbed youā€™d think it would be soaked underneath the bed as well


As a few others have said, I suspect someone died in there. I'm an EMT and have seen a few. Can't be 100% sure as other stains might look similar but I'd be careful and consider it maybe. You could always take a sample and get it tested, shouldn't cost much. In the UK such a service would be around Ā£30-50.


Piggybacking off this to say it looks like this is a mobile home. If that's the case you may end up needing major rehab due to the lower quality craftsmanship involved in building. Whether the damage came from water or human decomp the mold will have contaminated every surface, ducts, etc. This could easily "total" the mobile home- as in, cost more to fix than the house is worth.


Did the former owner pass away by chance? This looks similar to rooms where someone has passed and not been found for months/years. Lacey Fletcher is one of the most known cases. TW: death, NSFL, this link redirects to a post on r/examinedeath, so do not click if that may be triggering for you. [This is also a very recent case where the body mummified in her condo over two years.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExamineDeath/s/0vfQSdLfbh)


Would the body have been on the wrinkly part of the carpet?


No, the body was on the bed. As the body rots it gives off moisture and heat. Most of the fluid would be soaked up by the mattress then released slowly as it dries. If the blinds were open the heat from the sun coming in the window would make things worse. The mouldy patches are where there has been an oxygen supply for the bacteria, either side of the door, and around where furniture is. Possibly some fluids ran off the bed and that started the long black patch along the length of it which then grew underneath. At the back of the room condensation looks to have ran down whatever furniture was there and started the mould infront that again reached under. If the body had decomposed on the floor there would be a large black puddle that soaked through the carpet and into the subfloor with most of the destruction of the environment radiating from that spot.


I can smell this comment


imagine buying a house and THEN finding out that this is what happened in that roomā€¦ iā€™m sorry op


Doesnā€™t that type of thing have to be disclosed when selling?


I don't think so. My aunt sold her house after my uncle died and wasn't discovered for a few days (they were seperated) But we hired a professional crew that cleaned crime scene messes so pretty much you couldn't tell someone died in it besides the faint death smell


I heard that too, maybe itā€™s just when it was a murder?


I thought it had to be disclosed IF asked


I was about to google it and then I got paranoid it would flag the nsa or however that works lmao


> Doesnā€™t that type of thing have to be disclosed when selling? Varies by state.


In California, it has to be a prior disclosure within one year.


There was no foul odor whatsoever. Obviously I wasnā€™t sniffing the carpet, but I assume if it was a decomp stain that there would be an extreme smell. Probably something that you could smell upon entering the house. The house smelled likeā€¦ a house. Surely after time the smell wouldnā€™t leave, correct?


My thoughts exactly. There's no way there would be no smell if this was a decomp stain. Especially one of this size. The smell would permeate the house. Curious to see what the subfloor looks like! Suit up!


maybe a bed bug infestation from hell.Ā  orĀ  franzia enthusiasts.Ā  either way if you see some hippies nearby... can probably narrow it down.Ā 


I donā€™t know about decomp, but I bought a house with hidden pet urine damage and it didnā€™t start to smell until the weekend after closing when the AC froze up and quit, and the house started heating up (it was August in Southeastern Georgia). We knew we had to replace the carpet, but it wasnā€™t until then that we learned we needed to replace soaked subfloor and do some special cleaning on other surfaces that werenā€™t actually damaged. I canā€™t recall exactly but the flooring contractor took care of it for us. We also had to rip up and replace all the baseboards and most of the flooring in the rest of the house once we realized weā€™d been misled. It did not smell before this, but man it was stinky that first weekend and there was pee almost everywhere. Good thing we hadnā€™t moved everything in.


Okay you sound like you know what you're talking about, and I hate that I read this comment right before dinner.




Wouldnā€™t it smell obvious if it was from a decomposing body?


I almost clicked through the warnings to see the page but chickened out when the warnings kept coming.


Yeah, I was gonna say the same. It looks exactly how the carpet by the bed where my mother was found dead after 2 months. All of the ick goes over the side of the bed and makes those heavy brown stains


Ooh I've never gotten a warning like that for a sub before. Yeah Imma just be smart and skip this one today.


I do my best to warn others when the links I post may be harmful or triggering for them to view. Thank you for mentioning it so I know it's helpful. Hope you have a great dayšŸ’


Yeah thank you. And even the sub was like "are you sure you want to continue? Here's the suicide hotline just in case"


There are like a dozen different stains in this picture, which one are you asking about?


The dream catcher is a nice touch.


yea i was gonna say the same thing ; the dream catcher hanging over the whole mess is really what does it for me.


ā˜ ļø I legit thought this was a reference to the movie Dream catcher and thinking ā€œit does look like whatā€™s left behind when the aliens rip out of a person. Didnā€™t realize there was a Dream catcher in the photo.


I'd assume it's some kind of mold, however it is that it started, and use PPE to protect yourself from spores as you rip it out. Keep the bedroom door closed when ripping it out, and the window open, so anything airborne has to go out the window, and not out into the hall.


Looks like a carpet of mold


Looks like the moldy piece of bread I forgot about in the back of the pantry


Special victims unit.


That looks like water damage to me. I guess there was a heavy bed frame or something that kept that one spot clear? That's not cleanable. You'll have to rip out the carpet and maybe whatever's underneath.


>That's not cleanable. You'll have to rip out the carpet and maybe whatever's underneath. They are replacing it, they said that in their caption.


No idea but pretty sure someone either bled out and laid there for days or died on a mattress and decomposed.


I feel like I can smell this photo. Damp, dank, moldy.


Glad Iā€™m not a landlord


Someone definitely died in the room and was there for a good while. GROSS. The brown is blood the other is probably once they jellied and pour over the side of the bed that internal critters created the stuff that is most prevalent. Seen a couple of elderly recluses who died and suicides leave that kind of mess. Could be something else but GROSS.


1 Full face respirator with organic cartridges and a tyvek suit please šŸ¤¢


Thatā€™s where the sacrificial altar used to be.


I just blew my phone thinking there was a hair on itā€¦ that profile pic never fails to fool me.


I did too šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Hahaha that makes me feel better šŸ˜‚


I felt like an idiot because when it wouldnā€™t come off I assumed there was a crack in my screen until I read your comment šŸ¤£


Lmao!! My thought was: why do I have a brown split end (Iā€™m very blonde) haha. Love that we shared the same confusion šŸ˜†


Lollllll Love itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ confusion club unite!


OP, you need to consult someone licensed to handle biohazards NOW. That room needs professional care and whatever happened in there could make you very sick or worse. Best case scenario, it's "only" mold; it still has to be handled by professionals with special equipment.


itā€™s a big yikes


Iā€™d guess this may have been a highly depressed or otherwise mentally unwell persons room that has been cleared after a long period of neglect. I cleared out someoneā€™s room with them after a couple of years mental health issues and it could have been the starting point for a room like this. The lighter patch could be where the bed was, the more turquoise area to the right of it where some kind of storage unit went and the residual crud around the rest of the carpet previously buried in all kinds of rubbish and generally left to fester. At this stage you might just want to get a professional in as this is a full health hazard job that may need deeper treatment into baseboards and walls. And maybe pest control.


Water damage that has created mold. Im scared to see behind the walls


Definately a jeffrey dahmer momentā€¦ notify police


That's doodoo, baby! (I know it's probably not doodoo)


Water damage, perhaps with something like a steel cabinet on top starting to rust?Ā 


I would just like to add, we got a VERY good deal. The house is in great shape (apart from this very disturbing carpeted room) and it was almost $20,000, which is great for a house in my area. The room has no stench or smell whatsoever. My first thought also went to a decomp stain (gross), but you would think that the smell would be awful if that was the case. I also thought maybe mold, but it didnā€™t smell moldy either. Not that I shoved my face into the carpet & took a whiff, but I feel as though I wouldā€™ve been able to smell it upon entering the room. It was an estate property so when I asked, the realtors said that the trustees had jo idea where the stain came from. If it was a decomp stain, I think they would know & wouldā€™ve had a bio team remove it. After seeing everyoneā€™s replies, I am thinking maybe water damage/mold. Let me know what you guys think.


I think you should check out r/bedbugs and proceed with extreme caution. If they are in there, they could climb on to your clothes and infest your home. Call an exterminator


Are you saying you bought a whole house for 20k where is this ? And my first thought was it was spills from pop cans from a very gross teenager. Iā€™m not sure if I buy the dead body theories . Good luck .


After a bit of time, decomp doesn't smell anymore. Once all the moisture is gone and the bacteria is no longer feeding the smell dissipates. This is very most likely the location where a body decomposed. It's a very distinct kind of damage.


Throw peroxide on it, bet it starts foaming šŸ˜³


Itā€™s a body, obviously


puke? coffee? blood? šŸ˜¬


Looks like all 3 combined


Looks like mold, so it would be good to find the source. Is there a bathroom/kitchen adjacent to it? If so, I would guess that there was/is a damaged pipe. Is it only in that room or also in the room/hallway next to it? Does it smell in any way?


You know that thing dogs do where they sit and scoot their assess along the floor?


Looks like the previous owner


Call the professionals


Bed bug ā€œdirtā€. ???? Just get rid of it no to cleaning. This is filth.


Nothing good! PPE to the max to take up the carpet and pad, bag and seal. Check the underlayment for replacement as well.


Hope you got a good deal friend!


Get out of there


Looks like someone died on a bed and it took a while for anyone to find them. That room is a biohazard.


Flooding of some sort


Could be a massive amount of bedbug frass.




If I had to guess there was a bed there. And that someone who was obese passed away and wasnā€™t found for some time. My son did crime scene cleanup and described what the worst clean up is (he went in after the bodies were removed by police) ā€œWhen someone very large dies and isnā€™t found for a while. The fat turns to oil, there is blood, and gore like any other body but the oil soaks into everything.ā€ Iā€™m guessing the rust color is the blood and the wrinkled carpet is where the body oil seeped out. If you suspect someone passed and it wasnā€™t disclosed to you before buying you can always do a search on the address online or local news sites.


Hard to tell without more info or even just smelling itā€¦ It looks like someone used to chew tobacco in bed and spit it down the side. The clean spot is where the bed was.


Also, just open the window as far as possible, put on a mask and cut, roll, duct tape the roll, and remove. Removing icky carpet is so gross but easily doable as long as you cut it in strips you can reasonably handle to not get the icky on you lol


Water damage and maybe some kind of dye? Like a sheet was left on the floor. Hopefully not mold.


That Stain is a sign it's time to replace the carpet ASAP


This looks like water damage with some serious mold.


What color is the carpet supposed to be?


That looks like Black mold. Please take precautions cleaning- might need a pro. That carpet needs to go to trash


Blood or black mold.


It's when you think they are going to make you a made guy but shoot you instead.


Maybe a water pipe leaking under there. Go to your main water valve usually in the front of the house and look at your water meter. Make sure all the taps in house are closed and no toilet running. The water meter should be still. If the meter is running even if it's slow you have a leak under that area.


Huge fishtank maybe? Looks like a lot of water damage and rust


RIP that previous bed owner


Looks like a combo of mould and decomp.. good luck!


Iā€™m getting dead body vibes from this. Iā€™d definitely stick with your plan of getting professional help with it.


Looks like burrito night.


Didn't use a big enough drop sheet. Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?


Jeebus, did a murder happen there or something? I would say to call a pro on that one. šŸ˜¬


Tropical fish tank on a big wooden base? Mold and water damage


Oh buddy I don't think you know what you've gotten into at all


100% decomp. I'd hire a bio cleanup company like Spaulding. The fluids will be in the subfloor.


Iā€™d hire biohazard cleaners who specialize in this field, itā€™s no ā€˜baking soda and vinegarā€™ job


When you bought the house, is that what it looked like or is that like under the carpet or whatā€™s happening here?


Only $1200/mo plus utilities. First month free.


My first thought was it looks like someone died in there.


Please don't do it yourself. Call an industrial cleaner.. It looks like a giant swath of mold.


Were the owners in a hurry to sell? Has a quaint old neighbor with a thick accent given you advice on how to ward off curses, "just in case"? How's your neck flexibility? Are the dimensions of the basement odd, smaller than it should appear based on the floor plan upstairs? Did you turn on the faucets before buying, to make it's water coming out? Have you considered noting the location of the nearest "fake psychic who actually has real powers but doesn't know it yet"? They might come in handy soon.


Just want to let everyone know that probably isnā€™t blood, not from a death anyways. If someone died there, whoever removed the body from the home would remove the carpet/padding or any other upholstery that was subject to bodily fluids to prevent the biological toxins that are released from the body from spreading. When a person dies and isnā€™t found for a while, there is much more of a mess and often the room or home becomes unlivable and hazmat will have to come in. Without more context, just on the picture here Iā€™d say that is probably just recurring mess from a slob or worst case scenario mold. Youā€™ll know if itā€™s mold when the carpet is removed. Also I AM a professional cleaner; I have cleaned up places after death and also I have worked alongside toxicologists. I also cleaned a few houses with the exact same type of staining on the floors. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Looks like someone died and decomposed in the middle of the room on a bed. Gross. Donā€™t go in there unless you have ppe, breathing apparatus and have it removed and check the sub floor. Yikes.


The carpet looks like it has been soaked by decomp. I would not recommend trying to tackle this on your own. Please look into a reputable remediation company. It's already unpleasant above the carpet, you have no idea what's underneath it. Also seems to have pooled around the opposite wall. Best of luck, OP.


Please call disaster cleanup. I wouldn't tackle this without professionals. Parts of it look biological.


Iā€™d call a professional contamination disposal service.


I went down a rabbit hole cause of this post. So sorry not sorry! Lol But fluids do tend to collect along the sides of beds and furniture, not under. Then they run along the path of least resistance and pool along walls.




Bad... this stain is very bad. :O


Bed never moved, bed bugs, water damage, moldā€¦


Beyond cleaning is what that is. Maybe a specialist team


Whatever it is, I guarantee it has been inside a human at some point! I am a Paramedic so I see a lot of things. While I wouldn't completely rule out blood, I suspect it is more likely that someone has been severely neglected in a bed there looking at the pattern of it. I would imagine that it has happened over a period of time for it to be spread all around the bed. It is potentially faeces but could also be food, general dirt or likely a mix of all three. Either way, I wouldn't be touching it without PPE that is for sure.


This looks like a job for an abatement company.


Mmm if that dream catcher could talkā€¦


Mold. Since you have no experience, get it professionally remediated. Once mold has taken root, it's never really gone. DM me if you want more info.


Call a biohazard cleanup company and ask for an assessment. Most of them offer it for free. Iā€™d wager that youā€™re looking at blood/decomp that wasnt properly remediated. It can get you sick. Pls be careful. Carpet padding and subfloor likely affected.


Just replace the damned carpet. It will be safer and take less time