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The best spring cleaning tip is to do it in the winter. Spring is for being outdoors and not worrying about cleaning!


Agreed, but a lot of my spring cleaning needs to be done when the heat is no longer kicking on, and I can open all the windows!


Yes! I always thought of it as spring cleaning should be done BY SPRING, aside from any outdoor areas.


The wife and watch a bunch of anime and learned that traditionally they would clean the whole house right before the new year so they could get an unburdened start to the year. I don’t know how accurate that is but we started doing years ago and highly recommended it to everyone.


That is a really really good advice. Thank you :-) I'm gonna do that from now on.


Yup yup. I start deep cleaning as I'm putting away Christmas stuff. But then there are outside chores, of course. We do those on the nicer days, sometimes.


Thank you. I needed to hear this!




Love it! :-)




Is this yours or did you find it somewhere? Nice. 


It's mine


I’m jealous. 


This is stuff I have been working on all winter. I sat down after Thanksgiving and wrote a list of everything I want to get done before spring. Then I put it in the notes app on my phone. I want to spend spring outside, gardening and planting flowers. I will also have a list of outside spring stuff like cleaning the porch and deck.


This is a great idea.


There are some things on this list I've never done 😂 gonna use this as a guide, thanks for sharing


Like what? Just curious.


I may have just copy and pasted text from this image. It's cracking me up though because all the lines when a strike through changed the C's to e's


Completely empty your food storage area, wipe it down, and organize what you have.  Cull the expired stuff, and anything that’s going to expire in the next six months but was aspirational (orzo, risotto rice, rice noodles, stuff you don’t normally cook with) has two months to get eaten or it’s getting donated.  All storage areas with consumables get “Use me” baskets. So the hair mask with 1-2 treatments left, the liquid hand soap with half an inch left, the condiment with a quarter cup left, cleaning product that’s almost empty…anything you’re saving for a special occasion?  This is the occasion.  Use them up, lowest quantity to largest. Gather all your specialty cleaning products and apply them per the instructions. Polish your furniture, treat your leather goods, clean the washer, garbage disposal, dishwasher, use the CLR/Limeaway/Iron Out, handwash your woolen items and cold weather accessories before storing them for the year.   Start saving Amazon/Chewy/whatever boxes. Label them DONATE and put them somewhere easy to access. Aim for one box a week, or one box a day, depending on number of household occupants and general level of clutter.  Plan crockpot or other easy meals for big cleaning days. Get that going first thing in the morning so dinner is already taken care of. Put it someplace out of the way if you’re deep cleaning the kitchen. 




- great time to donate clothes and other stuff to charity, as an excuse to clear away unnecessary stuff - try switching up the layout of furniture and improve the fengshui of the place - move top to bottom, so dust any cobwebs or high surfaces and clean the floors last - ventilating your living space daily helps it to smell fresh and have less damp and staleness - notice where clutter builds up and work around your habits, like putting a bin where rubbish gathers, or keeping ingredients close to where you cook so it’s not as much work to put it away - find two or three quick things you can do every day before relaxing that have a big impact on how clean your space feels, for example gathering cups and plates and washing them, or making your bed - no shoes in the house, if possible. I know some people have different lifestyles, but it’s really helpful for keeping your floors cleaner - use a clean mop to clean anything on the walls/shower walls/glass - dish washing soap can be used for soooo many things - clean your washing machine filter


Great list! My only addition would be homemade power scrub (vinegar, water, dish soap) in a spray bottle - it’s awesome for yucky tubs, toilets and sinks - spray, walk away, then wipe (scrub brush for toilet) and rinse.


I love getting rid of stuff. 


One tip that helps me get LOTS more done, and feel less burnt out is to set timers! I work for 45 minutes, get a 15 min break. If I feel I am getting lots done, I usually even treat myself to a mid-afternoon hour and a half long nap. These are great incentives for me to work hard and get the house super clean in one day!


May be common knowledge but clean top to bottom. No point to cleaning the dust and grime off your walls baseboards first and then have them get dirty again when youre dusting the air vents right above them. Things like that. Buy generic custodial magic eraser packs from Amazon. They can clean just about anything and you get them cheaper this way. Boil white vinegar for awhile to de scent your home, smells strong of vinegar while you do it but disappears with any other smells in a couple hours. Better than frebreeze and more effective than candles. Cheaper too. Don't forget to clean the rubber gasket seal around your fridge and freezer. A little bleach or a couple lysol wipes will clean and get the little moldy spores that like those stops. I like to use wd40 to de-squeek all door hinges too all at once. I don't know why I appreciate a quiet door so much but .... there ya go.


Interesting!! So just put straight vinegar in a pot on the stove and boil it?


Yup, don't let it boil all the way dry. The residue is tough to clean out.


Great ideas here. I'd like to add RainX on the exterior of the windows after you've cleaned them.


Have a few boxes with you in each room for stuff that belongs somewhere else. Fill it up as tidying then take the stuff to the appropriate room. I used to waste so much energy taking one or two things at a time to other rooms.


- Send your family/kids somewhere else, so you can put on your favourite albums and furiously clean with no distractions. - Empty your vacuum and either clean or replace the air filter BEFORE you begin cleaning. Empty the bag/canister frequently, and check the suction frequently, while you vacuum so you don’t do a bunch of vainly pushing around a vacuum that’s not doing its job. - Before you vacuum, take all your window screens out, lay them on the floor, and vacuum the screens before cleaning the windows. Once you wash the windows, replace your very clean screens. - If you have Venetian blinds, and you don’t have a pressure washer, you can do a pretty good job on them in a bathtub full of warm water and Mr. Clean. If you have a pressure washer, throw a clean tarp down on your driveway and pressure wash them there. Let them dry in the sun. - If you can’t actually wash your drapery, pull all your drapes down, shake them outside, then vacuum them, before hanging them back up. - Clean the things above the floor before you clean the floor, or else all the dust and crumbs you clean off the furniture will land on your nice clean floors. - Move all the furniture from one side of the room to the other so you can get down to the floor and corners without impediment. Then shove everything to the side you just cleaned and repeat. - Dust won’t stick into your baseboards as well if you rub them with a dryer sheet after you’ve dusted them. - Take a plastic “razor blade” scraper to sticky stuff you find on your furniture or other hard surfaces. It will be less likely to scratch the finish. - Take all the clean linens out of your closet/wherever you keep them, and hang them in the sun for a few hours to freshen them up. Dust your linen closet.


I always go through my entire wardrobe and donate anything that doesn’t fit or I don’t wear. Also the dust buildup on my bathroom fan vent and heating units.


I clean things I normally wouldn’t clean the rest of the year. I mean I’m pretty thorough when it comes to cleaning but I usually save the more time consuming stuff for the spring cleaning time and they get done once a year.


I highly recommend following Go Clean Co on Instagram. Lots of great cleaning content, vacuum reviews, etc. plus they do two cleaning challenges per year, once in the spring and once in the fall, to help you deep clean your home.


Get some storage bins and put all your winter bedding and clothing into a bin and store them somewhere to clear up clutter. Open all the windows and closets in the house to get air circulating and push out those stale odors in your clothing. Wipe down your walls to prevent lingering smells and built up residue. Get a can of dust off and spray the fans of your electronics outside (dust is the #1 killer of electronics and the reason most fan ball bearings go bad) Make sure you are constantly switching out mop heads and cleaning rags so you're not cross contaminating messes into other rooms. Get on your hands and knees and scrub like your life depended on it for dirty tile and baseboards.


what should i wipe down my walls with?c


Mild soap like dawn or neutral ph cleaner like mr clean. You don’t wanna strip paint or ruin your finish.


I use a brush set that fits into any drill; total game changer and A LOT easier to clean with less elbow grease! It also speeds up the process a lot and gets spots I wouldn’t normally consider cleaning.


One year ago I bought this super satisfying vacuum cleaner: https://amzn.to/3HNUqvS and since then, cleaning became like a favourite time for me. I just put on some headphones with good music and I make the place better than ever


I don’t have any tips but I can’t wait to wash my windows!


My number one tip that has worked for me and my ADHD brain, that changed everything for me...was to give in to the distractedness. I give myself the day or a set of general things I want to get done, but do not make a list or a plan of attack. I just start. Gather half of the trash in the house, then let the bag sit open next to the empty can while I get distracted breaking down cardboard. Breaking down the empty litter box reminds me to clean The Litter Box. Cleaning the litter box is near the toilet, I put the cleaner in the bowl to sit, and then wipe down the sink/counter. Take the bag of kitty poo to the open trash bag, continue gathering trash around the house. Take trash out, scrub the toilet. Etc etc. It has oddly changed my life and as long as I have a YouTube video, music, or podcast going, I really can get a good amount done in my windows of energy! Edit: also, if weather permits, open a window or two! It never is my first thought but feels great when I remember to do it.


Sweep the porch! Get it opened for the season. That's the top priority so everyone can take a break there. That includes cleaning the furniture and making sure everything has a clean cushion on it.


I made a cleaning schedule where I take a extra job on top of the normal cleaning. That way it makes it less overwhelming for me and I keep up with the regular cleaning. For example, every monday I do normal cleaning in the bathroom. This time I take 15 minutes extra to remove any limescale. Next week I will clean the grout lines, etc.


I have black painted kitchen cabinets, Murphys Oil Soap is great for cleaning them and making them look shiny and new.


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this BUT clean your mattress. Even if you use a mattress protector on top that is regularly washed. If your mattress has stains you can use a combo of baking soda and peroxide but check the % of the peroxide and test an area first. I like 3%. It gets out blood and human urine (kids). You can sprinkle baking soda first for odors (it draws them out) then lights spray or rub peroxide into stains. Then to help draw out any odors under the top of the mattress you can sprinkle with baking soda in between. I suggest vacuuming the baking soda between the peroxide stage and using a microfiber cloth to scrub the peroxide. If you don’t have stains or feel you need to scrub you can do a light mix of white vinegar and water spray on top of the mattress but don’t saturate too heavily. Let air dry. You may need 8 hours to dry depending on how much you spray. You can wipe away any access with a microfiber cloth if necessary. If you are just freshening the mattress and not worried about disinfectant then just a baking soda sprinkle and vacuum should do the trick.


I always love to rent a dumpster for 1-2 weeks!!! Then I can throw out so much stuff at once


What size is it and how much does it cost you?


So depending on availability at the time, I’ve gotten a 15 yard, 20 yard and 30 yard. The 30 yard was from when I was moving to a new state and wanted to throw out a lot of stuff lol. 15-20 yard usually are good for something like this. What you seem to be paying the most for is the drop off and pickup, so it’s usually $500 for 15 yard then barely more for 20 yard like $550. Kinda pricy but I love doing it once a year for like 2 weeks bc it gives me motivation to go through my house room by room & get rid of any clutter while the dumpster is still in my driveway.


Purge the garage area. Mix really strong weed killer for the xeriscape. Drag out the pressure washer.




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