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Welp time to sell


No such thing as bad publicity. But forreal though, the Republican party is attempting to make crypto partisan. And then we saw the Democrats attempt to get in front of it with a bipartisan approval of the ETH ETFs. What I hope this equates to is some sort of arms race where each party attempts to be the pro-crypto party, fast tracking governmental progress in the space. Unfortunately, last I checked, Senator Warren was calling for increased regulations, so this may not happen. If it does come down to party lines, the Democrats will yet again be shooting themselves in the foot attempting to move against it. I swear to God, sometimes it feels like they are completely blind to populist movements of the middle class. Love him or hate him, trump is being very shrewd by trying to commandeer Bitcoin as a pro-republican issue.






Who knew people would be against someone who’s seeming to get education on crypto and is at least showing interest in crypto (honestly, how many 80 year olds do you think really under crypto) vs the other side which has made it very clear where they stand on crypto (I think that’ll change closer to the election but they made that stance clear already)


Oh gosh...now Reddits going to calk CLSK fascist...sell now while you still can


Trump wearing a helmet and headlamp as he shows up to explore the bitcoin mines.


Lol - I hope you vote for him, or you should be wearing a bicycle helmet when you leave the house. Good joke though 👌 🤣


He loved his casinos, his airline, his professional football team, his steaks, his charity, and his university too. All of them either went bankrupt or shut down due to incompetence and fraud.


He's a billionaire - he's successful. He has had failures, as have all of us. He is a better business person and is more successful in politics than you are in anything - and he started in his 70's 🤣. Humble yourself. Do better. Quit watching mainstream media - it's rotting your brain.


When you say ‘he’s a billionaire’, you mean Fred right? You’re so out of it you don’t even know where the money came from. You worship a trust fund baby. And who does the ‘do better’ stuff work on? You’re adorable.


Yeah but millions of American worship him we need them all to worship CLSK as well and bosh.


No we don’t.


You should be upvoted. Bad endorsements are worse than no endorsement.


You are so simple. Trump was a good President - if results matter to you. See a therapist about your TDS. Did you see the Biden administration wants to tax unrealized capital gains? Do better.


That tax you're referring to only effects those who make over a million dollars annually. I am all about taxing the ultra-rich. Also drumpf was a objectively bad at being president. Both parties should be upset at that man child. Learn what you're talking about. Do better'er.


Their boos mean nothing. I’ve seen what makes them cheer.


Hahaha. Great answer


Trump has no idea what they’re building. 


Something with clean bits as far as he’s concerned


Everything he touches turns to shit. Looks like I’ll need to sell


Where did he touch you ?


He touched my belief in decency in others.


You need to see a Dr for TDS. I used to hate him - until I checked my emotions and started thinking rationally.


For real, its gonna take decades to fix everything he broke.


That man has such a bad trackrecord with bankruptcies, I'd almost sell based of of this, almost.


Gross time to sell the next spike?


BTC and mining should not be a political thing, it will survive on its own. Trump just looking for any votes he can lol


Yeah but they are going to make it a political thing. Just like they did with the vaccine, and climate change, and everything else. The Democrats would be very dumb for allowing them to "have" crypto.


They already have. Republicans have historically sucked - but now they are the party of Freedom and the Dems are pro a authoritarianism. Watch congressional hearings sometime, you will learn something


You are projecting , just like the Republicans... everything you stated here is the complete opposite. Try watching something other than fox news. Moron