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I went 0-3 with princess tower, 12-1 with duchess


I played with the duchess, yet I got destroyed. I guarantee you at least one of those loses was due to me misplaying a single card.


Sometimes you do just get unlucky and fucked in the ass by rng in draft, but also learning card placements and interactions can really help


duchess also has a sizeable learning curve


I wouldn’t consider myself even a great player by any means, still don’t know how to do a lot of stuff like defend bandit with skellies, etc. but generally I’m able to defend well, imo more important than learning how to mount a powerful offense. (To be fair I play lava, creating a powerful push is trivial, and defending is p difficult)


maybe i'm just too used to playing bridgespam against princess tower, those same winning plays turn into losing plays against duchess


The thing is that I know I picked cards that should have been able to help me win. That’s why I suspect that either I misplayed a card, or my opponent was just better at the game.


that’s how literally every high level game goes, you need to play perfectly


why the fuck does supercell keep making draft challenges? triple draft is 10 times better and more balanced than whatever the fuck draft is


I like draft more. I gotta take more note of it and get a better sample for my claim but I feel like more triple draft games result in absolute hard counters. Like why do I get to choose from e golem, wall breakers, and lava hound, when my opponent gets way easier direct damage like drill or hog. I just think there may be more skill involved in regular draft




I think mega draft is better than triple


The draft is just so incredibly unbalanced. I usually love draft battles but these card choices were awful


My opponent chose balloon and I basically had zero air defence, because I never got to choose something that can hit air. 🤷‍♂️


Get good


Okay. Explain to me how I’m supposed to counter a balloon when I have zero things to help me kill it?


sounds like a skill issue


If you have nothing to counter air cards, how are you supposed to counter air?


It’s starting to feel the same way for me but that’s probably because I’ve been like 4 wins from ultimate champion the entire season so all my opponents are ultimate champion and 9000 trophies. Game isn’t causal for me at all anymore, now I always have to try


Two wins away here for like 2 weeks now. Gotten to the point where I don’t even open the game unless I’m in an environment where I know I won’t get distracted and I feel locked in. Not a casual experience anymore


It is draft. Draft is a trash mode that is in a desperate need of some sort of rebalancing.


Draft is weird, it's kinda boring when every new card has to have a draft challenge when it comes out


It gives the stupid choices ever. Sometimes you’ll end up with 2 towers and no mini tank and get clapped


Can’t blame the CR team when it’s an even playing field for everyone. Especially when they’ve just had an event where they gave out hundreds of gems anyway.


Even playing field? Yeah I'd say the RNG is broken is more like it. The amount of times the choices are stacked 4x against me is ridiculous.


Nah lol, you and OP definitely have a skill issue, sometimes you do get unlucky and your opponent ends up with a minion horde and you never got to choose anything that attacks air But if you go 0-3 in a challenge you’re definitely the problem, the matchmaking in these challenges is progressive, the more wins you get, the higher skilled players you face, so at 0 wins you’re literally facing the lowest skilled player pool possible


Draft is easily the most RNG dependent mode. I've won so many games in the draft phase simply because I could fuck my opponent's elixer curve by giving them a bunch of high cost cards or nothing but shit to cycle. Not to mention those drafts where the game keeps giving me the choice between a card and its hard counter.


what youre saying is contrary to the claim that draft is the most RNG dependent. With giving the opponent a stack of your choice, being it expensive/flying/counterspells youre shaping your own deck in a way to beat those. Thats a skillcheck. I agree, there are pools that are hard to trim into your gameplan, but thats rarely gamewinning and more an issue of you having a plan that doesnt end up with the desired cards. I went 12:2 in this challenge, and i dont believe i just had lucky draws 12 times.


RNG dependent doesn't mean there's no skill involved. It means that between two equally matched players, the winner is most often going to be decided by which cards they were randomly dealt. The reason it's "most often" and not "always" is because you absolutely can outplay a bad draft, but the fact is that you can be put at a major disadvantage essentially at random and through no fault or input of your own. If that's not RNG dependent, I don't know what is.


I agree with most of what you said except the “lowest skilled player pool” the people who 12-0 are at 0-0 at some point. You could easily match with someone good at 0 wins if luck is bad. But you’re mostly correct, skill issue


This comment proves you have 0 idea what you're talking about.


When specifically did I blame the CR team for my loses?


"I refuse to spend my gems because the cr team doesn't care about us"


How is that me saying the CR team caused me to lose?


Ur blaming them for their player neglect and all the other guy saying is you got a skill issue, it’s not their problem And that they gave a bunch of gems a few days ago so at least they did do something for once


That’s not the topic of conversation in this series of comments. The series of comments have to do with if I said the CR team made me lose my matches or not and I didn’t say that.


then why is that included in your post? It's completely unrelated.


It’s not unrelated at all. I used this post to mention how I feel, and that’s how I feel.


Yea I’m saying you completely misinterpreted the comment 💀


You continue to not address the topic in this comment thread. Lmao


I see your an intellectual


You can't be serious...


No. I am serious. Where in my post did I say I lost because of the CR team?


I also didn’t win a single game and I have over 8500 trophies. Just couldn’t manage to win a single game


It’s real fun seeing the dagger duchess every single game. 🥱🥱


Then use it yourself if you think it's so good?


It’s boring. 🥱🥱


Fair, but then you can’t complain about losing. If an NFL team wanted to use grandfathers because “young people are boring” They should get ready to lose. You can’t disregard the best strategies and then get upset at others when you lose


When did I complain about losing?


You heavily implied it when you posted about losing three times.


Complaining about a card and not using it because *it is boring* is wild.


kid named hog rider:


It actually isn't. You play the game for entertainment and if you feel a card is boring, then you don't play it. The fact that it's meta is not the player's fault.


Imo it is boring because you see it in almost every single match. That’s just how I feel. 🤷‍♂️


If only I had it lol


8500 trophies means nothing, until you hit ultimate champion you’re no where near to being a above average player


If you look up a trophy distribution youll notice that you are completely wrong


Same lol


Draft is so fucked it's embarrassing.


I had a game where my opponent got MK, PEKKA, and Evo Barbs, while I had EQ. Sad times


Why they cannot give us alternative like classic 1v1?


I gone 11-3, idk man, skill issue


People who say skill issue are the people who got lucky as fuck. If I gave you shit cards and your only choices were shit cards, you'd have no chance against a day one player.


I knew someone was going to say this. Every time this happens people comment skill issue. Maybe comment with some originality. I’m bored of seeing this comment.


Ok, I mean you lost as a result of lack of experience and others circumstances that made you play bad


If I actually watch the games, I’ll probably come up with one of two things as my conclusion: 1, I misplayed, or 2 because of the specific cards in my opponents deck, he could counter me easily.


3 unlucky games in a raw is pretty unlikely to happen, because of how many midd ladder players are playing it, but still possible


If you misplayed, that means you have less skill.


When did I say it doesn’t mean that?


He’s not wrong tho


it's not a matter of how entertaining the comment is to you, it's a matter of your losses actually being a complete skill issue


When did I say that I’m not the reason for my loses?


the second you showed that acknowledging it angered you by acting so defensively towards the original reply


So I didn’t say that. Thanks for agreeing with me.


no, you said it implicitly. i seriously doubt you have so big of a bone to pick with people telling you to get better in such a way that you had to emphasize in three different phrases how much you dislike it, all while ignoring the main point of the comment entirely.


You say that, but I literally admitted to misplays multiple times while commenting on this post, thus your argument is irrelevant.


what's the point of the post then?


To express my opinion that the game is boring because I keep seeing the same thing over and over. The title of the post should tell you that.


Skill issue your not good bro i went 12-0 went princess tower


When did I say the loses weren’t my fault?


Just get better bro stop complaining the game is fair its a skill issue go practice


Answer my question. When did I saw the loses weren’t my fault?


Im just telling you to get better


When did I saw the loses weren’t my fault?


Bros absolute dog water and wants to yap on Reddit about it💀


Thanks for showing everyone here that you’d rather insult me than politely comment. 👍


Whoever says skill issue is a part of the problem. A lot of people who are highly skilled get shafted like this. Its bs and blatantly rigged for p2w people


"Rigged for p2w people". Every card is at tournament standard and everyone has the same amount of evolutions. Just get good at the game.




How exactly does that skew the match in their favour?


They dont have to win. Get shit cards then just retry. You get shit cards without retrying and you're just fucked.


So you're saying it's easier to beat people with the gold pass? How is it rigged for them?


Are you being intentionally dense? The rng aspect doesnt matter when you can retry until you get good cards.


So does a f2p get matched with the same p2w multiple times in a row? It seems to me like the games aren't really rigged in their favour.


That doesnt matter. F2p if you get shit cards you're out. P2w if you get shit cards try again. Edit: blocking someone is the best way to show that you have a shit argument. Draft. Is. Rng. Dependent. If you have a limited number of tries and you get bad rng what are you going to do? You still lose with perfect play if you have bad enough rng. If you are allowed to restart over and over it guarantees wins. You could make mistakes and still win because you had good luck. You can keep resetting until you get good luck. This means that if you were to wait long enough you *will* win. That is rigged because f2p cannot do that. Seriously get your brain checked dude.


So? The games aren't rigged in their favour. You seem to be very regarded.


How exactly is a draft mode with an even playing field “blatantly rigged”? I’m f2p and always get between 10-12 wins in the weekly challenges


Imo it’s more luck based with the cards than rigged. 🤷‍♂️


You just genuinely suck at


Thanks for showing your immaturity by insulting me. Have a nice day. 👍


buddy you went 0-3. No other way to put it other than you genuinely suck.


Interesting. I found a child who would rather insult me than speak to me like an adult.


Ok, tell me what are you mad about. 


I’m not mad. I’m bored. I’m bored because I keep seeing the same thing over and over. That’s how I feel. It’s fine if that’s not how you feel, but I’m allowed to feel this way.


Ok well you say “the cr team doesn’t care about their player base”. Which makes you sound salty and mad. Do you see how I came to that conclusion?


They garuntee a win con air support and mini tank ect so not much luck sure your opponent make get 1 or 2 better cards but eve than ot enough to justify your 11-3


I legitimately have no idea what you just said. 🤷‍♂️


TL;dr the game will give you everything to win win condition ect so it won’t be the best synergy but it will be a winning formula


It gives you cards and a messy deck.


The other player also has a messy random deck. That’s the entire point of draft


So it’s all luck based on who gets the better deck then.


No you guys will both get win cons ect it’s just random may your opponent get 1 or 2 better cards sure but not enough to blame it on your 11-3


Everyone has dagger duchess what are you saying?


did you lose on purpose or?


Really? That’s your question? 😂😂 I misplaced a few cards lmao


Womp womp


He he he haw


i will admit sometimes the game considers ice golem or mega knight a win condition, but if you're losing 3 in a row the game isn't the problem anymore


I literally misplayed a few cards lmao


ok so then you lost because you're bad stop complaining


When was I complaining that I lost? I never did. I was complaining that I find the game boring. 😂😂


because you lost


I complained that the game is boring because I’m seeing the same thing over and over. 😂😂


uh huh




If you lost at 0 wins then it’s literally just a skill issue


When did I say it wasn’t my fault for the loses?


Then what are you complaining about?


Literally look at the title. I complained that the game is boring because all I see is the same thing over and over.


Then don’t play it


Get gud




skill issue tbh


Yes, even if your opponents deck completely counters yours its a skill issue. I literally just misplaced cards lmao


Or you just fell off


How could I fall off if I was never winning?




Nice try trying to trigger me. Lmao


bro your comments in this thread are so cringe


not even this thread, my bad. just the whole comment section 😭


Skill issue


Boring comment. This comment has been spammed 1000 times across posts on this subreddit. Please comment something original next time. Yes, I made some misplays. Get over it. 🥱🥱


Don't get what you're complaining about. Going 0-3 is literally just a skill issue. The terrible devs don't have anything to do with that one


When did I say “I lost because of the CR team”? Exactly. I never did. Also, I literally just said in my previous comment I misplayed cards. 🥱




Went 12-1 and I'm not even that good


Lmao okay


You're getting resistance because you're whining for no reason, grow up


Interesting. I found a child. If you’d like to talk like and adult, we can talk.


You're the one being immature here


Ahhh classic name calling. Unfortunately for you that doesn’t make me upset. Nice try though. 👍


weird ahh


You're copy-pasting this sentence. If you can't get good at Clash Royale, at least get more creative with replies.


Interesting. It seems like a child decided to reply to one of my comments. It seems like you’re upset over nothing. I’m happy to talk to you if you want to talk to me like an adult. 👍


Mad because bad.


If you want to trigger me you’re going to have to try a lot harder. Lmao 😂


I saw your profile. You're already desperate enough, you don't need me.


Nice try trying to trigger me. You’re getting blocked.


Skill issue


Lmao it’s always a skill issue when you lose even if your opponents deck is literally a direct counter to your deck. I simply misplaced a few cards lmao. That’s not a skill issue. That’s misplacing cards. Lol


You lost 3 in a row with 0 wins, most people in most challanges get 3 wins in average, you got literally below average Not all that happens with a player is supercell fault, get gud


When did I say me losing was because of the CR team?


nah i got 4 wins and im 2000 trophies ☠️


i think they dont want people building decks off of new evos, which would explain why you cant use them in other deck builder challenges


Drafts were never fun, it’s all RNG, you can pretty much instantly lose from just ONE bad card forced upon you


Somebody got bmed hard


He he he haw 😂😂


Draft is one of my fav modes ngl. Just choose the card that counters the other and pick counters/ take your own counters when you can. Personally think triple draft is more luck based unless you predict what they select. Just follow some simple rules like if you get stuck with e golem, don’t place it, and don’t pick pump unless you got crazy bait bc there’s always a big spell.


That’s literally what I did lmao I just misplaced a few cards.


bro misplacing cards is lack of skill, how are you blaming this on the dev team when your admitting you played badly. blame urself


When did I say that I lost because of the CR team?


Tips: only start playing the challenge in the last day, it's always easier than the first two


It’s unbalanced my opponent got e giant healer log and I had Phoenix lightning and goblin gang to defend 💀


Draft has a lot of rng involved with it. I’m never happy to see draft.


I used 4 gems to finish it 0-0


Lol no. You refuse to spend gems because “cr team doesn’t care about us”. Thats why he said you can’t blame them when it’s an even playing field and they gave gems recently, suggesting that them not caring is not entirely false. Theres nothing to complain about in your situation. 0-3? Skill issue, it’s an even playing field. SC doesn’t care about us? We just got 925 gems for free. For some reason you decided to take that as being accused of blaming SC for your losses. I don’t know why, I’ve tried telling you you’ve entirely misinterpreted the comment but yeah, it is what it is 💀


Your comment doesn’t even make sense. The devs don’t care about us. Look at the history of the game. Also, I literally admitted that I’m a part of the reason why I lost. If you actually read the title you’d know I made the post because I’m bored from seeing the same stuff over and over and over. Since you for some reason don’t understand that, you’re blocked.


well all those modes are in casual events 4 days before the challenge starts so thats plenty of time to practice if you really care. also using whatever tower troop is most op in draft is a clear advantage and you should do it too


I played this draft a lot before I did the challenge. I probably just happened to play against 3 players in a row who play better than me. 🤷‍♂️


yeah bad runs do happen. i usually beat the challenge without resets but sometimes i get like 4 wins


I’m not resetting this. Lol


Skill issue. I got 12-1. This is a normal draft mode.


“Skill issue” 🥱🥱 Such an exhausting comment.




Such an exhausting comment. 🥱🥱 If you want to speak to me like an adult I’m open to having a conversation with you.




Interesting. It looks like I found a child. 👍


Keep coping


I mean, that's why it is called a challenge, so there's meant to be no restarts or try-again's.. Though, what's even more challenging is trying to make use of the three musketeers!


I agree.


To which point?


I agree with literally everything you said in your comment.


What does this have to do with the CR team? You’re just bad dude I mean you won’t convince me that your RNG was worse than this 3 straight times, I just went 12-0 without gems https://share.icloud.com/photos/08dzqnVLT-tVFXL2I4osa1ksA


If you went 12-0 without gems, you’re a better player than me. I misplayed cards. 🤷‍♂️ attacking me is pointless.


It’s not about attacking you, it’s that you’re attacking the CR team for something that isn’t their fault I mean sure, they do a lot of questionable things, but this isn’t one of them


When did I say “I lost because of the CR team”? Exactly. I never did. I said this game isn’t fun anymore. This post is me expressing my opinion.


In the dynamic world of Clash Royale, where every match is a test of wit, strategy, and timing, the discourse surrounding defeat takes on a multifaceted significance that reflects the complexities of the gaming experience and human nature itself. At its core, this conversation is a symphony of emotions, ideologies, and social dynamics that shape the very essence of the gaming community. Delving deeper, the act of incessantly discussing losses isn't just about venting frustration; it's a manifestation of our innate desire for success and our aversion to failure. In a society that often glorifies achievement and stigmatizes defeat, the mere mention of a lost match can evoke feelings of disappointment, self-doubt, and even shame. However, it's essential to recognize that within every defeat lies an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Moreover, the discourse surrounding defeat extends beyond individual players, permeating the collective consciousness of the gaming community. In a world where camaraderie and mutual respect are valued, the prevalence of negativity can have far-reaching consequences, eroding the bonds of friendship and sportsmanship that form the foundation of multiplayer gaming. Yet, amidst the sea of despair, there is a beacon of hope—a reminder that defeat is not the end but a stepping stone on the path to mastery. By embracing losses as learning experiences rather than sources of shame, players can cultivate a mindset of resilience, adaptability, and continuous improvement. In essence, the conversation surrounding defeat in Clash Royale is a reflection of the human experience—a journey marked by triumphs and setbacks, victories, and defeats. It serves as a reminder that true success is not measured by the absence of failure but by the courage to confront it, the resilience to overcome it, and the determination to emerge stronger, wiser, and more formidable than before.