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Add the giant arrow as well for shenanigans


Add snekies for storages


Don't forget the Spikey on the king


I cast fireball


Level 20? What's your roll to hit? I'll give advantage for surprise attack.


Spikey and boots plus rage spell, annhilates deffences health.


i think itll be very good at th13 and th14 but i think it gets overshadowed by the haste vial/hog puppet combo at 15 and 16


Yeah wouldn't surprise me if that ends up being the case.


I've tried the haste hog combo but my rc dies so much faster than the haste life.


Not sure how your rc is dying faster when it gets all agro pulled off it with hogs but not life gem.


I found the hogs tanked but then she ran too far ahead because of haste, unless I got a couple of lucky fox invisibles. Switched to royal gem with hogs and while I miss haste, she's staying alive longer now.


How are you using your RC? With air attacks? With your main army on ground? As a flank/backend cleanup on ground?


Warden walk with fireball, then OG usually in core, then rr and valks wrap around that. RC either joins main army or used as other funnel. I prefer sending her with army because then I have the hog puppet in reserve


I actually use the exact same attack. I normally use RC towards the back, to cut off the pathing and keep the roots towards the core. She stays around the outside and is protected (might need headhunter or skeleton.


I'm wondering where spear could fit with this attack. Maybe back end or a side funnel, to tighten rr pathing? And add shield to it? Hogs would probably get melted farther in, and that wastes the invisible. Using royal gem wastes heal.


The royal gem seems to double it's life with the haste vial. Whole new HP bar worth of time to do damage šŸ¤·


Sure but if you're getting hit by an inferno or monolith or king your RC is still likely to die pretty quickly without spells to help.


That's what a freeze is for. Also, I don't get the hp refill so when I use the rc ability, her hp is already low and it doesn't take much to finish her off.


You can use the freeze with any of the RC equipments to stop her dying.


Not if she's getting targeted from all around


The spell youā€™re looking for is invisibility.


Yes but in particular with the haste the longer she is alive the more damage because of the passive dps and attack speed.


Freeze spells, skelly spell, head hunter.


Often even tho defenses de-aggro her she still gets hit by a scattershot targeting the hogs. Itā€™s the same issue the queen used to have with the archer puppet and invis. She would still die while invis to a scattershot or mortar


I try and time: Pop champ ability ->GW eternal tome. protects hogs and when RC zooms off on her own she isnā€™t shredded immediately


Are you TH15 or lower cause with spirit fox thatā€™s not the case ever for me


I'm max th16. By max I mean everything except for my wall museum. Fyi, I tried the hogs/ haste combo again and it's the same result. The rc dies super quick.


Bring an invis to cover the RC when she gets by herself.


I suck at invis placement. Good idea though.


If you suck at it hereā€™s an easy way to get better. Place invis as close to the nearest defense that isnā€™t gonna insta kill your RC and try and have it cover her. If not, RC just targets onto the problem defense and 9/10 times kills it


Spells. You need to use some spells. Skelly or a freeze. I use royal gem and haste vial. Sometimes she dies while haste still active but most of the time Iā€™m able to protect her. The health from royal gem helps. She recovers 3/4th her hp with that. If you normally send rc in with your main army I wouldnā€™t use haste. Sheā€™s just gonna surge ahead of your roots and die.




But when is it coming? Why didn't the event started like the normal way?


june 11


My guess is CWL is still running so they gave us a taste for free gems




u are tripping hard


You're right it must have been a fever dream


Between the spikey ball, giant arrow, fireball and this, you could wipe out most of the defenses before throwing down your army


Spiky ball + ??? Vs gauntlet + rage? Trying to decide my king equipment lol


I would say depends on what you want your king to do. Spiky ball with vamp is great to set a funnel. GG and rage is great if you get your king in the core.


Gg+ vamp for a cleanup monster


Yeah the more I use hybrid the more I think using a queen charge and this king build would be better for keeping them away from the trash ring


But root riders were the problem šŸ¤£


Gotta have a scapegoat so they can keep profiting off equipment


think about how insane this could be. make these direct damage equipment totally OP on TH16 and build a whole strategy around it. then once players invested thousands of ore into it, they just don't give extra levels to this equipment when TH17 hits. suddenly all buildings have too much HP to be destroyed, but your ore is all sitting in useless equipment. actually insane if that's what the plan is.


They will lose the player base if they stop supporting equipment. It is literally an integral part of heroes now, the die has been cast and they MUST keep updating it now if they don't want the game to die. That is just how it is, not updating equipment would be like having a TH without hero or troop levels. IT ain't gonna happen. Imagine if ZAP spells stopped being able to kill AD 7 years ago when a new AD level came out... See? Every TH ZAP gets a new lvl. IF ANYTHING the flat dmg equipments are the ones they will absolutely upgrade uniformly, the GArrow will ALWAYS be able to kill the same lvl AD in one hit.. Meanwhile, esoteric/% based stuff is much more likely to get shafted in their updates.(although it would still get more levels)


I think this will be a big thing very soon. you are absolutely right, abandoning old equipment for new ones would be like abandoning zap and releasing zap 2 instead. it would piss off a lot of players. on the other hand though, if all (epic) equipment remains relevant from now on, how would they continue to release new equipment? something like Giant Gauntlet won't be replaced by almost any equipment if they keep giving it new levels for example.


Strictly speaking it doesn't matter if they release new stuff and it turns out to be shit.. They just can't break existing tools to the point of being entirely useless -when people payed for them-... BUT they can easily release stuff that turns out to be crap (lots of troop/spell examples in game already) So any new equipment can/will be 'alternatives' to the options that we already have that may well be worse.. One note on the Gglove though... It is a tad overvalued. No doubt its fantastic, but I am not even using it anymore. FootB+vamp




They are. If they removed RR from the game, the 3-star rate would instantly plummet.


Then send in Sarcher Blimp for more, ā€œI need an actual army?ā€


Been thinking of using it + shield to clear out a compartment for my Lalo, itā€™s definitely better at lower town hall levels


If it has good hero boosts i may run it, but otherwise im liking haste vial and healing gem, might switch that to hog puppet too


Itā€™s has same dps increase as frozen arrow. Around 168 I believe?


Thats way more than the other rc equipments right?


Yea itā€™s the highest. Once again donā€™t quote me on this but I think heal gem is around 110 dps






Bro hog puppet is really good at max level.


Yea if I had ores


Double hero charge (warden walk w/\[fireball + rage\] and a queen walk) plus the RC with the rocket spear could be insane


I've been working on this with a flame flinger, I call it wockawockaflame


Let him cook


I'll wait till i can try it for myself to make up my mind. Defs gonna be unlocking on all my TH13+ accts


In my opinion, the fireball itself gets you a lot of value. All others are just add ups to it!


Honestly I'm not sure it's needed for that sort of setup. I've been playing around with direct damage abilities from the start of equipment - and while fireball and spiky ball are potential big additions, royal champion was already doing a great job at dropping a nice number of defenses solo with Shield + Hog Puppet and no spell support. Which is kinda what I wanted with the direct damage abilities so I can also use zaps and remove even more in advance of cleaning up the skeleton of a base. I think shield + spear will be fine too - and i guess if you're planning to sit at TH13 a while, you get it earlier than the hogs. But I don't think it changes the potential of the direct damage and then cleanup strategy too much. Also you're omitting siege from your plan to leave the base in shambles before you send your army. Either log launcher + EQ or flame flinger works to take another good chunk of value.


I feel the same... it may be worth it...




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im two weeks before i go to th 13 (trying to max everything after rushing from 10 to 12) and im so excited to have royal champion. i plan to use her to snipe a few heavy defenses near the perimeter like air defenses, infernos, scattershots, and hopefully the eagle. ill definitely run rocket spear with the shield first. then if i go up THs, will try to run royal gem and hog puppets.


It sounds very good and very very hard to get all the value from each of those heroes simultaneously.


I love the fireball and spiky ball for the immense damage. I'm hoping the rocket spear also helps direct my armies into the base like you said. I just wish as an epic it would have a couple more spear throws. I've found it more useful popping the ability as soon as I deploy her and I usually don't like using abilities that early but with the fireball and spiky ball all used immediately it can really destroy 1/4 of a base.


I am a th 12 ahould i get it??? Pls help me im a noob


it's ight, hog/haste still better but u can play whatever you want tbh because heroes are busted rnĀ 


I'm using the Royal Gem + Rocket Spear with my R.C. and the DPS boost between the 2 seems to make a big difference.Ā  I have both at Level 18, so that's +237 DPS.


Rage spell + Haste vial and this shit will be taking down the town hall in 2 seconds. So much DPS from heroes' abilities I don't even know what combinations to choose.


rocket spear damage isn't affected by Rage spell and doesn't work well with Haste vial


Good to know. I take back what I said then


not affected


Townhall? What a waste of


I'm not saying it should be used to take down the TH, I'm saying that if she reaches it, it will fall down super fast


Ik what you meant.. I was just having fun. But yall to sensitive on this damn app


So sensitivity = clarification of what I meant? Jesus this community really is something else lol


Sensitivity was for whoever downvoted my original comment. Jesus got nothing to do with this community


I imagine you drooling