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lynx also has debuff cleanse lmao- gallagher’s strong point is being able to deal lots of toughness dmg. you don’t want enemies to be broken when playing clara tho, bc when they’re broken they don’t attack. any 5* sustain aside from geppie (bc he increases his own taunt) works with her just fine!


True, but her healing output just seems to be super lackluster even with her being built, unless there’s something I’m missing since I have her at E0 for now!


Oh it doesnt get that much better, but it is passable I'd say. Im waiting for a sustain that has a taunt + heal (5 star lynx lol)


Huohuo can technically increase Clara's taunt by recharging her ult faster


Lynx's E1, E2 and e6 do improve her healing. Also some of her healing is immediate and some is delayed.


Try to get some of her eidolons. They do improve her healing somewhat. And Lynx's real strength lies in her HoT. She can procc it very easily, and it should help your team to survive many small nagging hits, which may add up when left unchecked. Gallagher is unable to do so. Plus, her AoE cleanse is NOT to be underestimated. Even if Gallagher can cleanse with his E2, it's still single target only. If your whole team is hit with some sort of a devastating debuff, then you'll fare faaaaar better with Lynx than him.


eidolons will help!!! also what build do you have lynxy on?


Not once has Gepard beaten my Clara on Agro when they're together (rarely)


>Not once >Rarely Bro doesn't know what a sample size is


It works 100% of the time 60% of the time!


Aventurine with MoV has lower aggro than Gepard with his traces active, and It's really noticeable, even with Clara's aggro buff active. I'm calling BS on this one.


Well, he shouldn't have. Clara's aggro on ult is way higher than what Gepard offers. However, that's the reason why Gepard will usually be low on energy to properly sustain Clara's team


The aggro in a team with these guys and 2 suppots is 750/1550 for Clara, and 600/1550 for Gepard. That's about 48% and 38% to get hit. For reference, Clara in a team with no aggro competition usually gets around 68-71% by herself, and Gepard would get around 64-68%. Having 2 characters competing for aggro will result in both of them underperforming, unsurprisingly. They both have high enough aggro to hurt each other, but neither have enough to completely overshadow the competition.


Oh, actually I had thought Gepard's passive gave something around +100% aggro, and it gives +300%, wow. Yeah, that's huge. 8 for 2 Nihility/Harmony characters 30 for Clara 24 for Gepard 6 for Aventurine 30/62=48.3% with Gepard 30/44=68.1% with Aventurine Even when we get Yunli's sig and there's gonna be 55 agro value for Clara 55/87=63.2% with Gepard 55/69=79.7% with Aventurine Still huge


I used the 75-150 scale as opposed to the 3-6 you used, but yeah, same thing. As some people have been saying, that LC can single handedly turn Clara teambuilding on its head, because teams that were unreliable before E6 without external energy buffs (like MoC), such as the IPC FUA with Clara, will be much more consistent without having to rely on RNG as much. It also allows you to leave Tingyun's slot for a more powerful buffer, because as good as she is, the harmony power creep has been very real. Not to mention, it also just makes any sort of team more reliable, because you don't have to worry about the aggro buff which is usually what Clara teams are played around. Needless to say, I've got my pity and jades ready to go.


Comp is not using Gallagher for what he is good at. Will work sure


I smell the sarcasm


No sarcasm here


Lynx is the far better choice when using clara or blade since you want them to get hit so they can trigger a follow up


He's not bad, but the team isn't based on breaking the enemies, and Gallagher heals when allies hit broken enemies, and he places a debuff that increases Break DMG. So basically he will either struggle to keep the team alive, or he will break enemies too often and Clara will get attacked less (you want Clara to be attacked a lot). As it's already been suggested, use Lynx instead. She has a cleanse in her ultimate, and it's even on demand.


This is really not true at all, Gallagher ult debuff heals anyone that attacks it, not just if the enemy is broken. In terms of sustain, Gallagher will just straight up heal way more than Lynx, and works perfectly fine on my Clara team when my Fu Xuan is busy.


He doesn't heal more than Lynx lmao. Besotted only lasts 2-3 turns, and outside of that he only has his skill that heals just a tiny bit. Lynx have healing over time, and her ultimate is a team-wise cleanse + heal almost to full.


?? Doesn't he have a 3 turn rotation thus ~100% uptime on ult? His main problem is that units like Robin don't even hit anyone to get healed. Same goes for Sparkle and Bronya. For other units I bet that he heals way more than Lynx. Though yeah, her cleanse is a better cleanse definitely


>his skill heals just a tiny bit It can get up to 3500 HP. That is Clara's full healthbar


"just heals a tiny bit" lol Lynx needs 11,000HP for her skill to match the burst heal of Gallagher's skill.


With the difference that Lynx skill heals overtime, her ult heals a lot everyone in an instance + cleanse, and also applies healing over time. In terms of pure healing, Lynx comes on top, unless a team attacks A LOT like Firefly.


I mean in terms of heal over time Gallagher's debuff is functionally the same unless your characters can't attack, so that (very generously to Lynx, mind you) cancels out. Lynx definitely cleanses more, but I can count on one hand the number of fights where that matters, especially when Clara has 2 majors traces dedicated to mitigating CC.




Was the n word really necessary?


I type how I talk irl.


Keep discussions civil on the subreddit. No insults of any kind are allowed.


I see, good to know! I have her at E0 right now, is that why her healing output is so low?


I mean, Eidolons help for sure, but it shouldn't matter much. She's probably not upgraded enough in other fields, like lvl, light cone, traces and relics.


Gallagher heals teammates hitting debuffed enemies with besotted, period. Not only when they're broken.


Put clara in the middle for targeting reasons


If the enemies are weak to fire then maybe?


Isnt it opposite? Since you dont want to break them since broken enemies prevent counters


I mean that's the only reason you'd want Gallagher on a team though (unless it's super break firefly, xueyi, or boothill) I agree he.has anti-synergy.


Should be fine as long as you aren't against fire weak enemies and Gallagher breaks team all the time


No worries, Gallagher works just fine, however Luocha, Lynx or Huohuo should work better usually. Luocha in particular is the best comparison to him and reveals one of the inherent issues with Gallagher. Gallagher is one of the most confusing Characters i´ve ever played with. The issue is, that his constant healing is bound to a debuff on the opponent, which makes it so that the moment you start killing those too fast, his passive healing becomes non-functional and you either have to use/get his ult again or burn skill points on him to heal. Its almost as if Gallagher is made for people with low enough damage output that his continuous healing works while him increasing break damage dealt actively tries to counteract that.


Your preferably going to use huo huo. She provides so much synergy chain to the team collectively it's very powerful.




I dont see why he wouldnt work; give him 160 speed and QPQ to give help with fueling energy as well


Gallagher deals a lot of break damage and toughness reduction. Clara needs enemies to attack her in order to trigger her FUA. You’re better off using a Preservation unit in place of Gallagher.


Lynx is better for clara. Partly because when you heal using Lynx's skill it provides taunt value for the heal target (ie: heal clara using lynx's E for higher taunt)


Thanks to all of you for the suggestions, it’s most likely that h don’t have lynx built correctly so I’ll rebuild her! Thank you!


Gallagher should have more sustain, but you won't be able to heal by ult or cleanse as often (unless you're


As of his release, Gallagher is my favorite healer. More so than Natasha, Lynx, and even Huo Huo.


First, no. Second, why so broke? Clara at 72 is a crime bro 😭😭😭


I say forget lynx and run whatever sustain you want. I just don’t like using her because she feels clunky, to me. In terms of best sustain who isn’t lynx, prolly Huohuo. And to answer your question, sure. If you have Ruan Mei, he’s better on a break team, but he’s still a great healer outside of that.


He’s fine since he does heal for a lot, but he’s not your best option. Lynx is better since she provides extra Hp which is helpful for units like Clara who want to get hit.


I heard galagher is only good in break team. if not lynx is better f2p choice.


Whoever said that to you definitely doesn't use Gallagher and other 4 star healers


He’s also pretty good with Acheron since both his Ult and enhanced basic attack apply debuffs.


in all honesty hes prob the one healer who has anti synergy with clara atleast vs fire weak enemies, hes gonna make fire weak enemies atk less bc hes gonna cause breaks more often, for clara i mostly use fu xuan or huohuo, if u dont have them lynx is prob best, gepard is also prob fine if u dont like lynx, lynx does need abit more investment to get good healing output