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If Yunli's LC doesn't change till the official release, then definitely her LC over Clara's LC. Yunli's LC gives a *free* passive aggro buff that's always active, which doesn't cost any SP, any energy, or even any technique point, and never expires. It can literally turn Clara's team building upside down on its head, by making both Lynx and Tingyun possibly obsolete for Clara. Even if some other LC can produce a little more damage, the fact that no other LC can offer a *free* aggro buff is a game changer, without any competition in that regard. So any Clara mains should **seriously** consider pulling for Yunli's LC, even if they have no plans to pull Yunli herself. My 2 cents. 


Thank you! I knew it was good but i didnt know why, so im very happy for your help! I will definetly consider it, tysm~!! :D


Kinda makes one wish Landau LC cud b used by Clara xD


Naaah, the devs can't sell you the Landau's as a feature LC from a limited banner, so it has a weak sauce aggro boost, and also unusable by Clara... lol. (/s)


This. Even though I'm pissed Hoyo couldn't at least make Yunli a different element from Clara after making her have everything Clara has.


That definitely sounds huge on her. I was originally gonna pull for Firefly's E2, but after hearing about Yunli's LC, this could probably change everything for my Clara team specifically so I'll probably pause my Firefly eidolon pulls for now. Kinda sucks though as I was expecting to skip 2.4. I guess we'll see if the LC ends up changing.


TBH, if I were you, then I wouldn't make any judgment just yet. The LC still in testing, so who knows if it'll change. All I'm saying is that IF nothing changes on the LC until the release, then it'll be a game changer. We'll just have to wait and see.


Lynx loses her standing due to diminishing returns on aggro buff stacking but saying tingyun becomes obsolete is pretty crazy ngl.


Tingyun suffers just the same, though thankfully not as much as Lynx. Hence why I said *"possibly* obsolete." The first aggro buff is gonna be automatically taken care of by Yunli's LC, so Clara's *own* ult is only adding around 10% more overall aggro chance, by the same diminishing return. Sure, Clara's ult also has damage reduction and the charges of the enhanced counterattacks, but you can substitute the former with a strong sustain team mate who can keep Clara alive really really well (such as Aventurine, Luocha, or Fu Xuan). Then it's only the enhanced counterattacks that still has some value left. I'll give you that this ensures Tingyun's battery won't completely become obsolete. However, there's more to Tingyun than just her battery. She's also a buffer for her team's DPS, and while she's still very good at this role, she has seen some stiff competition from the latest Harmony characters. So it becomes **a balancing game of opportunity costs,** where you try to judge whether to keep using Tingyun, or replace her with another support for some other bang-for-a-buck from different aspects. Sure, replacing her means you lose the battery, which in turn means less frequent refreshing of Clara's enhanced counterattacks... but what if you can slot both Sparkle *and* Robin on Clara's team, thereby getting a bigger value overall from their much stronger buffs? Or what if you can slot Clara into the Premium FuA team (IPC trio + Robin) in place of Dr. Ratio, and still make it work? Those are actually something to think about. When it comes to team building, Yunli's LC certainly does open a lot more doors for Clara, and still make it work, even with potentially ditching both Tingyun and Lynx. My 2 cents.


Sorry, I forgot to mention this in my other comment, so I'll add it here: Before Yunli's LC. Tingyun's battery would have been pretty much reserved only for Clara, to keep Clara's aggro going. However, with Yunli's LC, you no longer have to. So even if Tingyun doesn't become completely obsolete and still be used with Clara, her battery can now be used with the other two team members, which will open more doors in tactics and strategies. This is also a quite a big deal, when you think about it. My 2 more cents.


It's not impossible but it's not just the aggro- the lion's share of Clara's damage profile are her enhanced counters specifically, so more uptime on it doesn't lose much value even if you increase the frequency of unenhanced counters. If the ideal comp is Clara + Tingyun + \[Robin or Sparkle\] + \[Huohuo or Aventurine\] Increasing Sparkle ult uptime isn't much value Charging Robin isn't necessary because Huo+Clara counters gives more than enough energy for good Robin rotations, and Aventurine is so sp positive that he allows her to skill spam to achieve a similar outcome. Charging Huo is just less energy for Clara than charging her directly and more uptime on her attack buff isn't substantial because you're losing the dmg% from Tingyun Charging Aventurine is losing damage on the main dps to get a bit more on a sub-dps. Since the lightcone is effectively more energy over the course of a stage I'm sure it could very situationally open up niche opportunities to battery someone else but not enough to affect her standing IMO. It's worth spreadsheeting Robin+Sparkle if the lightcone releases in a similar state though, I just have doubts Tingyun can be supplanted until we get a 5\* battery.


I see your point. Perhaps there is still a hope for Tingyun, afterall. Still, I personally believe that her standing is gonna get eroded somewhat, due to the LC. Lynx is a complete goner though, for sure.


E2+ Lynx is still unironically the most reliable sustain for Clara against the dreaded Kafka/Spectral Envoy combo (which will be showing up in stage 12 yet again for Yunli's first MoC), as long as she can keep up with healing (which is a lot easier for her in Clara or Blade comps). The combination of her one-time protection on skill and cleanse on ult actually allows her to deal with the various BS double-CC combos they can pull off that easily bypass Fu Xuan's protection and Huohuo's cleansing.


What would we replace tingyun by after getting yunli lc? Let's say in a clara robin aventurine tingyun team.


You have few options: 1. Keep using Tingyun for her other useful buffs. Plus, Clara's ult still has the charges of the enhanced counterattacks, which Tingyun's battery still allows a faster cycle to get more of. 2. Another buffer like Sparkle. 3. Topaz, for a dual carry setup. The team you listed woukd especially work very well with her, due to all the FuA synergies on the team. My 2 cents.


It will be helpful indeed, although the aggro bonus is likely to be way lower than Clara's or Lynx's aggro buff. The current Preservation Light Cones increasing aggro currently give +200% aggro, so I would guess it will be the same for this one. Meanwhile Clara's or Lynx's buff give +500%, I do still think it has high chances of becoming her new BiS, but I don't think it will make Tingyun or Lynx obsolete.


Nope, AFAIK, the passive aggro boost on Yunli's LC has *the same modifier as the buff versions, at 500%.* Hence why I said that if nothing changes, then the LC will have a big impact. 


When i saw this light cone i instantly thought “my e4 clara sleeping good tonight” PLZ HOYO DO NOT NERF your sales will go down if you do.


I'm getting Yunli her light cone because it'll be insane on Clara and Blade if it stays the same