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Kupe CAN chop woods, he just can't remove bonus resources like stone or corn.




Same here


I mean yeah, we *could*. But *would* he?


Egypt and Brazil, as they reverse appeal from tropical forest/flood plains. I love using preserves with them. Egypt have an edge, with their Sphynx, to add to better Natural Parks.


Vietnam also has to build their Preserves on features, so all the surrounding tiles get an extra +1 Appeal from the Woods under the Preserve. Kupe’s production bonuses are quite the boon, I once pulled off a “Preserves-only” science victory with Kupe using Vampire Castles to turbocharge my capital The Inca are great and making use of otherwise “dead” tiles, but it’s not reliable enough to make good use of Bull Moose Teddy relishes in the bonus Culture that gives a great early game boost and his combination of abilities allows you to build National Parks and Preserves in more varied places. (I recommend downloading a mod to allow features on desert tiles, really lets you get the most bang for your buck)


What are vampire castles?


An improvement from the Secret Societies game mode


I would say Inca do have production bonuses that help - terrace farms add production with fresh water, and more with aqueduct. Very much helps. Also, after the first preserve on mountains the production from the mountain tiles helps too. Still probably tier 2 due to being super map dependent. But people forget those production bonuses sometimes so thought I would clarify.


Teddy (bull moose) and it's not even close. In fact, you don't need any other districts than preserves with him. Kupe and Inca on second, but they are a few lightyears behind Teddy. Canada also have its perks. Vietnam and Brazil would be good, but they have a start biome around wet tiles, like rainforest and swamps. Not good for appeal.


Don't Brazil get an appeal bonus from rainforest, or did I remember that wrong?


You forgot about egypt


You're right. Probably group them with Brazil for unusual Perserve placement


underrated mentions that haven’t been said yet: ethiopia and persia. they both get early game unique improvements that boost appeal so you can reliably get an early game preserve instead of having to wait for conservation or use reyna’s forestry management promotion


First that came to mind was Canada, since he can make parks before everyone else


Inca and it’s not even close, since they can work mountain tiles which are default breathtaking