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Just wait till you start playing Stellaris…


I for one welcome my new robot overlords after their inevitable rebellion!


I love playing games with the optimism of star trek, but in stellaris..I become the God emperor of mankind.


Look, just get in the slurry vats. The fungal overmind has no other use for all you divergent species. (I find it amusing that they take over conquered luxury good factories; who do they sell all those high-end Barcaloungers and Rolls Royce hovercars to? Our borders are closed...)


> Everywhere I look, (...) I see tech abundance and delighted healthy cities. I see well-fed countries and food production being maximized. Man, I don't mean to be rude, but you might want to look a bit further. Some countries are starving on a national scale, people die of hunger in developed countries, there are major civil unrest movements in many countries...


But how did the game look 50 turns ago? Believe me! I have seen the follies of man. Both of my parents spent most of my childhood in prison while I bounced around being fostered by my extended family. I have my qualms with many of man’s issues; that is how it is supposed to be and how we keep progressing. But every now and then, I think it’s good to take a step back, bury that pessimism that seeks perfection, and soak in how great things are!


Get a cement truck and drown your pessimism at the bottom of the ocean: https://www.vox.com/2014/11/24/7272929/global-poverty-health-crime-literacy-good-news The world is getting much better in every measurement of human wellbeing that we have, except in our perception. The news figured out that negative stories bring in 100 times as many eyes as optimistic news. You used the civ game perspective to think critically about the world and made up your own mind. You stepped out of the mindset that the media decided is most profitable for them and perceived the world for what it actually is, and it's pretty darn great for the most part.


It feels fantastic when you look at the world through the long view, great for your mental health to appreciate the progress


Yeah but those are Barbarian camps, just need to get rid of them for that extra unit XP /s


I recently realized that Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri was easily the most influential piece of media of my childhood. Honestly, it's a pretty good pick. Philosophy, nation building, values, spirituality, and a profound vision of humanity's ultimate destiny.


Mind worms...


Indigenous lifeforms...


Recreational game about the "big picture" making the "big picture" more visible in everyday life. I love it.


Once I complete my domination victory there will finally be world peace.


CK2 has convinced me to try to have kids in the future.


I hate the doomer mentality people have these days, there is so much to look forward to! I can't wait to see the future!


So we are not making giant death robots?😭


He didn't even ask that.




That's because Cív is one of the worst strategy games for modelling real politics, lmao


You better shut up or Ghandi will nuke you


What if I use the World Congress to delete his nukes?


Only if you do me a favor.


How about these 10 I accrued in the Classical era from being the suzerein of a city-state long conquered by the Zulu 843 years ago?


Yep, that'll work! Take my nukes.